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大数据时代背景下,每个领域都在发生着变革。大数据对我们来说就是一把双刃剑,在开辟新时代的同时,也在威胁着个人隐私,甚至出现了公开的隐私。本文通过对大数据时代下海量数据共享侵犯公民个人隐私现象的分析,找出其中的原因,指出大数据时代下公民个人隐私保护的重要性,并探讨保护个人隐私权应采取的措施。  相似文献   

档案数据开放是当今时代的必然趋势,但在档案数据开放中,个人隐私保护也面临着隐私保护范围界定难、侵权责任认定难和保护具体实现较困难等主要困境。应从强化个人隐私保护制度设计、设置个人隐私保护小组、应用个人隐私保护先进技术和培育公民个人隐私保护素养来对档案数据开放中的个人隐私保护路径予以完善。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数据是国家重要的基础性战略资源,许多具有关键性、基础性特征的公共数据被各级政府掌握。个人隐私保护是政府数据开放过程中的重要工作,探究个人隐私保护有利于提升我国政府数据平台开放。[方法/过程]在省级政府官网收集我国20个省级政府数据开放平台有关个人隐私保护的相关政策,运用NVivo文本分析工具,对收集的政策文本按照不同的维度进行节点编码分析,根据编码分析结果,采用文本内容分析法进行对比分析,厘清目前我国省级政府数据开放平台中个人隐私保护政策的问题和不足。[结果/结论]从制定地方个人隐私保护法、推进数据主体协同治理、培养公民隐私保护意识、制定持续的个人隐私监控策略、加强人才队伍建设5个方面提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

文琦 《新闻前哨》2022,(17):79-80
随着互联网的迅猛发展,世界已步入信息时代。数字数据的快速增长已然压倒了传统的系统和方法。然而,在这个数据信息爆炸性增长的时代,迎接我们的不仅是机遇,还有挑战,数据库技术的广泛运用给个人用户的隐私安全带来了一系列伦理困境。本文从传播学的视角出发,以个人隐私安全保护问题的实质为切入点,分析大数据时代个人隐私保护所面临的伦理困境,并针对伦理困境产生的原因提出相应的对策,这有利于帮助人们清楚认知大数据时代个人隐私保护中存在的伦理问题,并正确应对,以便趋利避害。  相似文献   

<正>大数据本是一个技术词汇,但是却成为了社会热点名词。在这个大数据爆炸的时代,数据分析似乎无所不能,从商业、体育、医疗到军事领域,大数据分析都在大显身手。但是,大数据不是万能的;而且大数据是把"双刃剑",国家和企业因大数据获益的同时,个人隐私的保护却从此变得更加艰难。1大数据非万能的上帝大数据技术给作战指挥带来新的机遇,但若认为"有数据就够了,数据会说话"则是片面的。大数据的价值应该被认  相似文献   

随着大数据时代的来临,全球的“隐私”似乎成了最不具备“隐私”性质的东西.从斯诺登曝光美国“监控门”事件开始,个人通讯设备数据的安全性和隐私权越来越成为高科技公司、司法界、政府机构和普通用户关注的核心问题.近年来,用户隐私数据的盗用和泄露问题一直困扰着包括苹果公司在内的硅谷科技公司,与此同时,美国政府和司法部门以信息安全为发展点一直在通过各种途径监控获取相关信息,试图从技术层面、法律层面、道德层面来使得这一过程合法化、常态化、程序化、专业化,大数据时代个人隐私与国家信息安全的矛盾反映到现实层面就是高科技公司在法庭上和执法部门的对垒,法庭的判决结果,科技公司的技术屏障以及执法部门的法定标准程序将直接左右未来个人数据隐私的信息安全.这一博弈当前最鲜活的一个案例就是苹果与FBI之间的用户数据隐私权保卫战.  相似文献   

互联网信息安全不仅与每个公民的日常生活息息相关,更事关互联网行业的健康发展和整个国家的安全。随着移动互联网应用的普及,个人隐私与安全便成为了当前重要的话题,而未来的物联网应用,又会将互联网安全引向一个更高的层次。面对大数据、云计算、在线支付等新技术新业务带来的信息资产归属、隐私保护、数据使用权限等新兴网络安全问题,亟待制定一部对我国互联网安全问题做出全面规定的专门法律,并以此为基础,调整和完善我国现行的网络安全法律体系。  相似文献   

随着大众传媒时代的到来与大众文化的崛起,媒体对人们在社会生活各个方面的相关报道越来越多,然而由此产生的媒体报道侵犯民事主体隐私权的冲突也愈加引人注目,大众传媒与个人隐私之间的矛盾不可避免.  相似文献   

本文从双起事件入手,探讨了公权力组织及公权力人物与媒介的关系,并就公权力人物主张私权利成立要件进行了分析。同时,作者从起诉行为的社会评价角度,说明了评论和评价都源自公权力的赋予者——社会公众。公权力组织和个人起诉主张自身的私权利这一行为并没有错,但其中需要注意起诉的条件。我国要成为法制国家,追求以法治国,必须成为一个宪政中国,尊重并保护公民的权利。  相似文献   

北京日报8月14日发表《我们面临的网络伦理难题》文章说,互联网在发展的同时,提出了一些新的伦理难题: 1、对个人隐私的挑战。在网络交往活动中,人们如何保护合法的个人隐私?如何防止把个人隐私作为谋取经济利益的手段?这是网络时代首当其冲的伦理难题。 2、知识产权的保护。如果在网络上人们非法复制、使用有知识产权的软件是一种不道德行为,网络的普及强烈地要求处理好知识产权保护与知识网络资源的共享、合理利用两者相互矛盾的难题。 3、民族文化的发展。信息输出大国将本国的社会价值观和意识形态传递给其他国家,进行文…  相似文献   

汪琼 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(4):22-24
图书馆权利的公有性,与代表私权的知识产权构成天然矛盾.知识产权保护也蕴藏着对公共利益保护的社会责任,知识产权对图书馆权利的实现既有限制,又有一定促进作用.文章分析二者之间的冲突与协调,提出进一步完善知识产权保护制度及维护图书馆权利实现的措施.  相似文献   

This research employed Q methodology to examine how much privacy the public wants and what regulation it wants to impose on on-line companies. Respondents were 23 adults who sorted 40 Q-sample statements. Results revealed three factors or types: “absolute privacy advocates”, “consumer first advocates” and “objective privacy advocates”. The three types shared some viewpoints: All strongly agreed that consumers deserve notice and choice when a company uses personal information on themselves, even after they provide personal information for the company. Beyond this overlap, they had their own traits. Absolute privacy advocates believed in absolute privacy protection. They also understood power of on-line technology and were suspicious of companies selling data without considering consumer's benefits, but still did not want to regulate the private sector. Consumer first advocates were interested in consumer protection of privacy while ignoring companies' need to collect data on consumers. Objective privacy advocates wanted to restrict a company in its use of personal data while acknowledging the company's need to collect personal data. Who should be an on-line privacy regulator didn't seem to be a salient issue to the adult groups yet. Direct government intervention or legislation as a privacy protection method did not register strongly with the three groups. Ages and occupations seemed to be no type determiner. But when it comes to on-line purchasing experience, consumer first advocates and objective privacy advocates seemed to do more on-line shopping than absolute privacy advocates.  相似文献   

This research employed Q methodology to examine how much privacy the public wants and what regulation it wants to impose on on-line companies. Respondents were 23 adults who sorted 40 Q-sample statements. Results revealed three factors or types: “absolute privacy advocates”, “consumer first advocates” and “objective privacy advocates”. The three types shared some viewpoints: All strongly agreed that consumers deserve notice and choice when a company uses personal information on themselves, even after they provide personal information for the company. Beyond this overlap, they had their own traits. Absolute privacy advocates believed in absolute privacy protection. They also understood power of on-line technology and were suspicious of companies selling data without considering consumer's benefits, but still did not want to regulate the private sector. Consumer first advocates were interested in consumer protection of privacy while ignoring companies' need to collect data on consumers. Objective privacy advocates wanted to restrict a company in its use of personal data while acknowledging the company's need to collect personal data. Who should be an on-line privacy regulator didn't seem to be a salient issue to the adult groups yet. Direct government intervention or legislation as a privacy protection method did not register strongly with the three groups. Ages and occupations seemed to be no type determiner. But when it comes to on-line purchasing experience, consumer first advocates and objective privacy advocates seemed to do more on-line shopping than absolute privacy advocates.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对我国科研工作者获取国外学术信息过程中涉及的隐私保护问题,提出相关建议、对策与防范策略,并探讨大数据与区块链隐私保护技术及其实现隐私保护的可行策略。[方法/过程] 通过对国外学术数据库平台网站的访问数据进行收集分析,发现这些数据库平台除了在其自身网站中插入收集用户信息的脚本外,还存在使用第三方平台脚本对用户信息进行实时收集的情况,并对此结果进行分析,挖掘其关联性。[结果/结论] 通过大数据技术,科研用户访问国外学术数据库信息可为数据库商及其合作伙伴或政府机构所获取利用,致使科研用户的隐私信息发生泄露的风险,从而导致个人安全问题、财务问题,甚至国家安全问题,需要从多个层面加以重视。  相似文献   

知识产权与图书馆权利都是公民的基本权利。二者具有根本利益的一致性。但同时,知识产权侧重于保护私权,图书馆权利侧重于谋求知识公益,使图书馆权利的公共性与知识产权的专有性存在天然的冲突。探究知识产权与图书馆权利冲突的根源与典型表现,寻求二者之间的协调与平衡点,实现二者间的最优配置,是鼓励知识传播,推动知识创新的需要。  相似文献   

若要充分挖掘作为生产要素的数据的经济价值,须以明确的权属为前提。但数据的无形性和非排他性使其有别于传统民法意义上的“物”,且个人信息安全和隐私保护、企业数据安全和竞争利益维持、国家数据安全和数字经济发展的多元利益冲突导致数据确权举步维艰。现有研究正逐渐确立以公权性质的数据主权和私权性质的个人数据权与企业数据权为内核的“三线数据权”框架,但并未实现数据多元利益的分割,尤其未能将个人信息权和企业数据权剥离。后续研究应着力于合理分割各方数据利益以协调三项数据权的逻辑关系,实现个人隐私与信息安全、企业数据产权明晰、国家数据安全和数字经济发展的相对均衡。  相似文献   

大数据时代个人信息保护研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
姜盼盼 《图书情报工作》2019,63(15):140-148
[目的/意义]通过梳理大数据时代个人信息保护的研究文献,为未来研究个人信息保护提供借鉴。[方法/过程]利用CNKI数据库,系统收集关于大数据时代个人信息保护的国内核心期刊论文,对文献的内容进行分析,归纳研究主题,并进行论述。[结果/结论]将现有的研究成果按主题分为5类:国内外实践经验研究、基本理论问题研究、个人信息保护机制探索、个人信息安全风险与应对、相关法律法规研究,评述现有研究的不足之处并对未来的研究方向提出展望。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对我国图书馆用户隐私保护指南的制订现状及现有的图书馆服务标准中存在的问题,对国外图书馆用户隐私保护指南文本进行分析,为我国图书馆用户隐私保护指南的制订提供参考。[方法/过程]通过对澳大利亚、加拿大、英国等国比较有代表性的图书馆用户隐私保护指南的具体内容进行分析,总结出其特点,在此基础上对我国图书馆用户隐私保护指南的制订提出建议。[结果/结论]指出我国图书馆用户隐私保护指南应由权威机构进行制订,要具有可操作性、实用性、可行性、谦和性,符合大数据时代发展的需要,明确规定问责制,各个图书馆应制订用户隐私保护政策和用户隐私保护影响评估机制,同时着力提高馆员和用户的隐私保护意识。  相似文献   

Local governments are required to provide open access to their records as a matter of law; however, there is growing public concern about the security of private information found in these files. Before the advent of the Internet, individuals enjoyed a level of practical obscurity, as viewing public records required the time and effort of a visit to the records' physical location and prevented easy access to details of individual files. However, the introduction of the Web and the availability of digital documents have caused an unavoidable conflict. On the one hand, the government is required to provide the public with a transparent view of its activities by offering open access to its records, and on the other hand, local governments need to secure their citizens’ right to privacy. Especially since September 11, 2001, and the problems associated with identity theft, finding the right balance between accessibility and privacy is not a simple task. The purpose of this article is to report on the accessibility and extent of personal information found within online local government records and to understand how local governments are managing the dichotomy between providing open access to their records with maintaining the privacy rights of the public.  相似文献   

Our information societies are evolving into surveillance societies, as we near the year 2000. The various automated databases now in existence make possible fairly integrated monitoring of individuals in Western countries. The proliferation of such information banks in both the public and private sectors, rather than the existence of any single one of them, poses the fundamental challenge to privacy interests. We need to think about the implications of such surveillance practices for the protection of human rights. In North America, in particular, the application of information technology is galloping ahead of regulation and control. Moreover, despite the advent of privacy and data protection laws and agencies, there is some evidence that we have only created the illusion of data protection, since the force of those trying to invade privacy is so overpowering in the name of efficiency and cost control.  相似文献   

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