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刘悦 《教育发展研究》2021,41(20):74-84
美国教育惩戒权数百年来大致经历了教育惩戒现代化、零容忍教育惩戒兴起和教育惩戒二元化三个发展阶段.美国教育惩戒权的发展史对我国主要有两点启示:一是尊重教育规律,理性、宽容看待学生的违纪违规行为;二是教育惩戒应对学生违纪违规行为的预防、正向引导和关系进行修复.2020年,我国公布了《中小学教育惩戒规则》(试行),这对我国教育惩戒的立法和实践具有重大意义,但仍然存在重惩戒轻预防和重惩罚轻修复的缺憾.未来,我国教育惩戒应当从建立学生违纪违规的预防体系、增加恢复性教育惩戒措施、制定《教育惩戒实施细则》等方面进一步完善.  相似文献   

刘悦 《教育发展研究》2021,41(20):74-84
美国教育惩戒权数百年来大致经历了教育惩戒现代化、零容忍教育惩戒兴起和教育惩戒二元化三个发展阶段.美国教育惩戒权的发展史对我国主要有两点启示:一是尊重教育规律,理性、宽容看待学生的违纪违规行为;二是教育惩戒应对学生违纪违规行为的预防、正向引导和关系进行修复.2020年,我国公布了《中小学教育惩戒规则》(试行),这对我国教育惩戒的立法和实践具有重大意义,但仍然存在重惩戒轻预防和重惩罚轻修复的缺憾.未来,我国教育惩戒应当从建立学生违纪违规的预防体系、增加恢复性教育惩戒措施、制定《教育惩戒实施细则》等方面进一步完善.  相似文献   

世界大多数国家明令禁止对学生进行体罚,但对学校和教师的教育惩戒权都有所保留.我国许多教育工作者认为,教育惩戒是完整教育的组成部分.把握好“度”是成功实施教育惩戒的关键.教育惩戒应当以师爱性原则为前提,以“法”为依据,以不损害学生身心健康成长为界限,要与对学生的心理引导相配合.用好教育惩戒这把双刃剑,可以使我们的教育更有效、更高效.  相似文献   

陈波 《教育发展研究》2021,41(20):67-73
中小学生主要是未成年人,这决定了对中小学生进行教育惩戒时应当注意保护未成年人.中小学教育惩戒的根本目的 是教育,直接目的 是"戒",惩罚仅仅是手段而已.在对中小学生进行教育惩戒时,应当侧重于戒除违规违纪行为,只有这样才能实现教育目的 .有必要建立"戒"的考察机制,考察学生的戒除效果,进行家校协作,共同考察.针对学生的特点制定惩戒方案,防止学生受到不利影响;学校和教师在进行教育惩戒时,应当做到合法惩戒、公平惩戒和程序正当.  相似文献   

当前,教育惩戒受到教师抵制的主要原因是:失当的民主观和平等观、部分学生挫折承受力较弱和一些教师对教育惩戒内涵理解不准或惩戒失当.教育惩戒既是维护学校教育公共秩序的需要,也是自然教育的必然补充,同时教师也有实施教育惩戒的能力,这些都是教育惩戒合理性的保障.要保障教育惩戒顺利实施,教师应准确理解教育惩戒的内涵,科学而艺术地实施教育惩戒,并在教育惩戒失当时及时补救,以减轻对学生的伤害,消除对立情绪.  相似文献   

一、教育惩戒权的界定 关于学校或教师对学生进行惩戒的权利,有的称之为教师惩戒权,有的称之为学校惩戒权,有的称之为教育惩戒权.笔者赞成第三种称谓,因为行使惩戒权的主体包括教师和学校,称之为教育惩戒权更为恰当.同时,教育惩戒权这一概念,更能体现教育学生这一惩戒的目的和本质.  相似文献   

教育教学活动中,秩序的维护、自由的追求、教育利益的获得,都促使了对学生违规行为进行惩戒的需要.教师作为国家与社会的"委托人",作为教育教学活动的主导者,其职业权力中自然包括惩戒权.教师的惩戒权是指向学生违规行为、旨在保护和教育学生的一种手段,归属于公权范围.教师惩戒行为的失当,主要源干惩戒权的异化,而非惩戒权存在本身.  相似文献   

惩戒是学校管理经常使用的一种方法和手段,惩戒是指通过处罚来戒止、教育.苏联著名教育家马卡连柯明确指出:"只要需要惩戒教育,老师就有义务去实施惩戒教育.在必须惩戒的前提下,惩戒不仅是一种权力,而且是一种义务;惩戒教育不仅是合法的,而且也是必要的.惩戒教育可培养学生坚强的性格,并可教会学生抵挡诱惑和战胜诱惑的能力."没有惩戒的教育是不完整的教育,在教育实践中,它能使学生懂得是非曲直,树立遵纪守法的意识;它具有促使改过的作用,使学生明确自己该承担的责任;它还具有警戒作用,能增强学生耐挫的能力,有助于学生健康成才.对不同类型的学生个体,需要灵活运用不同的教育方法,而惩戒教育作为教育的一种重要手段,若能使用得当,对学生的健康成长很有益处.  相似文献   

教育是爱的事业,教育惩戒作为教育的一种形式,也应该以爱为基础. 1.以关爱为基础 (1)教育者要出于爱.教育惩戒本身不是目的,也不是为了惩戒而惩戒,教育惩戒本身应出于对学生深深的关爱.没有以爱为基础的教育惩戒将会被异化为身体和心灵的惩罚和苦役,从而失去教育性.  相似文献   

教育惩戒有自己的边界和向度,教育者必须全方位认知教育惩戒,才能在实践中合理作为.精神向度是教育惩戒的重要认知视角,培育学生精神是教育惩戒的重要目的,现实教育惩戒的很多问题与其精神向度方面的关注不足有关系.从精神维度出发,教师在行使教育惩戒权时,需要从多方面关照学生的精神世界,既要让学生在惩戒中感受到温暖,也要用惩戒照亮...  相似文献   

This article examines the masculinization of discipline and its interplay with power in the primary school through an exploration of teachers' gender and disciplinary work and roles by drawing on data from an ethnographic study conducted at a primary school in Taiwan. The research findings suggest that discipline was men's work due to women distancing themselves from discipline, the physical advantages of men and masculinity, and parental expectations. However, negative feelings and pressure towards disciplining were also revealed by men. This research evidence also indicates women were, or could be, as tough disciplinarians as men. More importantly, the masculinization of disciplining work and roles was linked to male domination in power. The teacher workplace culture may help to explain discipline as men's work and power as gendered.  相似文献   

礼是中国上古神权时代最根本的思想观念,"以礼治军"是上古时期社会政治、军事发展的必然要求。三代以来"以礼治军"的战争实践充分证明了其历史的必然性。成书于西周初年的《军礼司马法》,就是"以礼治军"的理论总结。春秋时期,以礼治军的理论原则仍然在一定程度上得到人们的认可。春秋中期的宋楚泓水之战,则在事实上宣告了"以礼治军"时代的终结。  相似文献   

本文首先从福柯的权力/知识理论出发来理解他把规训时代的学校当作"监狱群岛"的论述,进而阐述他的规训时代的教师观:教师是整个社会规训机制的一个环节,也是规训机制的一个雇员,他处于监督和被监督的地位;教师的职能是对学生进行规训;教师进行规训的主要手段有空间分配、对活动的控制、创生的筹划和对力量的编排;教师进行规训的策略是层级监视、规范化裁决以及检查。  相似文献   

Classroom discipline is a topic of international interest and teachers are bombarded with advice regarding how to and why they should manage children’s behaviour in their classrooms. This paper draws on data related to classroom discipline gathered from a detailed classroom observation schedule, teacher interviews, and field notes with four purposively selected kindergarten teachers working in Hong Kong with children aged 5–6 years. The findings of this qualitative case study show that the teachers were concerned about disciplining children to ensure good behaviour. They expected all children to follow the rules and used characteristic discipline strategies such as stating expectations and ‘praising the opposite’ to maintain good behaviour. The paper discusses these findings in light of the Westernisation of kindergarten teaching practices in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Public Law 94-142 provides for a free appropriate public education for all handicapped children, but does not address the issue of disciplining handicapped students. The result has been confusion and uncertainty, particularly concerning expulsion and suspension. The courts have been forced into this vacuum, acting as arbiters. The Supreme Court's ruling in Honig v. Doe will help to delineate the proper role of educators in the suspension and expulsion of handicapped students. This article examines that role and offers recommendations for school policies regarding the discipline of handicapped students.  相似文献   

合并高校二级学院的党组织在党建工作中要增强大局意识,处理好与校党委的关系;增强协作意识,处理好与学院行政的关系;增强“班长”意识,处理好与班子成员的关系;增强表率意识,处理好律己与“律人”的关系,有效地发挥政治核心和保证监督作用,创新性地开展各项工作。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of various language policy mechanisms currently circulating in secondary schools in England, with a particular focus on those that intermingle ‘language’, ‘standard English’ and ‘discipline’. Although the connections between language, ideology and behaviour are well established within critical educational linguistics, this has not been explored in relation to current education policy in England, which is characterised by an overt focus on standardised English and behaviour ‘management’. In a grounded approach, I explore how the disciplining of language correlates with the disciplining of the body, based on ethnographic-orientated fieldwork undertaken in a London secondary school and drawing on a broad range of policy mechanisms such as curricula, textbooks, classroom artefacts and Doug Lemov’s Teach Like a Champion industry. I show how the current linguistic conservatism found within government policy gets reproduced in school-level policies, pedagogies and classroom interactions, and highlight these relations within a network of policy actors and key terms associated with so-called ‘zero-tolerance’ and ‘no-excuses’ schools. I show how teachers are positioned as language policy managers who work within a system of surveillance, compliance, coercion and control. As such, this article contributes to current thinking within critical language policy and the sociology of education by offering an expanded view of language ideologies in schools, whereby connections between language and discipline are explicitly illustrated and critiqued.  相似文献   

The present study compared abusive, potentially abusive, and control group parents' perceptions of commonly used discipline procedures. The clinical samples were obtained from Parents Anonymous (PA) and consisted of both court-referred (abusive) and self-referred (potentially abusive) members. The subjects were presented with case vignettes that described a child with either mild or severe behavior problems and asked to rate four methods of disciplining the child. The discipline methods involved positive reinforcement, timeout, timeout with spanking, and spanking. The findings indicated that (1) overall, the parents generally evaluated positive reinforcement as significantly more acceptable than timeout, timeout with spanking, and spanking; (2) self-referred PA members viewed timeout, timeout with spanking, and spanking as relatively more acceptable than did their demographically similar comparison group; and (3) court-referred PA parents' ratings did not significantly differ from their comparison group, since both groups rated the reinforcement method as significantly more acceptable than the other three discipline methods.  相似文献   

Violent forms of discipline in schools continue to be widespread across the globe despite their damaging effects. Since little is known about factors influencing the extent of violence applied by teachers, this study aimed to investigate the influence of teachers’ stress, work satisfaction, and personal characteristics on their disciplining style. Using structural equation modeling, associations between violent discipline, burnout symptoms, and job perceptions (pressure and difficulties in class) reported by 222 teachers from 11 secondary schools in Tanzania in 2015 were analyzed. Results indicated a direct association between perceived stress and emotional violent discipline (β = .18, p < .05) as well as physical violent discipline (β = .37, p < .001). Perceived stress also mediated the association between job perceptions and both forms of violent disciplining. The model showed good model fit (χ2 [44, n = 222] = 67.47 (p = .013), CFI = .94, TLI = .91, IFI = .94, RMSEA = .049 [90%-CI = .02–.07, PCLOSE = .50], SRMR = .06). Our findings suggest that teachers’ personal perceptions of their work as well as their stress burden play a role in their disciplining styles. Our findings underline the importance of integrating topics, such as stress and coping as well as positive, nonviolent discipline measures into the regular teacher’s training and in addition to develop and evaluate school-based preventative interventions for teachers.  相似文献   

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