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在殖民背景之下,流散主体在遭遇"他"文化的过程中形成了自我的身份认同感。后殖民文学是流散主体身份认同叙事中最具代表性的演示。后殖民文学的代表人物J.M.库切因自身的流散经历遭遇了身份认同的危机,故而在《等待野蛮人》构建出一种动态的、复合的流散身份。经历了"流散"后的库切和"野蛮人"最终在"寻根"之旅中获得了自我对流散身份的认同。  相似文献   

流散作家由于无法疏离母国文化,也无法认同居住国文化,处于"无根"的状态。"无根"性的产生有其地缘政治、殖民历史的原因,也有其文化身份、自我认同的原因。对于流散作家来说,流散经历带来"无根"的痛苦,更带来多种文化的体验、精神家园的追求和"根"的建构。  相似文献   

流散文学很重要的表现内容是对自我身份的探索和文化身份认同。印裔美籍流散作家裘帕·拉希莉的小说《同名人》描写了两代印度移民自我身份探索中的困境、文化融合等问题。在"第三空间"的视角下,文章分析该小说中第二代印度移民面对家庭内家国文化与家庭外异质文化之间冲突与抉择时,通过与异族青年婚恋这种方式,在多种文化间进行自身身份的探索,从而获得身份认同和文化归属感。  相似文献   

在文化上,赛珍珠认同自己的中国身份,但中国人并不认同她;她的美国血统决定了她的美国身份,而美国却没完全接纳她。她不能像一般人那样拥有单一而又确定的文化身份,因而内心里总有种无“家”可归的焦虑。她终生都在寻觅和重建自己的文化身份:一个中西文化的融合者、沟通者。这正是她从事写作和中西文化交流工作的强大心理动力。  相似文献   

尤丽娜 《海外英语》2014,(8):222-223,235
托妮·莫里森在她形形色色的小说场景中探讨非洲裔美国人在文化夹缝中如何维持自我完整文化身份;即通过个体认同、集体认同、自我认同、社会认同四个方面来定义文化身份问题。  相似文献   

美籍华裔作家黄玉雪的自传体小说《华女阿五》以旧金山唐人街为背景,讲述了一个华人女孩—阿五,从深受中国传统家庭教育,到逐渐疏离家庭、立足白人社会,最后走向对自身作为美国华裔的双重文化身份认同的历程。本文将从城市风貌、风俗、饮食、教育的角度分析象征中国的文化范式—唐人街在主人公文化身份认同过程中所担当的角色和产生的影响。  相似文献   

本文以母女关系为视角,分析了美国华裔女作家谭恩美在其作品《喜福会》中对构建美国华裔女性身份的探索。文章从民族身份、性别身份、文化身份三方面对华裔女性的身份做了分析,探究因文化冲突、语言隔阂,甚至阶级差异而造成的更复杂的母女关系,并进而讨论在双重文化处境里,这些女儿们在经历与母亲冲突和磨擦过程之后,如何撷取中西文化上的特点来适应美国情境和完成女性主体认同的建构。  相似文献   

《追寻英国性》是多丽丝·莱辛的非虚构文学作品之一,记录了莱辛移居英国时,在伦敦辗转找房子租住的经历。作品深刻展现了她作为英国殖民地移民的身份困扰,以及这种疏离的身份所带来的"无根"(rootless)的焦虑。通过揭露一战后普通伦敦市民的精神状态,作者试图传达她对英国民族性的理解以及人文关怀。  相似文献   

身份问题和认同问题对于文化研究来说至关重要。21世纪初的台湾受到了全球化和本土化问题的双重夹击,因此造成了广大民众在思想认同上普遍存在的文化迷思。面对全球化与本土化问题的双重焦虑,台湾公共知识分子纷纷撰文,在公共领域展开了一场文化大论辩,呈现了台湾公共知识分子对于国族身份认同与试图重建文化主体性的努力。  相似文献   

流散现象的出现打破了传统意义上的家园与人的文化身份之间的关系。流散者常会超越时空的界限表达自己对故国家园的怀旧之情,却多选择久居异域而不归。谭恩美的小说《接骨师之女》,通过两代居美华人对家园的不同认知和思考,居美华人如何在边缘生存体验中重新思索族群的文化定位,并构建新的文化认同。  相似文献   

本文为外教Rober to P. Reyes在离开中国时,写给他学生的一封信,主要目的在于鼓励中国学生学习英语,以及如何培养英语学习的兴趣等各方面的良好建议。  相似文献   

The paper examines the ways in which group work teachers deal with students understanding of the complexities of group work, while they support students acquisition of practice skills with groups. The students' ability to acquire skills in working with groups, and demonstrate them will vary greatly. Principles and techniques used in teaching group work should reflect these variations. Specific and concrete ways that instructors may use to individualize their approaches in teaching and communicating are presented. These principles and techniques also are relevant for teaching other social work practice methods.  相似文献   

亚东  阿萌 《出国与就业》2009,(11):30-33
当里程一身华服,端庄而优雅地走出纽约机场时,或者靓丽地漫步于香榭丽舍大街抑或落座于米兰的某个高档餐厅时,经常会不经意地遭遇礼貌的刺痛:一句日语的“你好”,一句韩语的“再见”,甚至是一句闽南话的“欢迎光临”。  相似文献   

《白鲸》是美国作家麦尔维尔的传世之作。我国1999年出版的姬旭升译本,是流传广泛的译本,但是这个译本的错误和遗漏非常严重。原著中重要的预言被遗漏,预言者被搞错,随意增加、改变、减少原著中没有的细节,严肃的旨趣被掩盖,甚至情节也有倒错的地方,译本的标题也大多和原著标题不符。  相似文献   


Academic wilderness education is separate from adventure and skills-oriented approaches. Though problems in logistics, academic expertise, and leadership place unusual demands on teachers and students, the qualitative benefits of field studies can be profound. Three programs are described ranging from short- to long-term immersion in backcountry environments. The University of Montana Wilderness and Civilization program focuses on the boundary between wildness and domesticity. The Outdoor Program of Hampshire College uses an individual-in-community approach that leads toward participatory empowerment. Sierra Institute programs, offered through the University of California Extension, Santa Cruz, challenge students with eight weeks in wilderness areas, probing the roots of ecology and attitudes toward nature. At the deepest level, wilderness studies direct participants toward reconnecting culture with nature through advocacy and cultivation of the ecological self.  相似文献   

Zdenko Kodelja's purpose in this essay is not to give a comprehensive explanation of the impact of neoliberal ideas and politics on authority (in all of its forms) of universities and their professors. His aims are much more modest: to sketch a theoretical framework for better understanding what the essence of authority is; to show that the relation between authority and trust is the key to explaining the effect of neoliberal politics on the authority of the university and university professors; to discuss professors' autonomy as deriving primarily from epistemic authority and to point out that what makes professors epistemic authorities is not the truth of what they say, but rather the students' belief that it is true; and to disclose some problems related to authority, university autonomy, and neoliberal politics.  相似文献   

The past,history, and education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
If you mention ‘educational reform’ in a room full of educators in the US, prepare to leave the room with your ears burning. For most teachers and school administrators in the US, ‘educational reform’ currently means standards, curriculum frameworks, mandatory state tests for students, and sanctions for schools if test scores fail to rise. Although some educators see benefits in parts of this agenda, many find that their jobs have become more stressful and less rewarding, and they wonder how schools got into their current situation. Reading the two books reviewed in this essay provides some answers, including insights into what motivates educational reformers and into why reforms often play out differently from what their designers intended.  相似文献   

Contemporary discourses in educational administration have exponentially grown the number of adjectival leaderships, challenged traditional organisational structures, and offered autonomy as a solution to performance issues. In this theoretical paper, I ask what does the principalship look like after autonomy? Despite the range of objections that could be raised in relation to thinking with and through an organisational role, it is the contention of this paper that it is in the principalship that we find important resources for theorising educational administration, even if, at first sight, these resources appear to bear little connection to, or resonance with, contemporary discourses of ‘leadership’ in education. Working within a relational approach to educational administration that I am advancing, my argument is built around three key markers: the centrality of temporality, the (im)possibility of the local, and the imposition of ‘quality’.  相似文献   

教师职前教育是现代教育体系的重要一环。改革现行的教师职前教育模式是全面推进素质教育,推广实施基础教育新课程的必要前提。文章分析研究了我国目前以定向型为主的教师职前教育模式存在的主要问题,深入探讨了高层次、多元化、开放性的教师职前教育模式的建构问题。  相似文献   

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