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Many teachers experience a seme of vulnerability in their work. Analysing primary school teachers’ professional biographies, the author reconstructed the main sources of this vulnerability: administrative or policy measures; professional relationships in the school; limits to teachers’ efficacy. Further analysis of the meaning this vulnerability has for teachers revealed its moral and political roots. Vulnerability implies the feeling that one's professional identity and moral integrity are questioned. Coping with it therefore implies political action in order to (re)gain the social recognition of one's professional self and restore the necessary workplace conditions for good job performance. Finally, autobiographical reflection and story telling are suggested as effective strategies to deal successfully with the sense of vulnerability  相似文献   

Theoretically, reflection is known to be an essential skill for improving learning on a metacognitive level. In practice, students may not use it of their own accord to improve this kind of learning because it can be mentally demanding. The author reports on the legitimation of an instrument measuring self-induced self-reflective thinking, which is reflection of one's own accord focused on improving general knowledge of the learning process. In 2 studies, the psychometric properties and nomological validity of open-ended self-induced self-reflective thinking questions were examined. Senior high school students responded to these questions and several measures of general knowledge of the learning process. Results showed statistically significant relationships between self-induced self-reflective thinking and general knowledge of the learning process. Implications for educational research are discussed.  相似文献   

Service learning provides pre-service educators with a context for having hands-on field experience and also assists in understanding the theory and practice. This study discusses 7 undergraduates' implementations of learning stations as their service learning with 28 elementary school students. Through thematic data analysis of interviews, observation field notes, activity designs, and discussion posts, this study presented the following major findings. First, elementary school students, seven undergraduates, and a cooperative elementary school English teacher held positive attitudes towards the implementation of learning stations, because these developed children's cooperation and word recognition skills. Second, undergraduates and cooperative teachers gained professionalism through reflection and cooperation, in terms of activity designs, classroom management, and interpersonal skills development with kids and adults. Five suggestions are provided in order to effectively implement undergraduates' activity designs for learning stations as their service learning among elementary school students.  相似文献   

Existential Pedagogy (EP) derives from existential analysis and logotherapy developed by Viktor Frankl and Alfried Längle in the tradition of existential philosophy and phenomenology. This study investigated how EP influences pedagogues' and teachers' attitudes and teaching. Four focus groups with a total of 12 persons each were conducted in an elementary school that is tailored for students with emotional and behavioral problems. Data were analyzed with the qualitative content analysis. EP helped teachers come into relationship with students, strengthen students' self-esteem, and find meaningful approaches to the learning content. It also facilitated coming into touch with one's emotions and with the children's emotions. The individualized approach does not solely focus on children but highly impacts teachers and pedagogues. Similarities to other pedagogies can be found, but it appears to be specific for EP to have an impact on teachers and pedagogues. Additionally EP encourages an individual and flexible handling of EP.  相似文献   

教师实践性知识研究已成为研究者关注的热点,运用教育叙事,以一位小学教师为个案,从自我知识、学科教学知识、学习者的知识和情境知识等方面展示其实践性知识发展的真实状况。个人的教育信念、原有的受教育背景和生活经验、教学反思的意识、学习方式的转变和学校文化的创设等是影响小学教师实践性知识形成与发展的深层次原因。研究启示,教师实践性知识的生成离不开日常教学生活、教学反思以及教师学习共同体的建立。  相似文献   

Tacit Teaching     
This essay reflects upon certain aspects of Wittgenstein's own practices as a teacher. Doing philosophy always took priority for Wittgenstein, whether this was in oral or written form: it was important to show the deep puzzles in our language (and our culture and thinking) as a step toward dissolving them. In this respect, one can teach only as a guide; it is a matter of showing more than saying.

Wittgenstein's approach suggests a model that I will call tacit teaching. Tacit teaching refers to the many forms of informal instruction—some intentional, some unintentional, and some difficult to categorize simply as one or the other—by which skills, capacities, and dispositions are passed along within a domain of practice. Wittgenstein repeatedly uses the language of signposts, of wandering through a city, of being lost and finding one's way, of needing a guide, of learning how to go on by one's self, to refer to the complex web of knowledge and understanding that allows successful autonomous practice in some discipline: most pertinently, in the context of Wittgenstein's own teaching and writing, the discipline of doing philosophy, but with clear reference to teaching and learning in other complex and ill‐structured domains as well.  相似文献   

Much attention in adult learning theory rests on the distinction between ‘experience’ and ‘reflection’, with experience treated as the raw material for learning and reflection as a highly cognitive processing stage in which the learning actually takes place. The distinction thus valorizes emotional detachment, physical distance and rationality, thereby imposing an epistemological hierarchy that is deeply complicitous with power differentials of gender, class and race. This article locates the concept of reflection within the gendered dualisms of Western philosophy and their historically produced understandings of the relationship between experience and thought. I first examine how our notions of reflection deploy theories of knowledge and the state that took shape during the Enlightenment and, second, situate them within a politics of vision closely related to the rise of the middle class. In exploring this necessarily truncated history, I suggest that our notions of reflection internalize relationships of ruling. Some parts of the self, such as emotion and the body, are portrayed as unreliable and dangerous; reason's task is therefore both interrogatory and managerial, reproducing implicit matrices of sovereignty and control.  相似文献   

This paper aimed to explore how preschool teachers' experience their strengthened teaching mission, specifically when working with scientific exploration. The study was based on the philosophy of the life-world, a branch of the phenomenological movement. Life-world philosophy focuses on the concrete reality humans inhabit and is responsive to its inherent ambiguity. The data consisted of written teacher responses and follow-up interviews. The findings showed a broad and multidimensional way of working with science and exploration in which embodied experiences and intertwined relationships were prominent. Teachers' notions of what constitutes scientific exploration and learning represent a combination of science as literacy and science as inquiry, emphasising democracy, aesthetics, experimentation and reflection. Being present and focusing children's relationship with the phenomena seem to be teachers' strategies of handling their strengthened teaching mission.  相似文献   

This article discusses five major points that are important to consider before implementing consultation techniques in the school setting. The five points are: (a) definition of a personal intervention philosophy, (b) realization of one's theoretical biases, (c) awareness of the ecology and topology of the setting in which the intervention is being delivered, (d) recognition of the importance of one's communication and relational skills, and (e) the importance of linking intervention to assessment. Consultants are also encouraged to think carefully about their intervention techniques, urged to follow a collaborative consultation model, and reminded of Whitehead's (1929) notion that Life in all its manifestations should be the subject matter for education.  相似文献   


In this article I focus on the emotion of joy in the classroom and identify the role that experiencing joy has in promoting engagement and satisfaction in learning. For educationists, the implication that the emotional climate of the classroom has as much to do with cognitive growth as it does with attitudinal needs to be recognised and addressed. As Bloom and his colleagues noted in 1956, the idea of dualistic notion of cognition and affect is untenable as these inform each other. How the brain is structured and developed affects how we learn. Because the circuitry of the brain is sculptured by emotional experiences it can alter during one's lifetime. Emotions contribute to the brain's neural circuitry experiencing joy will lay down neural pathways likely to serve the individual well for a lifetime. Furthermore, joy promotes holistic learning through engaging both left and right hemispheres. Joy, as an emotion, involves accepting challenges that stretch one's capacity and persevering through often‐painful experiences until a successful outcome is reached. This ultimate achievement can then be celebrated and recognised as a joyful learning experience. Teachers who promote the experience of joy in the classroom may do more than simply promote successful learning.  相似文献   

In this paper, I interrogate the implicit and largely unexamined relationship between mothering and elementary teaching as they are informed by dominant notions of caring in the United States. In an environment where students were seen as not receiving adequate care at home, the teachers in this study felt a need to act as mothers in their professional lives. The consequences of such “deficit thinking” for students are well explored in the literature on teaching and learning. What has been less well explored are the consequences of this teacher‐as‐mother notion for teachers themselves. Drawing from the narratives of six women elementary school teachers, I suggest that assuming the role of mother to one's students not only devalues students' identity and experience, but limits teachers' ability to adequately care for themselves.  相似文献   

In this paper, I approach learning as a process of rethinking the world that happens via the surprising experience of “enchantment.” This process becomes possible by dwelling, that is, by forming meaningful multisensory engagements with one's surroundings. I present my arguments by discussing photo-walks that students conducted in Helsinki as part of a geography-learning project. During the photo-walks, learning happened with the spaces of hanging out. In contrast to common understandings of learning, this learning with the city is non-instrumental: it is making the familiar unfamiliar by paying attention to the particular in everyday spaces. Methods such as photography are understood as creative encounters that can help in re-cognizing the world and fostering one's ethical sensitivity.  相似文献   

Preparation for lifelong learning using ePortfolios   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Rapid technological change, increasing globalization and a changing world of employment with multiple roles during one's professional life are necessitating a change from knowledge to learning societies. Full participation requires lifelong learning skills, meaning the ability to solve problems, work both independently and in a team, communicate effectively in all formats and on all levels, and self-direct one's learning and professional development needs. Universities need to take responsibility in preparing students for lifelong learning. While engineering and science degrees traditionally do not emphasize the importance of lifelong learning skills new programmes of study are now being introduced, often using electronic portfolios to support engagement with learning objectives and reflection. This article describes an electronic portfolio initiative that is targeted at engineering and computer science students. The initiative aims to create awareness among students on the nature and importance of lifelong learning skills, to facilitate the development of such skills and to assist students in showcasing their competence regarding these skills. Interviews with industry representatives regarding the characteristics of a lifelong learner and the values of constructing and presenting portfolios were conducted and have resulted in strong support for the electronic portfolio initiative. The article provides background on lifelong learning and electronic portfolios, outlines the design of the initiative and then focuses on feedback from industry representatives.  相似文献   

College students' motivational orientations toward learning and their views concerning the purpose of education were examined in relation to various intellectual styles. Task orientation (wherein one's goal is to increase understanding or mastery) was found to be positively associated with Tolerance for Ambiguity, Thoughtfulness, and Open-Mindedness. Ego orientation (wherein one's goal is to outperform others) was negatively associated with Tolerance for Ambiguity, Thoughtfulness, Complexity, and Individualism. Moreover, the views that school's purpose should be to promote understanding and achievement motivation tended to be positively associated with these traits, but the view that school should promote one's wealth and status was not associated with these traits.  相似文献   

Neoliberal ideologies and policies have transformed how we think about the economy, education, and the environment. Economics is presented as objective and quantifiable, best left to distant experts who develop algorithms regarding different monetary relations in our stead. This same kind of thinking—technical, numerical, decontextualized, and ostensibly objective—infiltrates how we think about education and the environment. For example, neoliberal education reform focuses on using test scores and markets as a way to measure and improve learning and teaching. Similarly, environmental issues are presented as problems to be solved through new technologies and market efficiency. In response, we critique neoliberalism using the philosophy of the agrarian poet and writer Wendell Berry who abhors how neoliberalism disconnects humans from one another and the traditions that sustain them in their communities. Rather than neoliberalism's rootless entrepreneurial individual—homo economicus—we suggest that freedom, instead, resides in one's ability to flourish in one's place in the world. Such flourishing cannot occur without reinvigorating the traditions, including Aristotle's oikonomics, that have allowed people to live sustainably in their social and ecological communities.  相似文献   

This article starts from the puzzle that although French elite institutions enjoy extremely positive and attractive images, students from these schools generally choose to conceal their academic pedigree in their daily interactions. We show that, in a context of growing inequalities of access to grandes écoles, the strategy of hiding one's student identity may be understood as the desire to avoid six core threats associated with declaring one's association with an elite school: not conforming to group norms, confirming a negative reputation, not living up to a positive reputation, reducing one's identity, losing control of one's identity, and threatening the identity of the other. The conclusions highlight the implications of this microsociological study on a host of much wider questions useful in better understanding the ambivalent relations that exist between French society and its elites issued from the grandes écoles.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the extent to which executive functions (EF) affect how prior knowledge predicts hypermedia learning outcomes in primary school children. Learning outcomes were: individual knowledge and transfer, and dyadic assignment quality. Eighty-seven same-sex dyads participated in a hypermedia WebQuest assignment about the heart and living a healthy lifestyle. EF measures were action control and attention control. Dyadic analyses were performed using actor-partner interdependence models with dyads distinguished by EF. Analyses showed that one's own pre-test predicted one's own and partner's post-test for both higher and lower EF dyad members. Furthermore, for dyad members with relative higher EF only, their own and partner's pre-test predicted transfer. Finally, the lower action control dyad member's pre-test and the higher attention control dyad member's pre-test predicted assignment quality. These results show the importance of EF and prior knowledge for deeper conceptual understanding in a collaborative learning setting.  相似文献   

To teach, and to teach at one's best over time, has always required resilience and commitment. Drawing upon findings of a questionnaire survey of 568 primary and secondary school teachers in Beijing and in-depth semi-structured interviews with a sub-sample of six teachers with different years of experience, the paper provides empirical evidence about how teachers sustain their sense of resilience and commitment in the context of persistent top-down neoliberal reforms in China's educational system. It argues that being a resilient teacher means more than “bouncing back” from difficulties. Rather, it is influenced by the nature of the contexts in which teachers' work and lives are embedded and driven by their vocational commitment to serve the learning and achievement of the children on an everyday basis and also, over the course of their professional lives.  相似文献   

Traise Yamamoto, a professor of English and a scholar of biographical studies, made the following remark in her book Masking Selves, Making Subjects (1999). She wrote, “Nisei (second-generation Japanese American) women's autobiographies are frustratingly un-autobiographical” (103). Yamamoto, who is a Japanese-American woman herself, saw the lack of personal disclosures and intimate self-reflections in many such works. This grounded-theory research on a group of elderly Nisei Christian women uncovered five oppressive influences from their life journeys, which may have discouraged the Nisei women from expressing and addressing human being's most basic concerns such as one's self worth and one's central philosophy of life.  相似文献   

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