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由于技术秘密不受专利法保护,本文简要论述申请专利时关键技术的保护方法。还要时可寻求其他法律保护。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济进程的加快,对技术秘密的保护显得日趋重要。鉴于此,本文针对现行法中存在的问题提出以下改进建议:明确技术秘密的概念;取消技术秘密的保护期限定;完善侵权行为的程序性规定;修改赔偿标准和设立惩罚性赔偿金制度。  相似文献   

在关贸总协定与乌拉圭回合中,知识产权制度已列为谈判的重要内容,作为终将重返世界贸易组织的中国来说,确立和完善我国的知识产权制度显得日益紧迫。目前,我国已制订或修改了专利法、商标法、著作权法、计算机软件保护条例等法律法规,但由于这些法律都有自己特定的范围和保护对象,使它们并不能覆盖全部的智力成果权领域。由此,如何保护技术秘密这种智力成果,仍然是立法和执法过程中亟待解决的问题。本文试就技术秘密的概念、特征、属性、侵犯技术秘密的认定及其法律保护等问题作些粗略的探讨。一、技术秘密的内涵及特征技术秘密或叫…  相似文献   

科技型小微企业具有强烈的通过自主知识产权尤其是专利权发展壮大之动机,但与重视创新相对应的是,科技型小微企业在专利运营过程的实施、转让许可与变现三个阶段中存在着从属专利侵权、专利检索不当、技术秘密泄露等各项风险。基于此,制定专利运营战略、积极借助外部力量、合理取舍专利技术、主动购买专利保险等措施是提高企业风险防控、提高专利技术含量的有效防控策略。  相似文献   

一、技术秘密的概念 (一)国际上对技术秘密概念的界定 随着国际技术贸易的迅猛发展与科技的进步,技术秘密更加受到关注。就技术秘密的概念而言:技术秘密,最早是人们对中世纪手工作坊师傅向徒弟传授的技艺的统称。  相似文献   

信息技术的发展,知识产权所能保护的智力创造的范围大为扩大,在专利领城产生一个新的可专利主题更是不足为奇。商业方法是否具有可专利性在美国争论已久,1998在美国联邦巡回上诉法院做出判决,商业方法可以获得专利保护,然而新的困惑和争论也由此而生。在我国,商业方法专利本土实施的可能性也有待验证。  相似文献   

基因专利保护是继数字技术知识产权保护问题之后世界各国所面临的又一焦点。本文针对基因专利保护的国际发展趋势及基因专利保护在我国的现状及原因,提出了我国在基因专利保护方面的对策。  相似文献   

一项技术成果的保护,可以选择专有技术秘密自保的方式。本文论述了技术成果的特征及其法律保护选择,讨论了选择专有技术保护的必然性、策略性及其保护的成本和效益,讨论了专有技术保护的法律及策略  相似文献   

<正>宝钢平均每天产生4件专利五成以上由操作工人创造在宝钢,有职工经济技术创新小组7985个,累计有69359人次参加了创新小组活动。近3年,宝钢公司实施合理化建议48.9万条,成立JK(自主管理)小组14728个,确立JK课题19902项,取得JK成果12446项,获得宝钢之外奖项304项,形成技术秘密6991项,获得授权专利2841件。  相似文献   

生物技术是近年来发展最快的一个领域,在农业、医药及环境保护、开发新能源等方面具有重要的意义。同样,生物技术的迅猛发展.在知识产权领域也产生了巨大的影响,尤其在对生物技术发明的专利保护方面。各国目前对生物技术发明的专利保护的法律规定和司法实践不尽相同,随着生物技术的发展,各国对生物技术发明专利保护的政策和实践也将随之发生相应的变化。  相似文献   

创新实践教学理念促进综合素质培养   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
创新实践教学是促进综合素质培养的重要教学环节。本文从构建实践教学保障机制、课程教学链和课程知识链等三大实践教学体系进行探索,阐述实践教学的理论基础与硬件环境。  相似文献   

本文从文化水平、技能等级、专业知识等方面对深圳市汽车维修企业维修工人进行调查,对调查结果进行分析总结得出深圳市汽车维修工人的总体现状.根据当今汽车维修技术的发展需求结合维修工人的现状,从汽车维修工人、汽车维修企业和政府相关管理部门三方提出提高汽车维修工人素质的相关措施.  相似文献   

论现代教育的扶贫功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从教育的层面看,现代社会的贫困问题都是知识与能力贫困的表征与结果。现代社会贫困的这一特征,直接昭示着现代教育的扶贫功能。充分发挥现代教育的扶贫功能,不但可以增强贫困人口脱贫致富的能力,而且可以为整个社会带来巨大的效益。  相似文献   

在《口腔固定修复工艺技术》课程中引入“团队协作”,在提高学生技能的同时,培养学生的团队协作精神,培养高素质的应用型口腔技术人才.以08级口腔医学技术专业在校生为研究对象,在基于工作过程的工序化教学模式下,合理进行分组组成团队,引入企业的考核标准,对学生的团队协作精神进行培养.通过教学反馈,大部分学生对团队协作持肯定的态度,学生的操作技能、团队意识、协作意识等都有了明显提高.  相似文献   

以广东经济欠发达地区高职院校毕业生就业心态为调查研究对象,从毕业生对所学专业满意度及就业前景,毕业生掌握就业知识层面与技能层面情况,毕业生期望的工资待遇、就业地点及就业城市选择的考虑因素三个主要方面进行具体分析,最后提出了八个方面的措施与对策。  相似文献   

李玲 《柳州师专学报》2011,26(1):138-140
个体的隐性知识主要以经验、技能、直觉、灵感等形式存在。图书馆员的隐性知识是服务质量和服务水平得以提高的可靠保障,而认识程度、个人表达力、服务技能、交际力和馆内环境等因素制约着馆员对隐性知识的发挥。必须建立有效的馆员隐性知识管理和开发机制,提高馆员的服务质量和服务水平。  相似文献   

The authors argue that skills in quantitative literacy (QL) and quantitative reasoning (QR) augment students’ communicative effectiveness. This article offers a pedagogical framework and model for how QR can be productively interwoven with the rhetorical know-how of technical writing pedagogy. The authors describe their course redesign, present preliminary assessment data, and conclude by highlighting some implications not only for student learning, but also for the QL movement itself.  相似文献   

Two classic questions in epistemology concern whether knowledge is firstly propositional or firstly practical (the know-that/know-how debate) and whether testimony is a basic source of epistemic justification (the reductionism/anti-reductionism debate about testimony). In this paper, I consider the relationship between these two classic debates in epistemology. I hold that consideration of the two questions in tandem adds perspective to both debates. Firstly, considering the question of testimony within the know-that/know-how debate makes clear the necessity of developing a concept of practical testimony within the epistemology of practical knowledge. In this paper, I draw on Hawley's work to develop such a concept and call it ‘demonstration’. Secondly, considering the know-that/know-how debate in the epistemology of testimony sheds new light on the efficacy of testimony alone in transmitting knowledge. Because demonstration is not completely efficacious in transmitting know-how, I hold that the reductionism debate itself must diverge into propositional and practical halves. In the paper, I go on to identify two imperfect alliances: between intellectualism about know-how and anti-reductionism about testimony and between anti-intellectualism about know-how and reductionism about testimony. I also sketch out the importance of the concept of demonstration to understanding practical learning and teaching.  相似文献   

Georgia's legislators have approved a plan whereby public school districts in the state could convert to charter schools to tailor programs for local educational communities. The state has authorized funds for five secondary-level charter career academies that are to be positioned regionally and partnered with a postsecondary community or technical college on-site. This is a model of seamlessness that is predicated upon physical placement near one of the strategic industry clusters in the state. Yet, assignment of these academies is matched not only to geographical targets as designated in the governor's global industry and innovation initiative. Career academies also serve the function of early colleges in that they become a transitioning model between two very distinct educational institutions. This includes close articulation with technical college instructors, curriculums, and workforce and economic development programs—an arrangement that is much more likely to amplify and improve the pool of trained workers for cluster-based firms. Drawing technical colleges and career academies together for an agenda of educational reform signifies that a state is tooling-up both to accommodate new business growth and firm relocations, and also to equip young people with the skills and know-how needed in 21st century workplaces.  相似文献   

Xavier Roegiers 《Prospects》2007,37(2):155-186
The article deals with a particular aspect of the competencies-based approach in the curricula of basic and secondary education: the role of complex situations in learning. What should their role be so that education systems gain both in effectiveness and equity? Many research outcomes have shown that it is important to stress first and foremost complex “post” situations in learning knowledge, know-how and life-skills. It is a matter of complex situations (integrative pedagogy) in which the pupil is invited to use the knowledge, know-how and life-skills already acquired, not as ends in themselves, but as resources that the pupils employ to confront the complexity of their environment. It shows to what extent using the problem-solving approach to inculcate knowledge and know-how, in other words using complex situations for “prior” learning, represents a less suitable innovation.  相似文献   

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