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类比推理作为数学发展史中重要的合理推理方式,对提高数学教学质量有极大的促进作用.本文主要结合实例从类比推理的概念及作用、类比推理在高中数学教学中的应用等方面进行论述,希望对激发学生兴趣、提高教学质量有促进作用.  相似文献   

科学方法是指人在从事科学研究活动中所采用的途径、手段和方式。科学方法能发挥人的主观能动作用 ,缩短科学认识的进程。化学教学中科学方法的培养和训练很重要。运用具体实例 ,说明类比推理的方法在化学教学中的运用 ,论证了类比推理与培养学生独立思考和创造性思维之间的辩证关系  相似文献   

教学议论文,常遇尴尬事。老师说某例是比喻论证,某倒是类比论证,学生手边材料说法正相反,有关文章也说法纷纭。比喻论证和类比论证到底有何区别?试作三论。一论:比喻论证和类比论证思维进程一致。让我们从逻辑谈起。根据思维进程方向的不同,一般把推理分为演绎推理(从一般性知识的前提到特殊性知识的结论)、归纳推理(从特殊性知识的前提到一般性知识的结论)和类比推理(从特殊性知识的前提到特殊性知识的结论),可用图示:  相似文献   

类比推理是近几年高考的一个热点内容,既考查学生的推理论证能力,又考查学生的发散思维,进一步促进学生数学解题能力的提高,这样可以使较难的题目迎刃而解.本文通过一道高考题来看解析几何中圆与椭圆性质的类比.  相似文献   

本文围绕类比推理方式,对其基本概念以及在高中数学教学中的作用进行了简单的阐述。然后探讨了在高中数学教学过程中运用类比推理方式的策略,包括将类比方法使用在数学知识整合过程中;类比推理在高中数学解题中的使用等。希望借此为广大研究类比推理方式运用方法的人士提供一些参考意见。  相似文献   

科学思维指的是人脑对客观事物形成清晰的图景,并反复加工、去粗取精,把感性认识概括上升为理性认识的间接认识过程。它是物理核心素养的重要内容之一。科学思维的培养途径有:重视模型建构;注重科学推理(包括归纳推理、演绎推理和类比推理);强化科学论证(包括实验论证和理论论证);引导质疑创新。  相似文献   

从论证式教学的概念及其在教学实践中的价值出发,以必修模块为例进行分析,归纳了高中生物学应用论证式教学的策略:选择恰当的教学内容;设置情境问题,明确论证主题;采用合作方式,开展论证学习;注重“说”“写”并用,完成提炼总结。  相似文献   

针对数学教学中只注重演绎论证的现状,用实例说明了类比推理是进行发现性数学思维的有效方法;列举数学分析、复变函数、矢量分析等教学中大量可作类比的材料和“用类比推导定理”“用类比寻找习题解法”两教学实例,阐述了类比推理能培养学生举一反三、触类旁通地独立分析问题和解决问题.是数学中进行再创造的主要方法;通过对微分中值定理六种证法思维共性和异性的分析对比,指出了类比教学应因材施教,教师应能广泛而有效地运用类比推理于教学之中,以培养学生创造性思维能力。  相似文献   

本文从譬思维的“类”的根据论证了譬是中国古代主要的证明方法、思维方法,指明其与比喻──说明方法的联系和区别。并且,从与类比推理的比较分析中,揭示其特点和发生谬误的可能性。  相似文献   

类比推理,就是根据两个对象之间在某些方面的相同或相似,推论出它们在其他方面也可能相同或相似的一种方法。类比推理具有较强的探索性和预测性,是各种逻辑推理中,最富有创造性的一种。历史上,许多重大的科学发明,就是运用类比的思维得到的,所以许多科学家对类比方法情有独钟,推崇备至,如数学家、天文学家开普勒曾说:“我们珍视类比胜于任何别的东西,它是我最可信赖的老师,它能揭示自然界的秘密。”现新教材专门把类比推理作为独立的一节教学内容,其主要目的就是要在平时注重类比思想的基础上,进一步让学生了解类比推理的方法与过程,努力使学生的创新能力、意识得到进一步的培养。可以说这是培养学生探索能力、创新能力的最有效的激发点。为此,很有必要加以探讨。1从所赏、比较中认识在教学中,“类比推理”的教学不同于一般知识点、概念的讲解,仅把“类比推理”的含义及过程讲清了是远远不够的,一定要让学生在学习过程中观察比较,才能真正理解类比推理的含意与过程。1.1可从生活中的发明谈起,这样比较生动、直观、有趣,更能激发学生的学习积极性。例如:仿生学中:①从蝙蝠接受信息的方式发明了雷达;②从海豚的流线形的体型启发设计潜艇的形状;③从狗的鼻子的高灵敏度中启发...  相似文献   

After decades of research into formal or logical fallacies of reasoning, psychologists have only recently begun to examine the informal reasoning fallacies that are routinely present in critical discussions, debates, and other forms of argumentation. The present study considers several possible influences on an ability to identify and analyze these fallacies. College students completed measures of deductive reasoning, personal epistemology, and knowledge of specific argumentation norms and analyzed arguments containing fallacies such as argument from ignorance, begging the question, and slippery slope. Results indicated that effective analysis of informal fallacies was associated with some aspects of deductive reasoning—especially an ability to overcome belief bias—and with higher-order epistemic beliefs, as well as a commitment to argumentation norms for critical discussion. Results are discussed in terms of argumentation research and implications for pedagogical treatments of the fallacies are noted.  相似文献   

Solving complex, ill-structured problems may be effectively supported by case-based reasoning through case libraries that provide just-in-time domain-specific principles in the form of stories. The cases not only articulate previous experiences of practitioners, but also serve as problem-solving narratives from which learners can acquire meaning. The current study investigated the effects of different case-types (success, failures) on analogical transfer to similar problems. In the first week, undergraduate sales management students (N = 36) were assigned to different case library treatments (success, failure) and asked to construct a multifaceted argument (initial argument, counterargument, rebuttal) to resolve an ill-structured, decision-making hiring problem. In the following week, students constructed an argument to solve a novel case without the support of the case library. Data analysis revealed the failure-based case library condition produced significantly higher scores on measurements of counterarguments and holistic argumentation scores on both tasks. A discussion of the implications for pedagogy and instructional design are also presented.  相似文献   

关于佛教逻辑的论式,学者们历来有不同的理解,有的认为其性质是演绎,有的认为其性质是归纳,也有的认为是类比。其实,应该从论辩或者论证的角度来看待佛教逻辑的论式性质,而不能只从推理的角度去看待佛教逻辑的论式性质。从非形式逻辑的角度看,佛教逻辑论式是一个论辩的程式;佛教逻辑论式是一个论证式,而不是推理式;佛教逻辑论式带有明显的心理因素,是"实践的论证"。  相似文献   

如何促进学生科学论证能力的发展已经成为科学教育界关注的一个课题。本文在明确论证的含义、阐明论证在科学课程中的价值的基础上,根据有关论证理论,以九年级科学中"物质鉴别"实验教学为例,设计科学论证取向的实验教学。然后分析、比较了科学论证取向实验教学和传统取向实验教学之间的差异,简述科学论证取向教学实践所带来的启示。  相似文献   

议论文的论证机理,从根本上说,在于建立论据与论点之间的某种必然联系。具体地说,就是要通过事实、推理、阐发和辨析等途径来建立这种联系。  相似文献   

墨子的辩论艺术是我国古代辩论科学的精华。他的辩论朴实无华,论证严密,说理清晰,讲科学,重实践。文章从“假”、“譬”、“援”、“止”、“推”五个方面来探讨墨子高超的辩论艺术。  相似文献   

We summarize the argumentative theory of reasoning, which claims that the main function of reasoning is to argue. In this theory, argumentation is seen as being essentially cooperative (people have to listen to others' arguments and be ready to change their mind) but with an adversarial dimension (their goal as argument producers is to convince). Consistent with this theory, the experimental literature shows that solitary reasoning is biased and lazy, whereas reasoning in group discussion produces good results, provided some conditions are met. We formulate recommendations for improving reasoning performance, mainly, to make people argue more and better by creating felicitous conditions for group discussion. We also make some suggestions for improving solitary reasoning, in particular to maximize students' exposure to arguments challenging their positions. Teaching people about the value of argumentation is likely to improve not only immediate reasoning performance but also long-term solitary reasoning skills.  相似文献   

Current research indicates that student engagement in scientific argumentation can foster a better understanding of the concepts and the processes of science. Yet opportunities for students to participate in authentic argumentation inside the science classroom are rare. There also is little known about science teachers' understandings of argumentation, their ability to participate in this complex practice, or their views about using argumentation as part of the teaching and learning of science. In this study, the researchers used a cognitive appraisal interview to examine how 30 secondary science teachers evaluate alternative explanations, generate an argument to support a specific explanation, and investigate their views about engaging students in argumentation. The analysis of the teachers' comments and actions during the interview indicates that these teachers relied primarily on their prior content knowledge to evaluate the validity of an explanation rather than using available data. Although some of the teachers included data and reasoning in their arguments, most of the teachers crafted an argument that simply expanded on a chosen explanation but provided no real support for it. The teachers also mentioned multiple barriers to the integration of argumentation into the teaching and learning of science, primarily related to their perceptions of students' ability levels, even though all of these teachers viewed argumentation as a way to help students understand science. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 1122–1148, 2012  相似文献   

批判性思维和论证批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对批判性思维的不同解释其实也有诸多共同点。培养批判性思维能力和气质的主要手段是非形式逻辑或论证逻辑。在论证实践中,论证批判是批判性思维的最集中的体现。论证批判的原则包括可攻击性原则、对等原则、逻辑中立性原则和区别原则。批判可选择不同的时机。对批判有不同的反应。对批判合理的反应可能产生某些不同的效果。  相似文献   

对批判性思维的不同解释其实也有诸多共同点。培养批判性思维能力和气质的主要手段是非形式逻辑或论证逻辑。在论证实践中,论证批判是批判性思维的最集中的体现。论证批判的原则包括可攻击性原则、对等原则、逻辑中立性原则和区别原则。批判可选择不同的时机。对批判有不同的反应。对批判合理的反应可能产生某些不同的效果。  相似文献   

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