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Father's love     
I hardly had any impression of you when I was a little kid.Because you were a driver,you had to get up very early and work deep into night to support our family.You seldom took me to the park or bought me any doll;  相似文献   

If I were only a little puppy,not your baby,mother dear,would you sayNo to me if I tried to eat from your dish?Would you drive me off.saying to meGet away,you naughty little puppy?  相似文献   

A first-year teacher discovers that inspiration can dangle from the ceiling. My father once said, "The more you think you know, the less you know." I imagine he was trying to give me a little warning before sending me out into the cold world; he saw my self-assurance as a neon "kick me" sign, and he didn't want to leave me entirely unprepared. I said I agreed with him, but it was still easy to mock the misguided  相似文献   

One fine day in spring, a mouse came out to the lawn and enjoyed the sun. Surprisingly what he thought to be grass was actually Lion's mane.The Lion awoke from his nap and shouted."What luck? I am hungry and a mouse is in font of me! I should eat you!"Please, Lion! Don!t eat me! If you just let me go, I would not forget this."What? You will repay me?"The Lion laughed at the mouse. But as he pitied at the little mouse, he set the mouse free."Go, go!"Thank you, thank you!"  相似文献   

在学习used to的用法之前,我们一起来看这封信吧! Dear Mrs Smith. I was a student of yours in Grade Nine. I know I used to be quiet in your class, and you never said much to me. But you did something that made a big difference in my life. You see, all through my two years in school, I used to hate reading. Books were just words that had very little to do with me, and I used to be bored by them. I'll never forget the first day of Grade Nine when you took out a thick book and began to read a story to our class.  相似文献   

Walk a little slower,Daddy, Said a little child so small. I'm following in your footsteps And I don't want to fall. Sometimes your steps are very fast, sometimes they are hard to see; So;walk a little slower,Daddy, For you are leading me. Someday when I'm all grownup, You're what Iwantto be; Then I will have a little child who'll want to follow me. And I would want to lead just right, And know that Iwas true; So walk a little slower,Daddy, For Imust follow you.Walk a little slower@Sac…  相似文献   

The Lord appeared to Abraham by the terebinths1of Mamre.AsAbraham was sitting at the opening of his tent in the heat of the day,he looked up and saw three men standing in front ofhim.He ran from the opening of his tent to meet themand bowed low to the ground.“Sirs,”he said,“ifI have deserved your favour,do not pass by myhumble2self without a visit.Let me send for somewater so that you may wash your feet and rest undera tree;and let me fetch3a little food so that you mayrefresh4yourselves.…  相似文献   

A man was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said:"If you kiss me,I'll turninto a beautiful princess."He bent over,picked up the frog and put it in his pocket.The frog spoke up again and said:"If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess,I willtell everyone how smart and brave you are and how you are my hero."The man took the frog out of hispocket,smiled at it,and returned it to his pocket.The frog spoke up again and said,"If you kiss me and turn me back i…  相似文献   

A JOKE     
Grandpa and granddaughter were sitting talking when she asked,“Did God make you,Grandpa?”“Yes,God made me,”the grandfather answered.A few minutes later,the little girl asked him,“Did God make me too?”“Yes,He did,”the older man answered.For a few minutes,the little girl seemed to be studying  相似文献   

A little girl was standing in a swarm of elementary school kids trying desperately not to draw attention to herself and trying to fit in.Fitting in is a state of mind that every single person goes through,because fitting in means that you are normal and that you are accepted.However,as I grew older,I threw the goal of fitting in out the window.To me,it became no longer important to fit my Asian face into the sea of Caucasian faces I see everyday.It became a thrill to be different and unique,and I flaunted my Chinese culture rather than hid it.……  相似文献   

美甲的时候,我指向一瓶暗红色的OPI瓶子。最近时常帮我美甲的美甲师马上建议我:“不来点儿更活泼的颜色吗?万圣节就要到了呢……稍微夸张一点多好啊!橘色加黑色条纹再配上亮片的点缀会非常完美!”我轻笑,同时摇摇头。“那可是万圣节啊!”她试图说服我,但我否定的态度依然十分坚决。  相似文献   

我们总会遇到这样或者那样的问题,下面这些句子将让你在寻求帮助和回应别人的请求时游刃有余,一起来看看吧。请你帮忙开个门好吗?我能问你个问题吗?请帮我个忙。能请你帮个忙吗?能帮忙移一下冰箱吗?请帮我拿下外套。给我冲杯咖啡,好吗?明天要有时间就给我打个电话。您能告诉我在哪儿能找到这些书吗?能帮我关一下窗户吗?(你介意关下窗户吗?)当然了。  相似文献   

我当时正一手吃早餐.一手爱抚着我的猫“牛牛”.同时在看燕麦片盒子背面的信息。“哎哟!”就在这时我尖叫起来.“你干吗捏我?”“因为你没穿绿色衣服。”我的小弟弟特克斯说.“人人都知道如果在圣帕特里克节不穿绿色衣服就会被捏!”  相似文献   

1如果我今天略显忧伤,请诸位原谅。 2马克就要离开我们了,我很难过。 3或许诸位并不认识马克,但是会有幸结识像马克这样的人。  相似文献   

“越洋专递”闪亮登场,来自全国各地的信函、伊妹儿纷至沓来,小读者们渴望结交异国笔友、展示真我风采的热切之情跃然纸上:老编小编们油然慨叹:青春真是一种令人感动的力量。(呜呜——)感动之余要告诉大家,经过多方筹措,  相似文献   

<正>学生作文One thing I am proud of is that I hadn’t cried out when you died.Hanging oppressively low in the sky,clouds were curved and accomplished by the ruthless winds.You left me in such a dull and dark day.Irresistably,our old golden time hit me.The first Chinese character you taught me.The same dishes you cooked for me out of a casual word from me.The tears welling up in your  相似文献   

你好,我妈妈告诉你:“当你和别人说话时,应该看着别人的眼睛。”可是你太高了。请你原谅我不能看着你的眼睛说话好吗?  相似文献   

完美情人节(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
You are my perfect Valentine An awesome fact to have you mine Such love and pride you show to me As great as one could ever be I realize how you make me feel For all you are just makes it real You are the one that I wished for My life through you can only soar Your love surpasses all that's fine  相似文献   

有时候你不理解我,为什么在你的茶中放那么多白糖。对不起我只是在帮忙,如果你不需要,你就去吃吃海藻灰!你不让我动你的吉普车,是因为你不信任我。  相似文献   

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