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Luck (2009) argues that gamers face a dilemma when it comes to performing certain virtual acts. Most gamers regularly commit acts of virtual murder, and take these acts to be morally permissible. They are permissible because unlike real murder, no one is harmed in performing them; their only victims are computer-controlled characters, and such characters are not moral patients. What Luck points out is that this justification equally applies to virtual pedophelia, but gamers intuitively think that such acts are not morally permissible. The result is a dilemma: either gamers must reject the intuition that virtual pedophelic acts are impermissible and so accept partaking in such acts, or they must reject the intuition that virtual murder acts are permissible, and so abstain from many (if not most) extant games. While the prevailing solution to this dilemma has been to try and find a morally relevant feature to distinguish the two cases, I argue that a different route should be pursued. It is neither the case that all acts of virtual murder are morally permissible, nor are all acts of virtual pedophelia impermissible. Our intuitions falter and produce this dilemma because they are not sensitive to the different contexts in which games present virtual acts.  相似文献   

We consider electrical circuits containing linear resistances, capacitances and inductances. The circuits can be described by differential-algebraic input–output systems, where the input consists of voltages of voltage sources and currents of current sources and the output consists of currents of voltage sources and voltages of current sources. We generalize a characterization of asymptotic stability of the circuit and give sufficient topological criteria for its invariant zeros being located in the open left half-plane. We show that asymptotic stability of the zero dynamics can be characterized by means of the interconnectivity of the circuit and that it implies that the circuit is high-gain stabilizable with any positive high-gain factor. Thereafter we consider the output regulation problem for electrical circuits by funnel control. We show that for circuits with asymptotically stable zero dynamics, the funnel controller achieves tracking of a class of reference signals within a pre-specified funnel; this means in particular that the transient behavior of the output error can be prescribed and the funnel controller does neither incorporate any internal model for the reference signals nor any identification mechanism, it is simple in its design. The results are illustrated by a simulation of a discretized transmission line.  相似文献   

A multigroup version of the method of successive generations is used to determine the multiplication factors of unmoderated and unreflected periodic lattices of identical fissile components. The lattice components must be one-dimensional (i.e. spheres, infinitely long cylinders or infinite slabs). Lattices of nearly one-dimensional components (cubes or long cylinders) may, however, be approximately treated. The lattice components may be arranged in a linear, planar or cuboidal manner; the permissible component arrangements being limited by the lattice component geometry.  相似文献   

柳叶芹与当归属和山芹属在花形态、果实结构和花粉特征等方面有较大差异,将本种作为单种属柳叶芹属来处理是合适的。  相似文献   

独立学院为我国高等教育发展作出了重要贡献,但硬件设施投入不足一定程度上制约了其实践教学的开展。运用虚拟仪器技术能有效解决教学投入不足的问题。介绍了LabVIEW虚拟仪器的特点,并将LabVIEW软件应用到实践创新项目中。  相似文献   

虚拟示波器的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要介绍了虚拟仪器的定义,特点,组成及其发展中的关键技术和发展趋势;通过虚拟示波器的设计来进一步了解LabVIEW的使用方法和各种特点。  相似文献   

晏府宏 《科技广场》2010,(1):176-178
本文设计的直流放大器由直流放大模块和测试模块两部分组成。在直流放大模块中设计了稳压电源和混有200mV串模工频干扰的直流信号发生器;测试模块用来检测直流放大器的直流电压增益、输入阻抗、共模抑制比等参数。实验数据表明各性能参数都满足要求。  相似文献   

The principle of the grid-controlled arc or thyratron is briefly described and the norminal ratings as regards filament current, maximum plate current etc. of four important thyratrns are given in table form. Methods of measuring the grid current, critical grid potential, etc., with D.C. power supply are given along with the results obtained on the General Electric Company thyratrons FG-17, FG-27 and FG-67. Characteristics obtained with A.C. power supply are also shown for these thyratrons and some of the relative advantages of the “phase-shift” and the “critical potential” methods of control are discussed when used in connection with photoelectric cell circuits. The A.C. measurements seem to show that a time of 10?3 second is required to start a thyratron. An amplifier circuit is shown by which it is theoretically possible to control a thyratron circuit using an input current to the amplifier of 10?11 ampere.  相似文献   

高精度输出半导体激光器的温度控制系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章朝阳 《科技广场》2007,(5):219-220
本文利用高信噪比的运算放大器、半导体制冷器,设计了一种激光器的温控系统,其能为半导体激光器提供高稳定度的恒温控制(ATC),从而提高了半导体激光器的使用寿命和输出波长的单一性。  相似文献   

Presently, science is an important precondition for the economic development of less-developed countries. This paper discusses the specific roles that science has at initial stages of development, pointing to its contributions for the countries’ absorptive capability. Furthermore, this paper specifies the role of science for initiating a positive interaction with technological development, since initial stages of development and during catching up processes. For less-developed countries, neither the linear model of technology nor an “inverted linear model” would take place: a more interactive approach is necessary for development. Using statistics of patents (USPTO) and scientific papers (ISI) for 120 countries (1974, 1982, 1990, and 1998), this paper analyses some evidences on thresholds levels of scientific production to originate an interactive relationship between science and technology. These data also document that the value of this threshold seems to double from one period to another. Although this paper presents tentative results, some policy implications are discussed: scientific institutional building must be seen as a component of modern industrial policies.  相似文献   

邓晖 《中国科技信息》2007,(22):296-297
本文针对HMC1023磁阻传感器的特点,讨论了该传感器对多通道宽磁场测量系统的设计问题。本文利用仪用放大器和采样保持器实现了多通道实时采样,利用PGA可以对传感器输出的放大倍数自动调节,从而使其满足宽磁场范围的准确测量。本文也讨论了传感器的输出在PC机上的实时显示问题。  相似文献   

庞雯予 《科教文汇》2014,(27):17-18
自古以来,道德教育都是教育中非常重要的一个组成部分。古人云:“才德全尽谓之圣人,才德兼亡谓之愚人,德胜才谓之君子,才胜德谓之小人。”(司马光《资治通鉴》)今天我们仍然强调“德才兼备,以德为先”,可见,任何时候,道德教育都对人才的培养发挥着至关重要的作用。然而,目前我国“基础课”道德教育存在许多问题,尽快改变其现状,显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

介绍一种能同时实现酒精浓度测试和环境温度测试并且可以语音播报检测结果的便携式检测仪器的设计。该仪器的设计具有体积小、灵敏度高、选择性好、稳定性高、响应时间短、便携式等特点。它可用于交通安检及酒厂、食品工厂发酵的监测。  相似文献   

In connection with a study of small thyratrons recently published, certain results seemed to indicate that 1,000 micro-seconds were required to set up conduction, but an investigation using a cathode-ray oscillograph definitely shows that good conduction can be set up in 10 to 20 micro-seconds. A satisfactory explanation of the earlier result, not requiring a time lag, has been suggested by O. W. Livingston of the General Electric Company.  相似文献   

闫石  姚晓玲 《科技广场》2012,(5):110-112
本文介绍了高频小信号LC谐振放大器的设计思路与具体电路实现,主要由衰减网络、LC谐振放大、电压跟随和电源四大模块组成。衰减器采用电阻式π型网络实现;LC谐振放大中选用功耗小的2N2222型三极管进行两级放大,LC谐振部分为放大器的负载;电压跟随采用集成运放OPA355,以实现电路阻抗的良好匹配;为了给放大器工作提供稳压电源,采用LM317稳压芯片设计了一个电源。经测试,放大器低功耗、高增益,具有良好的选择性。  相似文献   

本文借助Hspice和Cadence等EDA设计工具设计了一种电流模式的PWM控制电路芯片。重点研究了其中的核心模块电路:基准电压、PWM比较器、误差放大器(EA)、振荡电路、驱动电路和一系列保护电路。仿真结果表明设计的基准电压源具有较小的温度系数,能够在较宽的电源电压下正常工作,整体应用电路能够有效地调控工作。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive study of a coherent feedback network where the main component consists of two distant double quantum dot (DQD) qubits which are directly coupled to a cavity. This main component has recently been physically realized (van Woerkom et al., Microwave photon-mediated interactions between semiconductor qubits, Physical Review X, 8(4):041018, 2018). The feedback loop is closed by cascading this main component with a beamsplitter. The dynamics of this coherent feedback network is studied from three perspectives. First, an analytic form of the output single-photon state of the network driven by a single-photon state is derived. In contrast to the experimental observations made in the above paper where a laser is used as input, new interesting physical phenomena are revealed by means of single-photon input. Second, excitation probabilities of DQD qubits are computed when the network is driven by a single-photon input state. Finally, if the input is vacuum but one of the two DQD qubits is initialized in its excited state, the explicit expression of the steady-state joint system-field state is derived, which shows that the output single-photon field and the two DQD qubits can form an entangled state if the transition frequencies of two DQD qubits are equal. This analytical expression can be used to interpret experimental results in the existing literature.  相似文献   

介绍了一种高性能CMOS采样/保持电路,在0.35-μm工艺、3.3-V电源和18-mW功耗下,实现了50-MHz采样频率,输入直到奈奎斯特频率仍能达到10位精度的要求。电路采用全差分结构、底极板采样、栅压自举开关技术、增益自举的折叠共源共栅跨导核心运算放大器和钳制共模电平的电平控制放大器。  相似文献   

脉冲C类固态放大器中偏置馈电电路的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对脉冲C类固态放大器中偏置馈电电路部分作一些探讨,研究偏置馈电电路及其供电储能、滤波等,使放大器更稳定可靠地工作。  相似文献   

A mechanical integraph has been developed which plots continuously the integral of the product of two functions. It uses the principle of the electrical integrating watthour-meter combined with a moving table. Errors of the machine have been reduced to an average of 1 per cent. for common uses. By cross-connecting the device in a simple mechanical way, it is possible to solve certain types of integral equations. A link motion has been added which plots the product of two given functions. Various uses have been made of the instrument for solving problems in connection with electrical circuits, continuous beams, etc., and certain problems involving integral equations.  相似文献   

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