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大学时代是格拉斯顿思想初步形成的关键阶段,也是格拉斯顿从政前的最后准备阶段。其间,围绕未来人生道路的方向选择——"职业选择问题",格拉斯顿经历了从执意充任圣职,到最终转变观念打定主意从政的曲折过程,这一过程深刻反映出当时的格拉斯顿对于宗教和政治的基本态度及其对宗教-政治之间关系的认识变化。格拉斯顿的"弃"教从政并不意味着他放弃了宗教理想,相反,出于对政治与宗教之间工具-目的关系的内在考虑,格拉斯顿把从政视为服务于宗教的有效途径。他深沉的宗教气质预示着政治生涯早期宗教将对他的政治观及政治立场起决定性影响。  相似文献   

This article examines educational, political and philosophical perspectives on the concepts of worldview and religion in the context of multicultural education. Using a postcolonial and post-structural approach combined with theories that analyse the politics of secularism, we attempt to pinpoint key perspectives in the recognition of worldviews in the current discourse on liberal multiculturalism. We suggest that the liberal-secular foundation of multicultural education is blind to practices, which, while supposedly based on political neutrality, are discriminating and ‘Othering’ towards religions and non-Western worldviews. Through theoretical and contextual analysis, we aim to deconstruct the ‘Otherness’ of religious worldviews at the epistemic level.  相似文献   

孟子对孔门诗教意义的生发,历来为人们所称道。然而人们却往往忽略了诗学发展进程中的一个重要背景,那就是孔子至孟子时,《诗》正经历着由与乐舞结合走向分离的过程。把这一背景纳入考量范围就会发现,在《诗》学巨变过程中,孟子在《诗》的政教意义的最终赋予上具有其他诸子难以企及的贡献。孔子之时,诗乐舞尚未分离,《诗》教即是乐教,换而言之,孔子并没有赋予《诗》之文本以独立的政治教化意义;而《诗》三百脱离乐舞之后、其独立教化意义的赋予则多赖孟子之力。而这正是孟子于《诗》教发展的最大贡献,汉人解《诗》无不脱离乐舞而单从《诗》之文本入手,从这一角度上来讲,汉代诗学的经学化进程正是赖此而开;汉代乃至后世的《诗》的经学化阐释路径,也主要是由孟子导夫先路的。  相似文献   

The question of religious education is one of the most controversial questions in the current discussions on religion and politics in Russia. Most notably a new subject, Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture (FOC), is of interest because it differs markedly from Western European approaches to religious education. Referring to ‘Culturology’ FOC combines an introduction into Russian culture and patriotism with moral education and the imparting of knowledge about Orthodox Christianity. According to its own self‐image FOC is a non‐denominational subject, but an analysis of two widespread textbooks will be used to show that FOC is, in all respects, Orthodox.  相似文献   

大学生宗教信仰是思想政治教育重点关注的问题,具有很强的社会意义.对福建省十所高校学生为样本的问卷调查发现:当前大学生信教比例呈上升趋势,而且信仰多元发展,对宗教的本质认识模糊,缺少马克思主义宗教观的正确引领.信教原因主要是由家庭环境、社会环境、校园环境、个人需求和宗教文化发展而导致的,新形势下加强马克思主义宗教观的教育、注重宗教理论研究、倡导思政队伍引领、强化校园活动开展、注重心理健康教育是改进大学生宗教信仰认知的必要条件.  相似文献   

The article identifies international cases—from the United States, Europe, and the United Nations—of an emergent interface of religion, education, and security. This is manifest in the uses of religion in education to counter religious extremism, the notional “counter terrorist classroom.” To avoid an over-association of extremism with religion, the article provides some historical reminders that the post-Enlightenment centuries were marked by political extremism, particularly in the phenomenon that came to be known as totalitarianism. In freedom-espousing doctrines on all sides—Communist, Fascist, and Nazi as well as democratic—education here too was an invariant adjunct of political and security processes. All regarded religion too as contributory or contrary to such freedom. What is new now is the global use of religion in education for political and of late security purpose. Using Isaiah Berlin's (2002) “two concepts of liberty,” I argue that evidence of—often subtle, often explicit—security uses of religion in education mark in new ways a connection of the political with the religious. Although such moves are in intention benign, I conclude that political and security interventions and justifications for religion in education will inevitably shift the aims and purposes of religious education to the aims and purposes of political and security interest.  相似文献   

任何执政者都要与宗教打交道,世界上许多事都与宗教相关。新时期,我们需要以新型的执政意识审视宗教功能,以现代的思想观念去研究科学合理的政教关系。当代,社会转型是中国社会发展的一个突出特征,社会转型带来了社会价值观念的巨大转变,造成了激烈的价值矛盾、冲突和现实失范等。当今,培育人文精神是调适价值观念冲突的有效武器。宗教属于信仰范畴,回答人们用理性无法解释的人生根本问题。在转型时代的欧洲,康德的宗教哲学思想对欧洲大陆有着积极的建树,探讨其人文思想,对构建社会主义和谐社会将有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the debate between Liam Gearon and Robert Jackson concerning the politicisation of religious education. The debate concerns the extent to which secularisation frames religious education by inculcating politically motivated commitments to tolerance, respect and human rights. Gearon is critical of a supposed ‘counter-secularisation’ narrative that, he argues, underpins the REDCo project (Religion in Education. A Contribution to Dialogue or a Factor of Conflict in Transforming Societies of European Countries), suggesting that the politicising assumptions behind REDCo in fact extend rather than counter secularisation. Although Jackson’s rejoinder to Gearon is robust and largely accurate, I suggest that it misses the basic challenge that religious education serves political ends. I argue that both Gearon and Jackson are enframed at a more fundamental level by a particular view of religion. The problem of pluralism is not, as Gearon supposes, a consequence of the secular framing of religion in terms of tolerance and respect, but predicated on a propositional view of religion that places competing truth claims in opposition. Nothing less than a transformed view of religion itself is the presupposition and the aim of religious education.  相似文献   

In France, there is no religious education in state schools. ‘Convictional education’ appeared by drawing its perimeter around three educational subjects: philosophy, teaching about religions, and moral and civic education. Today, the French school is facing new challenges in a highly secularised society on which religion is laying new claims. As an institution, it is not neutral insofar as it proceeds from a political philosophy that evolved from the French Revolution. It is within the operative framework of this philosophy and with specific teaching practices that it intends to combine unity and plurality within itself.  相似文献   

大学生是建设社会主义和谐社会的中坚力量,加强宗教知识教育有助于大学生正确认识宗教文化现象、正确分析宗教问题、正确对待宗教信仰。针对当前大学生思想实际,要充分发挥“两课”主渠道、主阵地作用,不断创新教育形式和方法,积极开展深入细致的思想政治工作,切实加强科学精神教育、马克思主义宗教观教育和党的宗教政策教育以及宗教知识教育。  相似文献   

《楚辞》、《诗经》同为诗歌,但它们的艺术性质却有着极大的区别:《楚辞》重在抒情,不带任何功利目的性,是审美的艺术;《诗经》要在讽谏,实为政治的工具,是应用性诗歌。它们不同的艺术性质的形成,与南北原始宗教不同的经验有着非常密切的关系。中原原始宗教在进入阶级社会后,便立即成为统治阶级的政治工具,而不在娱神;并在“政治中心”价值观的作用下形成了一种实用的传统艺术观。而楚国的原始宗教在春秋战国时期却依然保持着原始宗教的原始色彩,不带任何政治功利目的性。因而,从民间原始宗教脱胎而来的楚国诗歌,依然继承着原始宗教艺术的抒情传统,只不过是在更多的时候将宗教情感转变成了审美情感。  相似文献   

This paper examines the recent shift towards the dominance of the study of philosophy of religion, ethics and critical thinking within religious education in Britain. It explores the impact of the critical realist model, advocated by Andrew Wright and Philip Barnes, in response to prior models of phenomenological religious education, in order to expose the ways in which both approaches can lead to a distorted understanding of the nature of religion. Although the writing of Emmanuel Levinas has been used in support of the critical realist model by Wright, I will consider how his and Slavoj Žižek's writings on the nature of religion might challenge the dominance of the critical realist approach and provide a conceptual framework through which it might be possible to develop an alternative approach to religious education that attends to the complexity, ambiguity and demanding nature of engaging with religious traditions.  相似文献   

宗教安全与政治安全是动态的互动关系。宗教安全有助于政治安全;当宗教不安全时,政治安全容易受到影响。当政治安全时,宗教安全较有保障;当政治不安全时,宗教也难有安全。  相似文献   

Most research into religious education has concentrated upon older children, but this paper reports findings obtained from the teachers of junior (seven to II years old) school children. From the content of religious education lessons and the overall religious sub‐cultures of classroom and school, conclusions are drawn about the religious socialization process of the child. A distinction is made between the child's own religious quest for meaning and the Christian culture which is generally accepted in Britain and taught in school. The child's religion is divided into the cognitive and the emotive while the socialization process is treated as cognitive, explicit and implicit. The general conclusion reached is that religious education lessons do not respond to the child's own cognitive level and are thus likely to confuse, whereas the religious life of classroom and school leads to an emotive affinity with Christianity. Thus ambivalence towards the Christian religion is produced in the child.  相似文献   

In a pluricultural and multi-religious world, with high levels of social secularisation, the role of religious education in schools (especially in state-funded schools) has inundated political and academic debate throughout Europe, which is becoming increasingly more committed to integrating, non-confessional models. In this context, it is essential to analyse how religious education is managed in countries whose relationship between state and religion is still firmly rooted (as is the case of Spain), and what the action of schools and families is in contexts where confessional religion is maintained in schools. Based on a quantitative study of 380 representatives of primary school management teams, it is seen that one in four schools does not teach any type of religion, either due to a lack of demand from families or because the school chooses not to do so. In addition, the study shows the practical limitations of the confessional model to provide a response to the religious and secular diversity of our time, as the implementation of minority confessions is very scant while there is a primacy of the catholic confession in the religion subject.  相似文献   

理性是近代政治学研究的一个最根本的出发点,也是我们研究马克斯·韦伯的政治社会学思想的逻辑起点.从宗教对政治影响的意义上来看,具有理性品质的新教伦理就不仅仅是一种宗教学说,而且还是一种政治学理论,它孕育了自由民主思想,催生了科层制.理性、新教伦理、科层制和自由民主政治四者相互包含、相互支撑,其合力催生了一个自由、民主、文明的现代社会.  相似文献   

This article is a revised version of the author’s contribution to the 2006 meeting of the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values in Driebergen, the Netherlands and is concerned with the need for continuing discussion about the identity of religious education. The article begins by arguing that, despite current criticisms, Smart’s original intentions for phenomenological religious education were far from inappropriate for a critical religious education. It then attempts to introduce some fresh ideas about how we might understand the commonly used terms of learning about and from religion. It suggests that in learning about religion it is important to engage students with the soteriological dimensions of religious traditions. The article then goes on to offer a revised version of learning from religion based on the Mahayana Buddhist concept of upaya or ‘skilful means’.  相似文献   

A sample of 187 female students, attending a sixth‐form study day on religious studies, completed a questionnaire containing four scales concerned with assessing: attitude towards theistic religion, attitude towards science, scientism and creationism. The data demonstrated a negative correlation between attitude towards religion and attitude towards science. However, this negative correlation was transformed into a positive correlation after taking into account individual differences in the students’ views about scientism and creationism. The implications of this finding are discussed in the context of the increasing support within society for the teaching of alternatives to evolution within the science curriculum. The authors argue both that it is important to challenge scientism by developing a better understanding of the role and limits of scientific methods, and that religious belief about creation should be recognised as essentially a claim about the ontological dependence of nature rather than about the details of its origins and development.  相似文献   

Under the guidelines for Initial Teacher Training, all potential primary teachers are required to learn about teaching religious education. However, religious education is not a high priority on ITT programmes and trainees may often have little introduction to it. Given the sensitive nature of religious education, what is the best way to prepare trainees for teaching religious education, and how far do we need to take into account their views about the subject? This article reports on a study involving trainees on a one‐year PGCE course. All the students were preparing to teach in primary schools and were not specialist religious education trainees. The aim of the study was to discover how trainees felt about teaching religious education in the primary school and how far their feelings linked to their views about religion. The conclusions suggest that any effective preparation of the trainees needs to recognise the diversity of their starting points and allow them opportunity to reflect on their views of religion and religious education.  相似文献   

This article identifies different types of religious education, as different countries and cultures provide different rationales for the appearance or non-appearance of religion in the curriculum of their public schools. It examines the nature of indoctrination and four principal ways in which indoctrination operates. The possibility of secular indoctrination is identified, along with the extent to which one type of religious education might be conceived as an antidote against it. It concludes that education about religion(s), as one type of religious education, is entirely consistent with democratic education in the public square.  相似文献   

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