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我上高中时最喜欢的小说是《琥珀》、《荆棘鸟》和《飘》,这三部小说都是以相爱而不得相属的悲剧结尾。每一部小说我至少都读了七、八遍,每次读完.我都为主人公的分离深感忧伤,夜里总是久久不能入眠,一直试图在脑海中改写故事的结局。为什么悲剧的结局让我如此困扰?也许,在我的内心深处,我相信我就是这个世界的“救世主”!  相似文献   

1月16日 晴 《小王子》里说,每个大人都曾经是孩子,只可惜他们都忘了。 长大在某种程度上是件有点悲伤的事情,而怀旧几乎是每个人的天性。宫崎骏的动画带给我们的即是这样一种情怀。他的世界足够遥远反而让我们回归了一种久违的真实。他的世界简单,纯真,美好,还有一点淡淡的伤感.  相似文献   

1986年,当史蒂夫·乔布斯收购了乔治卢卡斯的电脑动画部。成立了皮克斯动画工作室后,一场动画的新革命就此轰轰烈烈地展开了。1995年,皮克斯制作3年上映的《玩具总动员1》。开创了3D动画片的新纪元。8年后的《海底总动员》和11年后的《赛车总动员1》以及今年上映的《赛车总动员2》都以鲜明的主角特征、感人的人文关怀打动了我们。而皮克斯旗下全部十几部动画片所表现出的想象力、技术和市场运作都让人叹为观止。  相似文献   

王敏淑 《师道》2006,(4):1-1
我少年时候是典型的电视迷,从《铁臂阿童木》《霍元甲》《上海滩》《再向虎山行》《射雕英雄传》《万水千山总是情》到《西游记》《红楼梦》,这样一部一部看下来,自己都记不清曾经看过多少部电视剧了。记忆中最深刻的一次是16岁那年的三月开始看的一部外国片子《边卡》,总共70集,每天晚上10点半开始放,那个时间正好是我下夜课回来的时间,一天一集地一直看到中考的前夜。同学里有因为考试前压力太大而疯的例子,所以那个时候能够那么自毁前程还坚持看电视的可能没有几个。我一直很庆幸我的爸爸妈妈能够那么的相信我,在以上大学为唯一出路的年…  相似文献   

何青青 《大学时代》2006,(10):47-49
11月5日,迪斯尼年底动画大作《神勇小鸡》在美国全面上映。自1995年的《玩具总动员》开始,电脑动画已经整整走过了11个年头,这期间PIXAR和梦工厂动画公司的竞争让动画成为了每年好莱坞最不可缺少的一道大菜,而它的强大也使传统的手绘动画陷入了困境,几近退出历史舞台。上一部还算得上影响颇大的手绘动画,还要数11年前的《狮子王》。所以,如今可以说是电脑动画大行其道的时代。目前,MSN在线美国版评选出了近11年来5部最佳和5部最差电脑动画大片,一起来看看吧。虽然现在只要有想法,有几台速度够快、内存够大的电脑,有足够的时间,以及有配音演员,什么人都可以拍一部电脑动画片,但这里的10部动画片,才是检验好坏的标尺  相似文献   

因为一部电视剧《橘子红了》我开始走进作者琦君的作品世界,随着时光的流逝,许多唯美的画面和强烈的戏剧冲突都已经模糊在记忆里.而《泪珠与珍珠》这篇小品却愈益清明。  相似文献   

《史记》、《汉书》都记载了“鸿门宴”这一楚汉斗争中的关键大事。《汉书》是依《史记》增删改易而写成的.写作时间又相距不远.但二者在语言表达上却大不相同,彼此异趣。这就给我们提供了进行比较研究的极好材料。本文试通过《史》《汉》两书所写“鸿门宴”的比较.来认识这两部史学巨著的不同。进而理解《史记·项羽本纪》中“鸿门宴”这一精彩片段的语言风格。  相似文献   

《蝇王》、《珊瑚岛》和《鲁滨孙飘流记》这三部小说出自不同的时代,但作者都将主人公置于孤岛上。巴兰坦笔下的人物本性善良,而笛福和戈尔丁笔下的人物都知道邪恶生存于自身。《鲁滨孙飘流记》是一部现实主义小说,它颂扬了个人的创造力及其对上帝的信赖;《珊瑚岛》以一个传奇故事表现了大英帝国的社会精神风貌,旨在为儿童提供教育和娱乐;《蝇王》则是一部寓言,它将儿童世界作为成人世界的缩影给展示出来,从而打破了天真的神话,将人们带回到被巴兰坦置于"另类"和被笛福过分简单化的邪恶问题上。  相似文献   

2009年过去了,让我们回顾一下这一年的动画片吧。《冰河世纪》《麦兜》《多啦A梦》等经典系列动画片纷纷推出了续集,在延续原有风格的同时,也带给了我们不少惊喜。迪士尼皮克斯、梦工厂等电影公司也年年如约推出动画精品,一部《飞屋环游记》赚尽口碑和票房。一些经典漫画经过改编后,开始转战大屏幕,如备受大家喜欢的《铁臂阿童木》。  相似文献   

今年暑假有一部热门电影,就是迪士尼公司推出的电脑动画喜剧片《海底总动员》。相信很多小朋友都已经观赏过这部好看又感人的电影了。让我们再来回忆一下,它讲述了——在美丽的澳大利亚大堡礁海域  相似文献   

服装与建筑之间存在很深的渊源,建筑语言时常被借鉴用以诠释和表达服装设计的形式与内涵,从而也推动了其审美形态的进化。无论是服装设计还是建筑设计都是围绕着人体而展开的空间设计,把简约或繁复、解构或建构都一一淋漓尽致地展示给大家、传达给世界。二者都具有很强的造型性和表现性,它们在不断融合、促进的过程中逐渐发展起来,把世界装点得更加绚丽多姿。  相似文献   

The foundations of the cognitive-developmental curriculum movement are briefly examined in this paper. The key features of this movement are the recommendations it makes in three areas: curriculum sequencing, curriculum content, and teaching strategies. Each of these areas is critically examined. It is concluded that the grounds for all proposals are purely theoretical. When the data are considered, they either contradict specific proposals or provide no direct evidence.  相似文献   

李荣 《海外英语》2012,(16):233-234
UP和DOWN的方位语义可以进行垂直维度和水平维度的划分。垂直维度上的UP和DOWN的方位不受主体位置朝向的变化制约,是一组语义相对的方位词;而在水平维度上,UP和DOWN既呈现出明确的方位语义又具有指示性。  相似文献   

The power of various pictorial movement cues in eliciting a reading of movement was studied to determine the relationship between the ease with which a picture is interpreted and the degree to which the picture retains the structure of reality. Movement was indicated in 2 ways: pictorial conventions indicated movement by lines, blurs, and vibration marks; and pictorial postures indicated movement by figures which were isomorphic with the postures involved in real movement. Preschoolers, first graders, sixth graders, and college students were asked to label and sort pictures of human figures as "moving" or "still". Members of the 2 young groups did not classify pictures with conventional cues as "moving" as often as they did pictures with postural cues. Members of the 2 older groups classified both types of pictures as "moving". Since postural cues for movement are recognized at an earlier age than conventional cues, those that are more similar to reality may be easier to understand.  相似文献   


One of the biggest forces in primary and secondary education today is the home schooling movement–parents opting to forego sending their children to public or private schools in order to teach them themselves in their own home. As this movement grows, more and more students entering higher education will have been home schooled. This is becoming a market segment that many colleges and universities cannot afford to ignore. The current paper reviews the research which has been conducted on home schooling to answer four questions of importance to college or university officials as they contemplate targeting this group: (1) why do parents home school? (2) what are the characteristics of home schoolers? (3) would home schoolers make good college students? and (4) how could a college or university effectively reach out to home schoolers? By answering these four questions, college and university officials can better decide whether or not they should target home schooled students and, if they do, how to best reach these students.  相似文献   

在用自动网格法做大模型试验之前,先做了一个刚体移动实验对自动网格法测试系统进行了标定。在一张纸上生成网格点,将纸固定在平移台上,再将平移台放在防震台上。平移台的移动由带有刻度的螺拴控制。网格点每移动一步,用CCD摄像机拍下网格点,用专用程序提取位移信息。通过标定,认为这套测试系统是可行的。最后讨论了影响本次精度的因素。  相似文献   



When children interpret experiments concerning the physical properties of gases, they generally use frameworks from the field of mechanics. In reality, these experiments give them the opportunity of expressing relationships between movement, equilibrium and mechanical dimensions, such as forces.

In their experimental interpretations, children aged 11 to 13 years emphasize in most cases those stages of an experiment which involve movement: movement as a cause of pressure change of a gas, and movement as the effect of this pressure change. This leads them to express frameworks which have been similarly observed by Piaget and other authors. For example, movement of air in one direction is thought to cause or to be caused by a specific force in one direction; similarly, the state of equilibrium and thus the immobility at the end of the experiment, are characterized by an absence of forces.

The interpretations of several experiments relating to air pressure are analysed using the commentaries of children aged 11 to 13 in class and interviews carried out with children of the same age.  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍儿童语篇阅读中的笔画数效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用识字量测试、拼音测试、阅读理解测试、正字法测试、快速命名测试五项测试任务从小学五年级120名学生和小学三年级132名学生中筛选出五年级11名阅读障碍生和三年级12名能力匹配生,利用眼动技术对汉语阅读障碍儿童语篇阅读过程的眼动特征及其视觉认知加工特点进行了初步探索。结果表明:两组被试在平均注视时间、平均眼跳幅度和总注视时间三项指标上均没有显著差异,在目标词的眼动指标上也差异不显著。两组被试均发现显著的笔画数效应。以上结果支持了发展性阅读障碍只是一般的发展落后的观点。  相似文献   

学习困难儿童阅读拼音过程的眼动特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以拼音诗和拼音短文为实验材料,利用眼动方法,采集65名儿童阅读拼音材料时的眼动参数,分析学习困难儿童阅读拼音的眼动特征。结果发现:(1)学习困难儿童阅读拼音更为困难,每次注视范围小;(2)学习困难儿童阅读拼音的注视点持续时间长,眼跳距离小,丢失时间多。结果显示:学习困难儿童阅读拼音眼动模式差,眼动模式与理解拼音成绩关系密切。  相似文献   

In the wild, nonhuman primate vocalizations signal the presence of different predators, provide information about the group’s location and movement, facilitate friendly interactions, and lead to reconciliation between individuals who have recently exchanged aggression. Current research examines the mechanisms that underlie such communication. Playback experiments demonstrate that subjects treat vocalizations as semantic signals, in the sense that they compare signals according to their referents and not just their acoustic properties. Results provide no evidence, however, that subjects recognize one another’s mental states. Calls that provide information about the group’s location or movement are given by baboons only when they themselves are lost; individuals at the group’s center apparently do not call to inform peripheral animals of their location. Calls that lead to reconciliation are best explained by assuming that callers and recipients have learned, through experience, that a vocalization is rarely followed by aggression and often followed by friendly behavior. The inability of animals to recognize what other individuals know, believe, or desire constitutes a fundamental difference between nonhuman primate vocal communication and human language.  相似文献   

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