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<正>一、背景介绍TIMSS(国际数学和科学趋势研究)是由国际教育成就评价协会(简称IEA)组织和发起的国际性教育评价测试,主要测量各国学生在数学和科学上的学习成就,研究各国在课程、教学等背景因素上的差异.1995年,IEA组织并发起了第三次国际数学和科学测评(Third International Mathematics and Science Study).这次活动简称为TIMSS,共有41个国家或地区的50万名  相似文献   

PISA:数学素养的界定与测评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
数学素养是国际学生评价项目(The Programme International Student Assessment,以下简称PISA)2003年的重点测评项目。PISA认为数学素养这一领域不仅要求学生掌握适应未来社会挑战的数学技能,而且要求学生学会分析、推理,在各种情境、领域中,通过提出问题,分析问题和解决问题来有效地传递观点。因此,PISA对数学素养的测评重点与以前的其它测评不同,如第三次国际数学和科学教育研究(IEA/TIMSS),他们的评价结构是基于成员国的国家课程的共同要素而进行,但PISA评估的重点不是  相似文献   

国际学生评价项目(Programme for International StudentAssessment,简称PISA)是由经济合作与发展组织(Organizationfor Economic Cooperation and Development,简称OECD)对15岁学生进行的国际性学习成就评估项目,评估内容包括阅读素养、数学素养和科学素养。自1997年起每3年进行一次,每次评估内容有所侧重。2006年,PISA测评的主要内容是科学素养,以多种形式考查学生面对日常生活情境时运用科学思维方式的能力水平。本文介绍了此次评估  相似文献   

<正>国际学生评价项目(Programmer for International Student Assessment,简称PISA)是经济合作与发展组织发起并组织实施的教育质量评价研究项目。该项目从2000年开始,每3年进行一次测评,它不以各国义务教育阶段的课程标准为基础,也不以学科知识为中心。它研究的是义务教育末期的学生  相似文献   

国际学生评估项目(PISA)是由OECD发起的一项大型的国际比较研究项目。PISA2018将首次进行全球素养的测评,这无疑将引起教育领域的研究者、决策者和实践者的高度关注和探讨。本文对PISA2018全球素养测评的背景、概念框架、测评实施方法等方面进行简要介绍,同时进一步提出PISA全球素养测评对我国学生的全球素养培养和相关研究的启示和建议。  相似文献   

PIRLS(国际阅读素养进展研究)是由国际教育成就评价协会(IEA)主持的评价项目,计划五年一轮进行世界范围的四年级学生阅读素养发展趋势研究.PIRLS评价内容聚焦“学生阅读素养”测评和“阅读学习环境”调查两个方面,前者包括阅读目的、理解过程、阅读行为与态度的测评,后者涉及国家、社会、家庭、学校、教室以及学生特点等因素的调查.PIRLS评价内容对我国小学语文阅读课程变革具有积极的启示:小学语文应建构均衡化的阅读课程组织、研制明确而具体的阅读教学内容、营造具有联动性的阅读课程环境.  相似文献   

1994至1995学年,41个国家(地区)约50万名学生参加了第三次数学和科学教学比较研究项目(Third International Mathematics and ScienceStudy,TIMSS)的测试。在对各国学生学业成就进行比较分析的过程中,面临的一个十分复杂但又不能回避的课题是如何分析教学过程与学业成就的关系。在TIMSS录像研究项目中,美国、德国、日本的研究工作者首次大规模地对这三个国家八年级231节数学课进行了实录,并构建了录像信息分析模式,用于比较研究三个国家课堂教学与学生学习  相似文献   

如何客观、全面、有效地测评学生的音乐学业成就是各国音乐基础教育普遍关注的问题。新西兰学生学业成就监测研究项目(NMSSA)中的音乐学业成就测评,依据《新西兰课程》中艺术学习的4个维度要求和音乐学业成就目标,采用计算机辅助测试和艺术实践测试的方式,从艺术的本质、艺术表现、实践任务3个方面进行考查。无论是测试形式还是测试内容,新西兰音乐成就测评都体现出对核心素养、学科特点、本土文化、成就目标的关注,对我国义务教育阶段音乐学业质量监测的开展有一定启示。  相似文献   

学生能力大规模国际测评项目(ILSA)可以为参与国提供持续监测教育系统运行以及评价教育系统有效性的基础数据。基于大规模测评项目数据挖掘而进行的教育效能研究(EER)的基本模型CIPO(背景—投入—过程—产出)是由国际教育成就评价协会(IEA)用于ILSA设计,后被许多学者改进。克里默等人提出了测评EER中最重要的元素——教学质量的三维结构:结构化的课堂教学管理、支持性的班级氛围和富有挑战性的认知激活。这一结构框架的科学性和可行性被不少学者开展的EER经验研究所证实。尽管ILSA数据分析能够有助于增进对学校效能和教育发展政策的理解,但仍存在着因缺乏追踪数据而难以做出因果推断的局限性。因此,纵向研究设计成为大规模教育测评项目的发展趋势。  相似文献   

1994至1995学年,41个国家(地区)约50万名学生参加了第三次数学和科学教学比较研究项目(Third International Mathematics and Science Study,TIMSS)的测试。在对各国学生学业成就进行比较分析的过程中,面临的一个十分复杂但又不能回避的课题是如何分析教学过程与学业成就的关系。在TIMSS录像研究项目中,美国、德国、日本的研究工作者首次大规模地对这三个国家八年级231节数学课进行了实录,并构建了录像信息分析模式,用于比较研究三个国家课堂教学与学生学习  相似文献   


This study used comparative case study methodology to investigate student perceptions of different programmes that prepare them for a challenging high school education programme: the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). Given the benefits and challenges of the programme, educators and stakeholders want to ensure students feel ready to participate. In the literature, studies support that programmes such as the International General Certificate of Secondary Education and the International Baccalaureate Organisation’s Middle Years Programme prepare students for the IBDP; however, there is a need for students’ voices on how they perceive they are prepared through these programmes. This study investigated three different approaches to IBDP preparation by gaining student insights through a scaled-item questionnaire and interviews. Students identified experiences that gave them skills to monitor their learning and resources that motivated them to participate in an advanced upper-high school programme.  相似文献   

A comparison of PISA and TIMSS 2003 achievement results in mathematics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Margaret Wu 《Prospects》2009,39(1):33-46
This study compares the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2003 Mathematics results with the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 Grade 8 mathematics results, using country mean scores for 22 participants of both studies. It is found that Western countries generally performed better in PISA than in TIMSS, and Eastern European and Asian countries generally performed better in TIMSS than in PISA. Furthermore, two factors, content balance and years of schooling, can account for 93% of the variation between the differential performance of countries in PISA and TIMSS. Consequently, the rankings of countries in the two studies can be reconciled to a reasonable degree of accuracy.  相似文献   

从正确把握国际社会责任运动的涵义及其重要性的角度出发,辩证地研究和探讨国际社会责任运动给我国经济发展带来的机遇和挑战,趋利避害,采取相应的对策,为我所用,从而确保我国经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Worldwide, the interest of policy-makers in participating in studies from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), such as Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) has been growing rapidly over the past two decades. These studies offer the opportunity to relate the teaching and learning context to student achievement. This article presents the results of a systematic review of the research literature on TIMSS. Its main purpose is to find out to what extent TIMSS has contributed to insights into ‘what works in education and what does not’, particularly with regard to school and classroom factors. The review was guided by a generic framework developed within the tradition of educational effectiveness research. The review showed that: (a) since 2000, the number of publications which use TIMSS data for secondary analyses aimed at explaining differences in student achievement has increased strongly; (b) a number of studies, especially older ones, did not take account of the specific sample and test design of TIMSS; and (c) there are large differences between countries in school and classroom factors associated with student achievement. In the light of these results, we discuss the benefits and limitations of country and system comparisons.  相似文献   

评估——无论采用何种形式——不得不建立在对不同水平和质量的理论思考基础之上。其中至关重要的是测验内容领域要依据教与学的过程来构建。其次,任务是评估相关内容结构的核心工具。因此,在设计对数学的教育评估时,按照合理的标识和特征对任务进行分类就成为一个息息相关的问题,也是一个巨大的挑战。本文重点研究PISA(国际学生评估项目的缩写,是以数学素养为目标的国际比较研究,包括在国家层面德国所做的许多调整)和COACTIV(德国教师数学知识和数学教学知识的一个代表性研究)。两者都旨在实现区分性评估(differentiated assessment),都考虑了评价内容和任务分析的不同方面。区分性评估结果使得我们能够获取有用的信息,进一步推动课堂教与学的发展。这些信息主要表现为两个方面:评估学生不同类型的知识,这些知识类型直接指向课堂教学与学习中存在的各种问题;探索教师知识对学生学习进展的影响,表明哪种教学行为是有效的。  相似文献   

Children with specific disorders of language have failed to develop normal means of spoken and written communication. International studies suggest that 5–10% of children enter school with a significant language disorder that puts them at risk educationally and also affects their social and emotional development.

The invisible nature of language disorders makes early detection and remediation difficult. In multilingual settings, such as Singapore, early detection may be particularly difficult, and remediation is complicated by the desirability of maintaining the range of languages used in the home and at school. Two case studies of specific spoken language disorder and two of written language disorder are presented to illustrate means of remediation and the importance of early intervention.  相似文献   

在英蔓判例法中,预期违约包括预期拒绝履行和预期履行不能两种形态。此外,蔓国《统一商法典》、联合国《国际货物销售合同公约》以及国际统一私法协会《国际商事合同通则》还规定了另外一种形态的预期违约,即推定的预期违约。大陆法系中的不安抗辩与推定的预期违约既有联系,又有区别,但与默示预期违约则是两个不同的概念和范畴。我国《合同法》第68条和第69条之规定,实质上是以不安抗辩为基础而构建的预期违约制度。  相似文献   

Comparative studies of science education can emphasise either student learning of school science in a competitive sense or the variety of science learnings that contemporary curricula for science expect. The Third International Maths and Science Study (TIMSS) is endeavouring to achieve a balance between these two different and psychometrically conflicting possibilities. The impact of STS on a number of countries' science curricula in the last few years is used to explore these tensions in the planning of TIMSS.  相似文献   

除了PISA(国际学生评估项目)以外,经济合作与发展组织还研发了关注教师专业发展和学校教学的TAMS项目(国际教学调查项目)、调查高等教育学生学习情况的AHELO项目(高等教育学习成果测评)和对16~65岁成人进行能力评估的PIAAC(国际成人能力测评项目)。这些国际教育测试分别针对不同的教育人群进行能力评估,以更好地使各国政府了解自身的教育状况,在世界范围内进行跨文化比较,为教育的发展制定更加科学合理的教育政策。  相似文献   

The key question in international comparative studies of educational achievement is whether results can be trusted. The answer is unknown unless what is measured at one point in time can be compared with measurement at some other point in time. Results from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in Slovenia can fortunately be compared with results from the International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP) collected in 1991. Although TIMSS sampling was grade-based and IAEP sampling was age-based, allowing for differences in sampling shows that Slovene children, as well as those from all other compared countries performed approximately at the same level at both points in time. Age-based comparison placed Slovenia's 13-year-olds much lower on the international rankings list than the TIMSS grade-based comparison. But taking samples based on age and comparing only 13-year-olds in both samples shows very little difference in the results of these two studies. Furthermore, achievement varies very similarly in both studies with variables such as time used for school at home, time spent watching television and the disposal of study aids. Despite the different approach used in each study, comparison of achievement between TIMSS and IAEP reveals exceptional similarity.  相似文献   

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