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高等教育国际化作为发展高等教育的重要内容,始终是研究者关注的重点。为厘清新中国成立以来高等教育国际化研究的发展状况,运用CiteSpace软件对CNKI数据库中1949—2019年相关文献进行可视化分析,发现70年来高等教育国际化研究产生了数量可观的研究者;研究机构以教育类机构为主,高校是主要阵地;研究热点关注人才培养、留学生、经济体制、中外合作等;研究热点大体经历了五个不同发展阶段,主要是从单向学习借鉴模式为主演变为双向互惠、均衡流动为主;但机构间和作者间的合作程度不高。新时代中国高等教育国际化发展应更加注重机构和人员之间的深度合作、更加聚焦国际化的内涵发展和质量提升、追求更高水平更可持续发展方向,为做强中国高等教育、服务国家现代化建设、提升中国国际影响力,更好助力服务人的全面发展、民族复兴、强国建设和文明互鉴、人类进步作出新贡献。  相似文献   

The paper examines how the Chinese knowledge diaspora contributes to Peking University's endeavours to become a world-class university through an in-depth study of its implementation of the 111 Project. Based on the participants' personal experiences of international collaboration, the article finds that overseas Chinese scholars have played an invaluable role in linking Peking University to the international scholarly community. As well, they have constituted a key resource for its development, deploying their unique advantages, notably their familiarity with the research system and wider cultural dimensions of both milieus. Clearly, the vast size of the Chinese diaspora, its increasingly highly-skilled character, together with a strong and persistent sense of Chinese identity, provide a solid platform for international scientific collaboration. The virtually ubiquitous expressions of obligation to China constitute a major advantage for China's deployment of its knowledge diaspora in the service of the motherland. This paper delineates the key impediments that hinder full utilization of China's overseas academics. It concludes that despite some considerable achievements, the long-term effects of the 111 Project remain to be seen in the context of a complex global and internal situation.  相似文献   

I propose to research on the topic of how organisational culture impacts upon cultural adaptation of foreign-educated returnees at universities in Yunnan and how to manage communication in the process of cultural adaptation and reintegration.In the literature review section,I review the major literature surrounding the role the foreign-trained returnees have played in China’s higher education.I also discuss the tensions between new returnees,senior returnees,locally trained young and senior scholars,and management in the organisational contexts of Chinese higher education.  相似文献   

The master discourses of economic globalisation and the knowledge economy each cite knowledge diasporas as vital ‘trans-national human capital’. Based on a case study of a major Australian university, this article examines the potential to deploy China's large and highly-skilled diaspora in the service of Chinese and Australian scientific and technological development. It finds that at a time when much of the world is deeply mired in a global financial crisis, this treasured resource of highly-skilled intellectuals assumes even greater significance. Meanwhile, there are key challenges to be confronted to fully utilise China's overseas talent. It argues that the Chinese knowledge diaspora are a modern kind of cosmopolitan literati, and could contribute actively to higher education internationalisation in both Australia and China.  相似文献   

Drawing on a unique dataset that combines returnees’ survey data and their information on research publications extracted from the Scopus database, this study systematically examines whether and how international doctoral mentorship for Chinese students in European countries promotes research collaboration before and upon the return of these Chinese PhDs to China. The results show that a considerable proportion of European-trained Chinese PhD returnees had co-authorship with their supervisors during their PhD study, and most of them maintained this research partnership after returning to China. In addition to the co-authorship during doctoral study, some individual characteristics (e.g., gender and marital status) and organizational factors (e.g., country of doctoral study and current work unit) were also found to contribute to international research collaboration upon the return to China of these Chinese PhD holders. This study sheds new light on the mobility and research collaboration of international students and provides policy implications for promoting Sino-foreign student exchange and research collaboration.  相似文献   

In a context of intensified globalisation, knowledge diaspora as “trans-national human capital” have become increasingly valuable to society. With an awareness of a need for more empirical studies especially in Australia, this article concentrates on a group of academics who were working at a major university in Australia and came originally from the Chinese mainland. The study explores their life, work and international research collaborations, using a case study approach with semi-structured interviews as the data collection method. The study found that while globalisation shapes the work and the contributions to Australia, by academics from China, they exert their initiatives to respond to and further reshape globalisation. Equipped with their Chinese cultural and educational backgrounds, academic experience in the West, and active membership in the international knowledge system, the Chinese knowledge diaspora are a modern kind of cosmopolitan literati. They are aware of the impact of globalisation and contribute actively to higher education internationalisation in both Australia and China, have maintained their cultural identity and made good use of their Chinese educational background. Their international collaborations, however, are more likely to be with the scholars from Western countries due to some difficulties they have experienced in China and Australia, and to the current setup of the global knowledge system.  相似文献   

Along with China’s economic growth, the notable rise of its universities and innovation system has inspired growing interest in how the higher education institutions (HEIs) of the European Union (EU) cooperate with Chinese HEIs. Beginning with a review of China-EU higher education relations, this paper presents a case study of a Sino-Danish collaborative programme in which cooperation and programme quality were limited by both partners’ different aims over time, and their alternate quality assurance systems. We suggest a proper collaborative level and discipline should be developed before the establishment of cooperation by taking relevant policies, merits and disadvantages of both partners, into consideration. This paper also points out that limits in collaboration can be alleviated, if a number of elements can be used effectively, such as China’s significant EU knowledge diaspora. Given this and other listed factors, including favorable policies introduced by the Chinese government, there are substantial prospects for extending China-EU collaborative relations and exchanges.  相似文献   


Of all the levels of education, doctoral education is the most internationalised. By selecting one key indicator (the proportion of international students among a country’s doctorate recipients), the article presents an analysis of PhD students’ international mobility. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, many barriers to the international mobility of PhD students were removed, leading to an even larger flow of students. From 2000 to 2012, the international mobility of PhD students reached a new peak, with a significant increase in the percentage going to Japan, France, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and Australia. Nowadays, China has become the largest source of international doctoral students. In that process, a number of excellent students go abroad to study for foreign doctoral degrees. On one hand, the loss of excellent students is harmful to China’s PhD training system, but on the other hand, it is a great opportunity for China to change brain drain into brain gain by making full use of the knowledge diaspora scattered around the world.  相似文献   

在探索高等教育作为一个研究生阶段的新的学术领域在美国的崛起方面,本文提出了四个相关的主题。首先,本文追溯了高等教育作为一种学位项目的起源和程序化的发展,以及高等教育的课程发展和专业化的演变。第二,通过高等教育研究领域在研究型学位(Ph.D和M.A.)和专业学位(Ed.D.和M.Ed)的发展历史,本文指出在整个20世纪,教育学院都在力求区别对待这两种学位类型,而且努力证明这些学位类型各有其存在的原因和不同的要求。第三,高等教育研究领域的崛起逐步形成了一种知识基础,它反映了与大学历史和传统、大学管理与治理、大学课程、学生和公共政策研究领域相关的正在增长的研究生产力。与许多其他学科和专业领域一样,这种正在发展中的知识基础发轫于致力于高等教育研究的学术期刊、丛书、专著以及期刊文章。第四,在高等教育研究中心和学位项目国际化的背景下,本文对美国、欧洲、加拿大和中国正在演化中的高等教育的多学科领域提供了一个粗略的描述。  相似文献   

顾明远是当代中国著名的比较教育学家。他辛勤耕耘,开拓创新,建构了以比较教育的目的与方法、比较教育与文化研究、比较教育与知识经济、比较教育与国际理解以及国别教育研究为主要内容的比较教育体系。他首创中国比较教育学科点,拓展了比较教育的研究对象,创新了比较教育的研究方法,为创立具有中国特色的比较教育学做出了杰出贡献。  相似文献   

我国历来从战略上重视信息技术发展及其对教育的革命性影响。近20年来我国在线高等教育课程及其平台建设,与世界在线高等教育课程的发展节奏基本保持一致,且起点较高,但在学科类型、课程提供主体、课程语言、教学形式和课程共享性等方面,与其他国家相比存在差异。就国际影响力而言,我国在线高等教育课程还存在以下不足:在线课程开发缺乏全球化视野,课程内容及质量国际吸引力不足;在线教育平台建设机制不灵活,世界范围内传播效率不高;教师信息化素养不高,开展国际在线教学动力不足;在线教育缺乏质量标准和学分互认体系,国际认可度不高;高校内部支撑体系不完善,缺乏线上与线下的融合发展。对此,提出以下建议:加强顶层设计,整体布局规划;多方协同推进,打造中国品牌;引领标准建设,拓展国际空间;打磨专业团队,贡献中国智慧。  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议的实施为来华留学生教育提供了历史机遇,同时赋予其加快内涵式发展、推进高等教育国际化进程的历史使命。本研究通过梳理来华留学生教育的规模、层次、分布等结构性特征,研判来华留学生教育的发展形势,分析“一带一路”背景下来华留学生教育面临的机遇及挑战,同时依据推拉理论,构建“创新—经济”双维度矩阵,从拉力效应、推力效应和中间效应三个维度提出建设“教学互动共同体”“产教融合共同体”“教育责任共同体”“学员发展共同体”的具体对策建议,以期助益来华留学生教育的内涵式发展。  相似文献   

我国专业学位研究生教育已经进入高速发展期,在这个阶段,不仅需要高质量的实践和探索,还需要高质量的具有国际视野的理论研究。聚焦专业学位研究生教育领域的国际研究,运用文献计量学方法,对2000—2020年收录于WoS核心合集的权威期刊文献进行知识图谱可视化分析,揭示其核心文献增长、核心作者、研究机构、研究国家、研究主题与学位类别等分布特征,提出未来立足中国需要借鉴国际经验统筹开展专业学位研究生教育研究的建议:加强专业学位研究生教育的理论研究;注重不同专业学位类别的案例研究;增加专业学位研究生教育研究的资源支撑。  相似文献   

作为新中国国际私法学奠基人之一,李双元先生教育思想不仅仅限于国际私法领域,而是广泛照耀于他几十载法学教学研究的历程中。这一思想宝藏,蕴含着对新中国教育尤其是国际法学教学科研有突出贡献的一代宗师的智慧灵光。而今初探先生的教育思想,涵括法学教育思想与法哲学思想等,不仅是出于后学敬仰先生的中华传统,更主要的是这对促进中国教育尤其是法学教学与研究具有重要的理论价值和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

伴随着国家改革开放和现代化建设的步伐,我国民族高等教育事业蓬勃发展,取得了令世人瞩目的辉煌业绩.民族院校在其50余年的办学实践中形成了自己的办学特色,是我国高等教育体系中特殊的、不可或缺的重要组成部分.培养适合少数民族和民族地区社会经济又好又快发展,实现各民族团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展的各专业人才,进一步办好人民满意的民族院校是新建民族本科院校的头等大事.从一名新建民族本科院校数学与应用数学专业教师的角度,谈如何进一步转变教育教学观念,加强自身建设,把握民族地区社会经济发展的脉搏,为学校发展和民族地区人才培养贡献自己的力量.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the rapid development of higher education and science in China in the last forty years. It discusses the conditions and strategies of that development, including the ways that it embodies a distinctive Chinese approach to higher education. In particular, the paper reflects on the policies whereby China coordinated with globalization in higher education and science after 1978, in building national capacity and global influence. Scale, nation-state policy goals and accelerated investment on their own are necessary but not sufficient (otherwise Saudi Arabia’s research universities would be stronger than they are). The effective national/global synergy developed by China, made possible by the international openness and part-devolution to science communities that was implemented in the Deng Xiaoping era, has been crucial in the rapid rise of China’s universities and science. This national/global synergy—and its potentials, tensions and limits—in turn has determined the nature of the achievement and will shape its future evolution.  相似文献   

以1980年至2019年中国知网收录的关于高等教育现代化的学术论文为研究对象,进行文献计量和知识图谱可视化分析,回顾了近四十年高等教育现代化的研究概况、研究热点与研究前沿,在此基础上,建议高等教育现代化的研究能够加强作者与机构间的科研合作,加大研究的基金资助力度,借鉴国际经验创新中国模式,注重跨学科研究,凸显高等教育现代化的高质量。  相似文献   

第四次工业革命的到来、新冠肺炎疫情的爆发、大国之间的博弈,这些重大事件使我们清醒地认识到,人类命运共同体是现代人类文明核心价值所在。推动人类文明融合、发展,是高等教育的核心价值所在,也是高等教育未来的发展方向。中国高等教育需要在百年未有之大变局中发挥智慧,为人类发展和社会进步贡献力量。以第四次工业革命为背景,分析高等教育面临的机遇和挑战,研判新时代高等教育的发展方向和变革路径,阐述西安交通大学在这一过程中的发展理念与探索实践,以期对中国高等教育的变革与发展提供理论和实践借鉴。  相似文献   

高校来华留学生的安全管理及应急处理问题是关系到高校安全稳定和来华留学生教育事业整体健康可持续发展的一个重要影响因素,也是高校当前及今后很长一段时间面临的难点问题,因此,开展高校来华留学生安全管理研究的必要性与重要性日益凸现。本文着重从来华留学生应急处置及保障机制的研究视角,梳理当前来华留学生安全管理存在的主要困难和突出问题,深层次剖析成因,并提出要通过确立处置原则、建立预防机制、规范处置流程、建立恢复机制来进一步健全应急处置体系;同时强调要通过加强法治化管理、完善政策和制度设计、加快建设管理队伍、注重业务能力培训、落实物质条件等方面进一步构建来华留学生安全管理的保障体系,促进高校进一步提升来华留学管理水平,服务于我国教育对外开放大局。  相似文献   

International education is sought after by students primarily for career development. However, very little is known about other meaningful educational outcomes of students pursuing international education in a Malaysian university system. This paper investigates how international students perceive their meaningful contributions to society upon study completion in one research university in Malaysia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the university with 33 international students, mainly from Nigeria, Pakistan and China. Findings show that postgraduate international students not only want to contribute to their home society through research and teaching at higher education institutions but also to their host-country and third-country communities. The analysis illustrates the interplay between macro internationalisation of higher education policies and factors shaping the micro-level experiences of international students. This study contributes new insights into vital nuances of the international educational outcomes relating to meaningful contribution to society and community development.  相似文献   

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