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利用自编的专家效度问卷,就教师领导力的现状及其影响因素对广东省内756名中小学骨干教师进行了问卷调查。结果显示:教师在参与学校事务决策过程中不具有相应影响力,学校的垂直管理体制和教师参与学校事务的渠道单一,导致教师较少有参与学校事务决策的机会;优秀教师在同事中具有较高的威信和明显的影响力,良好的人际关系、教学能力、品德与人格魅力是教师在同事中建立个人威信的重要条件;教师普遍对自己的教育教学工作驾驭力感到自信,"学校欠缺激励性的制度文化"和"教学的反思与研究能力不足"是制约教师教育教学能力发挥的重要因素;环境因素是影响教师领导力的主因,样本教师将教师领导力的现状首先归因于外部的和环境的因素,其次才归因于内部的和自身的因素。  相似文献   

The results presented in this article are taken from a case study of novice primary school mathematics teachers’ professional identity development from the perspective of the teachers themselves. The empirical material was collected through self-recordings, observations and interviews. The results show how the professional identity development of these novice teachers becomes a pursuit in line with their image of a primary school teacher. To develop a sense of themselves as primary school teachers they need to establish their own criteria - individual (including graduation and personal knowledge) and social (the ability to work in one school, have colleagues and have a class of their own for which they do the planning and teaching). These criteria are shown to be both a precondition for and a part of professional identity development. The novice teachers’ image of what it means to be a primary school teacher directs their actions and becomes the goal of their professional identity development. Because of its high impact, student and novice teachers’ image of primary school teachers ought to be made visible in both teacher education and teacher induction.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the importance of school leaders’ commitment to socialising newly qualified teachers (NQTs) into the teaching profession. Framed by a social constructivist perspective, the article is based on four challenges novice teachers face as described by four school leaders. The aim is to illuminate how school leaders have understood the conflicts and differences that come to light in these challenges. School leaders’ experiences of the encounter between NQTs and schools point to how the facilitation of the teachers’ professional development at their schools was challenged and how follow-up and guidance of NQTs only started after the problems were disclosed to colleagues and the school leaders. This study indicates that there is a lack of insight into NQTs’ work situation, a fact that seems to exacerbate a negative development in the school environment. We argue that school leaders must be more proactive by being aware of the dynamics of the teaching team when NQTs join a previously established team. School leaders should communicate the expectations they have for how the team can welcome NQTs’ new ideas, on the one hand, and offer support if they encounter challenges, on the other. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the composition of teaching teams must be reassessed from year to year so that they serve as an arena that promotes professional development for both NQTs and established teachers. Poor relationships with colleagues and a lack of cooperation within teacher teams may also have a detrimental effect on student learning. School leaders have a great amount of power and influence, perhaps much more than they are aware of, when it comes to the wellbeing of NQTs and their decision to remain in the profession. We underline the importance of the role school leaders have in socialising NQTs into the teaching profession by paying attention to how they are welcomed and mentored by their colleagues in school.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the results of a 2-part study using both state databases and teacher surveys to examine teacher retention and mobility in Washington's teacher workforce. The first part of the research examined individual teacher records during a 5-year period. Statewide analyses were conducted, and 20 districts were selected for in-depth examination. Data were examined in relation to student demographics, measures of student learning, and poverty level of the school, with special attention given to novice teachers and teachers of color. The second part of the study surveyed a representative sample of teachers regarding their views on factors that influence their decisions to stay or leave their school or school district. Findings suggest that focusing on the nature of teacher mobility within a district is a useful way to examine a number of equity concerns.  相似文献   

Using survey data gathered from novice teachers at the elementary and middle school level across 11 districts, this study examined variation in perceptions of working conditions related to workload and access to resources and further identified the association between these perceptions and the quality of support the novices received from their formal mentors and other colleagues. The findings from this study indicate that the quality of mentor support is positively associated with novice teachers’ ability to manage their assigned workload, while the quality of support from other colleagues is positively associated with novices’ ability to meet the requirements of their administrative tasks. Novices’ perceptions of the administrative climate varied little over the course of one school year, and there were only slight variations in novices’ perceptions based on years of experience and level taught. Novices did vary significantly from their veteran colleagues in their perceptions of working conditions. The findings from this study have implications for understanding the role that formal and informal teacher support has in mediating the expectations and demands of novice teachers’ work, which can then help guide improvements in novice teacher induction and working conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the characteristics of an ecological school culture conducive to the retention of novice teachers. Twenty novice teachers were selected randomly from 20 different schools in Israel. The qualitative research findings revealed that an ecological school culture conducive to the retention of novice teachers possesses a multi-dimensional framework characterized by categories such as organizational practices, peer communication, individual aspects, community, working conditions and teacher status. The research findings can contribute to reshaping guidance procedures and practices best-suited to novice teachers, which will ultimately aid in the retention of quality teachers.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the process of novice teachers’ adjustment to the teaching profession and to school culture in Israel. Forty-six beginning teachers who participated in a support program for novice teachers were interviewed extensively during their first and toward the end of their second year of teaching. The findings indicate how the transition and adaptation that novice teachers need to make in their new schools has much in common with that of immigrants in a new country. The experiences of immigrants provide a lens through which to investigate the stages that novice teachers go through. Similarities and differences between the two groups are examined, pointing to the implications of this analogy to novice teacher induction, teacher training, and attitudes of school principals.  相似文献   

This paper uses theory from sociology of education to explore associations between mentors’ and senior colleagues’ perceptions of schoolwide collective responsibility and the frequency of their interactions with novice teachers. Survey data was collected from novice teachers, their mentors, and their school-based colleagues in 6 Michigan districts and 5 Indiana districts in 2007–2008. The findings suggest that mentors’ perceptions of collective responsibility for learning are strongly associated with their interactions with mentees, and that senior colleagues’ perceptions of schoolwide collective responsibility are also critical to their interactions with novice teachers. This study has implications for principals’ efforts to facilitate interactions between beginning teachers and their mentors and colleagues about core instructional issues.  相似文献   

Most studies of school-based mentoring practice have put their key focus on discussions of the professional growth of novice teachers rather than of their mentors. Mentoring practice, however, is also a platform from which mentors can build or enhance their professional competency and capitalize their leadership role as they interact with novice teachers and their colleagues. This is an area which deserves further research attention. Drawing on the concept of social capital, this small-scale qualitative study investigates how mentors can develop or revise their mentoring skills and knowledge while they engage in school-based mentoring practice. Semi-structured interviews and documents were collected from 31 mentors from primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong from 2014 to 2015. Findings of this study firstly show that both bonding social capital and bridging social capital can help mentors develop their mentoring knowledge in different ways. Secondly, bridging social capital can help mentors act as boundary brokers who develop transformative learning by interacting with outside experts. Providing more off-site or cluster-based mentor training programs and mentoring partnership schemes with outside experts could be the way forward to maximize the professional competency of mentors aiming at improving school capacity.  相似文献   

This paper explores the difficulties that novice teachers confront at two economically, socially, and academically disadvantaged schools in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The researchers employed the action research tradition. Problems were identified using participant observation during reflexive workshops conducted with novice teachers and also in school settings. Teacher-generated written documents during the workshops were also analyzed. The difficulties these teachers face include issues related to parent involvement, resources, students’ basic learning background, teaching strategies for students with particular needs, discipline, work overload, and career preparation and curricular reform. The identified challenges are similar to those that beginning teachers typically experience. However, results of this study highlight the ways in which the immediate working context and characteristics of Mexico’s educational system uniquely impact and structure the experience of novice teachers in disadvantaged schools.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at exploring teachers’ perceptions and practices of peer support in Bangladeshi primary schools. It also looks into the contrast between the perceptions and practices, and the underlying reasons behind such deviations. The study collects data from teachers who are undergoing a large-scale teacher development project called English in Action. The project provides face-to-face and distance learning support to the teachers, as well as promotes the idea of context-based learning through peer support in both primary and secondary schools in Bangladesh. This study adopted a mixed method approach. The quantitative part looks into teachers’ perceptions and practices in regards to peer support. A close-ended questionnaire was used to understand the extent teachers feel peer support is important and their actual engagement with colleagues for the support activities. Qualitative methods including observations, focus group discussions, and interviews are used to identify the activities that teachers do together with their colleagues in a school and the barriers to such activities. The results show that, teachers define peer support in a specific way and consider it as very important for their professional development. However, their engagement in such activities is restricted by several factors.  相似文献   

The lived experiences of novice teachers in out-of-field positions influence future career decisions and impact on their journey towards being competent and experienced practitioners, conversely their “life-world” is often misunderstood. The purpose of the study reported in this article is to investigate the lived experiences of these teachers, how principals’ understanding and leadership styles influence the lived experiences of novice out-of-field teachers, and what these lived experiences mean for school leaders. The article highlights perceptions of school leaders and novice out-of-field teachers about out-of-field teaching. It argues that the strategies implemented by school leaders based on their understanding of novice out-of-field teachers’ lived experience greatly influence the development of these teachers. It draws on Gadamer’s theories to investigate the lived experiences and perceptions of four principals and four novice out-of-field teachers through the different lenses of these participants. It concludes with a discussion on the interrelationships between school leaders’ understanding, novice teachers’ lived experience and what it means for the teaching environment. Participants’ interpretation of specific lived experiences connected to out-of-field teaching shapes meaning in their attempt to understand and to “belong,” for example, confidence issues, self-esteem concerns, and disconnectedness. The investigation of these units of meaning provides an in-depth understanding of the interrelationship between leadership and the lived experiences of novice out-of-field teachers.  相似文献   

The Teachers of Promise study has followed the work histories of 57 primary and secondary teachers who had been identified at the beginning of their third year of teaching as having the potential to make a significant contribution to the profession. Using data from surveys and interviews, this paper reports on what sustained or inhibited their initial commitment to and enthusiasm for ‘making a difference’, six years later, both in the classroom and in broader school leadership roles. Satisfaction with their day-to-day experiences in their schools was a particularly strong driver of teachers’ career decisions over time. Thirty-four teachers responded to survey items that were used to identify three different groups of teachers: a group of 10 primary school teachers with the highest levels of job satisfaction who were ‘fulfilling their promise’; a group of 21 primary and secondary teachers who were ‘persevering and coping’; and three teachers who were ‘detached and disengaged’. The group with the highest levels of job satisfaction taught in primary schools where they felt respected and valued, and supported to develop their teaching and leadership expertise. School leadership practices and school cultures in the other two groups diminished teachers’ overall job satisfaction and contribution to collective knowledge building in their schools. Almost all of the teachers had retained their commitment to students, to their current schools and to teaching as a career, including those with lower levels of satisfaction. Although these teachers reported ‘collegial’ relationships with their peers, individualistic school cultures, most often in secondary schools, impacted on their opportunities to learn with and from their colleagues. Few secondary school teachers felt appreciated, and included in school decision-making or had found it possible to combine high standards of classroom teaching with management responsibilities. The study indicates that while most promising teachers were still satisfied with teaching after nine years, relatively few were in schools where they were able to make the impact that had been predicted for them early in their careers.  相似文献   

对297名无锡地区职后五年内小学教师的问卷调查表明,职后五年内小学教师专业发展多处于新手和熟练新手阶段,专业发展自我满意度较低,专业发展规划不够系统,在教育科研、课堂教学和班级管理方面存在诸多困惑。他们期望获得来自同行同事、带教师傅、教研员、校领导以及学科专家的支持,通过师傅带教、赛课评课等路径不断更新教育理念、获得更多有效教学策略和班级管理策略,提高自身教育教学能力和水平。建议建构无锡地区职后五年内教师专业发展支持系统时注意完善支持目的、拓宽支持主体、丰富支持项目、创新支持模式并改革评价机制。  相似文献   

运用内容分析法,以《人民教育》杂志2003-2005年《名师人生》栏目中36位特级教师撰写的人生经历为样本,从影响优秀教师成长的个人背景因素、影响优秀教师职业选择和职业成功的因素、影响优秀教师成长的关键事件进行了定量的描述与分析,结果表明:①个人背景因素中性别、教龄、学段和学科因素对优秀教师成长存在影响,入职学历、家庭经济资源和入职学校类型因素对优秀教师成长不存在影响;②优秀教师的成长主要受到后天因素中个人的努力、教学互动、专家引领、师傅指导、同伴互助和领导支持的影响,影响优秀教师成长的个人因素依次为教学研究与反思、专业学习、教改实践和教育理想与信念;③公开课、教学中的挫折和冲突等关键事件对优秀教师成长起着重要作用。优秀教师的成长需要政府、学校作出制度安排。  相似文献   

The building of professional learning communities has been widely recognized as an effective strategy for schools wanting to improve student performance and enhance teachers’ professional capacity. This study explored the relationship between leadership practices and professional learning communities, with a particular focus on the mediating role of trust in colleagues within the context of mainland China. A total of 215 primary school teachers in a province of southwestern China participated in the study. The results showed that leadership practices and trust in colleagues had positive effects on five factors of professional learning communities, namely a shared sense of purpose, collaborative activity, collective focus on student learning, deprivatized practice, and reflective dialog. Trust in colleagues also mediated the influence of leadership practices on professional learning communities. The implications for facilitating professional learning communities in mainland China are discussed here.  相似文献   

大学教师对学校的认同结构是测量大学教师对学校认同的一个重要基础。以H省11所大学664名教师为调查对象,探讨大学教师组织认同的结构,问卷显示:大学教师的组织认同是由组织认同感和组织公民行为两方面组成,两方面存在一定的相关,但各自具有独立的结构因素。其中,大学教师组织认同感主要由组织适合性和组织归属性两部分组成,大学教师组织公民行为主要由热爱学校、帮助同事和自我发展3个维度组成。  相似文献   

In the field of teacher attrition, there is a significant body of literature on why teachers leave high-needs urban schools and particularly why beginning teachers leave their schools and the profession. However, there is little research on the reasons why experienced teachers leave the teaching profession. This paper examines this subject by considering whether teachers experience an ‘identity crisis’ in their careers which prompts them to leave. Drawing on identity theory, data from a single case study of an experienced urban teacher are taken from a wider qualitative research study carried out in London, England. The case is made that decisions to leave or stay in a school are contingent on a number of personal, professional and situational factors related to the teacher’s identity. The article concludes that one way to understand why long-serving teachers leave the profession is to examine aspects of their teacher identity and explore how a crisis in professional identity can contribute towards teacher attrition. In the light of this alternative approach towards understanding attrition, at the very least, supportive structures can be put in place to encourage more teachers to stay and contribute to the success and well-being of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.  相似文献   

We are now living in an era of big data. From the perspective of data analysis of classroom questioning, the paper chooses three districts in City B that have significant differences. These are educationally developed District D, less developed District F, and developing District M. The study uses the stratified sampling method to choose from three different groups of teachers, namely novice teachers, competent teachers, and experienced teachers, by way of video case analysis, the Item Response Theory (IRT) model method, and the inductive and deductive method, to analyze the characteristics of teachers’ classroom questions. It was found that: (1) In terms of open questioning, all three districts with their different levels in educational development need to improve open questioning levels among their experienced primary school teachers. In middle schools, novice teachers’ open questioning tendency is significantly lower than that of qualified and experienced teachers; (2) From the quantitative study of three kinds of tendencies, the lowest level of the three tendencies in the classroom questions is problem-solving; (3) In the three districts, the experienced and qualified primary school teachers in the developing district has a prominent advantage in raising critical and creative questions, while in the middle schools, novice teachers generally have a lower level than qualified and experienced teachers in raising critical and creative questions. The results of the big data analysis enable us to draw a conclusion about teachers’ value orientation regarding questioning in class. At present, they pay attention to the local value of classroom questioning, but ignore the overall value; pay attention to the instrumental value of classroom questioning, but ignore the objective value; and pay attention to the superficial value of classroom questions, but ignore the underlying value.  相似文献   

The demanding first years of teaching are a time when many teachers leave the teaching profession or discard the reform-minded practice emphasized in teacher preparation. If we are to lessen teacher attrition and more effectively support teachers during their development, a better understanding of what occurs during their induction into the profession is needed. The question that drove this research was what factors influence how a beginning science teacher negotiates entry into teaching? Specifically, we sought to understand how a beginning science teacher’s identities interact with the teaching context; how this interaction shapes his use of reform-minded teaching practice; and how the negotiation of identity, context, and practice influence a novice teacher’s employment decisions. The study involved 2 years of data collection; data included classroom and school observations, questionnaires, interviews, and teaching artifacts (such as lesson plans and assessments). The results demonstrate how conflicts in identities, institutional expectations, and personal dispositions of this novice influenced his transition in becoming a member of his school community. Implications of these interactions for teacher preparation and support are provided.  相似文献   

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