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【析形】 “何”,象形字。甲骨文作“ ”,金文作“ ”,小篆作“ ”,像人扛着戈的形状,故本义是“肩挑、肩扛”,假借为疑问代词后另造“荷”以表本义。何与荷,古今字。  相似文献   

以shoulder(肩膀)为中心词可组成许多习语。如shoulder to shoulder肩并肩,例如: Let’s fight shoulder to shoulder.让我们肩并肩地战斗。stand shoulder to shoulder表示“团结一致”,例如:Let’s stand shoulder to shoulder to face all the difficulties.让我们团结一致面对所有困难。have broad shoulders=be able to accept much responsibility表示“能挑重担,肩负重任,胸怀宽广”,例如:Mr.Smith has broad shoulders.史密斯先生是个有责任感的人。  相似文献   

1.玛丽的帽子在床上。误:Mary's hat is in the bed.正:Mary's hat is on the bed.析:in bed指“人(睡,卧、躺)在床上”; on the bed指“(具体某物)在床上”。2.他对我很好。误:He is good for me.正:He is good to me.析:be good for表示“对……有益”;表示“对……厚道,适于”时则应该用be good to。  相似文献   

  Ma Ma do you remember,妈妈你可曾记得
  the old straw hat you gave to me,你送给我那草帽
  I lost that hat long ago,很久以前失落了
  flew to the foggy canyon.它飘向浓雾的山岙
  Yeh Ma ma I wonder耶哎妈妈那顶草帽
  what happened to that old straw hat,它在何方你可知道
  falling down the mountain side掉落在那山坳  相似文献   

基于超磁致伸缩材料的非圆曲面形活塞销孔加工新型机构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To bear more loads for heavy truck pistons, the shape of heavy truck piston pinhole is often designed as noncylinder form. Current methods cannot meet the needs for precision machining on non-cylinder piston pinhole (NCPPH). A novel mechanism based on giant magnetostrictive materials (GMM) is presented. New models are established for the servo mechanism, GMM, and magnetizing force of the control solenoid to characterize the relationship between the control current of the solenoid and the displacement of the giant magnetostrictive actuator (GMA). Experiments show that the novel mechanism can meet the needs to perform fine machining on NCPPH effectively.  相似文献   

Buying a Hat     
Mrs Kent was in a shop. She wanted to buy herself a hat. A fter athorough exam ination and com parison, she finally picked up one hat. Itseem ed very nice.The shop assistant hoped that she w ould buy it withouthesitation.So he said to M rs K ent,“I am sure that you ll look ten yearsyounger when you put on the hat.”“O h?In that case,Id better give itup.” said the lady. “I hate to look ten years older when I take off thehat.”Buying a Hat!湖北@罗成勇…  相似文献   

在股票市场,“牛市”(bull market)是上涨的行情,“熊市”(bear market)是下跌的行情。stockbroker是指股票投资者。sell the bear's skin before he had caught the bear指卖空(buy short),在俚语中.sell a bear也同样指卖空。另外。在股市以外,牛和熊也有含义:  相似文献   

What makes peace     
爱因斯坦说过: “武力不能带来和平, 只有互相理解才可以。” (Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.) 这句话 同样也适用于一场爆发在男孩和女孩之间的战争。Boys and girls always don’t get along. Some people might say that if a boy always makes fun of a girl or slightly beats her on the back and shoulder, it probably means he likes the girl. I did not know if the boy have ever liked me, but we were really arguing fiercely. It is funny to read what my…  相似文献   

N o郾1郾 Two terrorists want to blow up the bank.They take two bom bs put them in a ,suitcase in the front seat of their car andset off.O ne asks the other W hat hap鄄 :“pens if the bom bs blast off now . The oth鄄 ”er says D on‘tworry.I have a spare bom b in the back seat. :“ ” 两个恐怖分子打算去炸银行 他们把两枚炸弹放在车前座的手提箱内 。 ,准备引爆 其中一个恐怖分子问道 要是炸弹现在爆炸怎么办 另一个说 。 :“ ?” :不用担心 我已经多准备了一个放在车后座了“ , 。” N o郾2郾 N urse Y ou often que...  相似文献   

“何”字在古代汉语里是疑问代词。它经常出现在疑问句中表示疑问。那末“何”字在疑问句中的位置、词性、功能等究竟怎样?笔者想提出点与传统见解不同的看法,敬请同行们指正. 我们首先看疑问代词“何”处在句子最前的情况:  相似文献   

The evaluation of the seismic stability of an expanded municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill is very important in seismic prone zones. In this paper, the pseudo-dynamic method was used to calculate the average safety factor for the expanded landfill with a trapezoidal berm based on under-berm failure conditions. Furthermore, the effects of the variation of parameters such as the amplification factor, seismic coefficient, height of berm, angle of back slope of berm, and depth of waste mass at the back slope on the seismic stability of the landfill were studied. The results indicated that the influences of the vertical seismic coefficient, height of berm, and angle of the back slope of the berm on the seismic stability of the landfill are weakened as the amplification factor increases, but the influence of the horizontal seismic coefficient on the seismic stability of the landfill is strengthened. On the other hand, a certain ratio of the height of the waste mass above the back slope to the depth of waste mass at the back slope, or the reasonable consideration of the magnitude of the amplification factor will be conducive to the seismic design of the landfill. In addition, the results obtained by the pseudo-static and pseudo-dynamic methods were compared.  相似文献   

1.on time/in time on time的意思是“准时”,它相当于at the righttime,表示正好在规定的时问,不早也不迟。in time的意思是“及时”,它相当于early enough,即早于规定的时间。如: Please be on time tomorrow.请明天准时到。She will be back in time to get ready forsupper.她会及时回来准备晚饭的。巩固练习:1)-Does the shop open____every day?-Yes,it opens at eight o’clock.A.in time B.on time C.on weekdays D.at noon2)Oh,Tom,you are_____for the foot-  相似文献   

1to be born,born,born(1)to be born是被动语态,作“诞生”讲。如:He was born in Tianjin.他出生在天津。(2)动词bear有两种过去分词形式:born和borne.除用于被动语态作“诞生”讲时用born  相似文献   

英语中表示“…的”的用法有很多,它一般用作定语或表语。定语有前置定语和后置定语之分,初学者经常在“…的”的问题上出错,把前置的译成后置,把后置的又译成前置,如将戴帽子的男孩译为:“the in the hat boy”,而此知识点在语法中有着重要的位置,每年的中考均有所体现。现简要归纳如下:(划线为着重提示或正确答案)  相似文献   

1.Let’ssee the pandas first.让我们先看熊猫吧! (1)let’s是let us 的缩写,后跟动词原形,构成祈使句。常用来表示建议、邀请等,可译成“让我们……吧。”eg:  相似文献   

“早晚”一词在古汉语里频频出现,既可译成“in the morning and in the evening”,“earlier or later”,“sooner or later”,也可译成“time”,“now”,“at thistime”,“at the moment”,“at all times”。例如: 例1.原文:盖生育有早晚。(《三国志·魏志·王朗传》) 译文:It may be earlier or later for a woman togive birth. 例2.原文:你哪里去了,这早晚才来。(《红楼梦》) 译文:Where have you been?You came here solate. 在例2里,如果把”早晚”译成“now”,就译不出原文略带抱怨的口气。 我想在本文里着谈一谈“早晚”的另一用法,即作疑问词,用来询问时间。译成“What time”,”When”。用作疑问词时,有以下两种情况: 一、“早晚”用于表示已发生了的动作。 例3.原文:王令言急呼其子曰,“此曲兴自早晚?”其子对曰,“顷来有之。”(《隋书·艺术传》) 译文:Wany lingyan ashed his son eagerly, “When did the music become popular?” His son answered,“Not long ago.”  相似文献   

“看!布莱克夫人坐小车来了。”有不少同学将它译成:Look!Mrs Black is coming by her car.其实,这样翻译是不对的,因为,英语中表示“乘什么交通工具”或“以什么交通方式”时,习惯上用by,如:by bike(骑自行车),by train(坐火车),by ship(坐轮船),by plane(乘飞机)等。但是,表示交通工具的名词前面不能用任何冠词。例如:Han Mei often goes to school by bike.韩梅经常骑自行车去上学。Mr Green goes to work by car every day.格林先生每天坐小车去上班。但要注意,当这些表示交通工具的名词前有冠词、形容词性物主代词等限定词时,by就应改成in或on。例如:He goes there on the bike.他骑自行车去那儿。They went there in a boat.他们是坐小船去那儿的。综上所述,上面那道翻译题应译成:  相似文献   

冯滢 《双语学习》2007,(12M):73-74
The pedagogy, of language teaching has moved from one extreme - Grammar Translation Method to the other - Communicative Language Teaching. Today Form Focused Instruction (FF1) has emerged, intending to bring language forms instruction back to the communicative language classroom. Despite of the approval of this new appruach, there is a hot dispute on its two types of application: Focus on Form or Focus on FormS. This article briefly analyzes FF1 in recent research studies with focus on the choice between the two types of application. The tentative conclusion is FFI does show some explicit and reliable effects on accuracy and error elimination in language teaching; however, the investigation into its application is not simply either Focus on Form or Focus on FormS, but focuses on the optimal combination of the two in teaching.  相似文献   

弹指间不知又过了多少年。O ne day,tw ostrangers com e tothe m ountain.年长者仰头看看山,问路旁的一块石头:“Stone,is this the highestm ountain in the w orld?”“大概是的。”石头懒懒地答道。The old m an says nothing,goon clim bing the m ountain.年轻人对石头笑了笑,问:“I w illbring som ething to youafter I com e back,w hat do youw ant?”石头一愣,看着年轻人,说:“If you really could got to them ountain,bring m e the thing youdon’tw antm ost.Thatw illbe ok.”年轻人很奇怪,但也没多问,就跟着年长者往上…  相似文献   

高中《语文》第二册《答李翊书》中:“生之书辞甚高,而其问何下而恭也。”其中的“何”字,《教参》译成了“为什么”的意思。结合文章原意,我以为如此解释欠妥。这句话,韩愈不仅称赞李生“辞甚高”的才华,而且还赞扬了他谦恭的态度。“下而恭”前附一“何”字,是对其谦恭的态度从程度上加以修饰,属副词,作“多么”讲。全句可译成“你的来信文辞很好,而  相似文献   

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