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郭晓宇 《科教文汇》2008,(33):263-263
长期以来,我国的电视新闻都是以宣传和教育功能为主,是党和国家的“喉舌”和“工具”,而电视民生新闻以平民的视角关注普通人、百姓身边事,锁定群众的生存状况、生存空间,关注群众的冷暖痛痒,喜怒哀乐。在节目理念上和新闻的报道上,与我国传统意义上一元的政治文化为主导的中央电视台和地方电视台的类似“联播体”新闻呈现出巨大的差异。这些差异也是电视民生新闻结合自身的资源和优势,寻找到地方台无可替代的优势。然而电视民生新闻在“收视率第一”的追求下,不惜迎合一些市民的低级趣味,有媚俗和庸俗化的倾向。面对我国电视民生新闻存在的问题,本文将试图对我国电视民生新闻的更好更快发展提出建议。  相似文献   

民生新闻热的出现是在电视民生新闻出现之后,是电视民生新闻引领了民生新闻热,以下重点探讨电视民生新闻的特点。  相似文献   

对民生新闻的本质进行了分析,特别针对电视民生新闻健康良性发展的问题阐述了意见,指明了电视民生新闻今后发展的方向.  相似文献   

近几年,民生新闻栏目数量逐渐增加,其以平民语言、平民视角等优势特点受到民众喜爱。电视民生新闻从群众生存状况等方面取材,缩短了观众和电视媒体之间的距离,使观众产生更多真实、亲切的感觉,但是在电视民生新闻采访过程中存在"失真"的问题,如何对民生新闻采访客观性进行把握已经成为人们关注的重点,下面对其进行具体分析。  相似文献   

陈哨兵 《科教文汇》2013,(16):154-155
作为百姓和政府之间的桥梁和纽带,电视民生新闻栏目已进入品牌化经营阶段。电视民生新闻采编人员素质的高低,直接影响着节目的质量,影响着观众的收看积极性,所以电视民生新闻采编人员的素质提升和团队建设是其品质提升的关键所在和当务之急。  相似文献   

作为百姓和政府之间的桥梁和纽带,电视民生新闻栏目已进入品牌化经营阶段。电视民生新闻采编人员素质的高低,直接影响着节目的质量,影响着观众的收看积极性,所以电视民生新闻采编人员的素质提升和团队建设是其品质提升的关键所在和当务之急。  相似文献   

近年来,随着人们不断增长的对信息资讯的需求,"新闻立台"逐渐成为众多地方电视台的一项发展战略。与人们生活息息相关的社会新闻以其特有的社会性、人情味和趣味性等特点引起了电视台越来越多的关注。自2002年江苏广电总台城市频道的《南京零距离》面世后,从而竖起电视民生新闻的大旗。从此民生新闻在全国遍地开花,异常繁荣。本文从电视社会新闻入手,根据当前构建和谐社会及全面建设小康社会的新形式下民生新闻的状况,浅析民生新闻的内涵、优势所在以及其今后的发展走向。  相似文献   

随着我国电视新闻的发展,公共的新闻参与意识的增强,我国的公共新闻和电视民生新闻都取得了较大的发展。这种情况下,电视民生新闻如何适应公众和市场变化的需要,在新传媒时代寻求一条独特的发展道路,是其面对的最大的挑战。  相似文献   

在大众传媒日益发达的今天,传统报纸媒体所面临的挑战已无所不在.特别在体育大赛报道领域,电视、电台、网络等电子媒介利用其先天的技术优势已日益占据上风.这也决定了传统报纸媒体旧有体育大赛报道创作方法和思路已走上了末路,在报纸体育大赛新闻创作上进行变革已成为必然.只有结合自己的媒介实际,进行新闻创作上的变革才能在激烈的媒体竞争中不断赢得属于自己的胜利.  相似文献   

农光华 《科技风》2013,(21):182
近年来电视新闻界使用的一个全新的一个名词就是"民生新闻",这说明社会对民生的关注在不断提升,而对于采访的质量要求也越来越高,这就要求新闻采访者要抓住采访技巧与策略以提升采访质量。采访技巧已成为民生新闻采访构成中关键的一项技能。而在在进行新闻采访的过程中,只有善于运用采访技巧,才能获得更多有价值的新闻资料与线索。因此,锻炼自身的采访技巧,增加新闻采访的成功率,已经成为新闻工作者最为重要的任务之一。本文在对民生新闻采访的探究上,重点探讨了民生新闻的采访策略与技巧。  相似文献   

论民生新闻评论中的批判性思维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
批判性思维是一种特殊的思维方式.将批判性思维运用在民生新闻评论中可以使评论更加理性、更有深度.但是,如果我们错误地理解了这种思维方式而在实际运用中操作不当,就会使评论失去应有的作用,甚至会导致民生新闻的评论走向另一个极端,影响民生新闻整体的传播效果.本文强调了民生新闻评论中批判性思维运用的重要性,指出了批判性思维运用应避免的误区,探讨了正确运用批判性思维的方法.  相似文献   

杨玫 《现代情报》2013,33(6):10
对《广州日报》近三年来的农民工报道分析显示,城市主流媒体关于农民工的报道在报道数量、议题内容、报道类型、叙述主体、新闻来源等方面尚有改进的空间。作为农民工市民化信息保障体系的重要组成部分,城市主流媒体应充分认识到自身的社会责任,构建媒体信息服务平台,树立平等的受众观念,拓宽议题内容,增强传播效果,准确反映农民工群体的真实面貌,为农民工市民化营造良好的信息环境。  相似文献   

方静 《科教文汇》2013,(17):130-131
电视新闻节目以其在电视传媒首要的影响力地位,成为国家文化软实力的核心内容之一。面对受众日益增长的收视需求,基层电视新闻节目也在不断尝试着转变,探寻发展之路。本文将结合节目具体演变过程探讨基层电视新闻节目的形态创新及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

杨盼盼 《科教文汇》2013,(16):151-151,153
随着全媒体时代的到来,现场直播报道逐渐成为彰显电视媒体特色和优势的信息表达方式。4月20日四川芦山发生地震后,全国各大电视台及时推出现场同步直播报道。本文以芦山地震电视报道为例,试图探讨电视新闻直播的创新与突破。  相似文献   

Using mobile devices for additional information search before, during and after watching television (either factual news or fictional TV series) - is an increasingly significant information management phenomenon. This activity has been recognised by both TV media executives and academia as ‘second screen’ activity. This paper develops and tests a ‘parasocial interaction-impulse buying’ - model that captures the behaviours of consumers watching a Chinese TV drama series. These audience-consumers were also engaging extensively (most on a daily basis) during the broadcast period with series related influencer social media activities on a second screen. A structural equation model was developed to analyse the data. Findings indicate that TV series audience consumers who are also highly engaged with influencer- consumer ‘second screen’ content are likely to experience positive narrative involvement leading to engagement in parasocial interaction behaviours and ultimately impulse buying behaviour. These findings have implications for managers by providing insights into (1) the effects of influencer second screen content (2) the processes by which consumers’ involvement in a TV show’s narrative leads to impulse buying of products. Thus, influencer related second screen consumer engagement should be considered a significant opportunity for marketers, as such activity makes consumers become more involved in the characters and the narrative of a particular TV show, leading to increased impulse buying.  相似文献   

With the newspapers' recent move to online reporting, traditional norms and practices of news reporting have changed to accommodate the new realities of online news writing. In particular, online news is much more fluid and prone to change in content than the traditional hard-copy newspapers--online newspaper articles often change over the course of the following days or even weeks as they respond to criticisms and new information becoming available. This poses a problem for social scientists who analyse newspaper coverage of science, health and risk topics, because it is no longer clear who has read and written what version, and what impact they potentially had on the national debates on these topics. In this note I want to briefly flag up this problem through two recent examples of U.K. national science stories and discuss the potential implications for PUS media research.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国新闻媒介的对外报道日益增多,有关对外报道的研究也渐成规模。本文通过梳理国内对外报道研究的相关成果及主要观点,从对外报道的内外环境、媒介机构、受众与传播效果、信息采集与内容制作、报道策略与方法等方面概括我国对外报道研究的现状,探讨对外报道研究存在的问题和发展趋势,指出今后的对外报道研究应当重点关注全球传播市场竞争对策、新媒体领域的拓展空间,以及如何利用新媒体的优势加强对外报道的传播技巧与效果,扩大对外报道的受众面及影响力等问题。  相似文献   

Using the framework of social representations theory--more precisely the concepts of anchoring and objectification--this article analyses the emotions on which the media reporting on climate change draws. Emotions are thereby regarded as discursive phenomena. A qualitative analysis of two series in Swedish media on climate change, one in a tabloid newspaper and one in public service television news, is presented showing how the verbal and visual representations are attached to emotions of fear, hope, guilt, compassion and nostalgia. It is further argued that emotional representations of climate change may on the one hand enhance public engagement in the issue, but on the other hand may draw attention away from climate change as the abstract, long-term phenomenon of a statistical character that it is.  相似文献   

The phenomenal spread of fake news online necessitates further research into fake news perception. We stress human factors in misinformation management. This study extends prior research on fake news and media consumption to examine how people perceive fake news. The objective is to understand how news categories and sources influence individuals' perceptions of fake news. Participants (N = 1008) were randomly allocated to six groups in which they evaluated the believability of news from three categories (misinformation, conspiracy, and correction news) coupled with six online news sources whose background (official media, commercial media, and social media) and expertise level varied (the presence or absence of a professional editorial team). Our findings indicated people could distinguish media sources, which have a significant effect on fake news perception. People believed most in conspiracy news and then misinformation included in correction news, demonstrating the backfire of correction news. The significant interaction effects indicate people are more sensitive to misinformation news and show more skepticism toward misinformation on social media. The findings support news literacy that users are capable to leverage credible sources in navigating online news. Meanwhile, challenges of processing correction news require design measures to promote truth-telling news.  相似文献   

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