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文化无意识:弗莱的批评理论视域   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文针对诺思洛普·弗莱的批评理论,提出“文化无意识”的概念予以概括,以置换惯用的神话原型批评的定位。因为后者基本只适用于弗莱的文学批评,而弗莱的文学批评、意识形态学说、文化理论,是一个整体,其从神话向文学、文学之外的学说、向文化的推演过程与方式,是以“文化无意识”的途径实现的。“文化无意识”能恰切地抓住弗莱理论体系的文本间的隐喻链接,更充分地呈现出其理论体系的当代性、整体性与动态的开放性的特质。  相似文献   

在文学理论研究从政治话语到学术话语的范式转向的宏观背景下,我国的弗莱研究于20世纪80年代起步;90年代,随着我国研究者对西方文论认识水平的不断提升,弗莱研究进入发展期,批评方法日趋多元,研究视野日益开阔;进入新世纪,在后现代主义、后殖民主义和文化研究的渗透下,弗莱批评理论的潜能得到进一步开发。而在与我国本土批评语境结合的过程中,弗莱的批评理论和思想也日益成为我国研究者探索建设有中国特色文学"批评之路"的重要载体。  相似文献   

神话原型批评产生在1957年,创始人是加拿大学者诺思罗普·弗莱,他的著作《批评的剖析》被视为该批评的"圣经"。神话原型批评的理论基石是英国人类学家弗雷泽的"仪式派"人类学思想和瑞士心理学家荣格的"集体无意识"学说及原型理论。弗莱在弗雷泽和荣格等人的理论基础上建构起系统的神话原型批评,他认为文学是神话的位移,文学中潜藏着神话的原型,人们只要把全部文学纳入到一个完整的系统之后就可以找寻到神话原型。神话原型批评既有突出的优长之处,同时也有异常明显的缺陷。  相似文献   

诺斯罗普·弗莱《批评的解剖》的问世,标志着"原型批评"理论的崛起。所谓"原型批评",也叫"神话批评"。原型,就是"典型的即反复出现的意象",人类社会最基本的文学原型就是神话,神话是一种形式结构的模型,是浸润于人类文学文化体系的各个层面,成为研究人类文学的起点。弗莱《批评的解剖》主要是一部原型批评(神话批评)的代表作,通过将《批评的解剖》的不同批评模式运用于古希腊罗马神话,可以窥见古希腊罗马神话别样的风采,也是将原型批评理论运用于实际文学批评的一次有益尝试。依照上述分析方法,我们能够在古希腊罗马神话中找到符合弗莱原型批评理论的众多意象,也能够根据这如此众多的原型意象映衬弗莱理论的正确性与前瞻性,进一步让读者把握古希腊罗马神话除了赏析与文化的作用之外,更深层次地体现了神话这种特殊的文学形式在人类发展过程中所起到的巨大作用。  相似文献   

加拿大文艺批评理论家诺思洛普.弗莱是世界知名思想家。首先阐明求"同"斥"异"的愿望催生的富于想象力的远见是弗莱思想的核心,而后从这个核心出发重新认识了弗莱涉及的主要主题,以期帮助人们形成对弗莱思想的整体性、根本性把握。  相似文献   

吕艺 《海外英语》2012,(15):180-181
The Great Gatsby written by F.Scott Fitzgerald is widely recognized as the cultural document of the Jazz Age.The novel seems to be a love story,but in fact it is about the disillusionment of American Dream-Gatsby’s failure in pursuing his long-cherished dream.Since its publication,the novel has been very popular among ordinary readers and literary critics as well.By applying archetypal criticism developed by Northrop Frye,this paper aims to give a detailed and comprehensive interpretation of the protagonist,Gatsby,and reveal the significance of his tragedy.To some extent,it is the archetypal character that enhances the profundity of the novel and arouses the readers’ response.  相似文献   

"黄昏"世界的哀歌--论《阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诺思洛普·弗莱说 :“对艾略特有一个全面了解 ,是任何一个对当代文学感兴趣的人所必不可少的。”要了解T·S·艾略特 ,首先应从他早期代表作《阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》入手 ,因为它是最早较全面地体现他文艺观和艺术天才的杰作。本文从“非个性化”、“客观对应物”、自嘲式戏剧独白三个方面论述了该诗的成就 ,从而使我们更全面地了解艾略特 ,了解 2 0世纪西方文学  相似文献   

神话原型批评是二十世纪的一个重要批评流派.加拿大文学批评家诺思罗普·弗莱于1957年发表《批评的解剖》,标志着它的成熟.在弗莱的原型批评理论中,他以文类对应四季,对于文学形式之一的“传奇”也有深入的探讨.本文以他的另外一部著作《世俗的传奇》为启示,希冀通过对弗莱的“传奇”这一文类的研究进而分析中国小说“三言”中的女性传奇故事的结构,意义以及深层含义.  相似文献   

王莹 《海外英语》2012,(12):229-230
Northrop Frye’ s four narrative forms:romance,tragedy,irony,and comedy can help explain the problematic structure of Margaret Atwood’ s novel Cat’ s Eye,in which the narrative,as well as certain other literary features,indicates that it is essentially a come dy - a story of how a hero forms a desirable new society in the face of strong opposition.But this comedy is also ironic.  相似文献   

Herman Nothrop Frye was a famous Canadian literary critic and theorist. According to him, symbol was :"Any unit of any literary structure that can be isolated for critical attention." He partitioned literary symbolism into five levels or phases. Each phase independently possessed its own mythos, ethos, and dianoia. These phases were: Symbol as motif; Symbol as sign; Symbol as image; Symbol as archetype and symbol as monad. This paper tries to apply his theories of symbolism to the comment of Young Goodman Brown, one of the best short stories written by the American romantic writer Nathaniel Hawthorne.  相似文献   

在弗莱的文学批评体系中,悲剧不仅是通常意义上的文学体裁,还是弗莱所谓“虚构型”文学中的一种基本倾向,以及一种比平常的文学体裁更广阔的文学叙事范畴、叙事结构(mythoi)。弗莱的悲剧观,既是体裁论,又是批评观;弗莱拓展了体裁意义上的悲剧,但同时也淡化了悲剧的审美和哲学意义。因为弗莱结构主义的文学观,他的悲剧观放弃了历史、政治维度,并且进一步牺牲了悲剧的人生实践意义。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to unite The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros with the participant and spectator theories of James Britton and D. W. Harding in the hopes that such a union will provide new insights into each. In particular, this article explores how the speech acts of Esperanza, the novel’s protagonist, are indicative of a shifting stance during the course of the novel. This shift, from participant to spectator, enables Esperanza to objectify her experience and eventually narrate her departure from Mango Street. Aside from its attempts to join theory and literature, this argument has implications for the classroom as well, a space in which the value of the spectator stance is often overlooked.  相似文献   

论《伟大的代码》的文学批评特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗教学与文学是文化范畴中的两大学科。加拿大著名文论家诺思罗普·弗莱在他的《伟大的代码》中通过对圣经的研究将二者进行跨学科的比较,对圣经的宗教内涵与它的文学表现形式加以系统的剖析研究,指出其内在的联系以及它在宗教与文化两方面的双重意义,使之上升到超学科文化比较的高度,为文学评论界开辟了一条崭新的途径  相似文献   

诺思罗普.弗莱(Northrop Frye,1921-1991)是20世纪加拿大而且也是西方著名美学家和文学理论家。他深入地探索了统治西方文化的神话的本质,系统地建立了以原型为核心的文学类型批评和美学理论(Archetype criticism),为整个世界的文学、美学理论的发展作出了卓越的贡献。他的理论思想不断引起东西方学者的关注,被认为具有里程碑式的作用,在西方文论史和文化史方面产生了广泛而深远的影响。他认为原型是一种典型的或重复出现的意象。在张爱玲的小说中,月亮、镜子是反复出现的重要原型,运用原型批评对张爱玲作品中的月亮和镜子两个重要的物象进行分析则非常有意义。  相似文献   

Practical Bibliotherapy Strategies for the Inclusive Elementary Classroom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article was developed to assist the regular education elementary classroom teacher in utilizing practical bibliotherapy strategies for the inclusive classroom. Using quality children’s literature for bibliotherapy helps students to grow socio-emotionally by identifying with the main character in the story with a disability which leads to personal insight and growth. Teachers will learn how to use a checklist which was developed by the authors to select appropriate bibliotherapy literature and lead classroom discussions. A top ten list of books on bibliotherapy for the inclusive elementary classroom is provided.  相似文献   

This article explores the complex nature of the literature classroom by drawing on the cognitive linguistic framework Text World Theory to examine the teacher's role as facilitator and mediator of reading. Specifically, the article looks at how one teacher used visual representations as a way of allowing students to engage in a more personal and less teacher‐driven transaction with a poem and to encourage them to reflect on their own roles as active makers of meaning and knowledge in the classroom. The article shows how teachers can be mindful of the various contextual factors that can privilege and legitimise certain kinds of response in the classroom and be wary of external factors and pressures that can promote the idea of preconceived knowledge. The teacher in the case study presented was able to both facilitate the experience of reading poetry in an unmediated way and also develop her students' metacognition in relation to the reading process itself. The article shows how Text World Theory's status as a socio‐cognitive grammar may be of benefit to teachers in understanding the nature of communicative interaction and literary transaction.  相似文献   

This article investigates whole‐class discussions of literature in the English classroom and the pragmatics of teacher interpretation in and through the voices of characters. In particular, it focuses on the whole‐class oral reading and discussion of the Tennessee Williams' play A Streetcar Named Desire in an ethnically and linguistically diverse rural Canadian classroom, and the teacher's stylized “Southern” oral performances of significant characters as part of her responses to student answers in whole‐class talk. Using extensive audio data from a 12th‐grade English class and drawing from the analytic tools of the linguistic anthropology of education, this article raises questions of the potential functions of stylized characters' voices in literary critical talk. This research contributes to ongoing conversations regarding the pragmatics of voicing, stylization, and the intersections of teacher talk and literacy learning in classroom discourse, with specific attention to the pedagogic work of enregistering bundles of linguistic features with particular teacher‐driven interpretive perspectives on literary characters.  相似文献   

In this article I discuss ways of increasing teacher efficacy identified as a key belief system in the enhancement of teacher effectiveness. Teacher efficacy is defined and its impact on teacher effectiveness explored. The need to increase teacher efficacy to enhance the design, implementation and outcomes of instruction is discussed with special focus on caring and its potential as a catalyst for expanding teachers’ perception of their power to make a difference in the lives and performance of their students. Dr. Marta D. Collier is a tenured associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Dr. Collier earned her undergraduate degree in elementary education from Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana and her masters and Ph.D. degrees in elementary education from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Her research interests include the impact of caring on teaching and learning, the incorporation of culturally relevant children and youth literature into literacy instruction, and the design of preschool, primary and elementary classrooms that promote active teaching and learning. Dr. Collier’s teaching interests include early childhood pedagogy and program development, classroom learning theory and children’s literature.  相似文献   

弗莱在《批评的解剖》一书中提出了悲剧主人公的核心在于"孤独"这一独创的观点,但弗莱并未对此加以详细论述。实际上,悲剧主人公孤独的来源有两方面:一方面是悲剧主人公夹在现实世界和理想世界之间,找不到一个归属,另一方面则是悲剧主人公把主体行动视为个人事业的单独奋斗。  相似文献   

This two-part article considers certain fundamental symmetries of nature, namely the discrete symmetries of parity (P), charge conjugation (C) and time reversal (T), and their possible violation. Recent experimental results are discussed in some depth. In the first part of this article we present a general background and discuss parity violation. B Ananthanarayan is at the Centre for Theoretical Studies, Indian Institute of Science His research interests are in the field of elementary particle physics. J Meeraa is finishing her MSc at the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai. Bharti Sharma is finishing her MSc at Aligarh Muslim University. Seema Sharma is finishing her MSc at the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Ritesh K Singh is working towards his PhD at the Indian Institute of Science in the field of elementary particle physics.  相似文献   

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