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Motivation research could profitably represent students as critics of schooling, rather than simply "active" learners of the lessons presented to them or perceivers of classroom climate, and engage students in dialogue about the nature and ends of education. We review complementary interview and ethnographic research on but one of the many topics that could be addressed from this perspective: students' interpretations of classroom tests and test-like assignments and their conceptions of fair and effective practices for implementing tests. Conceptions of testing change with age, whereas theories about the role of testing seem to reflect the existing school context. Students' critiques of school activities can be considered motivation rather than cognitions that mediate motivation. Research of this type might be of value to educators who seek to involve students more fully in the construction of the purposes that govern their own education.  相似文献   

Pluralism in children's reasoning about social justice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To determine if children construe the fairness of societal practices as dependent on the implicit contract or definition of a situation, first (M = 6.8 years), third (M = 8.8 years), and fifth (M = 11.0 years) graders were questioned about 3 situations: one emphasizing learning or mastery, a contest, and a test. For each situation, they judged the fairness, alterability of fairness, effectiveness, and harmfulness of 3 teaching or coaching practices: having more able individuals help the less able, having individuals compete publicly, and having them perform independently. Children judged the fairness and effectiveness of each practice differently for each situation. They also recognized that unfair practices could become fair with participant consensus or over time, and that the potential of a practice to cause harm differed depending upon the context. These results were comparable for educational and athletic activities. In these respects, children's conceptions of the fairness of societal practices resemble those of philosophers who advocate pluralistic conceptions of justice.  相似文献   


This paper reviews research on students’ concepts and theories of fair and effective educational practices and casts them as insightful critics of schooling who should be included in the negotiation of academic practices. Formal interviews show that students consider the goal or definition of the situation when evaluating the fairness of practices, and that conceptions of fairness develop differently for each type of situation. Students also hold different theories about how school should be defined and which situations should predominate. Moral education programmes could encourage students and teachers to negotiate fair classroom practices, creating a community of scholars who collaborate to build more fair and effective schools.  相似文献   

Assessment for learning? Thinking outside the (black) box   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article draws on a survey of 83 teachers, to explore the concepts of ‘assessment for learning’, ‘assessment’ and ‘learning’. ‘Assessment for learning’ is categorized as meaning: monitoring pupils' performance against targets or objectives; using assessment to inform next steps in teaching and learning; teachers giving feedback for improvement; (teachers) learning about children's learning; children taking some control of their own learning and assessment; and turning assessment into a learning event. Conceptions of assessment include assessment‐as‐measurement and assessment‐as‐inquiry. These conceptions are related to two conceptions of learning: learning‐as‐attaining‐objectives and learning‐as‐the‐construction‐of‐knowledge. The conceptions of assessment‐as‐measurement and learning‐as‐attaining‐objectives are dominant in English educational policy today. The article suggests that these conceptions need to be challenged and expanded, since conceptions held by those who have power in education determine what sort of assessment and learning happen in the classroom, and therefore the quality of the student's learning processes and products.  相似文献   

Teachers' conceptions about assessment influence their classroom assessment practices. In this investigation, we examined 179 K-12 teachers' conceptions of the purposes of assessment from a person-centered perspective. An exploratory factor analysis of teachers' responses to the Conceptions of Assessment Instrument yielded a three-factor model: assessment as valid for accountability, improves teaching and learning, and as irrelevant. Next, we used cluster analysis to identify belief profiles of teacher groups: Cluster-1: Moderate, Cluster-2: Irrelevant, Cluster-3: Teaching and Learning. Within and across cluster comparisons revealed significant differences indicating that these are distinct profiles: teachers can, and do, hold multiple beliefs about assessment simultaneously.  相似文献   

The present study examined the role of interpersonal variables (psychological safety, value diversity, interdependence, and trust) and conceptions of peer assessment in vocational education. An intervention was conducted (N = 45) with a control group (N = 17), which indicated change in psychological safety, value diversity, and trust in the peer as an assessor. Furthermore, when comparing the intervention and control group, peer assessment contributed to psychological safety and lower value diversity. Perceived learning was predicted by value diversity and conceptions. Conceptions were predicted by psychological safety, value diversity, and trust in the self and in the peer as an assessor.  相似文献   

There have been many research projects studying the use of peer intervention strategies to develop the social, communication and interaction skills of children with autism, yet few of these studies focus in detail on the impact of such strategies on the mainstream peers. In this article, Val Jones, an advisory teacher for autism spectrum conditions, explores the impact of peer tutoring children with autism on the peer tutors themselves. This enquiry focuses on ten to eleven-year-old mainstream pupils who were paired with twelve children with autism and associated learning difficulties for weekly peer tutoring sessions at a primary school with a specialist autism unit. At the end of a series of tutoring sessions, the perspectives of the peer tutors were gathered through questionnaires. All of the peer tutors reported that they had enjoyed the experience and most felt that the peer tutoring had brought them direct benefits by building confidence, teaching responsibility, encouraging caring attitudes and helping them to acknowledge diversity. Val Jones also gathered the views of parents and school staff who again reported largely positive outcomes from the peer tutoring process. While this small-scale study focuses on findings from one school, there are wider implications here for the development of inclusive policies and practices and this article will be of interest to professionals working across the range of specialist and mainstream settings.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main and the Landesmuseum Schloß Gottorf in Schleswig. 160 museum visitors were asked about their conceptions of learning in school and learning in a museum. These conceptions generate a persons’ individual concept of learning. It is formed by the influence of the subjectively different experiences each person makes in varying learning situations. Since every learning environment offers different opportunities and possibilities for learning, it can be assumed that there are location-specific concepts of learning. The results of this study show that concepts of learning in school can be differentiated from concepts in a museum; albeit reactive and constructive concepts of learning were found for schools as well as for museums. In addition it was found that different people’s concepts of learning depend on their places of learning.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate how students' conceptions of assessment relate to one another, how students define assessment, and how student conceptions of assessment relate to their definitions of assessment. A nationally representative sample of New Zealand secondary students (N = 705) responded to a 45-item Conceptions of Assessment inventory and a list of 12 assessment practices. Well-fitting measurement models were found. The more students agreed that assessment was to help them improve the more they associated assessment with teacher-controlled practices. Further, the more students perceived assessment as irrelevant the more they defined it as interactive–informal practices. Thus, more student-oriented practices were conceived as creating a positive social environment that was irrelevant to learning.  相似文献   

Research on students’ conceptions of learning is a growing and complex area of interest in the field of psychology of education. Even though much of the investigation addressed to explore conceptions of learning at the university level, still less research has considered how naïve (i.e. ‘learning as reduction of deficit knowledge through individual effort’) and sophisticated (i.e. ‘learning as opportunity and self-efficacy’) conceptions of learning are related to personal and contextual factors. This research investigated how gender, academic area, and level of study influence university students’ conceptions of learning. Three hundred forty-six university students participated in the study. They were either from humanities (240) or technical-scientific (106) areas of study and they were attending either a Bachelor (140) or Master’s degree (206) course. Conceptions of learning were explored using a self-report instrument (Learning Conceptions Questionnaire; LCQ). A MANOVA revealed that females show conceptions of learning more related to social and motivational aspects of learning with a greater personal involvement, compared with males. No typical pattern of conceptions of learning was found for humanities students or for technical-scientific students. Increasing with the level of study, students showed both naïve and sophisticated conceptions of learning increased, since both ‘learning as reduction of deficit knowledge through individual effort’ and ‘learning as opportunities and self-efficacy’ were more likely. Implications of these results and future lines of research will be discussed.  相似文献   

The development of deeper understanding and transferable skills in science requires continuous interactive discussion and feedback and extended practice in various contexts for generalisation. In primary schools, these desiderata are difficult to supply through direct teacher instruction, but might be feasible through interactive peer tutoring. This study aimed to evaluate cognitive and affective gains from cross-age peer tutoring for both tutees and tutors in science, using the “paired science” programme. For the first time this programme was used to focus on peer rather than parent tutoring and on junior school rather than early years pupils, and for the first time an objective measure of cognitive gain in science was used. Experimental peer tutees were a whole class (n=32) of seven- to eight-year-olds; tutors a whole class (n=33) of eight- to nine-year-olds in the same school. A parallel composite class of seven- to nine-year-olds (n=24) served as controls for tutees and tutors. A peer tutoring paired science intervention was implemented for two 30-minute sessions per week for eight weeks. Video and observational data indicated implementation integrity was satisfactory. Pre- and post-project assessments of understanding of scientific concepts and keywords of a random sample of tutees, tutors and their respective controls (4×n=10) were conducted. Additionally, the attitudes of all the tutees, tutors and their teachers towards their experiences were explored by post hoc questionnaire. On pre-post assessments of understanding of scientific concepts and keywords, the experimental group made significant gains while the control group made no gains, yielding effect sizes greater than one. Tutees made greater gains than tutors. The attitudes of the paired scientists and their teachers towards their experiences were generally very positive. It was concluded that cross-age peer tutoring of science using the paired science programme offers an effective pedagogical strategy, with both cognitive and affective benefits for both tutors and tutees. Recommendations for future research are made.  相似文献   

Quality, outcomes and cost-effectiveness of methods of teaching and learning in colleges and universities are being scrutinised more closely. The increasing use of peer tutoring in this context necessitates a clear definition and typology, which are outlined. The theoretical advantages of peer tutoring are discussed and the research on peer tutoring in schools briefly considered. The substantial existing research on the effectiveness of the many different types and formats of peer tutoring within colleges and universities is then reviewed. Much is already known about the effectiveness of some types of peer tutoring and this merits wider dissemination to practitioners. Directions for future research are indicated.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of collaborative learning with hints and peer tutoring with hints, and individual learning with hints in chemistry laboratory education in a secondary school. A total of 96 eleventh graders participated in this study. The study has a randomized pre‐test and post‐test design with a delayed post‐test. During the four‐week intervention, students were required to carry out eight lab tasks in total. The students filled in a 17‐item self‐assessment of learning gain questionnaire on the last day. Analyses of students’ learning achievements showed that students in both the collaborative learning and peer tutoring situations outperformed those learning individually with hints. The delayed post‐test, which was administered three months later, revealed that students who had been in the peer tutoring situation outscored those in the collaborative learning situation. Student self‐assessment questionnaires on learning gain provided further details in this regard.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of an educational programme involving peer tutoring at school and family tutoring at home on child reading comprehension achievement in Catalunya, Spain. We drew upon a sample of 303 primary school students from 8 to 11 years old and 223 family tutors from home (61.5% mothers, 15% fathers, 17% both parents, 6.5% siblings). Reading comprehension performance was assessed through standardised tests in pre and post-test bases. Background variables were collected by means of student and parent questionnaires and also teacher and family interviews. An analysis of the family tutoring interactions was also performed. The main results showed positive effects for all the students, but especially for the 223 students who received family support. Overall, the study reveals the effectiveness of peer learning to improve reading comprehension skills and the potential of family involvement for the development of academic skills when the school provides trust and support for it.  相似文献   


This study examines how the use of peer tutoring instructional practices links to students’ outcomes during kindergarten. Examining this pedagogical strategy allows us to contribute to the literature in three ways. First, we can study one potential mechanism by which peers might influence the outcomes of other peers in the classroom. Second, in that peer tutoring that is used as an instructional practice, the study can inform the link between instructional factors and student outcomes. Finally, our agenda look at the effects of peer tutoring instructional practices on academic and socioemotional outcomes, thereby broadening the meaning of educational attainment. The study relies on the most current national dataset of kindergarten students (the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten class of 2010–2011). The findings suggest that a higher frequency of peer tutoring utilisation during instruction predicts greater social skills. However, there is no predictive relationship with behaviour or achievement. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   


The aim was to explore the way in which mature professional adults learn. A number of different strands within current thinking about adult learning were incorporated into a semi‐structured interview. This was given to 17 nurse tutors taking a professional qualification. Results indicated a general rejection of the surface in favour of the deep as their dominant approach to learning. Rote learning was rejected as being of no use to them. Motivation was based mainly on becoming a competent practitioner. A significant minority indicated stress both in sitting examinations and in peer tutoring situations. Some were social learners, some solitary and the rest a mixture of the two.  相似文献   

The need for a theoretical analysis of the peer tutoring process has been recognized by reviewers of the research in this area. This paper addresses itself to this need by discussing the process of peer tutoring from the various psychological, educational, and social perspectives. The main areas covered in the paper are: definitions of the peer tutoring process, the psychological and educational processes in peer tutoring as a learning and teaching experience, and the conceptualization of peer tutoring in terms of a cooperative social system and as a group reward structure. This theoretical discussion provides both the researcher and practitioner with a framework for studying and implementing peer tutoring for enhancing specific academic and social goals.  相似文献   


Peer tutoring in higher education aims to enhance student learning, and confidence. In writing centres, peer writing tutors use critical questioning to make the tutorial sessions student-focused and productive. The nature of questions influences the outcomes of the tutorials, yet research has not devoted sufficient time to unpacking what form this questioning takes, and the potential value for students and tutors. This paper explores the kinds of questions asked, the challenges posed to students and tutors, and implications for the learning process. Tutors’ experiences during tutorials and their reflections in written reports are used to unpack and explore questioning in tutorials. The paper highlights questioning as relevant in writing centre spaces due to its central role in shaping student learning about writing. The findings have relevance for peer tutoring in higher education generally, and indicate the importance of peer tutors learning to use questions to engage effectively with students.  相似文献   

How students understand, feel about and respond to assessment might contribute significantly to learning behaviour and academic achievement. This paper reviews studies that have used a relatively new self-reported survey questionnaire (Students’ Conceptions of Assessment – SCoA) about student perceptions and understandings of assessment. Confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation modelling results have shown, consistent with self-regulation theory, that the SCoA inventory has meaningful relations with academic performance among New Zealand high school students. Further, German, Hong Kong, American, and New Zealand studies have shown that the SCoA has relations to motivational constructs (e.g. effort, learning strategies, interest, self-efficacy and anxiety) that are also consistent with self-regulation. The SCoA inventory extends our understanding of how student conceptions of assessment are an integral part of self-regulation and provide a warrant for use in research studies investigating test-taker responses to assessment practices and innovations at both university and high school levels.  相似文献   

Four epistemological belief and two teaching and learning conception dimensions were identified from a survey study of a sample of Hong Kong teacher education students. The epistemological belief dimensions were labeled Innate/Fixed Ability, Learning Effort/Process, Authority/Expert Knowledge and Certainty Knowledge. The results on epistemological beliefs were somewhat different from Schommer's findings with North American college students and reflected the influence of cultural contexts. The two teaching and learning conceptions were labelled Traditional and Constructivist Conceptions. Pearson correlation analysis showed significant relations between Innate/Fixed Ability, Authority/Expert Knowledge and Certainty Knowledge with Traditional Conception and Learning Effort/Process with Constructivist Conception. Confirmatory factor analysis also showed the possible causal effect of epistemological beliefs on conceptions about teaching and learning. All these analyses tended to support the suggested views in literature that teachers’ conceptions about teaching and learning are beliefs driven. Implications were drawn for future research in teacher education with respect to the relation of epistemological beliefs and teaching/learning conceptions in different cultures.  相似文献   

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