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美国家庭教育的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
家庭是孩子的第一所学校,父母是孩子的第一任教师。然而长期以来,我们的社会却一直十分重视教师素质的提高,而忽视了对父母的专门培训,因而在我国的家庭教育中存在很多薄弱环节。本文通过对美国家庭教育几个方面的介绍,希望可以使我国的家庭教育从中得到一些启示。  相似文献   

父母是一个人的第一任教师,家庭是孩子接触的第一个群体。要想孩子成为社会有用的人,必须要先成人,只有成人才会成才。成人要从小抓起,从家庭抓起,家长要从家庭的环境开始,从心理、行为习惯等方面培养孩子成人,让家庭成为孩子成人的殿堂。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代至今,由于美国"千禧代"大学生人口特质变化与家庭结构关系的变迁、高等教育的社会角色转型以及现代网络信息通信技术发展等社会因素的综合作用,美国家庭参与到大学校园的现象呈现日益增长的态势,使高等院校与家庭的关系面临一种新的文化转型。家庭参与在促进大学生身心健康发展、获得可靠的学术成功、确保平等的高等教育机会以及推进高等教育管理变革等方面发挥了积极影响。美国高等院校正重塑家庭参与的院校精神与管理哲学,提供家庭参与的专业支持,优化与完善家庭参与项目,不断主动强化院校的家长领导力策略建设。  相似文献   

先前,一谈起家庭教育,人们便把目光全都朝向孩子,总认为家庭教育就是家长对孩子的教育。于是,家长总盯着孩子的不足之处,家长的精力大多用在教训孩子、想方设法纠正孩子的过错上。这样的认识,这样的做法,收效甚微。逐渐,人们认识到,其实,家庭教育是提高家庭全体成员素质的教育,包括子女,也包括父母。而且,父母教育比子女教育更重要。父母,是家长,是一个家庭的管理者。父母管理家庭,需要多种管理知识,比如家政知识,  相似文献   

父母的家庭学习参与行为主要有安排、督促和辅导孩子学习,与孩子沟通学习问题等。“双减”政策出台后,家长督促和辅导孩子学习的作用将更加凸显。学界关注到父母学习参与越来越普遍,且参与程度普遍加深,但效果参差不齐。为全面了解该概念与学生学业的关系,梳理了相关文献,发现父母学习参与对学生的学业投入产生有比较大的影响,并且这些影响...  相似文献   

父母参与儿童早期保育与教育是美国儿童早期发展的"干预计划"中重要内容。在"开端计划"、"儿童保育运动"和"家庭援助方案"中父母以课堂志愿者活动、义工、家访交流等多种形式参与儿童早期保育与教育,以传递家庭中的文化、语言、宗教等方面的传统,监督保育与教育的各种实施措施改进和总体质量的提升,促进其子女的健康发展和自身素质和技能的提高。  相似文献   

儿童的委托--美国家长参与儿童早期教育情况透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国十分重视家长对儿童早期教育的积极参与,他们把家长的参与看作是孩子委托给父母的一种使命和责任。联邦政府推出了家长参与婴幼儿早期教育的“首要计划”和“先行计划”等项目。地方政府也通过一系列家校合作项目及其典型示例研究,为家长参与幼儿园教育提供帮助和服务。家长对儿童早期学校教育的参与,不仅反映了美国的教育管理化传统,标示了其学校管理民主化和开放化的特色,而且也代表了其学校、家庭、社会一体化的教育管理的发展趋势。  相似文献   

父母要自我觉醒和认知,要使用正确的教育手段影响孩子,教育子女,父母要时时关注自己的言行,不能有丝毫的懈息,要经常反躬自问,修正自己的行为,这是父母与孩子及家庭保持和谐、健康成长的前提.孩子的成长与父母的教育至关重要.父母与孩子除了亲子关系以外还是指导老师与学生的关系,家长要具备老师的素质和应负的责任.父母更重要的是牵着孩子的手,与孩子一起慢慢成长.而不是生硬的"管教"和"必须"式的命令,或一味的溺爱,这样都会伤害孩子.  相似文献   

基于我国特定的教育文化背景,整合已有理论和实证研究,提出了小学生父母教育卷入行为结构的理论模型。通过家长访谈、专家评定,对该模型进行了完善,并据此编制了家长报告问卷加以验证。对965位小学生家长所填问卷进行分析后,形成小学生父母教育卷入行为问卷(父母回答版)。问卷共29个项目,包括了五个维度,分别为:家庭监控,指父母对子女学习、生活及交往等的监督、控制行为;学业辅导,指家长按照教师要求或自行在家中对子女的学习进行辅导的行为;亲子沟通,指家长在日常生活中就子女学习、生活、交往以及学校事务进行沟通和交流的行为,以达到共同理解、信任的过程;共同活动,指为开阔视野、促进身心发展,家长与孩子共同进行的一些文体、社会实践活动等;家校沟通,指家长为了获取子女在校表现的信息和了解学校当前进行的工作而进行的家校之间的沟通与交流。经过探索性因素分析和交叉验证分析,问卷的结构与理论模型拟合较好,能够作为考察我国小学生父母教育卷入行为的测量工具。  相似文献   

为探究父母教养方式对初中生心理健康、社会行为的影响,从而指导家长实施科学有效的家庭教育,以乐山市第七中学的初中生群体为样本展开调查研究。结果显示:父亲的教养方式在初中生性别上有显著差异;父母的教养方式在是否独生子女上有明显差异;亲社会行为与父母教养教养方式各维度均呈现出显著性相关。因此,学校需要针对多子女家庭进行专题指导,帮助家长用积极的教养方式促进孩子的心理健康和亲社会行为。  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the family characteristics that promote the development of social skills in children with physical disabilities. Parents and teachers completed a range of questionnaires in an Australia‐wide study of 212 parents of children (5–12 years of age) with physical disabilities who attend mainstream schools. The relationships between parental attitudes, parental involvement, family relationships, teachers’ opinions, disability severity, and children’s social skills were tested using structural equation modelling. The results of this study show the importance of family characteristics for the development of social skills in children with physical disabilities. A strong link was found between aspects of healthy family relationships, especially high levels of parental involvement with schooling, and greater social skills development in children. In short, families with highly cohesive, idealised, and democratic family styles strongly influence children’s social skills by providing a safe and sound foundation for children to explore their social environment. Practical implications arising from this study are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare teachers and parents as instructors of a personal safety program. One hundred seventy-two Head Start preschoolers were randomly assigned to a personal safety program taught by their teachers, parents, both teachers and parents, or to a general safety control program. Following program participation, children taught the personal safety program by their teachers, parents, or both, demonstrated greater knowledge about sexual abuse and higher levels of personal safety skills compared with those in the control group. Gains in knowledge and skills were maintained at the 5-month follow up. Children taught by their parents showed greater improvements in recognizing inappropriate-touch requests and in their personal safety skills compared with children taught by their teachers, and children who received the program both at home and school were better able to recognize appropriate-touch requests and to demonstrate higher levels of personal safety skills compared with children taught only at school. The emotional costs associated with participating in the program were minimal, and both parents and children rated the program positively. The advantages of home-based instruction for young children are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Homeschooling and the Question of Socialization Revisited   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This article reviews recent research on homeschooled children's socialization. The research indicates that homeschooling parents expect their children to respect and get along with people of diverse backgrounds, provide their children with a variety of social opportunities outside the family, and believe their children's social skills are at least as good as those of other children. What homeschooled children think about their own social skills is less clear. Compared to children attending conventional schools, however, research suggest that they have higher quality friendships and better relationships with their parents and other adults. They are happy, optimistic, and satisfied with their lives. Their moral reasoning is at least as advanced as that of other children, and they may be more likely to act unselfishly. As adolescents, they have a strong sense of social responsibility and exhibit less emotional turmoil and problem behaviors than their peers. Those who go on to college are socially involved and open to new experiences. Adults who were homeschooled as children are civically engaged and functioning competently in every way measured so far. An alarmist view of homeschooling, therefore, is not supported by empirical research. It is suggested that future studies focus not on outcomes of socialization but on the process itself.  相似文献   

This article reviewed the recent fifteen years’ articles of empirical research on preschool children’s mental health, highlighting the issue concerning minors’ mental health. It found that psychological measurement tools were mainly revised from foreign countries, and that preschool children’s mental health were influenced by their coping styles, family upbringing modes, parents’ mental health and marital quality, parent-child relationships, teachers’ mental health, etc. And there was no enough evidence that factors such as age, gender, temperament, family socio-economic status, etc. had any effects on the mental health of preschool children. It, therefore, suggested that further research were needed in the aspects of measurement tools, physical environment and other social, cultural and physiological factors, influential mechanisms and multiple research methods  相似文献   

The authors of this article begin with an introduction to the holistic concept of family literacy and learning and its implementation in various international contexts, paying special attention to the key role played by the notions of lifelong learning and intergenerational learning. The international trends and experiences they outline inspired and underpinned the concept of a prize-winning Family Literacy project called FLY, which was piloted in 2004 in Hamburg, Germany. FLY aims to build bridges between preschools, schools and families by actively involving parents and other family members in children’s literacy education. Its three main pillars are: (1) parents’ participation in their children’s classes; (2) special sessions for parents (without their children); and (3) joint out-of-school activities for teachers, parents and children. These three pillars help families from migrant backgrounds, in particular, to develop a better understanding of German schools and to play a more active role in school life. To illustrate how the FLY concept is integrated into everyday school life, the authors showcase one participating Hamburg school before presenting their own recent study on the impact of FLY in a group of Hamburg primary schools with several years of FLY experience. The results of the evaluation clearly indicate that the project’s main objectives have been achieved: (1) parents of children in FLY schools feel more involved in their children’s learning and are offered more opportunities to take part in school activities; (2) the quality of teaching in these schools has improved, with instruction developing a more skills-based focus due to markedly better classroom management und a more supportive learning environment; and (3) children in FLY schools are more likely to have opportunities to accumulate experience in out-of-school contexts and to be exposed to environments that stimulate and enhance their literacy skills in a tangible way.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between preschool children’s social-interpersonal skills and their transition to school in the beginning months of kindergarten. One hundred and thirty-three preschool children participated in this study. During the spring of the pre-kindergarten year, children’s social-interpersonal skills were assessed as well as rated by teachers. In the follow-up year, parents/guardians and teachers reported on children’s adjustment to kindergarten. The results of this study found no association between parents’/guardians’ and teachers’ reports of children’s adjustment and readiness in kindergarten. Children’s social-interpersonal skills were negatively associated with teachers’ reports of children’s kindergarten readiness difficulties. The findings of this study indicate that children’s early social skills, developed prior to entering kindergarten, are important for children’s readiness for school.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The current study examines the relations between Chinese preschoolers’ social-emotional competence and their preacademic skills, as well as the role of child gender and parental education in such relations. A total of 154 children from the northeastern region of China were involved in the study. Both parents and head teachers of the target children completed measures of children’s social-emotional competence and preacademic skills. Multiple aspects of social-emotional competence were investigated. The results showed that children’s withdrawn behaviors and attention problems were negatively related to their preacademic skills. Both parent- and teacher-reported positive social behaviors were positively related to children’s preacademic skills. In addition, child gender and parental education together moderated the effects of children’s anxious/depressed problems and parent-reported social behaviors on children’s preacademic skills. Practice or Policy: Teacher training and support are needed to help preschool teachers (a) better support children who are socially withdrawn or have difficulty regulating attention and (b) understand the construct and importance of social-emotional development in relation to children’s preacademic development . In addition, child characteristics such as age and gender and socioeconomic factors need to be taken into consideration in the study of young children’s social-emotional and cognitive competence.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examined correlates of parents’ reported school engagement in an ethnically diverse, rural sample (N = 346) of parents and teachers in kindergarten through Grade 2. Of particular interest were role expectations and family–school relationships in American Indian families, who historically have been marginalized by schools. In terms of role expectations, parents and teachers agreed that they should support each other’s roles, parents should have more responsibility than schools for teaching social skills, and families and schools should have shared responsibility for children’s academic success. Teachers had higher expectations than parents for parent engagement, which in turn was greater when parent–teacher communication was more frequent and the school climate was more welcoming. American Indian parents more strongly endorsed a separation of family and school roles and felt less welcomed at school; ethnicity moderated correlates of reported parent engagement. Practice or Policy: These findings have practical promise given that parent–teacher communication, school climate, and role expectations are more easily altered than are structural barriers that also may hinder parents’ involvement in supporting their children’s early education.  相似文献   

This study involved the development, implementation, and assessment of a comprehensive schoolwide mailing program as a practical tool to communicate enthusiasm towards writing to children and actively engage them in letter writing. The author played the dual role of teacher-researcher and worked for one school year with one teacher from each grade level from grade 1 to grade 5. The objective of the study was to explore the relationship between an innovative mailing program and children’s attitudes towards letter writing. This study employed both qualitative (conference with teachers) and quantitative (survey) methods. The author initiated the study with a presentation to the teachers (during a staff meeting) and to the children (in an assembly), systematically collected feedback from teachers to assess the program throughout the year, informed parents (through school newsletters), and assessed children’s attitudes towards both writing and letter writing at the beginning and end of the program. It was anticipated that the program would provide children with authentic writing experiences, foster positive attitudes towards writing, enhance their literacy skills, and in turn strengthen a “friendship culture” in the school by being coparticipants as readers and writers in the letter writing process. Data analysis indicated that children enjoyed the responsive letter writing process and that their self-perceptions as writers and their writing skills improved. Results support the introduction of an elementary school mailing program as a means to cultivate and strengthen positive relationships between pupils and invite family participation.  相似文献   

School feeding programs in low- and middle-income countries tend to focus on school attendance and literacy. Some evidence suggests that bolstering schools as a nexus of community plays an important psychosocial function for children and families. This study examines the extent to which childhood literacy rates are associated with parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of community violence and cohesion, following participation in a large-scale school feeding program in the Department of Intibucá, Honduras. Primary school children (n = 3,147) from 176 schools completed standardized literacy tests. Scores were linked to parents’ (n = 328) and teachers’ (n = 537) responses about community cohesion and violence. Social bonding among parents was positively associated with children’s literacy. Community violence reported by teachers exerted a negative influence. The authors discuss these results in light of how vertically focused interventions such as school feeding can be integrated to account for the specific contextual factors that affect, and are affected by, the program itself.  相似文献   

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