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端正学生的学习态度和杜绝考试作弊是各大高校普遍面临的问题。基于此,以四川省内的一所医学院校和工科院校的学生为对象,调查了在校大学生的学习态度和考试作弊的实际情况,并针对反映出的问题进行原因分析与对策探索,以期促进大学生进一步端正学习态度,进而形成良好的学风和考风。  相似文献   

组织各级各类考试是高校评价学生学习效果的重要手段之一,但学生的作弊行为却严重破坏了考试制度的公平性和有效性。以经济学的成本—收益分析法为工具,从考试中学生和监考人员两个角度出发,分析高校学生考试作弊的原因,并提出相应的对策,具有重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

高考作弊的新特点与防范措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年是我国恢复高考制度30周年,30年的高考为国家选拔培养了大量的人才,这些人才遍布于各行各业各条战线,为现代化建设发挥了极大的作用,做出了举世瞩目的贡献。但是随着社会的发展,高考在做出积极贡献取得巨大成就的同时,存在的弊端也越来越显露,高考的各个环节都需要改革和完善,其中危害最大、影响最坏的就是作弊行为屡有发生,而且大有升级扩大之势。论文首先对高考作弊的新特点进行陈述,在此基础上,进一步分析考试作弊的原因并提出防范高考作弊的措施。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊现象日益普遍,尽管各高校采取了一系列措施,但收效甚微。考试作弊不仅违背了公平公正的原则,破坏了考风考纪,还败坏了学风。对大学生考试作弊的特点、原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的措施。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊的特点、心理起因与防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对大学生考试作弊的特点、动机和心态进行剖析,指出了大学生考试作弊的症结所在,提出了积极施加心理干预和管理影响,防止和减少学生考试作弊行为的方法。  相似文献   

This paper describes a study on examination room cheating during Lebanese Brevet and Baccalauréat examinations with a focus on ‘open cheating’ – malpractices which are aided and abetted by examination invigilators. Findings suggest that the problem is widespread and is largely attributable to the empathy invigilators feel with candidates. The collectivist ethos which has earlier been applied to collusion among cheating students appears to extend to invigilators during these high-stakes external examinations. It is suggested that behaviour modification strategies through organisational changes to the conduct of the examinations will be more effective than character development strategies in the short term.  相似文献   

近年来学生考试作弊现象屡有发生,作弊形式多样,严重影响了学校的学风建设,干扰了正常的教学秩序,造成不好的社会影响。学校有必要对其成因进行深入分析,加强对学生的诚信教育,积极探索有效的教学管理模式,改进考试形式,建立科学的评价体系,建立科学、完善可行的规章制度。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊既深深影响了高校正常的教学育人环境,也在深刻地影响着大学生的心理健康。它的成因复杂而多样,既有外界的客观诱因,更有学生内在的主观原因。本文通过对调查的数据进行整理分析,归纳出大学生考试作弊的成因、危害,提出了抑制大学校园考试作弊的有效方法。  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试是国家正规的学历证书考试,考试环节组织的好坏直接影响着考生的质量和社会信誉,然而在自学考试过程中,经常有各种各样的作弊现象发生。为此本通过对各类作弊现象的分析,找出作弊现象的影响因素,通过影响因素找出了作弊现象的应对策略,希望对成人自考工作以帮助。  相似文献   

考试作弊的博弈分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙进 《安康学院学报》2008,20(1):117-118,122
杜绝考试作弊行为是高校教育的重要举措。分析了大学生作弊的原因,在此基础上运用完全信息静态博弈理论分析监考老师与学生的博弈模型,并进一步提出防止作弊的策略。  相似文献   

随着我国自考事业的蓬勃发展,考试舞弊的问题也日益严重,呈现出手段多样化、动机复杂化、人员广泛化、行为公开化的特点。通过多年的考务工作实践认为:防治考试舞弊应完善考试制度,加大处罚力度,建立责任追究制度,考场内外通力合作,这样才能使舞弊者得到应有的处理,以维护高等教育自学考试的严肃性和权威性。  相似文献   

在当前各类考试中,作弊现象时有发生,而且大有愈演愈烈的趋势。如果任其发展,必然会败坏整个社会风气。因此,如何从根本上扭转考试作弊的现状,促进考风考纪的良性发展,已成为考试管理中急需解决的重要任务。本文在对考试作弊现象透析的基础上,力求做出较为深刻的原因分析,探索根治考试作弊的对策。  相似文献   

本科《物流学》课程考核方式改革实践分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开卷考试在管理类基础教学中发挥相当大的作用,但实践中仍然遇到学生老师的质疑,影响开卷考试的执行效果。本文从管理学原理的角度就我校管理类课程的考核方式改革的现状作调查分析,并在调查分析的基础上提出开卷考试应用设计的注意要点,帮助大家理解开卷考试在《物流学》中应用的必要性,更好的发挥开卷考试在《物流学》学习中的积极作用。  相似文献   

高校制止考试作弊现象的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考试作为一种重要的教育评价手段,广泛运用于考核学生对基本理论、基本知识和基本技能掌握的程度,以及对教学效果的检查、总结。当前,考试作弊仍是大学生违纪现象中较为突出的一个方面。它不仅背离了考试目标,而且影响学校良好学风和校风的形成,影响教学质量的提高。大学生考试作弊既有主观原因,也有客观原因,应深化教育教学改革,改革考试内容和方法,树立良好的学风,加强管理,制止学生考试作弊。  相似文献   

考试作为衡量学生学习效果的一种手段,也是反映教师授课质量,探索教与学矛盾,寻求解决措施的关键所在。目前,大学生考试作弊屡禁不止,影响了教育质量,违背了教育的本质。考试作弊是由多因素引起的,反映了高校教育管理存在的问题,也引起了有关工作者的重视和关注,以预防作弊为主题的研究正在逐步深入。  相似文献   

针对大学生考试作弊受到处分影响学位授予的现象,对12所"211"高校学士学位授予与考试作弊处分的规定进行了调研,发现部分高校规定考试作弊不授予学位。为进一步了解学生对二者关联的看法,对某一"211"高校的本科生进行问卷调查,通过对调查结果的整理分析,提出"一次作弊后,看其后表现;再次作弊,不授学位"的弹性化的柔性学位管理建议。最后列举了美国高校对作弊学生的防范与处理办法,以期起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

采用分层整群抽样的方法,对杭州下沙高教园区的某高职院校抽取280名在校学生,采用杜金等人根据计划行为理论编制的大学生考试作弊行为意向问卷,进行高职学生考试舞弊行为的调查。调查数据以相关关系和逐步同归分析等数据统计方法进行分析,探讨高职学生考试舞弊行为及其影响因素。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a pilot study that explored students’ experiences of test anxiety when taking A-level examinations. Four focus groups were convened with a sample of 19 participants in the south of England to explore the triggers of test anxiety and the perceived need for interventions to assist high test-anxious students cope with the examination process. The findings suggested that the participants experienced two types of anxiety: ‘pre-exam anxiety’ (relating to, for example, revision and mock examinations) and ‘exam-day anxiety’ (relating to practical concerns, such as school policy on the arrival of students and the time available to complete the examination). Only three participants reported feeling that their examination performance was significantly impaired by test anxiety; most reported that a degree of anxiety aided their performance. With test anxiety perceived by most participants as motivational and useful, there was little support for any interventions from examination boards, parents or teachers to help reduce or manage test anxiety. However, based on participants’ experiences of the pre-examination period, it is suggested that test anxiety may impede students’ ability to prepare for their examinations, and that interventions during this stage may be useful. The findings also imply that there are some practical steps that could be taken by the educational community to help reduce students’ test anxiety.  相似文献   


When historians discuss the impact of examinations on elementary education in mid-Victorian England and Wales they typically focus on the Revised Code of 1862. The Revised Code is famous for instituting a policy of “payment-by-results” for teachers in state-supported voluntary schools. “Payment-by-results” made government grants to schools – and, by extension, for teachers’ salaries – contingent upon student attendance and pass rates in reading, writing and arithmetic. As this article emphasises, however, “payment-by-results” was not the first, or even the most significant, instance in which competitive examination was used by the state as an instrument for establishing the pedagogical fitness and salaries of teachers. Less often explored by historians is the formative role that state-mandated competitive examinations for teachers played in developing a professionally aspirant body of schoolteachers and, consequently, the schoolteachers’ later role in developing competitive examination as a broad-scale national accreditation apparatus. But while the use of competitive examinations came to shape modern British academic and professional life in fundamental ways, the strengthening effects that they had for certain occupations and institutions, such as physicians, civil servants and middle-class secondary schools, were in fact ultimately denied to state teachers and the elementary education sector generally. With the introduction of “payment-by-results” in 1862, competitive examinations were converted into an instrument that weakened rather than strengthened teachers’ professional identity and policy influence. This article explains how the nineteenth-century English state structured examinations and examination results to manipulate the professional status of teachers in order to suit state priorities during different stages of national development. This historical narrative is framed in reference to present-day examination-based reforms of teacher compensation systems such as performance-related-pay and value-added modelling.  相似文献   

The increase in smartphone adoption has been no less than astounding. Unfortunately, the explosive growth has been accompanied by a rash of security problems. A contributing factor to the growing security problem is a lack of education, training, and awareness. In addition, “bring your own device” (BYOD) policies often leave security responsibilities to the competencies of device owners, which compromises security. Today’s students are tomorrow’s employees with responsibilities for protecting their work environment. They need to understand and practice a full-range of mobile security practices so that they can safely access the information assets of their organizations. If students are not engaging in such practices, educational institutions have a responsibility to ensure that students understand how to keep information assets secure. This paper investigates the smartphone security practices of undergraduate college students. Five hundred students in business classes at a regional public university were surveyed to determine their use of recommended smartphone security practices. The study found that many smartphone users did employ some security measures, but a high percentage of them were ignoring potential risks. This suggests a need for increased education, training, and awareness.  相似文献   

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