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上鞋是最直观感受鞋子好坏的部分,根据上鞋,可分为硬壳鞋,半软鞋和全软鞋,一般直排轮多为硬壳鞋和半软鞋,硬壳鞋上鞋由外壳和内套组成,支持力好,半软鞋是由绑腿和内靴组成,鞋头和便鞋相似,相对舒适一些,但针对不同档次的鞋.鞋子的软硬并非辨别舒适度和支持力的唯一标准。下面简单介绍一下上鞋的基本构成。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,在大力提倡素质教育和创新教育要求下,学生的个性开始得到发展,如何把体育课上得更有乐趣,努力提高40分钟体育课堂教育质量和效果,这是值得大家关注和探讨的新课题,据我多年的小学体育教学实践和探索,认为只有抓住学生生理和心理特点,不断改进和更新教法,激发学生的学练兴趣,才能收到称心如意的教效。  相似文献   

浅谈心理训练在速度轮滑教学和训练中的体会   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
介绍了教师在速度轮滑教学与训练当中采用的心理训练方法、手段,调动学生和运动员的训练积极性,转变和化解学生和运动员的消极认知,用积极肯定的语言暗示鼓励学生和运动员,使学生和运动员能积极主动地投入到训练当中去的体会.  相似文献   

张凯 《武当》2023,(10):94-96
本文以太极拳为例,探讨了武术套路的起源与发展。通过文献分析和资料调研,总结了太极拳的起源和历史背景、套路的演化和变化、传承与发展等方面的内容。研究发现,太极拳套路的演化和发展与历史、文化、哲学等方面密切相关,具有独特的文化内涵和精神价值,对武术文化和现代社会都有着重要的影响和启示。目的:探讨武术套路的起源与发展,以太极拳为例,分析其演化和发展历程,总结其文化内涵和精神价值,为武术文化的传承和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

体育和文化产业融合发展已经成为我国体育产业高级化的内在动力,更是产业链升级和生态系统构建的内在需要。本文运用文献资料和逻辑分析的方法,展开对体育和文化产业融合的问题研究,尝试提出了人力资源融合(个人和组织的融合)、应用融合(技术和制度的融合)、功能和机构融合(产品和市场的融合)、潜在适应性融合等四条融合路径,系统分析了渗透模式、交叉模式和重组模式等三种融合发展模式,具体提出了政府管理、宏观政策、中观业态和微观主体的应对建议,以进一步推动体育和文化产业高质量发展。  相似文献   

对游泳出发技术的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
殷剑侠  仲宇  石晓铭 《游泳》2009,(2):18-21
游泳出发作为比赛的第一个环节十分重要,它的好坏直接影响着参赛选手的心理状态和比赛战术。本文通过查阅近二十年游泳出发技术的相关文献和资料,对其研究方法和结果进行统计和分析,提出当今游泳出发技术研究的现状和建议,以供参考和使用。  相似文献   

决定短跑成绩的因素有很多方面,但力量素质和速度的协调发展对提高短跑运动成绩是至关重要的。通过文献资料研究和经验总结,指出在少年短跑训练中应明确力量和速度协调发展的意义,应科学安排训练计划,合理选择练习方法促进力量和速度协调发展,要重视力量和速度发展敏感期的训练,并对力量和速度训练的方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

开发冰雪体育旅游业的思考   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
王亮 《冰雪运动》2004,(5):96-99
随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,促进了生产力的发展和人民生活水平的提高,引起人们追求更高层次生活方式和体育消费.冰雪运动是我国北方居民健身、娱乐和体育消费的最佳项目之一,它作为体育旅游业已成为我国经济发展的一个新的增长点.对开展冰雪运动和开发冬季体育旅游产业,振兴我国北方地区经济发展,使冬季体育和冰雪旅游业达到双赢局面提出一些对策性意见.  相似文献   

国际儿童运动会委员会成立于1968年 ,是由希望通过参加体育活动、组织体育比赛 ,来加强各国少年之间的团结与友谊的城市、体育组织和个人组成的协会性组织。所有举办过国际儿童运动会的城市和承认该组织目标的个人、组织和城市 ,均可为该组织的成员 ,但只有举办该运动会的城市才有表决权。该组织的正式用语是法语和德语。该组织的目标是通过体育运动 ,使各国的学生相聚一堂 ,广交朋友 ,相互了解。代表大会是该组织的最高权力机构 ,每2年召开1次。有权决定各种重大问题 ,批准委员会和执委会的报告 ,接纳和开除会员 ,选举官员和司库 ,通…  相似文献   

论体育的属性与功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育是自然界和社会长期发展的产物。因此体育有其自然属性和社会属性。随着社会生产力和经济的发展,物质和文化水平的提高,人们对体育的需要在内容和形式上不断的拓宽,使体育的功能越来越成为社会的需要,逐渐的渗透到社会的各个领域之中,成为社会不可分割的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

Republica Internationale FC is a socialist football club that is part of a broader international network of like-minded alternative grassroots clubs. Collectively the members play and campaign worldwide on a variety of issues in a variety of settings. This article reveals how the club has struggled to define and sustain itself more than 30 years. It explores what socialist football is, how the club was conceived and nurtured, how it is organized and how the international network was cultivated. It spans the clubs operations from the Sunday League mundane to the international spectaculars. It tracks how the club has adapted to confront many social and political challenges. It examines external and internal ideological conflict, the club's successes and setbacks, and how gender transforms the club. The article critically evaluates the club's credibility. It offers an insight into how leftist culture can flourish and be sustained in grassroots sport.  相似文献   

In the Concept of Mind from 1949 Gilbert Ryle (1949/1963) distinguished between knowing how and knowing that. What was Ryle’s basic idea and how is the discussion going on in philosophy today? How can sport philosophy use the idea of knowing how? My goal in this paper is first to bring Ryle and the post-Rylean discussion to light and then show how phenomenology can give some input to the discussion. The article focuses especially on the two main interpretations of knowing how, intellectualism and anti-intellectualism. In the second part of the article I discuss how views from phenomenology and philosophy of mind can enrich and widen our understanding of what knowing how means in relation to sport practices. It is argued that knowing how is not limited to athletic abilities but includes knowledge of how the environing world operates in relation to athletic action.  相似文献   

This essay looks into how soccer players are trained in Brazil and how they move through the international market. Player training was observed in ethnographic research conducted from 2001 to 2005, investigating training models in Brazil and France. Further research was done in 2005 to identify how Brazilian athletes moved across transnational borders, having a greater sociological bent. Key markets were identified for players trained in Brazil.  相似文献   

体育院校篮球教学中几个热点问题的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
就篮球课教学实践中教师如何应用程序教学法与领会教学法 ;竞争与合作能力的培养方法 ;教学机智的实施问题做一探讨。仅提出一些对现存理论问题的粗浅认识 ,以供同仁参考  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to gain insight into how coaches problematized their coaching practices and the process in which they engaged to become what they perceived to be better coaches using a course based on critical reflective practice. We assumed that constant critical self-reflection would enable coaches to move closer to their individual idea of a ‘good coach.’ Scholars and coaches collaborated to develop course content. The course was built on principles of rational-emotive education. We drew on Foucault's conceptualization of self-constitution or modes of subjectivation and confessional practice and Knaus' approach to teaching for our analytical framework. Thirty-five coaches participated in this study. The data consisted of semistructured interviews, field notes, open-ended questionnaires and focus group. The results are presented per mode of change or transformation. We explored how coaches wanted to transform their coaching practice (ethical substance), how they defined a good coach (mode of subjection), how they worked on change (ethical work) and how they transformed themselves (telos). To gain further insight into this process, we also examined narratives of three coaches as they described why and how they changed. The practice of critical reflection seemed to meet the needs of the coaches involved in the study. They used it to continually examine their behavior and their normalized taken-for-granted beliefs and to transform themselves in the direction of their idea of a ‘good coach.’ Ontological reflection was seen as a tool and a process that requires continual practice.  相似文献   

Mothers’ voices are often silent in the sports literature, especially as elite athletes. This research used a symbolic interactionist approach and semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of nine elite female athletes in New Zealand who were also mothers at the time of competing. The specific objectives were to explore how motherhood impacted on the identity of elite athletes, how they negotiated their multiple identities and roles, and how support systems were utilized to encourage and retain elite athletes as mothers. The women managed their multiple identities and negotiated constraints such as guilt, lack of time and limited organizational support by emphasizing how integral sport was to their sense of self. They highlighted the mutual benefits of motherhood to their sport aspirations and vice versa, by utilizing time/space management strategies, and by creating and accessing strong support networks which sometimes included organizational support. There was a move towards the integration of multiple identities and a focus on how women's choices in leisure and sport were realized for future research and theory development. Sport management practices and policies that create opportunities for mothers to achieve and maintain elite athlete status are also mentioned.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to extend research that has focused on the identification of stressors associated with coaching practice by systematically evaluating how such stressors effect athletes, and more broadly, the coach–athlete relationship. A total of 13 professional- and national-level athletes were interviewed to address the three study aims: how they detect when a coach is encountering stressors, how coach experiences of stress effects them as an athlete, and how effective the coach is when experiencing stress. Following content analysis, the data suggested athletes were able to detect when a coach was experiencing stress and this was typically via a variety of verbal and behavioural cues. Despite some positive effects of the coach experiencing stress, the majority were negative and varied across a range of personal influences on the athlete, and effects on the general coaching environment. It was also the broad view of the athletes that coaches were less effective when stressed, and this was reflected in performance expectations, perceptions of competence, and lack of awareness. The findings are discussed in relation to the existing theory and with reference to their implications for applied practice, future research, and development of the coach–athlete relationship.  相似文献   

This paper theorizes how knowledge of indigenous tribal epistemologies was made ‘knowable’ through Enlightenment rationalism in an early colonial context. Specifically, the paper determines how and what knowledge of Mäori tribal physical activities was interpreted and authenticated through early travellers' tales and missionaries’ accounts in New Zealand. The central thesis argues that what was established as authentic and truthful aligned with Enlightenment rationalism, while those Mäori physical practices incomprehensible to Western understandings were deemed inauthentic and, consequently, were obscured and/or discarded. Throughout, the article theorizes the translation of knowledge into meaningful Western discourses and how these translations came to be crystallized in the colonial imagination.  相似文献   

This article aims at analysing how the government of Getúlio Vargas in Brazil, especially during the dictatorial period known as Estado Novo, used sport as a means of propaganda. In order to achieve this goal, I first examine how the government acted in uniting the Brazilian sport field, which was divided in factions representing different political groups, who struggled over the control of the organisation of sports in the country. Then, I analyse how this pacified sport field was used as a means of propaganda for the government. Finally, I look at the official intervention in the sport organisation with the creation of CND, assessing the objectives behind its creation.  相似文献   

This study examined performers' retrospective explanations of the relationship between anxiety symptoms, self-confidence, and performance. Interviews were used to determine how the presence of symptoms and the accompanying directional interpretation affected performance in six elite and six subelite swimmers. Causal networks revealed that perceived control was the moderatingfactor in the directional interpretation of anxiety and not the experience of anxiety symptoms alone. Symptoms perceived to be under control were interpreted to have facilitative consequences for performance; however, symptoms not under control were viewed as debilitative. Increases or decreases in self-confidence wereperceived to improve or lower performance. Findings reveal how cognitive and somatic information was processed, what strategies were adopted, and how this series of events related to performance.  相似文献   

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