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对整个监控系统的关键技术包括H.264视频编解码、实时传输等进行研究,根据视频监控系统的体系结构,设计了一种面向Android智能终端的移动视频监控系统,其基于Android平台的视频监控客户端使用移动流媒体实现,能够达到实时监控的效果。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于校园网的微机实验室视频监控系统,该系统将多个视频监控设备进行整合,对监控摄像头进行统一管理,用户可以更加方便、快捷地查询到微机实验室的实时监控视频。  相似文献   

基于视频监控应用领域应用广泛,对视频监控的实时性已成为检验安防系统的重要标准,为此设计以TE6410开发板为硬件平台为核心基于Linux系统实现H. 264软件编码的实时监控系统。平台采用cmos摄像头基于V4L2接口采集视频,采用X264软件编码压缩,实现了视频的高度压缩比;基于RTP协议打包封装H. 264视频流经网络传输到VLC播放器,显示监控画面。经实验测试结果证明,系统监控图像清晰,播放流畅达到了实时监控的效果。  相似文献   

针对智能家居视频监控的实际需求,设计了一种基于ARM11+Linux系统组成的无线视频监控系统,系统选用S3C6410为主控制器,以USB摄像头为视频采集设备,采用基于IEEE802.11g协议的无线局域网进行视频传输。详细阐述了嵌入式Linux操作系统的移植与烧写,内核的裁剪与编译,以及搭建了Mjpg-streamer视频流服务器。测试结果表明,该系统成本低廉、便携易用且运行稳定性,无线带宽和传输速率均能满足实时监控的要求,适合家居监控环境的应用。  相似文献   

运动目标检测和跟踪技术是视频监控系统中的两大关键技术,本文以智能视频监控系统研究为基点,介绍了智能视频监控系统的兴起及组成部分、运动目标检测与跟踪算法的基本作用原理,阐述了基于智能视频监控系统的运动目标检测方法和运动目标检测方法的实现,分析了包括基于均值偏移的跟踪算法、基于粒子滤波的跟踪算法、融合Mean-Shift的粒子滤波跟踪算法在内的运动跟踪方法,对于后期智能视频监控系统的运动目标检测和跟踪研究具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

视频监控系统面临着一系列安全问题,频频出现视频监控假冒、窃取和非法控制事件。基于可信计算技术,设计了可信视频监控系统安全架构。该架构对系统中的计算设备实施可信安全增强,设计了基于数字证书的双向认证协议,对传输的视频和信令数据进行加密保护。系统验证和分析结果表明,该架构有效提高了视频监控系统的安全防护能力。  相似文献   

视频监控系统在现实中得到了广泛应用,嵌入式远程视频监控系统通过远程网络实现异地多客户端的视频监控服务。以ARM芯片技术为核心,介绍了嵌入式监控系统的硬件结构与整体设计,分析了嵌入式视频监控系统实现流程,对视频采集、视频数据传输以及视频播放技术进行了研究。  相似文献   

在现如今的传统监控系统应用上还有着各种各样的问题存在,所以本文就对基于web技术的嵌入式网络视频监控系统,主要对嵌入式技术以及嵌入式技术的网络视频监控系统的功能以及其软件平台和嵌入式web服务器程序的设计进行分析,着重对web技术的嵌入式网络视频监控的应用方案进行论事,旨在为提高嵌入式技术在网络视频监控系统中的应用水平提供有价值的意见和建议.  相似文献   

随着数字图像处理技术的不断发展,智能视频监控系统在安防中得到越来越广泛的应用。在无光源的条件下,普通的智能视频监控系统无法检测到黑暗中的目标,而基于红外的智能视频监控系统却克服了这一缺点。介绍了红外智能视频监控系统组成及工作原理,重点阐述了基于红外的智能视频分析技术,并给出了红外智能视频分析的实际案例。  相似文献   

张蘅 《考试周刊》2007,(41):133-134
传统的模拟视频监控系统存在造价高、布线工程量大、易衰耗、扩展能力差等缺点,视频监控系统正迅速从基于有线电视技术的模拟视频监控系统向基于IP技术的数字视频监控系统方向发展。本文从实际应用的角度出发,比较分析了采用3级分布式架构的网络数字化视频监控系统的优点,揭示了该系统利用多种通信链路传输流媒体数据的传输方式,同时阐述了"动中通"监控对象和多用户实时监控的实现过程。  相似文献   

魏昕 《唐山学院学报》2015,28(5):77-80, 83
制书的发展演变,可从制度层面和文体本身两个角度进行考察:就制度层面来讲,制书作为诏令之属,其发展和完善,是在皇权的维护和国家制度的规范下实现的。随着制书规范性的明晰与强化,其名称、格式、行文、执行制书的程序等等,都具备了明确的标准和严格的律法规定。从制书文体本身来看,其演变则发生了两种情况:一方面,制书功能由普遍地颁布"制度之命",转而变为用于"行大赏罚、授大官爵"等授命封官之事;另一方面,制书文体则衍生出"德音"这一变体形式。  相似文献   

对布拉格光纤光栅(FBG)和基于光散射的分布式光纤测温技术原理进行阐述。经比较,基于拉曼散射的分布式测温系统性能良好,更易实现。同时探讨了光纤传感与计算机技术融合的智能光纤监测系统在大坝水利安全监测中的应用。  相似文献   

经济法是国家治理制度体系的重要构成部分,它的有效实施能够推进国家治理主体、治理程序、治理路径以及治理目标的完善。当前制约国家治理能力提升的经济法实施领域主要体现于产品质量监管、国有企业资产运营、财政转移支付、环境保护以及弱势群体社会保障等五个方面。因此,应针对上述领域,结合经济法实施中存在的"运动式"执法,行政执法人员素质低下,传统诉讼模式存在缺陷,专门性和独立性经济司法机构以及经济法社会化和市场化实施机制缺失等问题,对经济法的实施加以完善。具体的完善路径包括构建常态性执法机制,提高行政执法人员素质,建立专门性经济司法机构,引导与支持社会化实施以及强化市场化实施。  相似文献   

In this article, we systematize the factors influencing performance and feasibility of automatic content scoring methods for short text responses. We argue that performance (i.e., how well an automatic system agrees with human judgments) mainly depends on the linguistic variance seen in the responses and that this variance is indirectly influenced by other factors such as target population or input modality. Extending previous work, we distinguish conceptual, realization, and nonconformity variance, which are differentially impacted by the various factors. While conceptual variance relates to different concepts embedded in the text responses, realization variance refers to their diverse manifestation through natural language. Nonconformity variance is added by aberrant response behavior. Furthermore, besides its performance, the feasibility of using an automatic scoring system depends on external factors, such as ethical or computational constraints, which influence whether a system with a given performance is accepted by stakeholders. Our work provides (i) a framework for assessment practitioners to decide a priori whether automatic content scoring can be successfully applied in a given setup as well as (ii) new empirical findings and the integration of empirical findings from the literature on factors that influence automatic systems' performance.  相似文献   

谢霄男 《唐山学院学报》2015,28(4):12-13, 16
深化对社会发展规律的认识是一个重要的历史性课题。原因在于:改革是发展生产力的客观需要,是化解社会矛盾的有效手段,是新旧体制更替的助产婆。改革既要解放生产力,又要发展生产力,要敢于涉险滩,要改善社会主义具体制度。为此要秉持为绝大多数人谋利益、公平分担改革成本以及重视顶层设计的原则。  相似文献   

The use of augmented reality (AR) in teaching and studying neuroanatomy has been well researched. Previous research showed that AR-based learning of neuroanatomy has both alleviated cognitive load and was attractive to young learners. However, how the attractiveness of AR effects student motivation has not been discovered. Therefore, the motivational effects of AR were investigated in this research by the use of quantitative and qualitative methods. Motivation elicited by the GreyMapp-AR, an AR application, was investigated in medical and biomedical sciences students (n = 222; mean age: 19.7 ± 1.4 years) using the instructional measure of motivation survey (IMMS). Additional components (i.e., attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction) were also evaluated with motivation as measured by IMMS. Additionally, 19 students underwent audio-recorded individual interviews which were transcribed for qualitative analysis. Males regarded the relevance of AR significantly higher than females (P < 0.024). Appreciation of the GreyMapp-AR program was found to be significantly higher in students studying biomedical sciences as compared to students studying medicine (P < 0.011). Other components and scores did not show significant differences between student groups. Students expressed that AR was beneficial in increasing their motivation to study subcortical structures, and that AR could be helpful and motivating for preparing an anatomy examination. This study suggests that students are motivated to study neuroanatomy by the use of AR, although the components that make up their individual motivation can differ significantly between groups of students.  相似文献   



Previous studies used curriculum-based measurement (CBM) maze scores as an indicator of the reading comprehension level of secondary school students with and without special educational needs in multiple grades, pinpointing a high influence of both student- and context-related variables. However, studies on cumulative influence are necessary for better understanding of data-based decision-making.


We examined a sample of 1066 secondary school students using four linear mixed-effect models: How much variance in maze scores exists between multiple student characteristics (i.e., gender, immigration background, learning disability and developmental language disorder) and context variables (i.e., classroom, grade and school type) across Grades 5–8?


The intra-class correlation (ICC) results show that the influence by the context-related variable classroom (ICC = .094) is almost as large as by the variable grade level (ICC = .126). School type (i.e., inclusive school vs. special school) has the least influence (ICC = .02). In addition, the effects of student-related variables explain only a small proportion of the variance (marginal R2 = .114).


Maze scores can be used as a screening instrument for students with multiple characteristics across grades; they also show that it makes no difference which type of school students attend. As teachers and further classroom-related variables have almost as much influence as grade level, we discuss that teachers can minimise classroom effects by using maze scores as a formative approach.  相似文献   

基于PROFIBUS和以太网的嵌入式监测系统,利用嵌入式技术和以太网技术为PROFIBUS总线监测和诊断提供了解决方案。该系统采用ARM嵌入式微处理器作为控制系统核心,利用嵌入式TCP/IP协议与PROFIBUS总线协议实现对现场设备的远程监测和诊断。  相似文献   

How do children reason about academic performance across development? A classic view suggests children’s intuitive theories in this domain undergo qualitative changes. According to this view, older children and adults consider both effort and skill as sources of performance (i.e., a “performance = effort + skill” theory), but younger children can only consider effort (i.e., a “performance = effort” theory). Results from two studies (N = 240 children aged 4–9) contradict the claim of theory change, suggesting instead that children as young as 4 operate with an intuitive theory of academic performance that incorporates both effort and skill as explanatory concepts. This work reveals that children’s understanding of academic performance is more continuous across development than previously assumed.  相似文献   

王蕾 《唐山学院学报》2015,28(6):39-41, 89
利用LabVIEW和Multisim软件,通过结点法和调用法设计了虚拟电子技术实验系统。该系统具有用户登录模块和仿真模块,实现了用户身份认证和远程仿真功能。经测试,系统运行稳定,可用于电子技术实验的虚拟仿真实践教学。  相似文献   

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