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本研究以图式理论为指导,采用实验与问卷调查相结合的定量研究方法,将北京林业大学08级林业经济和自动化专业两个平行班分为实验组和对照组,进行为期4个月的实验与问卷调查,实验数据采用t-test进行分析,结果在5%的水平上具有显著性.问卷调查的结果也与实验结果相一致.由此得出结论:图式理论在大学英语阅读教学中起着积极的作用,采用图式法进行阅读具有良好的效果.因此,此研究具有一定的推广意义.  相似文献   

在对国内外学者自主学习研究相关文献进行回顾的基础上,通过对非英语专业一年级66名学生进行了为期一年的教学实验,对面授教学与网络自主学习相结合的模式和传统课堂模式下的大学英语教学的效果进行对比研究.实验运用语言技能测试、问卷调查和访谈等研究工具进行定量及定性分析.结果表明面授与网络自主学习相结合的模式的教学效果明显优于传统课堂教学模式,尤其在提高学生听说能力上具有独特的积极作用.同时,实验研究发现了网络自主学习模式存在的一些问题,并提出教师要明确自身的角色、加强课型整合、学生要提高自主学习意识与能力、学校要加强自主学习管理等建议.  相似文献   

本文针对高校非英语专业二年级学生四级写作设计了一份问卷调查,收集4个自然班级共130份期中考试作文为研究对象,基于错误分析理论对样本中的语言错误进行甄别、分类,进而分析原因.通过定性与定量的实证研究,为大学英语写作教学提出切实可行的建议.  相似文献   

网际聊天已成为大学生网络生活的重要形式.通过采用分层抽样方式对9所大学991名学生进行问卷调查,把握大学生网际聊天的基本信息的基础上,分析和研究网际聊天对大学生心理调适的意义,并提出相应的网络心理调适策略.  相似文献   

本研究引进了“全美学生学习投入调查”(National Survey of Student Engagement,NSSE)下设的五个指标之一——“学业挑战度”(Level of Academic Challenge)——作为基础测量工具和概念的主要出发点,采用问卷调查法对两所中国的985工程高校本科生的学业挑战度进行调查.通过样本高校与美国卡内基分类中的博士研究型大学数据的对比,研究者得出:两所中国的985高校的学业挑战度得分均与美国同类高校存在极其显著的差异.两个学校大一和大四两个年级的学业挑战度得分均低于美国同类大学,而且差距非常大.  相似文献   

中国研究型大学评价指标体系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文依据中国研究型大学的概念、内涵、功能和作用,采用问卷调查、专家会议研讨等方法,提出了中国研究型大学评价指标体系。以我国最早设置研究生院的29所大学为样本,对相关数据进行统计分析,确定了中国研究型大学评价指标体系中各项定量评价指标的门槛值,并提出了比较科学、合理的中国研究型大学定量判据方法。  相似文献   

<正>柳瑞雪、石长地、孙众在《中国远程教育》2016年第11期中撰文,基于MOODLE平台和微信平台的协作学习新模式,以某高校78名大学三年级学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查法了解学生协作学习情况,并运用社会网络分析法对MOODLE平台和微信平台上学生协作互评所形成的交流网络进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

美国五所研究型理工科大学的学科发展:实证分析的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以实证分析的视角,从定量到定性,对麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学、伯克利加州大学、普林斯顿大学及加州理工学院等美国5所研究型理工科大学最新的学科发展状况及战略进行了梳理与剖析,凝练出美国研究型理工科大学学科发展的特性:学科发展要有所为、有所不为,重点扶持及培育优势学科,发展特色学科,以进一步促进学科优势的发展。这对当前我国研究型理工科大学的学科发展有积极的启示意义。  相似文献   

本课题关注健美操教学现状,对苏州大市地区的100所中学的197名体育教师和782名学生进行了调查。其中城市中学60所,县乡中学40所。一、研究方法1.文献资料法通过计算机检索,在CNKI、维普数据库、苏州大学图书馆查阅与中学健美操课相关的论文资料。2.问卷调查法以苏州市中学为调查对象,以中学的健美操课为主要研究对象。采用随机抽样的方法对苏州地区100所中学进行调查,共发放教师问卷200份,发放学生问卷800份,共填写问卷1000份,回收问卷979份,  相似文献   

本研究比较中国英语学习者和英语母语使用者网络同伴反馈类型。根据Paran et al(2007)等人的分类方法,同伴反馈可分为八类:赞扬型、提醒型、建议型、纠正型、修改型、批评型、鼓励型和互动型。本研究数据来源于两所中美大学合作的一个网络写作交流项目。研究结果表明两组学生都倾向于提供赞扬型反馈,较少采用修改型和鼓励型反馈。美国学生采用提醒型和纠正型的频率远远高于中国学生,中国学生采用建议和批评型反馈的频率高于美国学生,这一结果很大程度上和双方语言水平差异有关。本研究对探究中国大学生写作同伴反馈类型特点具有参考价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the perceptions of expectations and practices that contribute to decisions regarding promotion and tenure for counselor educators. Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs liaisons for 74 counselor education programs responded to an Internet‐based survey about perceptions of promotion and tenure practices in their programs and institutions. The responses indicate that relatively equal emphasis is placed on teaching, scholarship, and service. Implications for defining promotion and tenure criteria are discussed, and recommendations for further research are provided.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in the 1989‐1990 academic year of 421 American Psychological Association (APA) approved programs offering graduate study at the doctoral level in psychology and associated fields. The purpose was to provide continuing documentation of opportunities for doctoral training in adult development and aging. Results were compared to similar surveys conducted in 1975 and 1984. From 1975‐1984 there was dramatic growth in programs offering specialized training in adult development and aging. For the 1984‐1990 time period, growth proceeded at a much slower rate. Additional survey results indicate that most programs offering specialized training in adult development and aging are located in developmental psychology programs in general psychology departments. In addition, respondents were asked to provide information about opportunities for professional experiences offered doctoral students specializing in adult development and aging. Approximately 50% of programs with specialized doctoral training offer students some combination of teaching, research, or practicum/internship experiences. The need for continued growth in programs offering doctoral students specialized training in adult development and aging is discussed.  相似文献   

我国现代远程(网络)教育说到底是一种"数字化素质教育",是一种具有哲学基础和实践基础的"数字化素质教育".我国高等院校远程(网络)教育试点要"试"的就是:"学会数字化生存"的理念,"学会数字化学习"的目标,"学会数字化协作"的模式,即"数字化素质教育"的三大要务.本文通过对浙江大学远程教育和中国人民大学网络教育开展试点所作的比较分析,从理论和实践两个方面对现代远程(网络)教育的"数字化发展模式"进行比较研究,展望我国现代远程(网络)教育的数字化发展前景.  相似文献   

As is true of all segments of society, science educators' use of the Internet has been increasing. Yet little research is available on the current use of this medium by science educators. This study was conducted with two surveys on two populations. The first, a telephone survey concerning use of the Internet, was administered to a known group of science educators. The second instrument, a revision of the first survey, was administered through the Internet to an unknown population of science educators. Results from the Internet survey showed that time online could be categorized into use of e-mail, bulletin boards, gopher sites, or other uses. In addition, most of the respondents accessed a fee network, rather than a commercial, or fee-paid network. Readers are cautioned that response to the survey was limited, therefore this study does not represent a general statement of science educators' use of the Internet. This study, while it has some limitations, is important in the exploration of Internet use by science educators.  相似文献   

This paper is part of a program to study organisational effectiveness in higher educational institutions in the UK and Australia, and to compare the results with work conducted by Cameron (1981, 1986) in the USA. Cameron's work empirically derived and confirmed nine effectiveness dimensions and offered a typology of four institutional groups. In the UK, following surveys of the perceptions of senior academics and administrators concerning their own institutions, Lysons and Hatherly (1992, 1996) obtained results highly consistent with those of Cameron, and their analysis also supported a typology of four groups, namely classical redbrick universities, former polytechnics, former colleges of technology and 60's greenfield universities.An important further issue is the external validity of such effectiveness research particularly when discriminating between various categories of institutions. This paper uses data derived independently of the perceptual survey data to predict and confirm the taxonomy of four institutional groups already established in the prior UK research. These data come from the research ratings of the Universities Funding Council (UFC) and the Times Good University Guide. The Times data includes objective statistical data about each institution whilst the UFC ratings are based on the expert judgements of research assessment panels with representation from a range of institutions.The typology of four institutional groupings confirmed by the data analysed in this paper is consistent with the competing values explanations for organisational taxonomies (Quinn and Rohrbaugh 1983; Lysons 1993).  相似文献   

This 10-year follow-up study compares programs and services for students with learning disabilities (LD) in graduate and professional schools between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, surveys were sent to the same institutions (n = 682) as in the earlier survey, with a response rate of 30.6%. Significant changes over the 10 years include a higher level of awareness about LD and evidence of greater compliance with Section 504, a greater specificity of assessments required for the identification of students who receive services, improvements in the types and extent of services available, and increased program visibility. Despite these positive changes, 24% of the respondents indicated that they did not have a coordinator for LD at their institution, and 33% did not have a written plan for services. Eighteen institutions with programs or services for students with LD gave permission to publish their names. Implications and recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   


Research has shown that academic integrity education programs can have a positive impact on student attitudes and reduce breaches of academic integrity. Although programs vary across institutions, there is relatively little research on their comparative efficacy. Accordingly, this study examines how higher education institutions in Australia and New Zealand approach academic integrity education in order to identify particular features that are considered to be most effective. Forty-four institutions are represented in this research, with data collected via a survey and semi-structured interviews with selected participants. The findings reveal that, in many cases, current academic integrity education programs appear to lack comprehensive information on values, the potential risks to integrity and the pitfalls of assessment outsourcing. Instead, curricula tended to focus on plagiarism, student responsibilities and referencing. Institutions employ a range of different communication and administration strategies to encourage uptake, and it was found that centrally administered programs that employed sanctions for non-completion appeared to be the most effective method for achieving compliance. Whilst the use of sanctions may support completion, it is argued that future academic integrity programs should also be collaboratively designed, drawing on a timely educational approach for skill development that incorporates learner feedback into the process with a greater emphasis on underpinning values.  相似文献   

We describe an assessment of the collective impact of 35 grants that the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) made to biomedical research institutions in 1999 to support precollege science education outreach programs. Data collected from funded institutions were compared with data from a control group of institutions that had advanced to the last stage of review but had not been funded. The survey instrument and the results reveal outcomes and impacts that HHMI considers relevant for these programs. The following attributes are considered: ability to secure additional, non-HHMI funding; institution buy-in as measured by gains in dedicated space and staff; enhancement of the program director''s career; number and adoption of educational products developed; number of related publications and awards; percentage of programs for which teachers received course credit; increase in science content knowledge; and increase in student motivation to study science.  相似文献   

Internet is currently the most popular technology for global communication and information retrieval. Hence, networking technologists involved in Internet research have the responsibility of developing technologies that support multimedia networking applications such as audio and video streaming, video emails, real-time interactive audio and video conferencing and virtual reality. This article discusses the underlying mechanisms that have been developed which augment packet switching in supporting the smooth functioning of these real-time applications.  相似文献   

This article looks at the relative usefulness of 12 selected factors in the preparation of college administrators as seen by practicing administrators and faculty in comprehensive community colleges, four‐year liberal arts colleges, and universities.

Three hundred randomly selected faculty and administrators in the state of Iowa were sent survey questionnaires. The returned surveys and research data were then analyzed in order to answer the research question.

The findings suggested that graduates from programs in higher education administration may be more accepted in community colleges than in liberal arts colleges or universities. The findings also showed that university personnel perceived the major research experience as being significantly more useful than the other personnel. Nonclassroom experiences were thought to be the most useful by all personnel, with faculty experience in higher education perceived to be the most useful. This study also showed that both administrators and faculty perceived majoring in higher education administration to be less useful than any of the other 11 preparation variables.

One of the recommendations of this study is that students, graduates, and professors in higher education administration programs attempt to educate the participants in higher education and the public on the strengths and uses of their programs. It was also recommended that further research is needed in the area of administrative task analysis at the different types of institutions.  相似文献   

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