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In 1992 international fee‐paying and local students currently enrolled at the three tertiary institutions in South Australia were surveyed by a common questionnaire on students’ study‐related and personal experiences, and issues related to students’ choice and subsequent evaluation of their institution. The breadth of the student sample and the comparative data the questionnaire generated present an overarching view of the experiences and evaluations of a diverse range of university students.

The results of the survey show that while international students experience more problems, and experience them to a more serious degree than their Australian counterparts, the nature of the issues which are of most concern are generally shared. These are concerns about financial issues such as access to Austudy for local students, and the level of fees for international students and the ability to find part‐time work for both groups. The other broad group of issues of concern was study related: workload, fear of failure, loss of motivation, doubts about academic ability, nervousness and tension. Notably, in spite of the differences ‐between the three institutions – the University of Adelaide representing a ‘traditional’ university, Flinders University of South Australia, a ‘1960s’ university and the University of South Australia a ‘post‐1987’ university – the student responses across the three institutions were remarkably similar.

In terms of student evaluations of the quality of the education and services provided, Australian students were consistently more likely to rate aspects of teaching more positively than their international counterparts, but for both groups it was evident, particularly in their comments, that aspects of teaching such as the quality of lectures, accessibility of staff, availability of resources and staff: student ratios were of major concern.

The findings lead to the recommendations that universities could improve both local and international student experience by providing clear information about courses and course expectations, by the provision of effective feedback on assignments, by embedding the teaching of academic skills within courses, by increasing course flexibility to enable students to balance study and earning demands, and by ensuring that student support services are adequately resourced.  相似文献   

美国四年制公立院校办学成本的递增折射出高校办学成本递增的一般特点,表现为办学成本的增长快于一般物价水平的增长,办学总成本的增幅快于生均教育成本的增幅,学生资助增幅快于教学费用增幅以及不同层次院校成本递增具有一定的差异性等方面。驱动办学成本递增的因素有入学规模、学术竞争、组织效率、教育产业属性、学生资助等。我国应加大高等教育投入、促进院校之间的适度办学竞争、加强学校成本管理、创新产权制度、完善学费和资助政策,以提高我国高等教育的质量和效率。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a telephone survey of 151 undergraduates who withdrew in their first year of study at a post‐1992 institution. It focuses on the negative experiences which they reported during their time at the university and the ultimate reasons for leaving, exploring in particular issues around choice of course, academic experience, socialization and financial support. From these data and from demographic information held by the university, distinct groupings of similar cases emerge, going some way to illuminating which students leave, when and why. The paper concludes with a discussion around the relationship between dissatisfaction, attachment and student retention, proposing that negative stimuli only go part of the way to explaining withdrawal decisions.  相似文献   

Deputy and pro‐vice‐chancellors (DVCs and PVCs) are core members of the executive team and play a pivotal role in university management. Nevertheless, they have rarely been the subject of empirical investigation. This study addresses this research gap, utilising a census to examine the size and remit of the DVC and PVC cohort in English pre‐1992 universities and map its evolution since 2005. It shows how these universities have increased the number of DVCs and PVCs, created new more managerial variants of the role and extended their collective remit. These developments evidence the extent to which pre‐1992 universities have strengthened their executive and adopted a more corporate post‐1992 university management model. Yet, despite the advent of new executive‐style roles, the endurance of the traditional floating policy PVC testifies to the continued salience of academic leadership—as well as more managerial approaches—in contemporary university management.  相似文献   

Focus groups were conducted to explore prospective students' perceptions of tuition fees, maintenance loans and how these impact their decision to engage with higher education. Views on rebranding of the term ‘tuition fees’ to ‘student/graduate contributions/tax’ and the introduction of differential fees for different courses were explored. Concerns around high living costs of being at university featured largely in conversations with students, and much more so than tuition fees. Students were averse to the idea of differential tuition fees which they felt could create an elitist system where only affluent students could access some high‐cost subjects. There was little agreement with the concept of rebranding ‘tuition fees’ to a ‘graduate contribution, or tax’. Overall knowledge of student finance, in particular tuition fees, was limited, which in turn led to doubts and anxiety around the concept of student finance overall.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the academic achievements of 200 talented athletes in 1992/1993 and 200 in 2006/2007, aged 14–16 years. When compared with the national average, the athletes in 2006/2007 attended pre‐university classes more often (χ2 = 57.001, p<.05). Of the 2006/2007 athletes, a higher percentage participated in pre‐university programs compared with that of athletes in 1992/1993 (χ2 (1, n = 400) = 32.003, p<.05), whereas the national averages showed stability (χ2 = .325, p>.05). Investigating self‐regulation appears relevant, as talented athletes may have developed a high sense of self‐regulation in sports, which may enable them to optimally profit from their self‐regulatory skills in their academics.  相似文献   

While students have always found balancing their finances difficult, the current generation are faced with unprecedented debt burdens during and on completion of their studies. Student debt is now an expected outcome of attending university and, apart from the negative consequences it may have on participation in higher education, it may have a detrimental impact on the academic performance and psychological well‐being of students as they strive to fund their education and reduce their debt through part‐time working patterns. However, student debt can be managed better if students possess adequate personal financial awareness, have a responsible attitude to debt and are able to budget carefully. This study attempts to measure the personal financial awareness, attitude to debt and budgeting capabilities of 149 first‐year business school undergraduates using a specially developed test. The mean test score of 34 per cent on the financial awareness section indicates significant gaps in their personal financial knowledge and it appears that they are entering a critical stage of their lives ill‐equipped to cope with the severe cash restrictions they will encounter. This study is a valuable starting point in understanding the financial challenges faced by students in higher education in the UK and highlights how academic institutions can provide support to increase the financial awareness of students so that they can manage better their personal finances while at university.  相似文献   

Universities aim to provide services that are not only beneficial to students but also efficient relative to possible alternative services. Using opportunity cost, this study considers staff and student perceptions of the usefulness and valuation of web-based lecture technology (WBLT). It reveals that a quarter of students did not use WBLT while many staff members thought WBLT had a negative impact on their face-to-face teaching. Further, over a third of students sampled said they would not be affected if WBLT were not made available and many staff members felt constrained by WBLT technology. Some staff members spent a lot of time preparing WBLT while others eschewed the technology altogether. Nevertheless, a relatively small number of students place enormous value on WBLT, as do some staff, even if only simple audio of lectures are provided. The academic policy implications of this study suggest that university provision of WBLT could take into account the opportunity cost of WBLT use as a valuation-basis, possibly recovering costs through extra fees. This would allow for improved decision-making by university administrators and facilitate a move towards a useful measurement basis of WBLT. A wider academic policy implication is to consider whether all universities should produce and deliver WBLT at all and to what extent it should encourage staff to develop enhanced WBLT. Provision of sophisticated WBLT or any other service for students bears an opportunity cost in terms of less preparation by staff for face-to-face lessons or other effective teaching or research.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which broad indicators of performance, such as student satisfaction with program, teaching, student life and experiences after graduation, could be used for program improvement. Information was obtained from graduates of a major research university in Canada who had received an undergraduate professional degree during the period from 1983 to 1992. Perceived quality of teaching was found to contribute significantly to graduates' rating of the overall quality of their academic program. The most frequently mentioned meaningful feature of their undergraduate education for alumni was the development of the ability to think. The results suggest the need for policy changes to improve teaching and the need for greater organizational coherence in post‐secondary institutional evaluations.  相似文献   

Higher education participation in Ethiopia is very low (about 1.5 per cent) and is the major source of the critical shortage of educated and skilled human resource. The higher education system in Ethiopia is moving away from exclusive and dismally low enrolments towards increasing participation. To expand access, to redress inequitable subsidies by taxpayers to a small proportion of the age cohort and to diversify revenue the introduction of cost sharing is necessitated to supplement public finance. Cost sharing serves as an alternative non‐governmental source supplementing revenue opening more opportunities and making students responsible citizens and customers. It also has a profound effect on improving the management and academic efficiency of the higher education institutions. In the expanding system, covering the full tuition and food and room cost for a small proportion of the age cohort from the taxpayers’ money is inappropriate and inequitable distribution of resources. A significant number of students are enrolled in fee‐paying programs in public and private institutions. A modified model of the Australian type Graduate Tax, as a more attractive, simple and manageable scheme is adopted in the Ethiopian higher education landscape. The scheme is expected to ensure equitable access to students of any background, as there is no need to stipulate income of parents to arrive at the repayment amounts. Immediate removal of all subsidies to food and room, calculating appropriate tuition fees and costs, provision of every citizen a tax identification number (TIN) and decentralization and strengthening the tax collection and information system are essential for successful implementation of cost sharing in Ethiopia. These improvements enhance the confidence of both public and university community and improves cost recovery.  相似文献   

This paper presents analysis of qualitative data from a research project looking at staff perceptions of plagiarism at a post‐1992 university. Twenty‐six members of staff from departments and academic schools from across the university took part in open and semi‐structured interviews. Analysis shows that variable definitions of plagiarism exist; both regarding student activities that constitute plagiarism and the way in which plagiarism is perceived to be related to cheating. The factors underlying these personal definitions are unclear, but the analysis suggests that values perceived to underpin higher education may play an important role. This paper provides new empirical data on staff perceptions of student plagiarism, which complement previous research on student perceptions. The potential implications of different perceptions of plagiarism, and a mismatch between staff and student understandings is highlighted as an area for further consideration.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution of student financial aid have taken place at the state and federal level. In addition, several authors have reported on shifts in the awarding of financial aid to students at the institutional level. The analysis described in this study examines shifts in institutional responsiveness to both student need and student test scores over the period 1992–2003. The analysis reveals that three of the four sectors in the study have become less responsive to student need and more responsive to students’ academic characteristics over time.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether students' personal happiness is different from student satisfaction and considers if this may have consequences for university policy and management. It does this by comparing happiness and satisfaction in two cohorts of students from two United Kingdom universities. One is a distinctive research university and the other a university whose heritage has been in the polytechnic sector prior to its charter, referred to as a post‐1992 university. The results, although preliminary, do appear to show that satisfied students are also happy students. However, what contributes to these states of being is different. The implication for institutional policy is discussed and a warning that to assume satisfaction (measured by satisfaction survey results) as happiness might be problematic in addressing improvement in the student experience.  相似文献   

Student‐centred learning has the potential to engage a more academically diverse student body than the more conventional teacher‐centred approaches. In spite of the evidence in favour of student‐centred learning, a recent study showed that it was ineffective for around 30% of undergraduates in a large and diverse group studying business operations management. The possible reasons for this are explored in two ways. First, the literature relating to student engagement and participation is reviewed from three different perspectives: the sociological, the epistemological and the approaches to learning perspectives. Second, all three perspectives are applied to data generated from the original study within the context of a post‐1992 university. The advantages of a three‐perspective approach over a single‐perspective approach are discussed. Finally, the development of a holistic model integrating all three perspectives is called for, to be used as a guide for further empirical research into student engagement and as a tool for evaluating and developing inclusive and engaging learning environments.  相似文献   

Factors associated with student plagiarism in a post‐1992 university   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
A model intended to explain the incidence of plagiarism among undergraduates in the Business Studies department of a post‐1992 university was constructed and tested on a sample of 249 students completing Business Studies units at a post‐1992 university in Greater London. It was hypothesised that the occurrence of plagiarism could be predicted via three attitudinal considerations (individual perceptions of the ethicality of the practice, fear of penalties if caught and fear of failing a degree); two personal traits (goal orientation and academic integration), and three situational factors (financial, current grades achieved, and how strictly lecturing staff enforced anti‐plagiarism rules). Proposals concerning possible inter‐relations and interactions among these variables were also formulated and assessed.  相似文献   

本文试图在高等教育视域下解读"占领华尔街运动"。"占领华尔街"的直接原因是经济上的三座大山——学费上涨、就业困难、债务加重,而其深层原因在于学术资本主义横行,冲击教育公平,影响教育质量,威胁大学传统。继20世纪60年代的美国学生运动之后,时隔半个世纪,"占领华尔街运动"将再次对美国高等教育产生深刻影响。  相似文献   

2008年的金融风暴导致耶鲁大学的财政预算出现赤字,迫使耶鲁大学做出战略调整,削减其他成本费用,延缓项目实施,力保人才成本支出.这些举措的推出,昭示了作为世界一流大学的耶鲁大学的基本价值原则和办学理念,即视教师质量、学生入学和自由稳定的学术环境为大学生命之源.  相似文献   

Central in this study is the degree to which the pedagogical‐didactical approach in undergraduate programmes aligns with the pedagogical‐didactical approach in secondary schools, and how this is related to first‐year achievement. Approaches to teaching at secondary schools and in first‐year university programmes were examined by interviewing school management, school teachers and university lecturers. The teaching approaches found within the schools were contrasted against the academic teaching approaches, resulting in four types of fit. With multiple regression analysis the relationships between these four types of fit, gender, prior achievement and first‐year achievement were examined. The results showed that prior performance is positively related to first‐year achievement, as well as a fit characterised by more student‐centred teaching in the first year compared to the approach to teaching at secondary school.  相似文献   

Underfunding is the paramount problem in Canadian universities. Operating revenue per student has declined in real terms by about 15 per cent over the past 15 years. During the past three decades, revenue from governments has increased from 60 per cent of the total revenue to 80 per cent, while fees revenue has declined from 26 to 16 per cent, with the result that universities are increasingly vulnerable to political control and to financial instability. The transfers of the federal government to provincial governments have financed much of provincial transfers to universities, but the former will be reduced for at least three years and may be abolished altogether. Provincial governments, particularly in Ontario and Quebec, have controlled tuition fees for twenty‐five years in order to increase accessibility, but there has been little change in the socioeconomic composition of university enrollment. Funding for university research generally has neglected overhead costs associated with maintaining the institutional infrastructure necessary for research. Although the federal government still provides more than half of the funding for university research, the share from provincial and non‐governmental sources has been increasing.  相似文献   

Adjustment to the university environment is regarded as an important factor in predicting university outcomes. This study explores the pathways taken by adjustment and other psychosocial variables (help‐seeking, academic motivation, self‐esteem, perceived stress, and perceived academic overload), in relation to the success of economically and educationally disadvantaged students at university. Participants were 194 first‐year students on need‐based financial aid at a South African university; they completed questionnaires that measured these psychosocial variables, and their final first‐year academic results were obtained via the university’s records office. Path analyses showed that adjustment did not function as a pure mediator on academic performance as the dependent variable. Furthermore, the psychosocial factors explained much (59%) of the variance in the students’ adjustment and 20% of the variance in their academic performance. Hence, the psychosocial variables better explained the students’ adjustment to university than academic performance.  相似文献   

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