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本文归纳了国内外网络教育中关于网上报名系统的两种建设模式,即凸显商业化的网上超市模式和富有教育性的入学顾问模式,并分析了两种模式的特点.在借鉴了国外一些成功经验的基础上,本文提出了网上报名系统的第三种可能的建设模式,即商业性与教育性结合的模式.最后文章针对国内网络教育和学习者的特点,提出了建设第三种网上报名系统的方法,希望能够对实践有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

我能不能穿上红舞鞋?我中专毕业已工作一年,尽管工作得踏实勤奋,但对自己喜爱的舞蹈一直没有放弃,它是我的一个渺茫的希望,但我今年已经18岁了,和真正学舞蹈的相比像一个刚入门的人。此外,学舞蹈还需要一大笔钱。我喜欢与舞蹈有关的工作,刀锋,我的愿望能实现吗?湖南燕子燕子:其实你已经做得很成功了,能够踏实工作,说明你已接受了现实,并且适应了现实。至于舞蹈这一梦想,你可以在工作之余跳跳舞,不仅减轻了工作的疲劳和压力,还可以提高你的舞蹈水平,这虽然不是与舞蹈有关的工作,但起码舞蹈与工作有关了,既工作着,又可以跳着自己喜欢的舞蹈,这…  相似文献   

我为什么总是感到迷茫和失落?我是一所专科学校的学生,面对理想与现实的落差我变得麻目和消沉。喜欢一个人独处,静静地吸着烟,听着伤感的音乐,那种难言的孤独吞噬着我的灵魂。这时,我就会感到一种生命的挫折感,一种无能为力的感觉,它像水草一般紧紧地缠住我的心。刀锋,我怎样驱散我心头的茫然与失落?浙江秋叶秋叶:生活就像断翅小鸟,满怀飞翔的梦想,却怎么飞也飞不高。世间没有那件“如意,如意,按我心意”的魔幻法宝,许多事情都需要自己独自忍受,但这并不是迷茫和失落的理由,我们还有年轻的激情和坚韧的毅力。“我们都在赶路,寻找着出路,在失…  相似文献   

前途茫茫,我该怎么办?我刚刚毕业于一所职业学校,近几年父母为供我上学节衣缩食,我毕业后却就业无门,无法报答他们。我不会与人交往,家里也没有门路,加上身体不好,试过几个工作都无法坚持,爱情方面也是一团糟。刀锋,我真不知道现在该怎么办?江苏崔平崔平:克雷洛夫说:“现实是彼岸,理想是彼岸,中间隔着湍急的河流,行动则是架在河上的桥梁。”身体不好,家里没门路,这不是自怨自艾的理由,因为这些不是你能够决定和改变的,在工作方面你可以尽最大努力去争取,这需要平和的心态和顽强的毅力,因为机遇恰如流星。坚持下去,耐心等待,工作会有的,爱情…  相似文献   

友谊就这样脆弱吗?我跟我多年的好朋友发生了一些矛盾,当我向她解释的时候,她说我是在妒嫉她,妒嫉她的职业比我好(她在大银行,我在小公司),人比我漂亮,男朋友比我的强,我真是百口难辩,我和她各有各的生活,我为什么要妒嫉她?难道友谊就这样脆弱吗?江苏刘莹刘莹:自我感觉良好和傲慢无理的人都这样,即使你往她身上洒香水,她也会毫不领情地说你往她身上喷唾沫。如果这样小肚鸡肠的人能够成为你的朋友,或者说为失去这样的朋友而惋惜,那只能说明你真的妒嫉她了。刀锋我该如何选择?我高考落榜后一直在复读,希望提高学习成绩,考取理想中的大学,但每…  相似文献   

互联网使网上即时交际成为现实,网上聊天为人们提供了一种崭新的交际方式。本从语言学的角度出发,用会话分析的方法对网上英语聊天室进行了分析。发现网上会话在话轮替换、毗邻话对等方面呈现出与面对面交际不同的特点。  相似文献   

The decision to offer a course by online delivery involves a range of issues relating to teaching/learning methodology, instructional design, and delivery software. This article describes the development of a Masters course that uses collaborative learning as the teaching/ learning method. The theoretical basis for collaborative learning is explained and related to instructional design for online delivery. Evaluation data from the first three subjects are included. These are based on questionnaires and content analysis of computer conferences. Evaluation data reveal issues that are important to successful outcomes using this way of teaching.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the potential for online learning (Fryer, 1997 Fryer R (1997) Learning for the twenty first century (London, DfEE)  [Google Scholar]; www. ngfl.gov.uk/ngfl/index.html www.ngfl.gov.uk/ngfl/index.html  [Google Scholar]). However this literature typically emphasizes not online learning but online education. In this paper I focus on the potential for online learning, specifically learning about issues surrounding femininity in the presence of online peers, originally brought together through the medium of the Mindscape game ‘Babyz’. Members of ‘The Babyz Community’, as participants describe themselves, (www.angelfire.com www.angelfire.com  [Google Scholar]; www.mnBabyz.cjbnet www.mnBabyz.cjbnet  [Google Scholar]; www.Babyzrus.cjb.net www.Babyzrus.cjb.net  [Google Scholar]) gain experience in web site surfing and design, email, as well as opportunities to communicate worldwide. This paper, through an analysis of ‘Babyz’ software, affiliated web sites and forum interactions, provides an account of girls' links with each other and their presentations of multiple identities through the Internet.  相似文献   

The article documents the creation of and rationale behind best practices to maintain high performance for teaching and learning at an online university. The grassroots involvement of faculty, building on best practice efforts that guided faculty in the past, the effort to engage the full faculty in the review of documents describing best practices that were generated by a team of faculty, and the support for implementation of best practices to maintain high performance for Capella University faculty are described.  相似文献   

The authors recognized a close similarity between practices used in online genealogy research and those common in online education. Uses of a popular online database service were examined within a peer instruction community dedicated to researching a family history topic. Three community subgroups were divided into leaders, who base their work on external sources, and followers who copy the leaders’ conclusions. The accuracy and error levels of the 21 family trees produced by these researchers were calculated in relation to data obtained from offline archives. The trees created in the online process all contained flawed details and invalid conclusions due to practices similar to those of massive open online courses. The inconsistent reliability of the online approaches is discussed in terms of the ‘fog’ that descends upon knowledge when facts are distorted by academic jargon, disciplinary trends, and institutional priorities, and which increases with its transmission to others by non-experts.  相似文献   

电子商务的发展使得电子支付工具不断出现,方便完成网上交易,但大部分支付工具至今仍未获得商家的大力支持。在分析电子商务网上支付的现状的基础上。从支付技术、手段、环境、方式、媒体、环节分析了网上支付存在的问题和电子商务的技术和生活经验两个方面提出一些减少损失和降低风险的方法。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济的快速发展网络技术逐步融合、渗透到银行业务中,网络银行业务以它快捷和便利的优势逐渐被越来越多的人所接受。诸如,现在许多人都利用支付宝来进行网上购物,而且通过网络进行炒股也变成很平常的事情。但由于我国网络银行起步比较晚,再加上受到内外部诸多因素的影响,网络技术的发展还存在许多问题,有待于我们不断地探索解决。本文阐述了什么是网络银行和网络银行的特点以及网络银行在服务和功能方面,尤其是在网上支服方面存在的问题。  相似文献   

该编辑器是一款基于微信公众平台的图文在线编辑工具,使用Html5、PHP语言进行开发,基于B/S模式,内置二维码名片生成器,使用户在文本编辑、素材编辑、在线图片PS、图标制作、二维码生成上能进行快速便捷的操作,并提供了手机预览功能,界面友好,使用更加方便.  相似文献   

As colleges continue to expand online offerings, student participation within courses should be assessed to ensure that teachers can best implement effective, responsible lesson plans. This study examined discourse in an online classroom in order to gauge student participation by observing student-to-student and student-to-instructor exchanges within the discussion board. Classroom discourse was analyzed using Stahl’s computer supported collaborative learning methodology. Data was collected to assess development of classroom dialogue through group collaboration, and to determine whether participants were interpreting previous posts and contributing to the development of the discussion topic. This study shows that students within the online classroom were able to construct deeper meanings in classroom dialogues through thoughtful and personal contributions, thereby reaching new understandings through collaborative discussion. This study contends that through insightful planning and guided responses, instructors can manage online classroom discussions to better direct student communications in order to improve collaborative learning and knowledge construction.  相似文献   

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