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肱骨内上髁骨折的治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对54 例肱骨内上髁骨折患者经手法整复位。用超肘关节弹性小夹板及丁字托板固定稳妥,有利于早期进行功能锻炼,配合中药辨证施治,进行综合治疗,加速机体内成骨活动,有利于骨折愈合和促进功能恢复,防止并发症的发生。  相似文献   

1958年——1987年春,经本人处治贵州省运动员训练中肘部肱骨内上髁骨折,共计22例,23个肘关节(其中一人在比赛中单杠大回环双手脱把,肘关节伸直、过度外展、扑跌于地,使双肱骨内上髁骨折),获随访者21例。22个肘关节中,经治疗,肘关节功能优良者21个。  相似文献   

任何违背中小学生这一特殊年龄群体生理、解剖特点的体育活动,不仅起不到强身健体的效果,还极易引发诸多运动损伤。一、“扳手腕”活动:“扳手腕”时,腕关节的屈肌群得快速收缩用力。由于中小学生的肱骨内上髁与肱骨体之间尚未完全骨化愈合,因此,当肱骨内上髁与肱骨体之间难以承受较大的牵拉力时,就可能造成肱骨内上髁骨折。同时,“扳手腕”是一种憋气状态下的静力性用力,可引起胸内压急剧升高,致使静脉血回流受阻,易导致心脏和脑部缺氧,严重的还会出现晕厥。中小学生正处于生长发育的旺盛阶段,心血管系统尚显脆弱,耐氧能力较…  相似文献   

网球肘的诊断与治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网球肘亦称肱骨外上髁炎 ,本病因慢性积累性劳损导致肱骨外上髁腕伸肌腱附着处纤维组织变性、粘连所致。又因多发生前臂劳作者及网球运动者 ,因此称为网球肘。1 局部解剖学特征肱骨外上髁部有肱桡肌、桡侧腕长伸肌、腕短伸肌、指总伸肌、小指固有伸肌、尺侧腕伸肌附着 ,主要功能为伸腕、伸指 ,其次使前臂旋后。网球、乒乓球运动正手扣球时 ,手和腕伸肌受到猛烈的被动牵拉 ,牵拉应力主要集中于总腱附着处 ,既肱骨外上髁部。反手扣球时 ,手和腕伸肌突然猛烈地主动收缩 ,其应力也主要集中在总腱附着处 ,既肱骨外上髁部。在疲劳或伸腕与屈腕肌…  相似文献   

肱骨外上髁炎又称“网球肘”, 是由于肱骨外上髁前臂伸肌群附着处的急、慢性损伤致成的无菌性炎症,以局部疼痛、压痛,前臂旋转不利和伸腕抗阻阳性为主要特征,可运用围针、温针灸和局部刺血法进行治疗。 一、诊断与疗效标准 凡病人肱骨外上髁周围疼痛,压痛,前臂旋转不利,持物乏力,伸腕抗阻试验阳性者,即可确诊。疗效标准分为痊愈、有效和无效。 (一)痊愈 自觉疼痛和压痛消失,前臂功能活动正常,伸腕抗阻试验阴性。 (二)有效 自觉疼痛和压痛消失,前臂功能活动基本正常,但端、提重物时可见酸软不适。 (三)无效 治疗前后无显著变化。  相似文献   

冰球运动是一项强度大、速度快、难度高并且身体接触频繁的激烈对抗性体育运动,也是一项对肌肉力量素质和柔韧性素质要求很高的运动项目,运动损伤的发生率较高。肱骨外上髁炎在冰球运动员群体中是最常见的运动损伤之一,主要是运动员经常挥拍击球有关,如预防和治疗不正确、不及时,不仅会严重影响运动员的运动寿命,甚至影响今后的日常生活。分析和总结了冰球运动员肱骨外上髁炎发生的病因病理,指出了冰球运动员肱骨外上髁炎的常见症状、体征和诊断要点,从多方面提出和论证了冰球运动员肱骨外上髁炎的治疗和预防措施。  相似文献   

对36例肱骨干粉碎性骨折患者采用手法复位、弹性小夹板固定,结合功能锻炼,配合中药辨证施治综合治疗方法,促进了功能恢复,加速了骨折愈合,防止了关节僵硬,无痛苦,愈合快,取得了理想的效果  相似文献   

目的:运用原始点按摩手法与运动疗法治疗肱骨内上髁炎,寻找最佳手法与运动治疗方法.观察原始点按摩配合运动疗法中康复训练治疗肱骨内上髁炎的疗效.方法:通过11例患者治疗前、后疗效(治愈,显效,有效,无效)对照,检查Mills征(伸肌腱牵拉试验)结果,比较Mayo肘功能评分、治愈率情况.结果:所有患者均无并发症.治疗后3d及一周后Mayo肘功能评分明显改善,达到治愈标准.治疗前、后差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论:采用原始点按摩配合运动疗法中的功能康复训练.原始点按摩可以舒筋活血,运动康复训练提高了患肢的肌肉力量和质量使治疗效果显著,具有推广应用价值.  相似文献   

体操、技巧、跳水这几个运动项目中青年儿童居多,而青少年儿童运动员肱骨内上髁骨骺分离在上述项目中较为常见。多数肱骨内上髁骺分离的诊断都不难,而其中个别病例由于临床表现的症状、体征较轻,易与软组织损伤相混淆,容易造成临床上的漏诊。为了减少此型肱骨内上髁骨骺分离的漏诊,便于教练员对运动员伤后训练的安排,缩短运动员伤后的恢复时间,让运动员尽早投入训练。现将此型肱骨内上髁骨骺分离报告于下,供同道参考。临床资料  相似文献   

网球肘的症状治疗和预防   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俗语“网球肘”是指肘关节疼痛,而医学术语是指外上髁炎,即肱骨外上髁部位发炎。 用手腕和手臂运动的大多数运动员,在他们的运动生涯中都经历过网球肘,虽然这在大多数挥拍运动中是很普遍的,但是决不能忽视它对人们今后的运动生涯所产生的影响。 为了理解网球肘,首先必须对这一部位的解剖结构有所了解。肘是由三块骨头即上臂的肱骨、前臂小指旁的尺骨、前臂大拇指边的挠骨所组成一个绞链结构。它的二侧有内、外侧副韧带以加固并防止损伤,使手和腕运动的肌肉恰好沿着肱骨起始于肘的上方,如旋前元屈肌起始于肱骨内上髁(沿肘内侧突出的骨头),伸肌起始于肱骨外上髁上方(沿肘外侧突出的骨头)。虽然它们的起始稍有不同,但每块肌肉都对前臂、腕和手的运动产生着不同的功能。 注意:因为肘关节软组织损伤的许多症状和网球  相似文献   

投掷手榴弹技术的运动学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用运动生物力学影像测试图数分析方法研究投掷手榴弹中肱骨骨折问题。实验测试共进行3次(两次实弹投掷,一次实验室模拟测试),测试数据表明:投掷姿势不正确是造成肱骨螺旋性骨折原因之一,特别应注意投弹臂的肘部一定要在引臂时从肩后往上翻。经常纠正士兵的错误姿势能避免或减少骨折现象出现。  相似文献   

网球肘是常见的肘关节疾病,网球肘患者从事网球、羽毛球运动居多,家庭主妇、打字员等长期使用肘部活动者也易患此病。网球肘对患者造成极大的身体痛苦和精神压力,降低了患者的生活活动能力和工作效率,对社会经济也带来了一定的影响。本文对网球肘的发病机制、症状和目前的治疗方案进行了综述,以科学地认识、预防、治疗网球肘。  相似文献   

Magnetic and inertial measurement units (MIMUs) may provide an accessible, three-dimensional, in-field alternative to laboratory-restricted marker-based motion capture. Existing upper limb MIMU models have predominantly been validated with low-velocity motion and their suitability for use with sport-based movements remains relatively untested. We propose a MIMU system approach to enable the estimation of anatomically meaningful and participant-specific elbow kinematics with considerations for use with cricket bowling. A novel standardised elbow reference posture of 90 degrees flexion and 0 deg pronation, and functional definition of elbow joint axes of rotation calibrated the MIMU method model before it was validated across three experiments: (1) simple elbow rotations with a mechanical linkage; (2) low-velocity elbow rotations in human participants; and (3) low-medium velocity sport-based movements in human participants. The proposed MIMU method demonstrated high elbow kinematic measurement agreement when compared with a criterion measure across all three conditions. However, during experiment 3, sensor components neared their measurement capacity and the MIMU method elbow flexion measurement variability increased. We conclude that the proposed MIMU method can estimate anatomically referenced, participant-specific joint angles, however, the hardware specifications of currently available systems may limit application in high-velocity/acceleration situations, preventing the measurement of cricket bowling in-field for now.  相似文献   

"网球肘",即肱骨外上髁炎,是一种以肘关节外侧疼痛为特征的肱骨外上髁部前臂伸肌总腱附着处的慢性损伤性肌筋膜炎,因网球运动员最易患此病而得名。"网球肘"的主要外在表现是肘部隐隐的酸痛感以及持拍击球时产生的强烈疼痛感。网球肘妨碍了运动员的日常生活、训练、比赛,严重者甚至影响运动员的职业生涯。本文从病理特征、致病原因、致病机理、诊疗标准、诊疗措施、预防等方面对"网球肘"这一职业病进行深入分析,以期对该病的治疗、网球运动员的正确训练起到指导作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对76例新鲜肘关节脱位复位后的处理与功能康复治疗,认为只要我们注重做好肘关节脱位复位后的固定、药物治疗、手法治疗以及功能锻炼等环节的处理,肘关节脱位复位后的功能恢复问题是不难解决的。  相似文献   

试论“网球肘”的成因、诊断、预防与治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“网球肘”是网球运动中常见的一种伤病。通过研究“网球肘”的成因、诊断、预防与治疗,预防伤病的发生。  相似文献   

The dynamic impact characteristics of tennis balls with tennis rackets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamic properties of six types of tennis balls were measured using a force platform and high-speed digital video images of ball impacts on rigidly clamped tennis rackets. It was found that the coefficient of restitution reduced with velocity for impacts on a rigid surface or with a rigidly clamped tennis racket. Pressurized balls had the highest coefficient of restitution, which decreased by 20% when punctured. Pressureless balls had a coefficient of restitution approaching that of a punctured ball at high speeds. The dynamic stiffness of the ball or the ball-racket system increased with velocity and pressurized balls had the highest stiffness, which decreased by 35% when punctured. The characteristics of pressureless balls were shown to be similar to those of punctured balls at high velocity and it was found that lowering the string tension produced a smaller range of stiffness or coefficient of restitution. It was hypothesized that players might consider high ball stiffness to imply a high coefficient of restitution. Plots of coefficient of restitution versus stiffness confirmed the relationship and it was found that, generally, pressurized balls had a higher coefficient of restitution and stiffness than pressureless balls. The players might perceive these parameters through a combination of sound, vibration and perception of ball speed off the racket.  相似文献   


The dynamic properties of six types of tennis balls were measured using a force platform and high-speed digital video images of ball impacts on rigidly clamped tennis rackets. It was found that the coefficient of restitution reduced with velocity for impacts on a rigid surface or with a rigidly clamped tennis racket. Pressurized balls had the highest coefficient of restitution, which decreased by 20% when punctured. Pressureless balls had a coefficient of restitution approaching that of a punctured ball at high speeds. The dynamic stiffness of the ball or the ball-racket system increased with velocity and pressurized balls had the highest stiffness, which decreased by 35% when punctured. The characteristics of pressureless balls were shown to be similar to those of punctured balls at high velocity and it was found that lowering the string tension produced a smaller range of stiffness or coefficient of restitution. It was hypothesized that players might consider high ball stiffness to imply a high coefficient of restitution. Plots of coefficient of restitution versus stiffness confirmed the relationship and it was found that, generally, pressurized balls had a higher coefficient of restitution and stiffness than pressureless balls. The players might perceive these parameters through a combination of sound, vibration and perception of ball speed off the racket.  相似文献   

目的:通过对一例患有肘关节僵硬的优秀运动员的治疗和康复经过随访,探索优秀运动员肘关节僵硬的治疗以及康复方案,获得重返赛场经验。方法:选取2018年5月国家体育总局运动医学研究所收治的一例肘关节僵硬患者,进行关节镜下松解联合开放性松解的手术治疗、康复及专项体能训练干预。结果:该患者肘关节症状有明显缓解,功能明显改善,运动表现相比治疗前有显著提高,成功重返赛场并在全国锦标赛中获得冠军。结论:结合运动员特点进行治疗与康复,能够提高临床效果,有助于重返赛场,提高运动表现。  相似文献   

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