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Dynamic visualisations capture aspects of scientific phenomena that are difficult to communicate in static materials and benefit from well-designed scaffolds to succeed in classrooms. We review research to clarify the impacts of dynamic visualisations and to identify instructional scaffolds that mediate their success. We use meta-analysis to synthesise 47 independent comparisons between dynamic and static materials and 76 comparisons that test the effect of specific instructional scaffolds. These studies show that dynamic visualisations are better than static visuals at promoting conceptual inferences about science, consistent with the success of inquiry instruction in science. To realise this potential of dynamic visualisations, instruction needs to help students use the dynamic visualisation to make sense of their own ideas. Scaffolds that are most successful include prompts for reflection, prompts to distinguish among parts of the visualisation, visual cues that identify salient features, multiple visualisations presented sequentially, and interactive features that govern the pacing of activities. We extract guidelines from this research to help researchers plan future studies of visualisations, designers create and refine instructional materials using visualisations, and practitioners customise instruction that features visualisations.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a mixed methodology analysis of the assumptions of academic staff and Masters students in an Iranian university regarding various aspects of the assessment of the Masters degree thesis, including the main objective for writing the thesis, the role of the students, supervisors and advisors in writing the proposal, conducting the project, writing the thesis, and asking/answering questions in the viva. Assuming that the Masters degree oral exams are important historical moments to investigate these issues, qualitative observations were made of 32 Masters vivas in an Iranian university, leading to 18 core categories. These were then drawn upon to develop two questionnaires, which were completed by 57 academic staff and 101 Masters students in various disciplines in the same institution. The results indicate lack of consistency and transparency with regard to roles, responsibilities, and obligations of various stakeholders in handling various aspects of the Masters thesis.  相似文献   

范晓峰 《集宁师专学报》2011,33(2):83-86,92
英语写作是英语教学的一项重要内容,同时也是英语教学的薄弱环节。该文对我校高职高专学生在英语应用能力考试写作中存在的问题予以分析,并指出教师要充分利用所讲的《新视野大学英语》教材,采取有效的方法,帮助学生提高写作能力。  相似文献   

毕业论文的写作对学生来说,是一种挑战。学生如何做好论文选题,掌握好写作的基本技巧,则是成功写作论文的关键。本文主要从论文选题思路、论文结构各部分写作技巧等方面,阐述了如何指导和引导学生正确选题、准确写作的方法,对提高学生的毕业论文写作水平有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

毕业论文的写作在整个电大开放教育实践教学过程中有着十分重要的地位。但从目前我校开放教育学生完成毕业论文的总体情况来看,存在较多问题。在实践中,如何加强毕业论文的指导过程,减少学生过多的抄袭、剽窃现象,提高毕业论文的写作质量,笔者结合十多年来指导开放教育学生毕业论文工作的实践,对如何保证学生毕业论文的写作质量问题进行了认真的思考和探索,提出了指导学生完成毕业论文应把握的五个环节。  相似文献   

英语毕业论文是每个本科生在毕业之前最重要的一项学习任务。通过对2004届英语专业学生毕业论文选题以及在撰写过程中出现有关选题、英文写作、格式规范、外文资料不足等问题的分析和探讨,提出了加强思想教育、建立健全的管理体系、加强论文撰写各个环节的指导和外文图书资料建设等一些富有建设性的对策。  相似文献   

英语论文写作是高校英语专业本科教学的一个重要环节。选题关系到论文写作的成败,是写好论文的关键。文章从确定作家、作品,明确研究范围;认真阅读原著及相关评论;确定论题和标题等几个方面论述了英语论文写作中选题的原则和策略,希望对提高学生英语论文写作能力有所帮助。  相似文献   

高中英语基础写作的规律主要可以从三个环节进行主题内容的总结:即写作的准备阶段:包括学生在写作前所需要进行的思维习惯、习作主题用词、对于不同语言表达进行的翻译准备。写作的实践阶段:包括不同文体,主要为议论文及记叙文;文章的不同环节,主要为开篇;文章主题的选择。写作的修饰阶段,即对文章内容语汇的取舍。总之,正确的教学和学习方法对于中学生在较合理的周期内取得写作能力高产生了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed analysis of the essay writing processes of three third year Bachelor of Education students. The case studies, which were drawn from a larger research project, indicate that students writing essays of differing levels of conceptual structure approach the essay writing task very differently at every stage of the process, and these differences appear to emerge from how students conceptualise the task—whether the intention is to reproduce an ordered sequence of information on the topic, or to construct an argument and develop a coherent thesis. The results suggest that attempts to improve students’ essay writing abilities need to shift from a focus on discrete skills to an emphasis on the relationship between students’ understanding of the content and their ability to write about it.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study that examined the cumulative effects on students’ learning of science, and perceptions of the role of writing in learning, when the students engaged in multiple writing tasks with planning strategy support. The study was conducted with Year 10 biology students who completed two consecutive units on Cells and Molecular Biology. A mixed method study was implemented using a pre-/post-test design with a focus on student performance on higher order conceptual questions, and semi-structured interviews with treatment students after the completion of each unit of study. Results from the quantitative component indicated that multiple, non-conventional writing had a significant benefit in helping students learn Molecular Biology. The results for the Cell unit were not so conclusive suggesting the strategies are most useful for novel content. The interviews with students demonstrated that they understood and engaged successfully with both the conceptual and linguistic demands of the tasks. These findings, taken as a whole, confirm that multiple writing tasks can support effective student learning, provided various pedagogical conditions are met.  相似文献   

The lament that ‘students can’t write’ remains loud and defiant, even after years of research pointing to the myriad factors that make students’ writing challenging, particularly when they move into university. This paper reports on a longitudinal, ethnographic study which explored students’ writing ‘in transition’, from A-levels to university in the UK, through the critical lens offered by the academic literacies conceptual framing. This paper offers critical analysis of the ways that students, teachers and institutions position writing at A-level and university, exploring the assumptions and beliefs that underpin their understandings and practices using Ivani?’s framework of discourses of writing. The analysis proposes that the centrality of assessment in the treatment of language at both levels creates an ‘assessment discourse of writing’, which originates in school, and becomes a defining and restrictive frame for students’ writing as they move into higher education. The analysis further suggests that assessment is the principal cause for the students’ challenges with adapting to the writing requirements of university. Moreover, assessment is used as a metalanguage for discussing writing at A-levels, and can become an unhelpful ‘anchor of continuance’ for students as they move into university.  相似文献   

Our study contributes to the research on computer-mediated communication in higher education by experimenting a modern communication tool called Slack. In particular, we consider using Slack to support students’ peer interactions during Master’s thesis work. For this purpose, we designed a case study that was executed in a Master’s thesis seminar course. During the course, all out-of-class communication was carried out by using Slack, instead of e-mails or learning management systems. After the course, we used a questionnaire to investigate how the students perceived Slack for asking for assistance, their intention to use Slack, and Slack’s ease of use. Furthermore, the questionnaire asked feedback about challenges that the students found in slack. To examine the students’ peer support in Slack, we analysed the messages in the course’s public discussion channels. We investigated opportunities and challenges of Slack from instructional perspective by conducting an auto-ethnographic data collection. Our analysis revealed that the students perceived Slack as an easy-to-use communication tool with a low threshold of asking questions. The students also expressed high intentions to use Slack in the future. However, the students were worried of information overload in Slack, frustrated with decentralisation of communication tools in higher education, and cautious of using communication tools that are not officially supported by the university. The students’ interactions were assigned to three categories: practical, technical, and thesis-related. Analysis of these categories revealed that the students were able to explicate and solve issues in Slack, but the issues were only related to practical and technical problems, instead of actual Master’s thesis writing. The teacher perceived that Slack enhanced bi-directional communication with the students, but faced issues related to file management and user authentication. The results implicate that developing an alternative for Slack from educational premises could be more useful than a product that is not originally developed for pedagogical needs. Finally, we present recommendations that help educators to use Slack in their educational practices.  相似文献   

全程跟踪法是一种适应于高职教育特点、效果较好的一种论文指导方法。高职会计专业毕业论文指导中运用全程跟踪法是一种行之有效的方法。全程跟踪法可以分三个阶段进行,即写作前辅导、写作中跟踪指导、写作后总结提高。实践证明,运用全程跟踪法,培养了学生综合运用所学知识独立地分析问题和解决问题的能力,从而使学生在毕业实习的同时能够较好地完成毕业论文。  相似文献   


Writing a thesis can be characterized as the ultimate self-regulated learning task. Consequently, it is often a source of great anxiety for may students of higher education. Therefore, identifying the correlates of students' attitude to writing a thesis is essential if students are to be guided successfully through this process. In this paper some correlates of students' attitude to writing a thesis are identified and a general hierarchical path model is proposed in which action-control belief variables are seen as having both direct and indirect effects on students' attitude to writing a thesis. Using a sample of 90 undergraduate and graduate students, a modified version of the proposed model in which action-control belief variables had only an indirect effect on students' attitude to writing a thesis mediated through two academic orientation variables was found to fit the data best. This final model accounted for a large proportion of the repeatable variance in the two academic orientation variables and in students' attitude to writing a thesis. Issues related to identifying students in need of extra help are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

This study examined the viva experiences of 87 social science PhD graduates from three Irish higher education institutions through a questionnaire that assessed outcome, preparation, conduct and post-viva. The majority were awarded their PhD with minor corrections, considered their viva as a summative assessment, and emphasised its purpose as authentication, examination and defence. Most felt well prepared yet few had experienced a ‘mock viva’ or viva workshop. Even those with minor corrections identified aspects of the viva for improvement. The study recommends that academic development programmes should incorporate assessment literacy for PhD students and supervisors and the need for evaluation of graduates’ viva experiences.  相似文献   

英语写作是衡量学生英语综合水平和应用能力的一个重要指标,在大学英语四、六级考试中占很大分值,可这也往往是学生最头疼的问题之一。本文结合学生的实际写作情况,简要分析了学生在写作中常常出现的错误类型及原因,并就教师应如何采取更合理的教学手段,提高学生的学习兴趣,提升学生的写作能力,给出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

从英语专业论文写作看批判性思维的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
批判性思维作为创新能力的核心部分,长期以来在教学中被忽视。批判性思维的缺乏又集中体现在英语专业学生在论文(包括毕业论文)写作中存在大量的问题和困难。根据国外的相关研究以及本文作者的教学实践,文章认为可以利用论文(包括毕业论文)写作指导的教学过程对学生进行批判性思维能力的培养。只要采用恰当的教学方法和模式,将有利于学生批判性思维的形成,提高论文(包括毕业论文)写作能力和毕业论文质量。  相似文献   

本科毕业论文现状及对高校教学的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现有的高校本科教育缺乏对提高本科生毕业论文写作能力的培养,在教学方法上、考核方式上以及科研教学等方面存在误区。为了提高本科生毕业论文写作质量,从高校的前期教学环节中提高学生论文写作能力,对高校教学提出新要求:教师在教学中主动培养学生的论文意识;有意识的锻炼学生资料的搜集和整理能力;引导学生有目的的阅读学术论文;锻炼学生发现研究课题的能力以及鼓励学生自己开展研究,参与教师从事的课题研究。  相似文献   

指导文科学生写论文应力戒浮躁,做到严格要求,循序渐进;宜从端正学风着手,抓住选题和搜集资料两个环节,明确写以致用,统筹安排,改进教学,及早培训,掌握科研基本功。  相似文献   

当前应用型本科院校学前教育专业毕业论文环节实施过程中主要存在以下问题:以教师为核心,忽视学生的主体作用;关注论文写作的成果,忽视论文撰写过程的培养;论文写作环节与课程教学相脱节等。通过充分发挥学生参与毕业论文的主体性,挖掘毕业论文训练本质、关注过程发展,将毕业论文各环节与课程教学相整合等探索毕业论文环节有效实施的对策。  相似文献   

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