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In June, 2001 the CITY2000 Foundation donated 500,000 photographic negatives, over 500 audio-and videotapes, and office archives to the University of Illinois at Chicago. The collection represents an image time capsule of a major American city during the year of the millennium. Every class of individual, event of the year, and neighborhood was explored by 200 professional photographers and brought together in this unique archive. As part of its agreement in accepting the archive, the UIC Library committed to making the collection available at least until the year 3000. This paper discusses the steps UIC is taking to make this possible.  相似文献   

In the 1970s inflation, reduced library budgets, and increased automation wrought many changes in the development of library collections. This article examines current humanities scholarship and the current situation in citation and user studies, preservation, special collections, retrospective purchasing, foreign language purchasing, collection development policies, resource sharing, collection evaluation, and the information society as they relate to humanities collection management.  相似文献   


Colour photographs are among the most vulnerable materials in archival collections, making the development of tools for assessment of their lifetime in storage of particular interest. However, for this to be possible it is necessary to have a holistic understanding of what affects the lifetime of an object. Based on the existing knowledge of the effect of environmental conditions and material properties on lifetime of prints, this work focuses on the determination of end-of-lifetime using a value-based psychophysical approach. This research, carried out using a series of stakeholder workshops, showed that while assessor background does not significantly affect the end-of-lifetime determination, the nature of the images does. Isochrones, curves linking points of equal lifetime at paired environmental conditions, are defined. Based on these, a practical photographic lifetime calculator is presented, integrating dose-response functions with end-of-lifetime considerations. This tool, based on stock modelling principles, allows collection managers to input material stability data about the chromogenic prints in their collection and then investigate the effect of environmental scenarios on the collection. A case study of a collection at The National Archives, UK is also presented.  相似文献   

National Museums Scotland has collections relating to many areas of science and technology, including medical science. This paper considers technical and conservation issues of an important collection of more than 150 prosthetic limbs. Much of the collection is of prosthetics developed for children born lacking or with malformed upper limbs caused by the prenatal morning sickness drug Thalidomide. However, many other examples are represented and the collection showcases a timeline of bioengineering development covering the past five decades. A wide range of plastics and metals were observed within the pieces examined, with many visibly degraded and degrading. The identification and characterization of these materials and their condition are fundamental to interpreting the development of the collection, for deciding on treatment, and for setting a strategy for future preservation. In addition to visual inspection, three analytical techniques were used to examine the various parts of the selected examples: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for polymer identification and condition; X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy to identify the metals and alloys present, and X-radiography to reveal the internal mechanisms of the limbs. Interpretation of the results was greatly enhanced by documentation and conversation with engineers and scientists involved in research and development of the limbs. The combination of different materials, some with conflicting environmental requirements, makes storage and display challenging as the goal is to prevent degradation of any part the object. Some objects were found to be actively degrading and for these separate storage solutions have been recommended to slow the emission of volatile degradation products that would cause further damage throughout the collection.  相似文献   

Attitudes and approaches toward the collection, use, and care of color photographs have evolved enormously since the official arrival of commercially viable color photographic processes in the early twentieth century. This article traces the evolution of collection, exhibition, and preservation practices for works of art in color photography over the last few decades, as represented by one institution, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.  相似文献   

随着数字资源的迅速增加,有关数字资源的馆藏控制进入了各图书馆的议事日程。如何对数字馆藏实施有效的控制?该文首先回顾了传统馆藏控制理论,接着介绍了数字馆藏控制的基本概念和内容,并从数字资源保存、备份、信息生命周期、控制数字资源采集量、数字资源的分级与剔除四个方面具体地介绍了数字馆藏控制的主要范畴。于论文的最后部分,作者还从建立数字资源存储图书馆、建立数字资源评估体系、设备更新、与其他有关厂商协作、建立专门的研究队伍等五个方面简介了与数字馆藏控制相关的问题。  相似文献   

哈佛大学的图书馆系统及馆藏管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
描述哈佛大学图书馆系统和馆藏管理的特点。哈佛大学图书馆通过开发不同类型的联合目录,有效管理和利用馆藏资源,并用一个现代化的共享式密集书库来解决馆藏空间不足的问题。另外,哈佛大学图书馆还采取分别协调、集中引进的方法对数字化资源进行管理。  相似文献   


Academic library collections have been built and shaped by a focus on dominant voices and perspectives. In order for collections to reflect the value librarianship places on diversity as well as represent multiple perspectives and serve users of diverse backgrounds and identities, collections need to be assessed for coverage of content related to diversity. This article discusses the challenges inherent in engaging in such an assessment, discusses collection assessment methods, and describes an analysis performed on the Penn State University Libraries collections focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer content.  相似文献   

Botanic gardens are organized around plant collections, and climate change will affect those collections. Land loss is expected for gardens near sea level, prompting a loss of plants from the collection. Future collection development requires planning for these losses, which in turn requires assessment of the extent and rate of collection loss. We examined collection inventory change over time using records at Montgomery Botanical Center (MBC), to formulate a plant collection half‐life concept. This half‐life was used to project changes in MBC's plant collection over the next 100 years within the context of sea level changes. Comparing predicted rates of collection change with projected rates of loss due to sea level rise, we expect plant collection development to keep pace with climate change. As actively curated resources, botanic garden plant collections can adapt to environmental change faster and more deliberately than natural systems.  相似文献   

我国图书馆的缩微工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国图书馆的缩微工作●李健ABSTRACTImportantfunctionsofmicrotechniquearerecordedwithrespecttopreservationoflibraryliterature,enrichmentofli...  相似文献   

Whether or not, or under what circumstances, public libraries should house special-subject research collections is examined with respect to: (1) feasibility of community participation in administrative decisionmaking and allocation of funds: (2) reliability of library/collection use statistics as measures of performance: (3) rationales for and costs of maintaining special collections. Literature on local history and performing arts research collections is discussed to illustrate practical administrative considerations. Creation of community participation opportunities, either through formal analyses of library communities or other methods, is advocated as essential with respect to the preservation and maintenance of special subject research collections in public libraries.  相似文献   

镇馆之宝焕发新生问题、赋予馆藏IP生命力问题、将馆藏IP内容商业化问题等是档案馆、博物馆、图书馆等在馆藏文创过程中面临的共性难题。再现:选择适合馆藏的表现形式,实现镇馆之宝IP化,是赋予镇馆之宝新生的首要条件。再造:根据原有IP创作出符合当代人审美需求的好内容,是馆藏IP根植于人心的基本条件。再生:根据IP内容做出能出圈的爆款衍生品,是赋予馆藏IP持久生命力的必要条件。沿再现、再造、再生之径,梯次满足上述条件,是从馆藏到爆款文创产品的可循之路。  相似文献   

Women's Studies is an interdisciplinary field with components not often found in traditional fields of study. The Library of Congress Classification schema, which is the basis of most standard collection assessment tools currently used in the United States, fragments the literature of Women's Studies among the traditional fields of study, making it difficult to assess the quality of library collections in that field. A suggested strategy for overcoming the problem is for librarians to create their own bibliographies to use for assessing their collections. One particularly fruitful avenue is the Internet, which permits searching many remote catalogs for bibliographic information. In order to build and assess Women's Studies collections more effectively, the field should be perceived as “Women Across the Curriculum” instead of in the mode of a traditional discipline.  相似文献   

German universities built over the years highly specialized book collections for use by faculty and graduate students. The German term, seminarbibliothek, is often applied to these types of collections, although examples can be found in universities across Europe. The purpose of this article is to examine a similar type of collection using ebooks in veterinary science and to compare this collection to the standard subject classified ebook collections. Most collection development in college and university libraries focuses on academic subjects. The type of collection being described here focuses on a mission. A mission-focused collection increases the use of library holdings and greatly benefits the stakeholders within the institution. This study looks at how such a collection might be formed and defined and what possible effects this might have on the use of collections of this type.  相似文献   


Collections are one of the core resources provided by libraries and are often seen as what defines a library. Collection policies and priorities are put into place to guide the growth of libraries’ collections. However as time passes, are the collections created best suited to the current patron population? Collection assessment can be used to evaluate how well the developing collection follows the guidelines that have been put into place. Collection assessment can also be beneficial in the library strategic planning process by identifying strengths and weaknesses in the collection, particularly in new areas of interest. It can also help identify areas that may need additional funding to continue the level of support previously maintained for an area.  相似文献   

The following presentation to the Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge focuses on LibStatCAT, a prototype collection assessment tool under development at Portland State University. Our presentation explores the current uses of LibStatCAT, as well as future developments of LibStatCAT as a regional library data farm for comprehensive assessment of library collections and services for individual libraries and cooperative collection development. We share a variety of other collection assessment tools in use at Portland State University Library.  相似文献   

Museum education collections are inarguably a part of a museum's actual collection, just as are the research/permanent collections. However, past practices indicate that education collections are typically not given equal stature in museological terms. This paper argues that techniques and practices used with research/permanent collections should be applied to education collections, a viewpoint that has not yet been readily embraced. Several methods are addressed for upgrading an education collection to a level similar to a museum's permanent collection. The Lubbock Lake Landmark's education collection serves as a case study to demonstrate the need for the application of proper museological techniques to conform to best practices. A scope of collection was created, preventive conservation techniques were applied, a gap analysis was performed, and legal issues concerning the education collection were addressed.  相似文献   

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