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通过对大连足球8次夺得中国足球职业联赛桂冠的回顾,以及1999年以来成绩大幅波动的反思,认为大连足球沉浮因素包括:职业联赛体制滞后,导致俱乐部经营不利;过度依附政府,导致俱乐部难以独立运作;俱乐部经营不善,导致人才流失;政府投入减少,导致后备人才培养艰难;国家队战绩不佳,导致足球大环境衰退。中国足球的体制、环境、领导者,主导着大连足球的波峰和波谷,也主导着中国足球的发展。  相似文献   

股份制与中国职业足球改革发展问题研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
以中国职业足球体制改革为切入点 ,运用多种方法 ,把股份制与足球俱乐部有机地结合起来进行研究。对股份制足球俱乐部的概念、属性、特征、优点进行了论述 ,对比分析了中外股份制足球俱乐部的发展实践 ,概括总结了国外股份制足球俱乐部的成功经验。认为股份制经济中的有限公司和股份有限公司是目前中国职业足球俱乐部的理想模式及发展的方向。通过对中国足球俱乐部现状的调查和对中国职业足球俱乐部的股份制改革问题的调查分析 ,提出了中国职业足球俱乐部股份制改革的主要对策及建议  相似文献   

我国职业足球俱乐部财务监管制度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国职业足球俱乐部财务监管制度的科学性、有效性是促进职业足球俱乐部健康发展的重要保障。当前我国足球职业俱乐部财务监管制度的缺位主要体现在足球俱乐部资产缺少有效评估以及资金运作存在随意性,研究认为通过对我国职业足球俱乐部财务监管实施产权多元化,完善资产评估体系,加强俱乐部财务的内部控制和社会监督,可实现职业足球俱乐部财务监管的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法等分析职业足球改革以来俱乐部的生存状况。主要结论:俱乐部的频繁消亡是我国足球管理制度混乱与无序的一种表现形式,他们的消亡说明中国的职业足球离职业太远。建议:把俱乐部塑造成市场的独立主体,科学发展足球职业化的道路才能使中国足球发生根本性的变革。  相似文献   

1.我国足球俱乐部的市场开发状况我国足球俱乐部起源于80年代,各足球俱乐部拥有独立的资产,通过各股东的出资方式和出资额度,各俱乐部都已注册公司法人,独立经营,自负盈亏的动作方式和现代企业的经营管理模式得以不断完善和强化。足球俱乐部自成立以来努  相似文献   

基于对4位德国学者和1位德乙俱乐部高层的访谈,从改革诱因、改革成功的关键因素、改革后的新组织范式等维度,对德国职业足球组织变革历程展开整全刻画和多维阐释。旧组织范式下,德国足协把握联赛控制权,作为受益人的会员俱乐部无法在较低委托代理成本下实现收益权保障。伴随德国公法、私营双轨制电视制度的建立以及电视转播权收益的节节攀升,36家德甲、德乙俱乐部对经济独立性和组织自主性提出了更高要求。改革成功的关键因素包括“制度同形”的动力与趋势、会员俱乐部“用脚投票”危机、主流媒体引导下的民众期待以及改革后利益分配方案的制定。实现联赛控制权配置改进的新组织范式,在提升组织效率的同时,也带来“究竟谁代表德国足球”的担忧。对我国的启示:有效落实《中国足球改革发展总体方案》的总体要求,促进我国足球治理体系和治理能力现代化;协商制定改革后利益分配方案,以显著改善利益相关者对组织变革的态度和参与程度;重视俱乐部与球迷间的双向互动,强化俱乐部行业内的营利属性。  相似文献   

足球俱乐部品牌及其周期管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法,从足球俱乐部品牌生命周期的角度探讨足球俱乐部的管理策略。主要结论:足球俱乐部品牌实际上是给俱乐部带来增值的一种无形资产。衡量足球俱乐部品牌成功的标准主要是有两大方面:内在价值和外在价值。内在价值主要以排名与获胜场次、盈利来衡量;外在价值主要以上座率和公共形象来衡量。要想从足球俱乐部品牌生命周期的角度管理俱乐部品牌,处理好培育、复兴、重构和继承这几个节点是管理策略的关键所在。  相似文献   

中国足球俱乐部经营提升的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中国足球宏观环境中经济、人口、社会文化三个因素的剖析,结合中国职业足球俱乐部的经营现状,发现中国足球俱乐部面临经营资金不足、赢利模式单一,俱乐部产权、组织结构不明晰,高水平经营管理缺失,俱乐部品牌经营观念淡薄等现实问题.在此基础上提出中国足球俱乐部应在经营上拓宽筹资渠道、完善赢利模式,引进培养高级经营管理人才,树立品牌意识、塑造品牌内涵,成为真正符合国际足球运动发展趋势的独立企业.  相似文献   

用不同空中姿态进行摸高的计算机模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从电视转播权合同、球场重建、俱乐部上市三方面综述了英国职业足球近10年的商业化发展情况,以及由此带来的对英国足球文化、俱乐部运作模式、联赛发展状态等方面的影响。得出如下结论:(1)英国职业足球是在1992年以后愈加商业化的,直接影响因素是电视转播权出售带来的巨大收入;(2)英超的经营模式与美国的NFL或NBA有所不同,英超联盟收入分配政策造成俱乐部之间的贫富差距,导致联赛市场的不平衡;(3)英国足球俱乐部的球场重建改善了英国足球的形象,但也给俱乐部提高门票价格提供了借口;(4)职业俱乐部上市,使英国传统的俱乐部性质发生了根本性质的改变,原来的业余主义足球文化逐渐被销蚀,足球产业化愈演愈烈。另外,上市俱乐部在俱乐部的治理模式上也发生着变化。5)英国职业足球俱乐部的经济状况并不乐观,英超中只有六七家俱乐部税前盈利,大部分俱乐部负债累累。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、调查等研究方法,对厦门足球俱乐部12年职业进程进行全方位梳理,得出的结论是:行政足球、资金来源、追求本土化、梯队及文化建设等缺失是导致和引发厦门足球俱乐部解体的主要因为所在.指出我国各级足球俱乐部必须遵循市场规律及要求,不应人为地干扰破坏,是俱乐部长远发展的保证,对指导我国职业俱乐部规范化建设具有现实意义.  相似文献   

Professional European football clubs have been hypothesized to maximize sporting or financial objectives. The authors analyze the impact of various ownership structures on the realized management efficiency in maximizing profitability and national sporting success. Therefore, they apply the time-varying stochastic frontier model by Battese & Coelli (1995) to an unbalanced panel from England and France between 2006 and 2012. French professional football is characterized by a shift towards private investors. Results show that clubs majority-owned by private investors are less efficient than other clubs in French Ligue 1. In English professional football, the majority of takeovers is pursued by foreign investors. Although previous researchers have shown that foreign investors increase financial resources and team investments, the authors demonstrate that foreign investors reduce both financial and sporting efficiency. The analysis of survival and financial team efficiencies of club ownership structures indicates that clubs tend to compete by investments rather than efficiency.  相似文献   

基于规范俱乐部资格,促进联赛健康发展,运用文献资料法、统计分析法和逻辑分析法对中超联赛俱乐部准入制度进行了研究。研究认为:联赛准入制度应从俱乐部竞技标准、经济财务标准与治理结构标准等方面对俱乐部资格进行严格审核,确保有资质的俱乐部进入联赛进行有效竞争。首先,为了保持联赛结果的唯一性和真实性,禁止俱乐部之间出现关联俱乐部现象;其次,中超联赛需要进一步完善俱乐部迁移相关规则;再次,需要建立资格争议的监督检查机制、申诉受理机制以及纠纷救济机制等;最后,还需要发展与完善俱乐部公司的退出机制和突发事件的应急处理机制,将事件对联赛的负面影响降到最低。  相似文献   

For clubs qualifying for the UEFA Europa League, participation generates a series of tensions. UEFA has provided financial rewards for those clubs, but with qualification comes additional pressures on playing squads which are often less able to deal with the performative demands of an extra competition, as they generally possess fewer financial resources compared with teams gaining Champions League qualification. This paper evaluates these conflicting tensions. The study takes a detailed quantitative analysis of the costs and benefits for four Premier League clubs that have repeatedly participated in the Europa League over eight seasons. It demonstrates a positive financial benefit of participation, but this is only significant if the club progresses to the later competition stages and has a robust playing squad. This research fills a gap in a lack of analysis based on reliable empirical data as to the impact of participation in this competition on clubs.  相似文献   

The French Football Federation was the first football governing body to put in place, in 1990, a financial regulation system. It might be expected that UEFA’s Financial Fair Play (FFP) system established in 2010 would be similar to French DNCG (National Direction for Management Control) regulations. However, while FFP is concerned with profitability, DNCG is focused on solvency. Hence, a French club may be loss-making and not compliant with FFP, while at the same time being solvent in accordance with DNCG rules. Our research confirms that most French clubs do not conform to FFP rules. As such, it provides further evidence that DNCG has not prevented poor financial management within French clubs. The coexistence of DNCG and FFP– or any other domestic financial regulation and FFP –may result in disparities between domestic clubs. As a consequence, there should be consistent financial regulation in all European leagues.  相似文献   


Many Chinese professional football clubs change their names more frequently compared with professional football clubs outside of China. By analyzing the historical data of football development history, the title of the sponsorship of professional football clubs in China, as well as the change of property rights, and adopting the method of documentation and browsing method of portals and internet platforms such as the official website of Chinese Football Association, Baibu baike, and Netease CSL data live system, the titles of sponsorship of professional football clubs in China are changed frequently with significant club clustering. Many clubs even have fixed titles but have changed them along with the change in sponsors. The change in a football club title shall be triggered by factors such as the change of economic factors, the change in institutional factors and the combined action of economic factors and institutional factors together. However, the fundamental reason for the frequent change of clubs’ titles shall be the undefined property structures of most clubs, as well as the issues of club brand values and property right confirmation.  相似文献   

中国职业足球俱乐部法人治理结构探析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
指出我国职业足球俱乐部进行公司制改造,建立权力分立、相互制衡的现代法人治理结构是我国俱乐部发展的方向,在分析我国俱乐部法人治理结构存在问题的基础上,提出了完善我国职业足球俱乐部法人治理结构的策略。  相似文献   

针对欧洲顶级联赛俱乐部出现的收支严重亏损状况,特剐是英超,欧足联提出并通过了“财政公平政策”,旨在使欧洲足球的发展更加均衡。英超采取应对措施:实施“本土8人”新规;20支球队还要定期向英足总提交俱乐部财务报表。但是这一政策仍然存在一些问题:“财政公平“可能会凸现马太效应,豪门受益的状况难以得到扭转,青训体系可能会发生很大变化。  相似文献   

This paper introduces an experimental model to measure the holistic performance of professional football clubs. The model utilizes a selection of established financial and sporting indicators, which are weighted in accordance with their perceived relative importance and in relation to components of financial management and governing body regulations. The paper uses data pertaining to clubs competing in the English Premier League to demonstrate the outputs of the model. The authors argue that although the model is experimental, it still provides a useful platform to analyse performance of football clubs through further scientific investigation.  相似文献   

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