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1、单脚起跳后攻中的技术特点 1.1助跑踏跳速度快。双脚起跳后排扣球,有起跳后身体平衡能力强、动作舒展、扣球力量大的特点,但是双脚起跳时,第一只脚着地后,必须要等第二只脚着地后再起跳。另外,从助跑到起跳身体起伏大,脚与地面接触时间长,  相似文献   

助跑摸高动作有助于跳高训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
助跑摸高可分为助跑单脚起跳摸高和助跑双脚起跳摸高,双脚起跳摸高又分为双脚并步式起跳摸高(简称并步式摸高)和双脚跨跳式起跳摸高(简称跨跳式摸高)。一、助跑单脚起跳摸高(以左脚起跳为例)(一)助跑,身体放松,步子要有弹性,速度由  相似文献   

背越式跳高过杆技术教学,一 般采用先双脚跳背越式过海绵垫和过杆练习,待背越挺髋、后屈膝、压肩、收腿过杆动作熟练掌握之后,再通过短助跑单腿起跳等背越横杆的练习巩固背越式过杆技术。而单脚起跳背越过杆与双脚起跳背越过杆技术有较大差别,所以学生尽管双脚起跳背越式过杆技术已经掌握了,一进入短助跑单脚起跳过杆总会出现一些技术变形,成为背越式跳高过杆技术教学的一个难点。 单脚起跳背越过杆与双脚起跳背越横杆的判别主要有两点:第一,单脚起跳不像双脚起跳那样背对横杆,而是身体侧对横杆,在空中要转体形成背对横杆姿势,所以在起跳中要注意有助于空中转体的动能形成。第二,  相似文献   

通过文献资料法,对近年来单脚起跳扣球技术的研究现状及成果进行分析。结果表明:单脚起跳扣球在比赛中已显示出了强大的威力,它的技术特点及攻击效果是双脚起跳扣球无法代替的;单脚起跳扣球的助跑过程减少了踏跳并步这一环节,有利于发挥助跑速度;在单脚起跳扣球技术的研究中,应借鉴双脚起跳扣球引用的指标,使研究更加完整。为了技术的完整性,避免运动损伤,延长运动寿命,有必要对落地技术进行定量分析。  相似文献   

立定三级跳远是双脚站在起跳板上起跳,身体任何部位不得触线,第一跳原地双脚起跳,单脚着地;第二跳用落地脚起跳向前跨出一步,以摆动腿落地;第三跳用落地的摆动腿起跳双脚落在板上(或沙坑),动作完成后向前走出。根据场地设备、动作要求,测验方法以及立定三级跳远技术要求,笔者摸索出了以下几种训练方法:  相似文献   

一、双脚起跳扣球技术的特点1.速度快。双脚起跳扣球,起跳后易控制身体的平衡、动作舒展、扣球力量大,而单脚起跳从最后一步助跑到起跳,身体起伏大,腿部弯曲的角度和上体前屈的角度相对较大,身体不能较好的控制平衡,双脚起跳最后一步只需到达起跳点即可起跳;同时,在蹬地跳起时,  相似文献   

单脚起跳就是助跑后,第二只脚不再踏地而直接向上摆动帮助起跳的一种起跳方法,单脚起跳在体育运动中有着极其广泛的应用,如排球运动巾的单脚起跳扣球.田径运动中跳远、跳高等,其起跳效果直接影响运动成绩和技战术运用效果,前人对影响单脚起跳效果的因素进行了深刻的研究和探讨,但观点不尽一致。  相似文献   

一引言“助跑单脚起跳拦网技术”,是当前排球运动发展的一项新技术,是八十年代国内外排球界人士所研究的新课题。由于快攻战术的飞速发展与变化,双脚起跑拦网技术有些适应不了,在比赛中出现了不少的漏拦现象。为了弥补这种状况,完善拦网技术,除了继续提高双脚起跳拦网技术和判断能力外,还须探讨新的单脚起跳拦网技术。目前不少教练员,运动员,  相似文献   

应发展单脚起跳发球技术孙东升跳发球以其强有力的攻击力,给对方造成强大的心理压力。它的出现突破了传统的发球技术动作结构模式,并成了排球比赛主要得分手段之一。当前,比赛中普遍运用的是双脚起跳跳发球技术,而单脚起跳跳发球技术在比赛中运用尚属少见.殊不知单脚...  相似文献   

田伟立 《体育教学》2011,31(1):72-72
立定跳远垫步起跳是部分学生存在的错误动作,具体表现在起跳的一刹那,双脚或单脚有一明显的往前跳一小步,然后再蹬地起跳完成动作。垫步起跳不仅在测试中是犯规动作,而且影响起跳速度和远度。  相似文献   

转动惯量的大小、分布和转轴的位置是决定720°旋风脚能否顺利完成的关键,好的身体姿态能促进转动惯量和角速度的调整.腾空高度是影响720°旋风脚空中转体与落地稳定性的重要因素,空中转体的速度能弥补运动员腾空高度不够的问题.在720°旋风脚踏跳时,身体已经绕纵轴拧转了一定的角度,这正是因为偏心力矩的存在而产生的,在适当的倾斜角度内产生的偏心力矩对空中完成720°旋风脚转体非常有利.  相似文献   

文章运用生物力学影像解析的研究方法对旋风脚转体720°接马步动作的腾空阶段进行了运动学分析,旨在为广大教练员和运动员对该技术动作提供科学的训练理论依据。研究结果表明:在旋风脚转体720°接马步的空中击响阶段要掌握以下三个关键点,即:"早、夹、分","早"——腾空里合腿的击响要早,在人体的总重心到达最高点之前(人体髋关节转动约238.24°左右时)进行腾空里合腿的击响动作;"夹"——两腿要夹,两臂要夹,在腾空里合腿击响动作完成后两腿要夹拢,两腿之间的夹角约为27°-31°之间,两臂要收扰在胸前;"分"——着地前两腿要分,两臂要分,旋风脚转体720°接马步动作着地前两腿的分腿合理时机为着地前0.25秒左右。  相似文献   

武术旋风脚720°接跌叉稳定性的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
武术旋风脚 72 0°接跌叉是九运会武术指定动作之一。通过对该组动作落地技术的动力学以及构成稳定性条件的分析 ,提出合理的落地技术和训练中需解决的问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to establish postural cues in kicking that may be of use to goalkeepers. Eight male soccer players (age 20.5 +/- 1.1 yrs; height 1.78 +/- 0.053 m; mass 75.18 +/- 9.66 kg) performed three types of kick: a low side-foot kick to the left hand corner of the goal, a low side-foot kick straight ahead, and a low instep kick straight ahead. Kicks were recorded by an optoelectronic motion analysis system at 240 Hz. At kicking foot take-off (about 200 ms before ball contact) the variables which were significantly different and could act as cues were support foot progression angle, pelvis rotation, and kicking hip and ankle flexion. The support foot progression angle was considered to be the most valuable of these variables as its angle coincided with the direction of ball projection. The other variables were less clear in their interpretation and so less valuable for a goalkeeper to use for decision making. Cues appearing after support foot contact were thought unlikely to be of value to a goalkeeper in their decision making. These include kicking leg knee flexion angle, and support leg shank and thigh angles.  相似文献   

任意球是现代足球比赛中的重要进攻和得分手段,其中人墙是最重要的攻防技战术训练手段,包括人墙排列的位置、人数和位移动作等。结合比赛录像分析和运动生物力学测试,获取人墙的动作变化规律和各项技术参数,构建出人墙训练装置的指标体系;研制完成了足球任意球教学训练的全新装备,能够模拟出与真实足球比赛相一致的“人墙”垂直起跳和侧向起跳场景;采用高速摄像和图像解析,完成“人墙装置”的技术指标和可靠性测试。结果表明:该训练装置能够较好地模拟真实人墙的动作效果,能够为罚任意球营造符合实战的训练条件。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to establish postural cues in kicking that may be of use to goalkeepers. Eight male soccer players (age 20.5 ± 1.1 yrs; height 1.78 ± 0.053 m; mass 75.18 ± 9.66 kg) performed three types of kick: a low side-foot kick to the left hand corner of the goal, a low side-foot kick straight ahead, and a low instep kick straight ahead. Kicks were recorded by an optoelectronic motion analysis system at 240 Hz. At kicking foot take-off (about 200 ms before ball contact) the variables which were significantly different and could act as cues were support foot progression angle, pelvis rotation, and kicking hip and ankle flexion. The support foot progression angle was considered to be the most valuable of these variables as its angle coincided with the direction of ball projection. The other variables were less clear in their interpretation and so less valuable for a goalkeeper to use for decision making. Cues appearing after support foot contact were thought unlikely to be of value to a goalkeeper in their decision making. These include kicking leg knee flexion angle, and support leg shank and thigh angles.  相似文献   

助跑式单腿起跳腾空外摆莲是传统的基本跳跃动作之一,高质量的完成该动作需要做到高、轻、飘、脆.国家对武术基本功和基础规定套路的重视,单腿起跳的腾空摆莲又纳入基础基层教练员和少年运动员的训练范畴.许多年轻教练员对于该跳跃动作的教学训练还相当陌生.为此,文章就它的技术特点,教学要求等,结合教学实践,从技术准备,教学过程,教学方法以及易犯错误的解决等方面给予了探讨,希望能给基层的武术教练员们和运动员们在该动作教学、学习时有所启迪.  相似文献   

The players' ability to achieve the greatest distance in kicking is determined by their efficiency in transferring kinetic energy from the body to the ball. The purpose of this study was to compare the kinetics and kinematics of the plant leg position between male and female collegiate soccer players during instep kicking. Twenty-three soccer players (11 males and 12 females) were filmed in both the sagittal and posterior views while performing a maximal instep kick. Plant leg kinetic data were also collected using an AMTI 1000 force platform. There were no significant differences between the sexes in plant leg position, but females had significantly greater trunk lean, plant leg angle, and medial-lateral ground reaction force than the males. Males showed higher vertical ground reaction forces at ball contact, but there were no significant differences in ball speed at take-off between the sexes. Ball speed at take-off was inversely related to peak anterior-posterior ground reaction force (-0.65). The anatomical differences between the sexes were reflected in greater trunk lean and lower leg angle in the females.  相似文献   

The players' ability to achieve the greatest distance in kicking is determined by their efficiency in transferring kinetic energy from the body to the ball. The purpose of this study was to compare the kinetics and kinematics of the plant leg position between male and female collegiate soccer players during instep kicking. Twenty-three soccer players (11 males and 12 females) were filmed in both the sagittal and posterior views while performing a maximal instep kick. Plant leg kinetic data were also collected using an AMTI 1000 force platform. There were no significant differences between the sexes in plant leg position, but females had significantly greater trunk lean, plant leg angle, and medial-lateral ground reaction force than the males. Males showed higher vertical ground reaction forces at ball contact, but there were no significant differences in ball speed at take-off between the sexes. Ball speed at take-off was inversely related to peak anterior–posterior ground reaction force ( ? 0.65). The anatomical differences between the sexes were reflected in greater trunk lean and lower leg angle in the females.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the effects of post-activation potentiation in the strength related variables of a kick start. Thirteen competitive swimmers performed three kick starts after a standardized warm up (denoted USUAL) and another after inducing post-activation through five isotonic repetitions on an eccentric flywheel (denoted PAP). A T-test was used to quantify differences between USUAL and PAP warm up. The best trial of each subject achieved by natural conditions (denoted PEAK) was compared with data obtained after PAP. An instrumented starting block with independent triaxial force plates, collected the strength variables related with the impulse at take off. Improvements in the vertical components of force were observed after PAP compared with USUAL, meanwhile no differences were detected on the horizontal components of it. The velocity at take off was higher after PAP compared with USUAL (4.32 ± 0.88 vs 3.93 ± 0.60 m*s-1; p = 0.02). No differences in force or velocity were detected comparing PAP with PEAK (4.13 ± 0.62 m*s-1, p = 0.11). The PAP warm-up increased vertical force and it was transferred to a higher resultant velocity at take-off. This improvement would equal the best result possible obtained in natural conditions after some trials.  相似文献   

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