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储冬生 《江西教育》2012,(Z2):30-34
(一)随着新课程的全面推进,概率教学进入了我们的小学教学领域,如何把握好小学概率教学的"度",是课程改革以来大家关注的热点之一。近几年,我先后观摩了不少关于概率的课堂教学,这些课中,既有名师和新秀的课,也有普通教师的课,他们的课有许多值得我们学习的地方,但也存在  相似文献   

12月17日 晴 我想,很多人都去过快餐店,只要他们在里面吃饭,就会知道,大多数快餐店里的餐桌上都有许多筷子,既有一次性筷子,也有和家里一样的普通筷子。  相似文献   

浅谈中国上古神话和古希腊神话之异同   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国上古神话和古希腊神话是多姿多彩的民间文学百花园中的奇葩。由于历史时代、地理位置、经济形式、政治制度等因素的共同作用,他们之间既有惊人的相似之处,也有许多明显的不同,值得我们进一步的思索。  相似文献   

李白和杜甫作为盛唐两位最伟大的诗人,由于社会、历史和个人等诸多原因,其人生追求既有许多相同的地方,也有许多不同的地方.该文从他们所倾慕的人物--谢安和诸葛亮入手,分别对其人生的追求予以分析,并进一步探讨两人的政治理想和人生态度.  相似文献   

童年的时光像穿在竹尖尖上的糖葫芦,回味起来,既有甜甜的快乐,也有许多酸涩的小烦恼。很多作家把他们对于自己童年的记忆、留恋和想象写成了故事。各种各样的文字在纸面上挤挤挨挨地站着,挺着胸,或者红着脸,准备告诉我们关于童年的许多快乐与烦恼。  相似文献   

近年来,美国报刊对中国教育进行过一些报导,其中既有褒扬,也有批评。西方记者的观点尽管有其局限性,但是他们反映的情况和提出的问题,许多是值得我们思考的。  相似文献   

陈独秀与鲁迅在五四新化运动中是“同一战阵中的战友”,他们在探求救国救民真理、对传统化和国民性的研究与批判以及对新艺的思考和探索等方面既有许多相通之处,也显示出各自化艺术观念的差异。  相似文献   

万忠 《中学俄语》2007,(1):41-42
自然界存在的碳,既有处于游离状态的,也有大量的化合物的形式。游离碳以金刚石和石墨存在。非洲、巴西和印度有最大的金刚石矿床。俄罗斯许多地区有石墨矿。[第一段]  相似文献   

当今的大学生是在市场经济条件下,中西方文化相互交融和各种思想碰撞影响下成长成才的。他们既有许多感恩的壮举,也有少许缺失感恩之心的事例。我们要辨证的看待和适时地开展当今大学生的感恩教育。  相似文献   

在我国的教师队伍中,既有初入工作岗位的青年教师,也有教学经验丰富的中老年老师,他们的课堂教学存在着显著的代际差异。在倡导教师专业化成长的今天,新教师固然有许多地方需要向经验丰富的年长教师学习,然而,就师生关系亲密度、教师反思能力而言,新教师则优于年长教师。本文旨在研究小学教师课堂教学的差异,并探寻不同年代教师快速提升课堂教学的途径和策略。  相似文献   

This paper examines ‘resilience’ of mathematics students in transition from a sociocultural perspective, in which resilience is viewed as relational and in particular as a function of the social and cultural capital students may bring to the new field. We draw on two students’ stories of transition, in which we recognise elements traditionally viewed as ‘risks’ for mathematics students in transition into institutions where new demands are made. However, in each case it seems that some of their apparent background ‘risk factors’—coming from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds and disadvantaged schools—have come to serve to constitute capital, buttressing their particular resilience, as they provide a crucial kind of autonomy that is particularly valued in the new institution. We identify the learners’ reflexivity as having been crucial to this accumulation of capital and we discuss some educational implications.  相似文献   

Human rights play a vital role in citizens' political, religious and cultural life (Wang 2002, 171). Due to the prominence of human rights in the everyday life of citizens, including those of South Africa, human rights education has been included in many school curricula. Human rights education aims to develop responsible citizens who inter alia foster an understanding of gender, ethnical, religious and cultural diversities. This, it is hoped will encourage and maintain peace, as outlined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Departing from a human rights position, a qualitative study commenced in 2009 to explore how girls and boys reason about the cultural and religious practices of girls in their communities and families. Narratives by girls and boys highlighted their views on girls' positioning in their specific communities. From the findings it became evident that the participants were aware of conforming to particular cultural and religious practices. However, some participants also challenged how they perceived these practices and the roles of girls in their communities. The article highlights the necessity of embarking on a gendered perspective towards human rights education.  相似文献   

邓峰 《湘南学院学报》2011,(4):16-19,22
汝城热水温泉以其水温之高、地域之广、流量之大、元素之丰,全球罕见而著称,根据汝城热水温泉文化特色及其面临的主要问题,提出了如何深度挖掘温泉文化的对策.(一)提升温泉地文化内涵,挖掘温泉传统文化资源,配套设施体现地域文化;(二)充分展示温泉泡浴文化;(三)认真地进行市场调查,细分好自己的市场,找准自己的目标客户群体,确定...  相似文献   

Many South-African learners, bringing their particular cultural identity to the higher education environment, find it challenging to achieve the academic literacy required for successful mastery of their studies. Though they want to realize academic success, a cultural chasm may exist between their cultural roots and their academic identity.

This article explores a model of academic language support that acknowledges cultural identity to facilitate access to academic scientific content and language. An action research project was conducted to test this model and discover whether incorporating indigenous knowledge in LEA 111 (English for Academic Advancement in Science and Health Sciences) would facilitate mastery of academic scientific content as well as language skills.  相似文献   

通过对上海中心2009年春季游学项目中开展的课堂教学与文化体验活动对于提高留学生跨文化敏感度的实证研究得出,有些留学生对文化差异的认识存在分歧,也有部分留学生对深层次的文化差异趋向认同;留学生在一定程度上有选择性地、有针对性地参加汉语文化体验活动有助于提高其跨文化敏感度;文化体验活动设计要注重培养留学生的交际信心,形成用汉语进行传递信息和交流情感的学习动机,进而提高其跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

This research examines children's conceptualisations of cultural diversity. In particular, this project examines the following two research questions: how do children define and understand the concept of cultural diversity; and what do they perceive as the implications of cultural diversity on their daily lives? To this end, interviews were carried out with 40 (immigrant and native) students, aged 11 to 12, at five primary schools in Cyprus, which presented high concentrations of immigrants. On the basis of our analysis of the data, the participant children appeared to perceive cultural diversity in terms of two contrasting perspectives. On the one hand, they viewed cultural diversity in terms of the cultural‐deficiency perspective. Such perceptions stemmed from the model of monoculturalism implying the need to assimilate the culturally ‘different’ in order to counteract the negative consequences of cultural diversity. On the other hand, the same children also perceived cultural diversity in terms of cultural celebration. To this end, some children drew upon the model of multiculturalism to define cultural diversity as a culture‐enriching and culture‐celebrating process, pointing to folkloristic activities including traditional music, dance and food. Nonetheless, few of the participant children—both Cypriot and immigrant—defined cultural diversity in terms of the model of interculturalism, pointing to the intercultural exchange that stems from ‘real’ friendship development between natives and immigrants, equality of rights and inclusion. As the participant children appeared to confuse the meanings and languages of cultural diversity, this paper concludes with suggestions on teacher practices to ‘crystallise’ children's views.  相似文献   

This paper makes both a critical analysis of some popular cultural texts about mathematics and mathematicians, and explores the ways in which young people deploy the discourses produced in these texts. We argue that there are particular (and sometimes contradictory) meanings and discourses about mathematics that circulate in popular culture, that young people use these as resources in identity making as (non-)mathematicians, negotiating their meaning in ways that are not always predictable, and that their influence on young people is diffuse and nevertheless important. The paper discusses the discourses that prevail in some of the popular cultural images of mathematics and mathematicians that came up in our research. We show how mathematics is represented as a secret language, while mathematicians are often mad, mostly male and almost invariably white. We then explore how young people negotiate these discourses, positioning themselves in relation to mathematics. Here we draw attention to the fact that both those who continue with mathematics after it ceases to be compulsory and those who do not, deploy similar images of mathematics and mathematicians. What is different is how they respond to and negotiate these images.  相似文献   

This paper examines incorporating video-stimulated recall (VSR) as a data collection technique in cross-cultural research. With VSR, participants are invited to watch video-recordings of particular events that they are involved in; they then recall their thoughts in relation to their observations of their behaviour in relation to the event. The research draws on a larger Ph.D. project completed at an Australian university that explored Vietnamese lecturers’ beliefs about learner autonomy. In cross-cultural research, using the VSR technique provided significant challenges including time constraints of participants, misunderstandings of the VSR protocol and the possibility of participants’ losing face when reflecting on their teaching episodes. Adaptations to the VSR technique were required to meet the cultural challenges specific to this population, indicating a need for flexibility and awareness of the cultural context for research.  相似文献   

This article examines student teachers' discursive constructions of difference, cultural diversity and race as they write and talk about their cultures and identities in relation to teaching and learning in the first year of a Primary Teaching Degree in a regional Australian university.
The qualitative case study which informs this paper considered the discursive resources that students bring to teacher education from their past experiences and contact with cultural differences in communities, families and schools. It examined various discourses around cultural diversity that are available to them in the teacher education course and how their discursive practices are mediated and reconstructed in the particular university context. A major goal was to explore how universities in largely homogeneous settings might firstly work with the resources that students bring to teacher education and, secondly, assist students to consider the implications of cultural and linguistic diversity for teaching language and literacy.  相似文献   

Exhibiting Lives     
This paper examines some of the dilemmas that accompany the emergence of the personal voice in scholarly work, by taking a close, grounded look at the way in which these unfolded in a specific academic course. As part of the course, entitled “A cultural approach to the life cycle”, students were asked to participate in a group exhibition in which they were to display their life stories using a variety of texts, objects and photographs. The paper reflects upon a number of questions evoked by the exhibition: What made this event so powerful, moving and pleasurable for those involved? How, if at all, did the women choose to engage in dialogue with broader social, cultural and political contexts in the display of their life stories? What common identities, if any, emerged in the group exhibition and, in this process, what particular identities were put aside? What was made possible by the use of a wide variety of media in the presentation of life stories? Finally, what were some of the broader pedagogical implications that emerge out of this experiment in teaching?  相似文献   

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