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社会符号学翻译法涉及到与翻译紧密相关的所指意义、言内意义和语用意义。用这种翻译法在用词造句、布局谋篇和文化传输方面对张亦文和Moss Roberts《三国演义》两个英译本进行对比,可以发现就翻译文本内的研究而言,社会符号学翻译法最为全面,可作为翻译批评标准的一个视角。  相似文献   

从符号学这一全新的视角探讨语用失误的成因,采用了Morris的观点来分析两种语言之间的符号转换,并分析了Morris符号学意义观中的三个要素,即言内意义、所指意义和语用意义,指出在两种符号进行转换的时候,任何一种意义没有被精确地转换成目的语符号,都将引起语用失误。而此前,在进行符号转换的时候,往往只重视语用意义的转换,忽视了言内意义和所指意义,尤其是言内意义。基于上述从符号学意义观角度对语用失误这个问题的分析,提出了一些有关英语教学方面的建议。  相似文献   

语言象似性主要论述语言形式与所指意义之间的理据关系。本文试图探索语言符号在语用层面的相似性,提出四条语用象似性原则,包括语用数量象似性原则、语用顺序象似性原则、语用距离象似性原则和语用标志象似性原则,并分析证明语用象似性原则的存在。  相似文献   

短语subject to所引导的句型是法律英语中的典型句型之一,因此学界很早就对subject to进行了探讨,但以往的探讨只停留于分析该短语的语义和译法,对于该短语的语用意义却未曾提及。为此,文章在总结前人研究的基础上,从语义和语用的双重角度考察该短语的特征和该短语所指称的意义,以揭示subject to的语义和语用特征,并探讨其语用翻译方法。  相似文献   

符号学作为一门崭新的方法论,在各个学科中起到了指导作用,跨文化交际作为一门新兴学科,亦引起越来越多学者的关注和兴趣,而符号学和跨文化交际研究的结合更是为研究者提供了广阔的探索空间。本文从符号学这一全新的视角分析跨文化交际中的语用失误,探讨符号学、跨文化交际和语用失误三者间的具体关系,希望通过所指意义、语用意义和言内意义三个方面的实例分析,对实现成功跨文化交际予以启迪。  相似文献   

翻译中的三种符号学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将符号学运用于翻译学研究已成为当今翻译学发展的一大趋势,翻译学借鉴了符号学的理论侧重传达语言符号的所指意义、语用意义和言内意义,从而达到不同言语产物在翻译上的等值,因此从符号学的角度分析翻译中意义的转换是十分必要的。  相似文献   

虚与实的变异使用是常见的语言现象,这是由释说清晰的需要、语用交际原则的制约和译者主观因素的影响等决定的。语符移译时应充分考虑译入语的表达习惯,充分发挥译者的个性,从而如实传达出所指对象的语指意义、语用意义和语法意义  相似文献   

言语行为具有字面意义和交际意图 ,或语义内涵与言外之力 ,对应语言学上的语义意义和语用意义。在翻译过程中 ,译者有时会舍弃字面意义 (语义意义 )而传递源文的交际意图 (语用意义 )。语用意义可分为六类 ,即言外之力、隐含意义、修辞意义、所指意义、情感内涵及言外效果。在翻译过程中 ,隐含或明示源文的语用意义的取决于不同的时代背景 ,不同的文本功能 ,不同的翻译目的 ,不同的译者 ,不同的读者 ,不同的传播媒体等  相似文献   

翻译过程中有时需要显化源文本的一些隐含意义,这些隐含意义就包含有语用意义.因此语用显译是翻译的必要策略.语用显译应:显化命题的形式,即消除原文表达的一词多义、结构歧义,使表达所指具体化,添加外在或内在的语言信息;显化交际意图,即通过转换句型和添加语言信息把发话者的意图如请求、拒绝、道歉等传达出来.  相似文献   

任丽花 《考试周刊》2009,(1):207-208
词汇语用意义研究将词汇意义的研究引入到语用层面.强调语境、背景知识对语言解释的作用和影响。Sperber和Wilson的关联理论为我们研究词汇的语用意义提供了一个很好的理论框架。本文从认知语境及词汇语用层面两个维度入手.指出词汇的理解与使用是受制于特定的认知语境,词汇的理解过程不是静态的原型意义的直接再现过程,而是一个以语境为基础的寻找语用关联的动态推理过程。  相似文献   

语境是针对语言表达与理解而言的,有解释功能和选择功能,可分为言辞语境和非言辞语境.语境参数公式可为分析语言表达式的涵义和指称提供较为方便的工具.认知语境中的认知模式是确定的,语言表达式在具体语境中的特定涵义是随语境而变的.格赖斯的合作原则说的是发话人和受话人的共有背景知识,斯珀波和威尔逊的认知语境是指人在认知语言意义过程中的语境.传统语境研究中所提语境并非都是静态语境,动态与静态需具体情况具体分析.文化语境也是语境因素.语境的形而上学表述会模糊其本来性质和特点.  相似文献   

This study aimed at clarifying the relative developmental influences of age, number‐sense and context on primary school children's ability to estimate measures. Children (6‐11 years) were first assessed on three aspects of number‐sense (mental computation, understanding of relative number magnitude and understanding of relations between numbers) and were then assessed on their estimation of length and area within each of two task contexts (a ‘story’ frame and a ‘textbook’ frame). While number‐sense was found to improve with age, estimation did not. However, an ability to use and perceive number relations, together with an understanding of the relative magnitudes of larger numbers, were found to influence children's ability to estimate area. Children of all ages were also found to estimate more accurately in the ‘textbook’ context than in the ‘story’ context. These findings are discussed with reference to the notion of estimation as a situated activity  相似文献   

话语意义的理解依赖于语境。关联理论认为交际中的语境是动态的,对话语意义的理解在于交际者在认知语境中寻找关联。语境对意义的理解有积极的作用,它能帮助消除歧义、理解话语的隐含意义、修辞意义以及具有文化含义的语言。  相似文献   

隐喻语言是一种非字面的、非逻辑的语言。从本质上讲,它是以一定的语符为载体,在特定语用语境中生成的语义映射。对隐喻指称的研究已实现了由静态语义指称向动态认识论的转变。隐喻指称的价值只有相对于相关语境才能得以实现,其发生、发展都是在特定的语境中。语境对隐喻指称意义的规约主要体现在对其合适意义变量的筛选以及为其内在意向关联构造和指称点的实现提供平台。  相似文献   

针对英语的一词多义现象及许多英语词汇在特定的语境中产生的比喻义给学生造成的困扰,探讨了认知语言学提供的新的解决途径——通过多义词的核心意义有效地推测出比喻义,以解决词典编撰滞后,这些比喻义一般不能及时出现在已出版的词典中的问题,并用相关实验加以验证。  相似文献   

In recent research on school improvement and effectiveness attention is paid to teachers' sense of efficacy. This research is focused on (a) teachers and (b) instructional tasks. Another restriction is that teachers' sense of efficacy is studied apart from the context in which it affects teacher behavior. This study introduces the Teachers' and Principals' Sense of Efficacy scale in pupil and school oriented tasks. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the context dependency of teachers' and principals' sense of efficacy. The central question is to what extent type of task and a staff member's position in the school organization are related to perceived self-efficacy. Besides, teachers' and principals' perceived school efficacy is introduced as ä context specific construct. In addition mediating effects of gender, work experience, and grade are analyzed. From the results it is concluded that the expansion of the sense of efficacy construct to principals as well as to school oriented tasks enhances its explanatory potential.  相似文献   

语境分析及其对英语教改的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外语学习中最大的障碍是不了解外语交际的语境及其背后的文化差异 ,由此提出外语教学要重视语境分析 ,进而培养学生的语境意识。它有助于英语教学从孤立的语言点教学向联系的语篇分析教学转变 ;从静态的课本教学向动态的跨文化交际教学转变。在培养学生的语境意识过程中 ,需注意把握两个关系 ,一是课堂内与课堂外教学的关系 ;二是语言、文化知识讲授与训练实际操作能力的关系。  相似文献   

As careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) continue to grow, so has attention to Algebra 1 enrollment timing that serves as a critical predictor of STEM success. The present study adds to the literature by examining if Algebra 1 enrollment timing from 8th to 9th grade is related to sense of belonging in math, and whether this association changes as a function of the students’ perceived school and math race/ethnic context. To capture the dynamic nature of these contexts, we examined racial/ethnic incongruence, or the difference in the perceived number of same-race/ethnic peers in math class and the school of Black, White, Latino, and Asian students. Mixed effects linear modeling analyses were conducted on a sample of 2,938 participants (46% males; 54% females) who attended 26 racially/ethnically diverse middle schools and who transitioned to 142 public high schools in California. The results showed that enrolling and successfully passing 8th Algebra was protective for sense of belonging but this association depended on students’ race/ethnicity and the racial/ethnic incongruence between the math class and school context. Findings have important implications for math education, teaching, and policy.  相似文献   

Citations have a central role in the dynamic process of knowledge development and as measures of research performance – yet little is known about their role in educational research or the qualities they are assumed to measure. Based on a citation context analysis, this study shows how a paradigmatic reference within classroom research has been used in 90 articles in educational research journals. Four types of content and four citation functions were identified in the immediate context of the citation symbols. Surprisingly, no critical citations or discussions of the validity of the cited study were found. The results are discussed in relation to the conditions for communication within a field without disciplinary cohesion.  相似文献   

文章将语境分为上下文语境和情景语境 ;模糊语义分为相对的动态模糊语义和静态模糊语义。文章从五个方面讨论了语境对模糊语义的影响 ,并得出结论 :语境对动态模糊语义极为重要 ,动态模糊语义的研究有助于静态模糊语义的理解  相似文献   

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