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“考查运用数学知识解决物理问题的能力”是高中物理教学大纲明文规定的.实际上,物理是离不开数学的,许多物理问题最终要转化为数学问题来解决,从这个意义上讲,数学是“理科之母”的说法并不夸张.物理中常用的数学知识有:  相似文献   

刚刚学习物理,对物理计算结果的处理通常是当数字能够除尽时,则小数全部保留,若不能除尽,则小数点后面的小数一律套用数学上“四舍五入”的方法来处理,而未考虑到具体题目的物理意义,最后造成这样或那样的错误。下面就此类相关问题结合具体实例分析如下:  相似文献   

岳守凯 《物理教师》2012,(12):40-41
在中学物理教学中,数学意义和物理意义是两个不同的概念,数学意义要受到数学关系式中条件的制约,而物理意义则依附于物理现象或规律的客观实在性,这是因为数学上描述的是抽象的数、型;物理上描述的是具体的物  相似文献   

物理学科中常用数学图像来反映物理量之间的关系,或用数学图像来描述某个物理过程,这种方法具有直观、简捷、准确等优点,是数学在物理学科中的具体应用,解决图像类问题的要点是,第一,明确图像中的横坐标、纵坐标所表示的物理量及物理量的单位;第二,认识直线的斜率是哪两个物理量的比值?其物理意义是什么?若没有物理意义可过横轴(或纵轴)上某一点作与纵轴(或横轴)相平行的直线,  相似文献   

我们常用数学方法来解物理习题,存在着数学形式与物理本质的关系问题.物理本质与数学形式是辩证地相互联系、互相制约的,没有适当的数学形式,物理本质就不能精确地表现出来;没有一定的物理内容,数学形式就变为抽象的没有物理意义的纯粹形式.用数学工具解物理题当然...  相似文献   

<正>物理高考大纲明确指出学生应具有应用数学处理问题的能力,能运用几何图形、函数图像对物理问题进行表达和分析.物理图像斜率是将数学和物理有效衔接的一种方式和手段,很多物理图像问题的解决都离不开对斜率意义的分析和探讨.物理图像中有两类斜率,这两类图像的物理意义不同,学生又容易将两类斜率混淆,造成错误求解.本文对两类斜率的物理意义进行辨析和讨论.一、物理图像中的两类斜率1.切线斜率如图1所示,图像上P点的切线斜率为,  相似文献   

刘继堂 《初中生》2005,(11M):34-35
数学与物理是联系紧密的两门学科,学习物理需要数学知识,同时许多数学问题也可用物理知识来解答。  相似文献   

大家都知道,物理量的定义、物理定理、物理定律等通常都是通过数学式来描述的,求解物理问题也常常要运用数学,可以说,物理离不开数学。下面笔者就如何运用数学原理巧解物理的极值问题谈几点体会。  相似文献   

谈物理习题数学结果的验讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
解答物理习题,就是运用物理公式、原理和规律,列出数学方程,求解数学方程的过程,就数学结果而言是正确的解,但不一定都是该物理习题的结果.因此.必须对物理习题的数学结果进行检验和讨论,从而得出符合物理意义的正确答案.  相似文献   

杨刚 《初中生辅导》2011,(15):25-27
笔者注意到在近年各地中考试卷中,出现了较多与图像相关的物理问题。这类问题有助于考查同学们的探究能力和实事求是的科学态度。它要求考生在理解数学坐标图像中的点、线、面的物理意义的基础上,利用图像来求解物理问题。  相似文献   

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, mathematicians and physical philosophers managed to study, via mathematics, various physical systems of the sublunar world through idealized and simplified models of these systems, constructed with the help of geometry. By analyzing these models, they were able to formulate new concepts, laws and theories of physics and then through models again, to apply these concepts and theories to new physical phenomena and check the results by means of experiment. Students’ difficulties with the mathematics of high school physics are well known. Science education research attributes them to inadequately deep understanding of mathematics and mainly to inadequate understanding of the meaning of symbolic mathematical expressions. There seem to be, however, more causes of these difficulties. One of them, not independent from the previous ones, is the complex meaning of the algebraic concepts used in school physics (e.g. variables, parameters, functions), as well as the complexities added by physics itself (e.g. that equations’ symbols represent magnitudes with empirical meaning and units instead of pure numbers). Another source of difficulties is that the theories and laws of physics are often applied, via mathematics, to simplified, and idealized physical models of the world and not to the world itself. This concerns not only the applications of basic theories but also all authentic end-of-the-chapter problems. Hence, students have to understand and participate in a complex interplay between physics concepts and theories, physical and mathematical models, and the real world, often without being aware that they are working with models and not directly with the real world.  相似文献   

The notion of equivalence relation is arguably one of the most fundamental ideas of mathematics. Accordingly, it plays an important role in teaching mathematics at all levels, whether explicitly or implicitly. Our success in introducing this notion for its own sake or as a means to teach other mathematical concepts, however, depends largely on our own conceptions of it. This paper considers various conceptions of equivalence, in history, in mathematics today, and in mathematics education. It reveals critical differences in the notion of equivalence at different points in history and a meaning for equivalence proposed by mathematicians and mathematics educators that is at variance with the ways that learners may think. These differences call into question the most popular view of the subject: that the mathematical notion of equivalence relation is the result of spelling out our experience of equivalence. Moreover, the findings of this study suggest that the standard definition of an equivalence relation is ill-chosen from a pedagogical point of view but well-crafted from a mathematical point of view.  相似文献   

Experts claim that individual differences in children's formal understanding of mathematical equivalence have consequences for mathematics achievement; however, evidence is lacking. A prospective, longitudinal study was conducted with a diverse sample of 112 children from a midsized city in the Midwestern United States (Mage [second grade] = 8:1). As hypothesized, understanding of mathematical equivalence in second grade predicted mathematics achievement in third grade, even after controlling for second-grade mathematics achievement, IQ, gender, and socioeconomic status. Most children exhibited poor understanding of mathematical equivalence, but results provide clues about which children are on the path to constructing an understanding and which may need extra support to overcome their misconceptions. Findings suggest that mathematical equivalence may deserve more attention from educators.  相似文献   

The relationship between physics and mathematics is reviewed upgrading the common in physics classes’ perspective of mathematics as a toolkit for physics. The nature of the physics-mathematics relationship is considered along a certain historical path. The triadic hierarchical structure of discipline-culture helps to identify different ways in which mathematics is used in physics and to appreciate its contribution, to recognize the difference between mathematics and physics as disciplines in approaches, values, methods, and forms. We mentioned certain forms of mathematical knowledge important for physics but often missing in school curricula. The geometrical mode of codification of mathematical knowledge is compared with the analytical one in context of teaching school physics and mathematics; their complementarity is exemplified. Teaching may adopt the examples facilitating the claims of the study to reach science literacy and meaningful learning.  相似文献   

混沌是一种极其复杂的运动形态和非常普遍的非线性现象,它不仅具有非常重要的数学、物理意义,而且还蕴涵着极为丰富的哲学思想.混沌理论无论是在数学、物理、化学、天文学、气象学等自然科学的研究,还是在经济、经融、文化艺术和军事等人文社会科学与军事科学的研究中都起着越来越重要的作用.  相似文献   

在教学实践中 ,物理是部分学生感到较为难学的一门学科 .其原因 ,除了物理学科自身的艰深外 ,数学方法在物理中的运用 ,是学生困惑的又一因素 .物理的实践验证观点经常被数学所运用 .同理 ,数学的严谨推理 ,周密分析方法也应为物理所借鉴 .寻找两门学科的联结点 ,进行跨学科点拨 ,对学生举一反三 ,提高学习效率至关重要 .本文通过函数图象和图形分析在物理中的运用 ,以及对数学思想的描述 ,为学生学好物理提供了一种方法和途径 .  相似文献   

E T Bell, the famous author of ‘Men of Mathematics’, has described mathematics as the ‘Queen of Arts and Servant of Science’. What he meant is that mathematics serves science by entering into the picture as soon as a proper mathematical model is set up by the scientist, and then after a purely mathematical analysis of the model, the final mathematical step is interpreted scientifically. The purpose of the present article is to convince the readers that sometimes the roles of science and mathematics are reversed, and a mathematical problem is interpreted as a physics problem; the laws of physics are utilized for a physical analysis, and the final result of the physical analysis is interpreted mathematically. We shall illustrate this by means of few examples.  相似文献   

Many findings from research as well as reports from teachers describe students’ problem solving strategies as manipulation of formulas by rote. The resulting dissatisfaction with quantitative physical textbook problems seems to influence the attitude towards the role of mathematics in physics education in general. Mathematics is often seen as a tool for calculation which hinders a conceptual understanding of physical principles. However, the role of mathematics cannot be reduced to this technical aspect. Hence, instead of putting mathematics away we delve into the nature of physical science to reveal the strong conceptual relationship between mathematics and physics. Moreover, we suggest that, for both prospective teaching and further research, a focus on deeply exploring such interdependency can significantly improve the understanding of physics. To provide a suitable basis, we develop a new model which can be used for analysing different levels of mathematical reasoning within physics. It is also a guideline for shifting the attention from technical to structural mathematical skills while teaching physics. We demonstrate its applicability for analysing physical-mathematical reasoning processes with an example.  相似文献   

数学物理方程课程是数学与应用数学专业的一门基础课,是研究物理学、工程学以及其它自然科学、工程技术中产生的一些典型偏微分方程的课程。它是数学联系实际的一个重要桥梁,但素来以“繁”、 “难”的特点让学生生畏,学生处于被动接受状态,主动探索的空间狭小。本文探讨数学物理方程课程研究性教学的一些尝试、见解和体会。  相似文献   

Experience shows that many pupils find difficulty with quantitative aspects of physics. While the truth of this statement appears self evident, it nevertheless fails to indicate anything other than a most diffuse approach to improving the situation, e.g., to be more successful in developing pupils’ mathematical ability.

The role of mathematics in enhancing, supporting or limiting progress in learning physics is a complex one. However, some specificity is required if epistemological and pedagogical changes are sought to reduce learning difficulties. This is not easy to achieve.

In the present paper performance on a number of assessment items used by the Assessment of Performance Unit (APU) is presented to explore one aspect of the relationship between ability in mathematics and learning in physics. The evidence presented suggests that this aspect, namely using expressions of the type a = b/c, need not in itself be a limiting factor.  相似文献   

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