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非洲具有丰富而悠久的历史文化,其独到的表述方式和记忆脉络传递着非洲古老的文化内涵。而在近现代进程中,随着科学技术、理性认知引发的人类文明登上时代的顶峰,非洲的这一特色遭遇了前所未有的挑战。来自外界,尤其是西方的霸权试图抹去并替代非洲的传统。结果造成非洲声音被压抑,形象遭扭曲的局面。人类学田野作为一种可行而科学的方法,在充分彰显非洲历史文化风貌并促成非洲与外界形成对话的同时,能够较好地剥离掉西方在表述非洲时附上的情境因素,从而复原非洲本真态。  相似文献   

近现代,随着西方对非西方殖民奴役的启动,西方便将编纂其历史的方法论带入非西方。非洲作为深受西方奴役的国度,在自主性被剥夺的同时,沦为了由西方编纂历史的被动体。非洲独立主权的获得,颠覆了西方视时间为线性和进步的传统观念;国际政治环境的变化,使西方看到有必要扬弃对象的给定性,并重新塑造。随着国际政治局势朝着有利于非洲的转变,西方对非洲史的编纂。由此转向了对其社会和文化史的突出,并在世界史或全球史中给非洲留出位置。西方对非洲历史文化的发展性探索,证明了非洲确是世界史或全球史进程中的重要构成,新史学理念由之得以完善。  相似文献   

钦努阿·阿契贝的代表作"尼日利亚四部曲"是一部书写古老非洲的历史画卷。小说书写了非洲传统文明、欧洲的文化殖民、西方文明的现代性以及非洲民族文化复兴的道路。作家的历史书写策略体现出一种对西方文化的颠覆与含纳的张力,小说的精神价值和社会意义得以彰显。  相似文献   

15世纪以前,撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲大陆的黑人文化,除部分地区与北方的阿拉伯世界有一定联系外,基本上是在一种与外界隔绝的状态下,依照自身的历史条件和内部环境而独立发展演进的。但是,进入15世纪以后,情况逐渐开始发生根本性的变化,变化的根源来自于西欧资本主义的兴起及随之开始的全球扩张。黑非大陆因毗邻西欧而又位于东西方新航路之间而首当其冲成为西欧扩张的最早对象。多少世纪以来一直寂静无人的黑非大西洋海域日益翻卷起西欧近代扩张的恶浪,黑非大陆因此而由以往的封闭隔绝状态一转而处于西方扩张的旋流之中。外部环境这一亘古未有的巨变,不能不对黑非文化的历史进程产生重大的影响。随着西方在黑非扩张的推进与西方文化影响力的增强,15世纪以后,黑非传统文化开始发生广泛而深刻的变迁转型。虽然这种变迁转型在最初年  相似文献   

《荒原蚁丘》揭示出卡根领导阶层在西方文化的侵蚀下放弃本土优良文化并盲目认同欧洲文化,从而致使其主体身份丧失,最终导致其政权机构崩溃。小说通过比阿特丽斯这一人物形象体现了作家的主张:非洲知识分子不应在西方强势文化的冲击下迷失了自我,而应摆脱霸权文化的束缚,立足于本土优良文化传统,重构自我,这或许是非洲摆脱困境的先决条件。  相似文献   

尼日利亚作家阿契贝的作品讲述殖民主义的历史遗产和非洲文化传统的融合,他善于引导读者深切地体味到那些未曾被文明社会所污染的民族在西方殖民主义、资本主义诱迫下所遭遇的痛苦。借助法农的后殖民主义批评理论,从主体性意识缺失、主体性形态缺失和主体性行为缺失来探讨《荒原蚁丘》中主体性的缺失表述,并阐明故事的悲剧内涵是非主体性的"抵抗"。  相似文献   

冈·碧桂玏是塞内加尔当代特立独行且颇受争议的女小说家.她的自传体小说叙述了主人公到欧洲求学时的种种经历与心理体验,她和西方文化格格不入并对之进行了强烈的批判.她深情缅怀非洲文化传统,并最终回归到塞内加尔,无原则地拥抱非洲文化和传统,认为在这里才找到了她的心灵安顿之所和文化之根.不过,作者也对日益"去圣化"的非洲传统表现出很大的困惑,认为这是西方殖民文化入侵的结果.她还审视了非洲传统文化自身存在的问题.总之,她对西方文化和非洲文化的认识都显得矛盾而混乱,也正是这种矛盾和混乱才使她的小说更耐人寻味.  相似文献   

近代中国经历了从传统到现代这一转变的历史过程,无论是科学技术、政治制度,还是文化习俗都打上了西化的烙印。近代历史事件的时间表述也是如此,用传统的天干地支、皇帝年号来表述,逐渐演变为采用西式的具体月日来表述。这一转变,其一反映了传统文化向西方文化的让步,中国与世界接轨的历史趋势;其二反映了近代中国外患频仍的历史事实;其三反映了中国社会内部变革加速这一历史进程。  相似文献   

在《历史之岛》书中,萨林斯用"并接结构"概念对结构与事件进行情境综合,结构是事件的根据,事件则是结构的体现,二者在并接中紧密联系在一起。结构作为文化秩序的象征性关系,实际上是一种历史事物,人们能够从历史中发现结构和从结构中发现历史。各种文化秩序有其自身独特的历史生产方式,不同的文化具有不同的历史;用实践理性研究"他者"文化,并不能真正理解异文化的深层结构,反而更多的是西方本土社会观念的表述。  相似文献   

人物发生"位移"是艾丽斯.沃克非洲三部曲中的一种重要现象。通过对非洲部落位移的描写,沃克揭露了西方帝国主义逐步侵占非洲部落的过程;通过消极抵抗的位移者的悲剧,沃克暗指了殖民地民族文化的真正出路。沃克并没有盲目认同非洲文化传统的全部,而是对非洲文化陋习进行批判,表现出深刻的文化自省意识。  相似文献   

Mentoring has been identified as a method to facilitate the professional growth and development of African American faculty and to increase their representation in predominantly White institutions. However, there is little empirical evidence from studies of this group to suggest that this is the case. This article presents findings from a study of the mentoring experiences of African American faculty in two predominantly White research institutions, and the findings are presented using a cross case analysis to highlight complexities which may affect the dynamics of faculty-to-faculty mentoring for African Americans. The findings from this study make two important contributions to the literature on faculty-to-faculty mentoring for African Americans: an analysis of assigned mentoring relationships and the concept of the isolation of African American faculty in predominantly White institutions. The findings also challenge the literature on traditional faculty-to-faculty mentoring in three areas: mentor functions, phases of the mentor-protégé relationship, and race in the mentoring relationship. The article concludes with implications for practice and the role of the university in taking affirmative steps to facilitate the professional growth and development of African American faculty.  相似文献   

Attacking widespread under‐education with limited resources in the scattered, oppressed adult population of South Africa is a formidable challenge. One way of meeting this challenge could be to develop adults’ critical thinking skills, using their own experience as their main educational resource. Experiential learning technology, facilitated from a distance, could provide a means of achieving this aim. Research carried out at a conference on experiential learning at Natal University, Durban, provided an opportunity to assess the viability, desirability and usefulness of this educational method and aim. Participants’ responses indicate that the method is promising, although further experiment and development are necessary, particularly with different groups.

Three issues are discussed in this paper: the nature of the South African educational context, the promotion of critical thinking skills as an adult education aim, and the potential of employing experiential learning technology, facilitated from a distance, as a method of developing critical thinking skills.  相似文献   

The South African government and its social partners have taken up the challenge to use broadcast technology to enhance teaching and learning. In this endeavour it has engaged with the public broadcaster and developed a model that attempts to improve different sectors of the education and training system and thus contributes to the human resource development of South Africa.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that African American students benefit from warm and demanding teachers. This study examines the relation between students' perceptions of 634 teachers' warm demander characteristics and achievement growth in fourth and fifth grades (Mstudent age = 9–11.5 years). Analyses explored whether relations were moderated by the proportion of African American students in the classroom or the ethnic match or mismatch between African American students and their teachers. Results indicated that students' perceptions of teachers' demand (challenge and control) related to student achievement growth. Findings showed a stronger relation between challenge and academic growth in classrooms with more African American students, but no significant findings were identified for ethnic match or mismatch.  相似文献   

美军非洲司令部是美国全球战略调整的产物,承载着重塑美国非洲战略的任务,服务于美国的安全、能源和外交政策。非洲司令部的生存环境是困扰美国政府和美军事当局的难题。美国国内对非洲司令部存在的价值及运作方式的疑虑,非洲众多国家的反感与排斥乃至国际社会的担忧,对非洲司令部的有效运作构成重大挑战。中美两国在非洲利益共性的存在,为中国借鉴美国非洲战略之得失提供了可能。尊重非洲国家的利益与需求,慎重考虑在非洲的军事存在,是巩固和强化中非关系的重要手段。加深对非洲国家的理解,汲取西方国家的经验教训,增强我国的竞争力,是保护中国在非洲利益的根本所在。  相似文献   

This study explores the various factors that promote positive interactions across race for African American, Asian American, Latino, and White college students. A longitudinal survey was administered to all incoming students at nine public institutions (with a follow-up survey given at the end of their second year), examining activities related to cross-racial interaction and outcomes. This knowledge will be useful for college administrators, institutional researchers, and faculty as they work to meet the challenge of preparing students for a pluralistic society. The results of this study begin to delineate the conditions under which positive intergroup relations can be fostered in college and the key factors that inhibit or restrain the benefits such interactions bring to the development of students for a diverse workplace and pluralistic democracy.  相似文献   

The adjustment of black African students to what, under apartheid, were white universities has long been a concern for South African educators. Dimensions of adjustment to university were examined for 339 African black and white freshmen attending a historically white South African university, using the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire. No significant differences were found between black African and white participants on academic adjustment or institutional commitment. However, black African participants reported significantly poorer levels of social adjustment, and somewhat poorer levels of personal-emotional adjustment. Further investigations found relationships between academic performance, race and additional variables hypothesised to be associated with adjustment.  相似文献   

This article examines the challenge of opening and transforming South African education. ‘Openness’ and ‘transformation’ of any education programme in any society are ethicopolitical processes. In the case of South Africa, the transition from an autocratic education system serving the interests of a minority to a more modern and democratic educational dispensation demands a critical rethinking of the meaning of these twin concepts of openness and transformation. The policy of outcomes‐based education (OBE) has been used as a strategy for educational change. This article argues that, although OBE can be understood in the context of the desire for change, the programme’s implementation does not lead to radical opening and qualitative transformation of the South African educational sector. Any pedagogy of radical empowerment through political and deliberate advocacy policies needs to take into consideration the content of the new system of education, the professional quality of the educators, and the calibre of the new learners.  相似文献   

Linda Chisholm 《Compare》1999,29(2):111-126
As the South African state begins to democratize, so questions are raised about how this process might be mediated by schools and teachers or how schools’ and teachers’ practices might inform the wider process of social change. This paper explores these issues through an examination of how teachers sought to alter relations of authority and the nature of their work within schools, and how these have interacted with new managerial and state initiatives. It examines the conditions of teachers’ work under apartheid, the challenge to these by the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union and the struggles in schools over changing relations of authority and teachers’ work in the crucial transition years of 1990‐1997. It argues that alternative conceptions and practices were developed and institutionalized. This paper uses the results of both a 3 year longitudinal study and research conducted on teacher appraisal with the teachers’ union.  相似文献   

A perennial challenge for urban education in the United States is finding effective ways to address the academic achievement gap between African American and White students. There is widespread and justified concern about the persistence of this achievement gap. In fact, historical evidence suggests that this achievement gap has existed at various times for groups other than African Americans. What conditions prevailed when this achievement gap existed for these other groups? Conversely, under what conditions did the gap diminish and eventually disappear for these groups? This article explores how sociocultural factors involved in the manifestation and eventual disappearance of the gap for these groups may shed some light on how to address the achievement gap for African American students in urban science classrooms. Our conclusion is that the sociocultural position of groups is crucial to understanding and interpreting the scholastic performance of students from various backgrounds. We argue for a research framework and the exploration of research questions incorporating insights from Ogbu's cultural, ecological theory, as well as goal theory, and identity theory. We present these as theories that essentially focus on student responses to societal disparities. Our ultimate goal is to define the problem more clearly and contribute to the development of research‐based classroom practices that will be effective in reducing and eventually eliminating the achievement gap. We identify the many gaps in society and the schools that need to be addressed in order to find effective solutions to the problem of the achievement gap. Finally, we propose that by understanding the genesis of the gap and developing strategies to harness the students' responses to societal disparities, learning can be maximized and the achievement gap can be significantly reduced, if not eliminated entirely, in urban science classrooms. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 1101–1114, 2001  相似文献   

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