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This paper examines the reasons that physical education teachers exhibited caring behaviors during teaching. Four physical education teachers, identified as caring physical education teachers, were formally and informally interviewed and observed teaching. Data were analyzed using content analysis and inductive coding, and three themes emerged. The teachers (a) share similar beliefs about why it is important to be caring and had similar influences on their teaching conduct, (b) similarly believe that physical activity/physical education makes a difference in the lives of youth, and (c) share a common interest in broadening relationships with students. The results suggest that there are common reasons these caring teachers care for their students—in particular, personal biography seems to be a strong influence—and that more studies are needed to examine further these results and the relationship between the concept of caring and teaching.  相似文献   

The health and physical education (HPE) profession needs to find alternatives to its individualistic and performative focus if it is to remain relevant and meaningful for all learners. This paper presents a way of framing HPE that helps to shift the focus from the individual as autonomous decision-maker, and goes beyond sport and fitness testing as the main contexts for learning. To do this we present the socio-ecological action research (SEAR) frame for unit development that was co-created and enacted over a six-month period involving dialogue between teachers, students, parents, researchers and community. This paper presents findings from semi-structured interviews, student artefacts and field notes collected as one component of a broader three-phase study which spanned three years. The data describe how generalist primary teachers (n=4) from a small Victorian community and their students (aged 8–10 years) tackled a unit of work that positioned centrally the everyday physical experiences of active school travel (AST). Teachers supported students in exploring barriers to their AST, and developing strategies that would counteract some of the negative perceptions that had limited their AST in the past. The findings suggest that the unit of work evolved from an exploration of AST into a much broader exploration of the whole community. This paper does not provide evidence for an alternative way to view HPE, rather it represents an embryonic exploration of how a SEAR frame might support teachers in applying inquiry-based pedagogies that extend beyond the individual as autonomous decision-maker, and promote opportunities for exploration and understanding of environmental, social and personal factors that influence our health and everyday physically active lives. Despite students being positioned as central actors within the SEAR frame, obtaining genuine student voice throughout the process proved challenging.  相似文献   

Background: Many alternative curricular models exist in physical education to better meet the needs of students than the multi-activity team sports curriculum that dominates in the USA. These alternative curricular models typically require different content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical CK (PCK) to implement successfully. One of the complexities of learning to teach these models for pre-service teachers (PTs) is understanding the different CK and PCK required which is compounded by their personal lack of experience of the model.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the PCK enacted by PTs learning to teach an alternative curricular model (adventure-based learning [ABL]) in urban middle schools.

Research design: Qualitative methods were used to explore how the PTs demonstrated their PCK while teaching an ABL unit to urban middle school students. The study took place at a major university and in three middle schools in a large urban school district in Midwestern USA.

Participants: Thirteen PTs enrolled in the secondary methods course and associated internship agreed to participate in this study. The PTs (five males and eight females) ranged in age from 21 to 26 years and all self-identified as white.

Data collection and data analysis: Three methods of data collection were employed in this study: interviews, daily reflections called critical friends, and stimulated recall reflection of teaching an ABL lesson. Data were analyzed using constant comparison. Trustworthiness was established through triangulation of the data using multiple data sources, peer debriefing, member checking, and negative case analysis.

Findings: Four themes represented the PTs' demonstration of PCK when learning to teach ABL in urban middle schools. The themes were (a) trusting the sequence, (b) knowing your students, (c) facilitate don't dictate, and (d) processing the experience. The findings provide further insight into the demonstration of PTs' PCK in secondary physical education, and specifically relative to teaching ABL in urban middle schools. To better equip PTs to be able to teach using these models, we recommend the following: (a) they have the opportunity to ‘live the curriculum' in their PETE programme, (b) developing the PTs' specific CK and student-centered pedagogical knowledge for specific alternative curricular models is imperative in developing the PCK for such model, (c) developing PTs' knowledge of students relative to the complexities of learning to teach each specific model, (d) observing an expert teach the model to K-12 students, and (e) recognizing that learning to teach these models is a developmental process and providing the PTs with an emotionally safe and caring space to explore teaching such models is crucial.  相似文献   

Research suggests that physical education (PE) in Western countries is not providing equitable experiences for non-white students. Responsibility for shortcomings has often been ascribed to white PE teachers. Scholars have claimed that teachers lack cultural competence and know little about how physical cultures or health are understood by the young people with whom they work. The objective of this investigation was to investigate this claim and generate an understanding of how white PE teachers in a culturally diverse high school make sense of their work with non-white students. Data with three Swedish teachers of varying experience were produced using semi-structured interviewing. A series of school visits provided a complementary line of data. Four themes emerged from the data. These related to: (1) differences between white and non-white values; (2) the knowledge and dispositions necessary for success in PE; (3) the broad purpose of PE, and; (4) the differences between boys’ and girls’ experiences of PE. Data were interpreted using a Critical Race Theory (CRT) perspective, with the notion of ‘whiteness’ providing a specific analytic concept. The general thesis developed in the second part of the paper is that problems result not from insensitivity or incompetence but from discourses of whiteness in which many teachers live and work. By building on critical research both in general education and physical education literature and by utilizing whiteness as an analytical concept, the investigation shows how three PE teachers draw extensively on the racial discourse of whiteness and how this disadvantages non-white students. The paper is concluded with a consideration of how racial disadvantage could be challenged or disrupted.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of research on cultural diversity, discrimination and racism in physical education teaching and practice. However, although ‘cultural diversity’ is a central concern in research, curriculum and policies of higher education, it is not clear how and in what ways students and teachers should consider cultural diversity. Drawing on qualitative interviews with teachers and students in a Norwegian physical education teacher education (PETE) programme, we investigate how and in what ways students and teachers regard cultural diversity in that context. We suggest that cultural diversity is not sufficiently understood when it is assumed that knowledge about particular positions or identity categories (white, black, minority, majority) is fixed. Our findings indicate that cultural diversity is visible in movement and in bodily resonance between people. These findings present a strong argument for recognition of the relational, embodied and social aspect of cultural diversity in PE.  相似文献   

Urban students often have difficulty engaging in the learning process and affiliating with others. A three-phase research design was used to examine the effectiveness of a high school physical education curriculum reform initiative entitled "Sport for Peace" to enhance student engagement and willingness to interact positively with others. Ten physical educators in six urban schools taught a traditional soccer unit (Phase I) followed by instruction and mentoring in the Sport for Peace curriculum (Phase II). In the third phase of the research, teachers developed and taught a Sport for Peace unit to their students. Data were collected using observation and interview methods and analyzed with constant comparison. Results suggested that the Sport for Peace curricular structures fostered shared responsibility for learning, trust, respect, and a sense of family. Both high- and low-skilled girls and boys felt successful and responded positively, creating a class community more conducive to engagement and participation.  相似文献   

师生关系是教育过程中最重要、最基本的人际关系。师生关系的好坏,直接影响教育活动能否顺利完成及教育质量的高低,对师生的发展都有着重大的影响。良好的师生关系是推动教育水平不断提高的重要因素。然而,随着社会的发展、教育的改革,师生之间的关系也相应地发生一些改变。比如师生感情淡漠、师生关系不够民主、平等许多需要解决的问题。本文拟以我校大一大二学生和所有公体课体育教师为研究对象,运用文献综述法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计等方法,了解目前我校公共体育课的"师生关系"现状,并对现状进行研究分析,在此基础上提出相关建议,为我校更好进行公共体育教学提供第一手材料。通过调查分析得出:1.当前高校体育师生关系在整体上还是比较和谐的,但是在"师生关系和谐"的广度和深度上体育教师和学生认识不同。通过双样本T检验男女生之间和不同院系之间存在显著性差异。2.体育教师和学生对沟通程度的回答差异较大,这既反映了师生之间对师生关系认识上的差异,也反映出师生间缺乏沟通与交流的现实。3.体育教学中师生关系对体育课教学效果有比较强的影响。4.体育教师应具备的品质在学生心目中列前三位的分别是:第一、对学生热情、耐心、理解;第二、灵活安排教学;第三、公正、公平。在体育教师心目中列前三位的分别是:第一、对学生热情、耐心、理解;第二、学识渊博,技术水平高超;第三、关心学生、善于与学生交往。5.体育教师认为影响高校体育师生关系的主要因素排在前三位的分别是:体育教师、社会环境和学生,而学生则认为是体育教师、学生和场地器材。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料研究法和问卷调查法等研究方法,对太原市小学体育教师培养学生社会适应能力的现状进行调查,旨在了解小学《体育与健康教学大纲》实施以来,太原市小学体育教师在培养学生社会适应能力、在教学内容、教学方法以及教学评价等方面存在的问题,并提出一些建议,以期为太原市小学体育教育提供相应的帮助。  相似文献   


Background: Pedagogical models have become an established component of physical education over the past several decades. One such model, the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility model, has gained momentum in practice and research, though little is known regarding its use in preservice teacher training. The model follows a flexible format focused on teaching life skills (e.g. leadership) that can be applied in all lived ecologies. Occupational socialization theory provides insight into the pretraining and teacher education experiences of preservice teachers that shape their understanding and practice of physical education and associated pedagogical models.

Aims: The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of a sequence of methods courses and early field experiences on U.S. preservice teachers’ understanding and implementation of the teaching personal and social responsibility model with youth from a community affected by poverty.

Method: This study took on a phenomenological and social constructivist approach. Ten preservice teachers (9 males, 1 female) took part in the study. The participants were an average age of 22.10 years old (SD?=?4.38) and seven identified as White and three as Black. Each participant was enrolled in methods and early field experience coursework that provided scaffolded training in primary education in a community affected by poverty. Preservice teachers team-taught groups of 10–15 children twice a week along with one day committed to on-campus reflection. Data collection included autobiographical essays, critical incident reports, reflective journals, non-participatory observations and field notes, and semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed deductively through the lens of occupational socialization theory, and inductively as theory divergent trends were sought. Open and axial coding was completed with member checking throughout, resulting in a final set of themes and subthemes.

Findings: The preservice teachers initially struggled to connect with their students due to conflicting backgrounds, but the teaching personal and social responsibility model guided the relationship-building process. As the model was continuously utilized, more empathy and care were shown towards the children. Preservice teachers felt there was a lack of progression in positive behaviors but were able to empower youth and felt that the model was culturally relevant. Overtime, the students began to appreciate the affective domain despite the challenge of working in a community affected by poverty through frustration towards the larger system limiting any potential progress was present.

Conclusions: Subjective theories transitioned to include relationship building and life skills learning, likely because of the extended field experience and faculty support. The preservice teachers desire to connect with and teach the students well displays the connection between models-based practice and positive relationships. Preservice teachers’ knowledge of their students was limited as it was based on secondhand knowledge of youth, teacher educators, and school staff. Evidence indicates some cultural responsiveness development though there were also elements of a deficit model due to white privilege and class differences. Further work explicitly integrating a culturally relevant approach and social justice in teacher education programming should occur.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze how the challenges of urban schools influence physical education teachers' emotional understanding and connections with their students and the implications on their teaching. Sixty-one elementary physical educators from an urban school district in the midwestern U.S. were interviewed multiple times (N = 136) over 3 years using interpretive methodology. Teachers reported five unique challenges that significantly shaped their thinking about students and their careers, along with strategies they used to overcome or manage those challenges. The challenges were: (a) insufficient instructional resources, (b) implementing culturally relevant pedagogy, (c) dealing with community violence, (d) integrating more games in curricula, and (e) teaching in a culture of basketball. Implications centered on the guilt-inducing nature of urban teaching, developing an informed and realistic vision of urban physical education, and the role of teacher preparation and professional development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze how the challenges of urban schools influence physical education teachers' emotional understanding and connections with their students and the implications on their teaching. Sixty-one elementary physical educators from an urban school district in the midwestern U.S. were interviewed multiple times (N = 136) over 3 years using interpretive methodology. Teachers reported five unique challenges that significantly shaped their thinking about students and their careers, along with strategies they used to overcome or manage those challenges. The challenges were: (a) insufficient instructional resources, (b) implementing culturally relevant pedagogy, (c) dealing with community violence, (d) integrating more games in curricula, and (e) teaching in a culture of basketball. Implications centered on the guilt-inducing nature of urban teaching, developing an informed and realistic vision of urban physical education, and the role of teacher preparation and professional development.  相似文献   

孙玉林 《当代体育科技》2020,(12):129-129,131
随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对健康的身体特别向往。在核心素养的背景下如何上好高中体育课,是每一位体育教师关心的首要问题。首先让学生对终身体育锻炼的观念要理解,其次教师通过学校体育课的教学,设计科学的体育教学内容,让学生养成终身体育锻炼的良好习惯。高中体育教师应改变自身传统的教学理念,通过现代化教学手段给学生上课,指引学生树立正确的体育观念,并引领学生将这种体育观念应用到社会生活中。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访问调查法和数理统计分析,对宣城市部分小学学生课外体育活动现状进行研究。结果发现:宣城市小学学生课外体育活动内容、指导和组织单调;受传统文化的影响,学生主动参与性不高;学校体育课和课外体育活动不协调;体育经费不足,设备器材严重缺乏;体育老师数量严重缺编,专业素质有待提高,小学竞技体育后备人才培养工作滞后;体育场地狭小,有被侵占得情况。  相似文献   

The field of physical education (PE), as it exists in teacher education, is dynamic as ways of preparing teachers to meet the needs of young people in contemporary times change. Such endeavours are underpinned by concerns about school-based PE, the alienation of students from PE, and responsibility for producing healthy students. Concerns also exist around a perceived propensity amongst pre-service teachers of PE to steadfastly retain initial beliefs and values and resist more socially critical perspectives and pedagogies. An engagement with socially critical discourses in teacher education is critical if PE is to be a site of inclusion rather than marginalisation and exclusion. This paper examines how a group of pre-service teachers of PE, who experienced a teacher education programme, at an Australian university, that was infused with strong social justice discourses constituted subjectivities and pedagogical practices. We explore how, emotional connectivity, and an ‘ethic of care’, instil broadened perspectives and engagement with socially critical pedagogical practices. Whilst emotions and caring are generally perceived as marginal attributes in the field of PE, we suggest that the affective domain is significant to effective pedagogical practices, subjectivities of teachers of PE and the reality of teaching. We seek to trouble ‘truths’ disseminated by hegemonic discourses that construct PE teaching as a technical undertaking, founded on disciplinary knowledge and curricular expertise. We close by providing possibilities for others working with PE pre-service teachers around foregrounding affective dimensions of pedagogical practices and teacher subjectivities and propose that these possibilities might address calls for a new type of PE teacher.  相似文献   

西北普通高校体育教学改革关键因素分析及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
毕研洁  乔德平 《体育科学》2004,24(1):48-49,64
通过对西北5所高校部分学生进行问卷调查了解到,西北普通高校体育教学中教学内容、课程设置、硬件设施以及师资队伍建设状况还达不到高校体育教学的预期效果。找出影响西北普通高校体育教学质量的主要因素,并在此基础上提出:体育教学应以终身体育为指导思想,培养能力为目标;课程设置是体育教学改革的具体实施;场地设施及师资队伍建设是体育教学改革的有力保证。  相似文献   

中小学生心理健康现状对体育教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李向东 《体育学刊》2007,14(3):92-94
采用心理健康诊断测验(MTH),对河南省12所学校(小学四到六年级、初中和高中)5 812名中小学生进行心理健康调查。结果显示:小学生中高焦虑水平学生检出率为3.8%,内容量表检出率最高的为自责倾向(9.02%),其次是对人焦虑倾向(8.66%)。城乡男女生比较,乡村学生心理健康水平差于城市学生,女生的心理焦虑程度高于男生。建议体育教学过程中针对这些突出的问题开展合作学习、游戏等能够减轻或消除这些因素的体育项目,同时要求体育教师要正确引导心理障碍的学生;加强农村体育师资的培训,使其能够更好地和学生交流,运用体育手段减轻学生的心理障碍;体育教学过程中要重视女生的教育,选择合适的语言、合适的运动项目促进女生的心理健康。  相似文献   

再论体育院校双语教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就体育院校双语教学面临的理论和实践问题,采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法及对比分析法进行了研究。结果表明:体育院校实施双语教学具有:学习内容与生活联系较紧、协调用脑功能,便于语言学习、师生间的形式多样的互动以及教学组织形式极为有利等优势。但也存在师资力量、学生的英语基础及教材等问题。树立科学的语言学习观、树立语言学习的长期性思想,加强师资队伍和教材建设。  相似文献   

韩新威 《当代体育科技》2020,(11):155-155,157
近些年体育教学方法的研究重点在于怎样更好地改革创新,为更好地加强学校体育的管理,加大力度促进学生体质健康的增长。本文利用查找文献的方法,总结体育教师在进行教学方法创新过程中所发生的问题,在进行创新过程中所要遵循的原则,并通过深刻地讨论分析总结出相关策略,为我国基层体育教师进行教学方法创新实施过程中增添更多的理论依据。  相似文献   

学校体育教学中的德育是落实立德树人教育根本任务和发展学生学科核心素养的重要手段。运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法解析当前体育教学中德育的实践困境并围绕现存问题提出优化策略。研究认为:1)学校体育教学中德育具体指涉的是体育品德教育,体育品德教育是学校场域中道德教育的途径与手段。2)实践困境表现在体育教学德育价值和功能的泛化导致体育品德教育目标的模糊,体育教师对运动技能教学的狭隘理解限制品德教育内容的生成,体育教师教学实践智慧的缺失固化对学生实施品德教育的方式,传统技能教学过程未重视师生交往关系对学生品德塑造的价值,体育品德的内隐性使教师难以把握对学生体育品德的客观评价。提出优化策略:发展学生体育品德学科核心素养是体育教学中德育的目标,强调技能教学项目完整性与突破体育教学德育时空界限,用多种品德教育方式调适学生参与运动项目学习的体验,学生体育品德教育要关注教学过程中师生的互动与交往,提取情境中学生情意品质的表现是体育品德评价的重点。  相似文献   

The purpose of the research was to develop an instrument to examine physical education teachers' priorities for curricular decision-making. The purpose dimension of the Purpose Process Curriculum Framework (PPCF) was used as the theoretical structure for content decisions. Three studies are reported that investigate the reliability and validity of the proposed instrument. Items were evaluated for relevance and validity of the proposed instrument. They were evaluated for relevance and theoretical consistency by physical education teachers (Study 1) and curriculum specialists (Study 2). Acceptable items were then placed in a ranking format and field tested with physical educators in three school districts (Study 3). Results from Study 1 indicated that secondary level physical education teachers supported the relevance of items to reflect the educational setting in their classes. In Study 2, mean ratings of curriculum specialists established that 19 of the 22 categories were theoretically consistent with the PPCF. However, internal consistency coefficients (alpha) for 10 of the 22 purposes were less than .70. Follow-up field tests with physical educators in Study 3 indicated that only one category, joy of movement, had a coefficient above .70. In this research internal consistency coefficients were too low to make a claim for the reliability of the concept scales of the instrument. The multidimensionality of the purpose concepts raised questions regarding the validity of the PPCF and prohibited the use of the framework as a theoretical basis for instrument development.  相似文献   

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