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1 前言 农村中学"留守学生"是指父母双方或单方长期外出务工,被父母交由长辈或亲戚朋友抚养、教育、管理的学生.随着改革的不断深入,开放的不断扩大,产业结构的不断调整,越来越多的农民工背井离乡外出务工,产生一大批父母常年不在身边、留守家中的学生--"留守学生".  相似文献   

本研究以留守儿童为研究对象,采用问卷调查法,对230名儿童进行调查分析,探讨留守儿童与父母的通话对亲子关系和孤独感的影响。结果表明:(1)留守儿童的孤独感显著高于非留守儿童,但留守儿童的亲子关系与非留守儿童的差异不显著;(2)父母中只有一方外出的儿童,其与外出父母的通话与亲子关系和孤独感的相关不显著,但亲子关系与孤独感相关显著;(3)对于父母都外出的儿童,与父母的通话与亲子关系存在显著相关。随着科技的发展,留守儿童的父母可以通过通信工具,减少留守给儿童带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

本文利用甘肃、宁夏、四川、云南、广西五省农村地区数据,运用倾向得分匹配方法控制样本的自选择偏差,分析了父母外出务工对农村留守儿童的学业成绩及学校适应性的影响以及这种影响在不同外出方式、外出时长情况下对不同性别留守儿童的效应差异。结果显示,父母外出务工并没有导致留守儿童在学业成绩方面的劣势,相反,父母双方同时外出或长期外出,对留守子女的学业成绩具有提升作用。然而,无论父母选择何种外出形式及时长,留守子女都会出现非认知发展问题。特别是在母亲外出和长时间外出的情况下,留守子女容易出现隐性的、较为严重的适应性问题。本文也就此提出了解决外出务工缓解家庭经济压力与保障子女心理健康之矛盾的政策建议。  相似文献   

随着农民工年龄越来越年轻化,留守幼儿的生存与发展问题这一社会问题日渐引起社会的关注。通过对河南省郑州市农村留守幼儿生存与发展状况的调查,结果表明,农村留守幼儿生存状况与其监护人年龄及文化素质及家庭经济条件密切相关,其发展状况与非留守幼儿之间存在较大差距。建议外出务工的父母尽可能不要将幼儿留守给那些年龄大且文化素质地的祖父母辈,政府应对那些经济条件差的留守幼儿采取一定的补偿措施,幼儿园教师应针对留守幼儿发展中存在问题采取一定的积极措施,以促进留守幼儿的发展。  相似文献   

本文利用2012年和2014年在陕西省38所农村初中的3486名学生的面板数据,以心理健康诊断测试量表(MHT)为测量指标,运用倍差分析法克服内生性问题分析父母外出务工对留守儿童心理健康的影响,探索解决父母外出务工对留守儿童心理健康带来负面影响的途径.研究表明,父母长期外出(四个月以上)会对留守儿童心理健康带来负面影响,对于心理过渡阶段的初中生,父母的返乡并不能对其心理健康进行有效修复;但当父母外出务工时间缩减为四个月以下时,父母的外出务工将不会对其子女心理健康带来明显的负面影响.  相似文献   

利用中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)数据,本研究对农村父母外出务工与留守子女初、高中阶段辍学行为之间的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明:父亲外出务工会显著降低留守子女初、高中阶段的辍学概率,母亲外出务工则会显著增加留守子女初中阶段的辍学概率。此外,免费义务教育政策的实施在较大程度上降低了留守子女的初、高中阶段的辍学概率;与那些父母受教育程度较低的留守子女相比,父母受教育程度越高的留守子女越不容易辍学;家庭子女数和机会成本会提高留守子女初中阶段辍学的概率。因此,为降低农村中学阶段子女辍学率,政府应当增加农村妇女当地就业机会以减少母亲外出的影响、推进户籍制度改革使随迁子女能获得同等的教育机会,并为高中阶段和多子女家庭提供教育补贴。  相似文献   

<正>一、对县域内农村学龄前"留守与半留守"幼儿的认知与理解1.对学龄前留守幼儿概念的理解近年来,在实际工作中,我们发现留守儿童正在朝低幼化发展,留守结构正在向复杂化、多元化纵深。就我国目前现状来看,因父母双方或一方长期外出务工而导致"亲子分离",最终留在家中(主要在农村),脱离了父母监管的6岁以下幼儿群体均属学龄前留守儿童。因为年纪小,成为最无助的一个弱势群体。2."留守与半留守"幼儿的分类  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化和现代化进程的加快,农村剩余劳动力大规模转移,纷纷加入到"打工族"的行列。通过对河南省宁陵县L镇的问卷调查和参与观察,研究发现,大量农村青壮年外出务工,在拉动当地经济大发展的同时,也不可避免地在当地农村形成了为数不少的带有"乡土特色"的留守家庭,以及留守儿童群体。亲子关系的疏离、粗放型的隔代教育方式等因素弱化了学校教育的正面引导作用,大多数留守儿童的心理长期处于亚健康状态,而且父母务工年限、务工距离、亲子沟通周期等时空因素影响甚至决定着留守儿童心理健康问题的严重程度。在此基础上,笔者认为要解决好农村留守儿童的心理健康问题,需要多方协作,共同努力,构建"多元一体"的留守儿童心理关爱体系。  相似文献   

本研究主要通过半结构式访谈法,针对3岁~6岁的留守儿童及其监护人,围绕留守儿童与父母的亲子沟通现状,留守儿童对父母外出打工的态度,留守儿童与监护人的沟通,留守儿童家长与监护人的沟通几个方面,对留守家庭亲子状况进行调查。了解了留守家庭亲子关系的现状,分析了亲子关系存在的问题及其形成原因,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

朱忠保 《师道》2016,(4):16
民政部副部长邹铭最近在国务院政策吹风会上表示,个别外出务工父母缺乏监护责任意识,很少回家看望和联系在家留守的子女,甚至是"只生不养",造成一些留守儿童身心健康发展受到了严重的损害,对不依法履行监护责任、情节严重或者造成严重后果的外出务工父母,必须要依法追究其责任。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study with children and young people who have a parent in prison and identifies ways in which schools might better support these pupils. The paper is based on research and practice with 23 individuals from ten families. It first ‘sets the scene’ for these pupils’ lives by drawing on interviews with parents and carers. This helps to illuminate the context within which these children and young people are growing up. The paper then presents the views, and selected drawings, of the ten children and young people involved. The paper describes the forms of social isolation that families experience when a parent is sent to prison and the dilemmas and difficulties children and young people face at school. The recommendations focus on how individual teachers and schools might respond to the needs of this group.  相似文献   

For decades, the school exclusion rates have been a cause for concern within the English education system. We have witnessed a steady increase in the numbers of pupils being excluded since 2012. Evidence suggests that some children are more likely to be excluded from school, a significant number will have had the social, emotional and behavioural difficulties label attached to them. This article will draw on the work of Parsons and Howlett (Permanent exclusions from school: A case where society is failing its children. Support for Learning, 11, 3, 109–112, 1996) to see how much, if any, progress has been made since the publication of their work which raised concerns regarding the exclusion processes employed in England. Drawing on the perspectives of pupils, parents and teachers, 13 in-depth case studies were developed, with emphasis placed on employing innovative and creative methods to hear the voices of young people. The findings revealed that young people, their parents and teachers feel the current education system continues to fail this group of young people.  相似文献   

家庭教育中父母的缺失、隔代抚养的缺陷以及农村幼教发展滞后等使得留守幼儿的“留守”处境比学龄留守儿童更为艰难,“留守”给他们的发展带来更为不利的影响,他们是更“容易受伤害”的一个特殊群体,他们的利益急需得到关注。  相似文献   

Within a rapidly changing cultural and socio-economic context, young people in China are increasingly engaging in romantic experiences and sexual behaviours with consequences such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Across a range of contexts, parental communication about sexuality has been recognised as protective in terms of increasing the likelihood of sexual abstinence and safer sexual practice. This study focuses on the factors shaping parent–adolescent communication about sexuality. Thirty-eight young people and twenty-seven parents, recruited from two high schools in a Northern-Eastern city of China, were interviewed. Thematic analysis of their interview responses was conducted using a social constructionist framework. Four main themes were identified: timing; discomfort and uncertainty; assumptions; and the parent–adolescent relationship. Findings suggest that communication between parents and children is influenced by individual as well as interpersonal factors and factors relating to the broader Chinese sociocultural context. To facilitate communication, both parents and young people need support from health and other professionals, while parents need more help and support in overcoming historical, social and cultural barriers to open communication about sex.  相似文献   

This study analyses the expressed sexuality education needs of young people from Azuay, a region of Ecuador characterised by a large proportion of young people whose parents have migrated abroad, a group often considered at risk to developing of sexual health problems. Multi-stage stratified cluster sampling was used to recruit young people aged 11 and 19 years to the study. The expressed needs of participants were analysed in relation to gender, parents’ migratory status, age and geographical location. Survey findings revealed that young people expressed high needs with respect to the different components of Comprehensive Sexuality Education: gender roles, sexual and reproductive health, sexual citizenship, pleasure, violence, diversity and relationships. Ordinal regression analyses revealed few significant differences in relation to socio-demographic variables, which was surprising, in particular, with respect to the group of young people with migrating parents. Given the high levels of expressed needs, the findings carry important implications for the design and implementation of future sexuality education programmes.  相似文献   

Melanie Smart is a research associate at Sunfield School, Worcestershire, and a trainee clinical psychologist. In this article, she reports the results of a small-scale survey which looked at the views of 17 parents whose children with severe and/or complex learning difficulties had made the transition from a residential special school to an adult placement. Pa rents were asked their retrospective views on the transition planning process; their own involvement; and how the adult placement met the needs of their children.
Melanie Smart's findings indicate that the majority of parents were very much involved in the planning process, although they reported struggling to get consistency of approach and basic information. The young people themselves were found to be marginalised in the planning process, with very few being involved in any decision making. Most parents were happy with the eventual placement, but those who had concerns were still pushing for basic services and care. Of those who had suffered placement breakdowns, the major factor was lack of consistency of approach and failure to use prior information about the child.
This survey shows that parents and their learning disabled children experience difficulties in the transition process. There seems to be a distinct lack of person-centred planning, particularly with this user group, by both child and adult services. Parents are vital to this type of planning approach, particularly when the young people themselves cannot voice their needs or advocate their own rights to quality service provision. Melanie Smart argues that parents need access to better quality information and reassurance that their children will receive the services they deserve as young adults. The various agencies, she asserts, need to work together to ensure that the transition process is effective.  相似文献   

The Internet has made sexually explicit media more accessible to young people. Online pornography is diverse, can be very graphic, and a large amount is available free of charge with restrictions varying by country. Many young people are accessing online pornography, intentionally or unintentionally, and there are fears that this could impact on their sexual development and future relationships. Current research into the effects of viewing pornography on attitudes and behaviours of young people is patchy and often contradictory. Via an anonymous survey of 218 young people and focus group discussions with 23 teaching professionals in outer London schools, this study examines whether young people and teaching professionals consider pornography use to have harmful effects, and if they feel schools should be incorporating teaching about online pornography in their educational programmes. Findings reveal that young people and teachers perceive there to be many negative effects of viewing pornography, particularly at a young age. Young people and teachers agree that schools should teach about the risks associated with online pornography viewing. Recommendations for schools about how to facilitate discussion of issues surrounding pornography use as part of the wider sex education programme are made, including the involvement of parents.  相似文献   

Deciding on a secondary school for children with autism is notoriously difficult for parents. While current UK legislation emphasises the choice that parents of children with special educational needs should have in educational decision-making, there is a dearth of research in this area, which means that little is known about how parents come to make decisions about secondary school placements and the types of support, if any, they receive from professionals. The present study aimed to determine the factors that immediately influence secondary school choice for young people with autism in one London local authority from the perspectives of multiple informants. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents of children with autism (n?=?7), young people themselves prior to secondary school entry (n?=?6), parent advisors (n?=?5) and secondary school professionals (n?=?5). Parents emphasised the anxiety and burden of the decision-making process. There was, however, substantial agreement among adult groups on the factors necessary for a successful secondary school placement: a nurturing, flexible and inclusive environment that emphasised both academic and life skills. Few adults, however, mentioned the importance of children's social relationships – a factor that featured prominently in the reports of young people. These findings highlight both the different perceptions of those involved in making decisions about the educational placements of children with autism and the challenges associated with weighing up these potentially conflicting perspectives. More work is needed to ensure both that information is transparent and accessible to all parents and that young people are actively involved in decisions that ultimately affect their lives.  相似文献   

Research has shown that rates of clinical anxiety levels are higher among young people with an ASD than their typically developing peers. This study conducted an exploratory investigation into the impact of a specifically tailored CBT group programme on anxiety levels in young people with ASD. The 12 week CBT programme was delivered to 12 children with a diagnosis of ASD in a children’s disability team in Ireland. An embedded mixed methods design was utilised and inferences were drawn by collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative data separately. Findings indicate CBT can be delivered successfully to a group of children with ASD. As is the nature of an embedded design, quantitative findings are reported as supportive evidence for the qualitative findings of this study. The positive preliminary findings suggest a rigorous, large scale evaluation is needed to determine the overall effectiveness of the programme with this population.  相似文献   

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