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In this column, the author reprises recent selections from the Lamaze International research blog, Science & Sensibility. Each selection discusses the mismatch between data commonly collected at the time of birth and the data needed to measure optimal care for physiologic birth. Selections include the importance of documenting duration of skin-to-skin contact after birth, the role of qualitative research in improving care in the second stage of labor, and pitfalls of meta-analyzing data on the safety of planned home birth.  相似文献   

In this column, the author reprises a recent selection from the Lamaze International research blog, Science & Sensibility. With the introduction of a new technology intended to acutely track fetal station and position during labor through birth, questions are being raised about the necessity—and possible danger—of this technology and its potential impact on normal birth.  相似文献   

As a noted author of childbirth education articles, books, and videotapes, Penny Simkin muses over the changes in maternity care during her career and the lessons she has learned. She searches for reasons to keep on working to bring normal birth to women, especially in an era when medical intervention based on editorials rather than evidence continue to increase.  相似文献   

In this professional paper, published by Lamaze International and reprinted here with permission, Lamaze International identifies six care practices-adapted from the work of the World Health Organization-that promote, protect, and support normal birth. The six care practices are: labor begins on its own; freedom of movement throughout labor; continuous labor support; no routine interventions; non-supine (e.g., upright or side-lying) positions for birth; and no separation of mother and baby with unlimited opportunity for breastfeeding. Evidence to support each care practice is presented. Health-care providers and places of birth are encouraged to adopt these care practices as standards of care. Additionally, women are encouraged to choose health-care providers and places of birth whose care practices promote, protect, and support normal birth.  相似文献   

This column features excerpts from a recent series of articles from the Lamaze International research blog, Science & Sensibility. The eight-part series examined the issue of maternal obesity from various perspectives, incorporating writings from Kimmelin Hull, a physician assistant, a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, and the community manager of Science & Sensibility; Kristen Montgomery, a nursing professor at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Pamela Vireday, a childbirth educator and blogger; and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, a health psychologist, lactation consultant, and writer/speaker. The authors of the blog series, titled "Maternal Obesity from All Sides," reviewed current research about risks associated with maternal obesity as well as the humanistic issues and lived experiences of pregnant women of size.  相似文献   

From its beginning in 1885, the Hull House was beacon for social progress and urban reform. Founders Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr recruited talented, passionate partners from diverse fields to address issues from street sanitation to education in Chicago’s immigrant communities. Among residents’ many projects, their involvement in the “social hygiene” movement for sex education and contraception is perhaps the least recognised, in part because the Hull House did not save materials directly related to these services. As a result, the professional activities of Hull House residents Drs Rachelle Yarros and Alice Hamilton reveal a productive relationship between the Hull House and the social hygiene movement. Part of their critical work was to dismantle the cultural association of contraceptives and sex education with “fallen women” and reframe these services as necessities for maternal health. The papers of their professional organisations chronicle their delicate efforts to challenge assumptions about reproductive healthcare while preserving Victorian ideals about sex as a private, procreative endeavour strictly between married, monogamous people. Rachelle Yarros was particularly active, producing a dearth of literature on sexual health, teaching classes on the subject, and overseeing the opening of Chicago’s first public birth control clinics. Each of these advancements, including the birth control clinic, was available on Hull House grounds. By capitalising on the financial and medical resources available to them as physicians and reformers, Yarros and Hamilton achieved significant gains in women’s healthcare and initiated a national conversation about sexual health as a human right.  相似文献   

The 2014 objection to birth in water voiced by both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in ACOG Bulletin #594 on immersion in water during labor and birth is nothing new. The Committee on Fetus and Newborn published the very same opinion in 2005, based on a case report that was published in 2002 in the journal Pediatrics. What has changed since 2002 is a growing body of evidence that reports on the safety and efficacy of labor and birth in water. This article reviews the retrospective literature on water birth and explains newborn physiology and the protective mechanisms that prevent babies from breathing during a birth in water.  相似文献   

Our daily lives are a series of ordinary moments and unnoticed thresholds-times that define us in ways we often do not give much attention. While we consider childbirth to be one of life's extra-ordinary events, the hours of labor and birth need not be dramatic (or traumatic) ones. I describe a quiet, well-supported birth in the Netherlands that is cause for celebration of the beauty of an ordinary instant that can define and enrich the human experience.  相似文献   

In this column, the author reprises recent selections from the Lamaze International research blog, Science & Sensibility. Each selection discusses a new study that demonstrates the “First, do no harm” principle in a different way. New research on the potentially harmful effects of intravenous lines demonstrates that refraining from routine interventions in labor protects the safety of women and babies. A new systematic review of movement and position changes in labor shows that eliminating unfounded restrictions also protects maternal and infant health and well-being. Finally, a study of patterns of use of neonatal intensive care units reveals how the organization of the maternity care system itself can affect the health outcomes of its beneficiaries.  相似文献   

Poverty, homelessness, lack of health care among families with young children—these problems of today were also faced by Jane Addams in Hull House 100 years ago. Hull House was a mini-community that offered a safe physical environment filled with beauty. It also served as a connection to the larger neighborhood and world while sheltering its early childhood programs. There were day nurseries, kindergartens, services for handicapped children, and kindergarten teacher education. Curricula were implemented that emphasized not only physical and cognitive development but also aesthetics to build the inner spirits of the children. Varieties of learning opportunities (many in the arts and humanities) were offered to the community. Advocacy was carried out based on information provided by residents surrounding Hull House—through neighborly conversations and carefully designed surveys. Paternalism was evident—curriculum and environment were reflective of the dominant society orientation, and advocacy was sometimes done for the community members. The issues raised by Hull House offer challenges for present and from early childhood programs—challenges in organizational structure, in provision of curriculum and learning experiences for young children and their families, and in joint advocacy efforts.  相似文献   

This collection of commentaries by childbirth educators, doulas, a labor and delivery nurse, and a woman preparing for the birth of her second baby provide an overall response to all six of Lamaze International's care practice papers that promote normal birth: Labor Begins on Its Own; Freedom of Movement throughout Labor; Continuous Labor Support; No Routine Interventions; Non-Supine (e.g., Upright or Side-Lying) Positions for Birth; and No Separation of Mother and Baby with Unlimited Opportunity for Breastfeeding. Strategies for using the position papers to facilitate learning in childbirth classes and for helping expectant parents access and understand research are presented. The commentaries describe the value of the position papers as a catalyst for professional growth, a foundation for creating change, a way to encourage reflection among professionals and women planning for the births of their babies, and an inspiration for everyone who advocates normal birth.  相似文献   

博客文化的现状、特征及健康发展探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过问卷调查表明人们普遍认为博客文化具有操作便捷性、参与广泛性、表达自由性、内容复杂性、目的多样性、反馈即时性、影响双向性的特征。针对这些特征,应发挥博客自身优势,拓展其应用领域,树立正确的观念,减少不良博客的影响和侵蚀,加强相关法律法规建设,以引导博客文化健康发展。  相似文献   

Position paper: promoting, supporting, and protecting normal birth   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This updated position paper contrasts medical management of labor and birth with the normal physiology of birth and describes the care practices that support and facilitate the normal process. Lamaze International urges care providers to adopt these care practices as the standard of care, unless evidence-based medical reasons dictate otherwise. The roles of Lamaze-certified childbirth educators and the Lamaze Institute for Normal Birth in protecting, preserving, and promoting normal birth are described.  相似文献   

In this column, the author reprises recent selections from the Lamaze International research blog, Science & Sensibility. Each selection discusses a new study that demonstrates the need to look closely at research articles to avoid being misled. Examples include new research on the effectiveness of intrapartum antibiotics for preventing early onset Group B streptococcal disease in newborns, a recent study on the incidence of infection after cesarean surgery and vaginal birth, and a new study demonstrating long-term benefits of skin-to-skin contact between the mother and infant after birth.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings from a study of schools' responses to child bereavement in Hull, Yorkshire and Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland. In order to gain an insight and compare how schools in both geographical areas respond to and manage bereavement, the questionnaire ‘Loss in schools’ was selected as an appropriate tool. It has been utilised on previous occasions in Hull and shown to be an effective method of highlighting the issues, needs and concerns of schools. Some significant and important issues emerge in the results of the present survey. While schools rate child bereavement and parental separation highly in terms of their priorities, there is a shortfall in the number of schools in both study sites that have a formal procedure or policy in place around the management and response to death and loss. Although there is evidence that a number of staff have attended training in loss and bereavement, schools in Derry/Londonderry and Hull report that they have sought help from other agencies in times of need. For example, the Western Education and Library Board Bereavement Team and Cruse Bereavement Care (Derry/Londonderry) and the Educational Psychology Service (Hull) are identified. Schools are asking for help and support to develop policies and to gain the knowledge and skills they require to respond with confidence to a child who experiences a loss.  相似文献   

对微博在党的学习创建活动中的作用进行探讨,认为微博传播的便捷性有助于拓宽学习渠道,传播的即时性有助于增强学习影响力,传播的草根性有助于形成学习团队,传播的交互性有助于提高学习实效。提出目前影响微博推进学习创建活动的制约因素仍然存在,表现在"数字鸿沟"难以在短期内消除,对微博的功能定位不明确,传播规则缺失及党员干部的驾驭能力有待进一步提升等。为进一步发挥微博在推动学习创建活动中的作用,应采取加快推进我国的信息化进程,以社会主义核心价值体系引领微博的发展,由领导干部要带头提升全党的"微能力"及加快微博管理的相关立法等措施。  相似文献   

刍议博客与大学生思想政治教育工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
博客作为一种新的网络媒介,正对大学生的思想观念和行为方式产生潜移默化的影响,同时也对思政工作产生着积极的作用。高校思政工作者应充分利用博客的窗口、平台和桥梁作用,通过建立学生博客、教师博客、师生互动博客、特色博客等形式进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作。  相似文献   

教育博客的出现顺应了运用信息技术工具进行教师专业发展的需求。教师在使用教育博客中也面临一些问题,其中一个重要问题就是缺乏深度互动。因此,当前需要一个策略模型来指导教师利用博客进行深度互动。通过以晋江教师研修网的博客平台为例,运用社会网络分析软件对博客平台进行数据分析,在研究文献的基础上,结合博客平台的特点,设计博文分析量表对博客进行内容分析,从宏观上和微观上总结此博客平台的教师互动情况,并对其原因进行剖析,提出了基于教育博客的教师互动策略模型。  相似文献   

名人博客虽然在2002年就已存在,但直到2005年借助新浪网站提供的专门频道才真正开始火暴,不到半年就形成了“集团作战”的规模。然而来得快去得也快,不到半年又都纷纷偃旗息鼓,大多以直接或间接的方式关闭了博客。名人息博的主要原因是违背了博客自愿、平等、和气、松弛、非功利的初衷和本质,因此必然导致“逃离”、“开溜”的结局,这是规律使然。  相似文献   

This research was conducted in a public general hospital in Mexico City, Mexico. The objective was to evaluate efficacy of the support given by a doula during labor to reduce cesarean rate. From March 1997 to February 1998, a group of 100 pregnant women were studied. These women were at term, engaged in an active phase of labor, exhibited 3 cm. or more cervical dilatation, were nuliparous, had no previous uterine incision, and possessed adequate pelvises. The group was randomly divided into two subgroups comprising 50 women, each: The first subgroup had the support of a childbirth educator trained as a doula, while the second subgroup did not have doula support. Measurements were recorded on the duration of labor, the use of pitocin, and whether or not the birth was a vaginal birth or cesarean section. Characteristics and gestational age were similar in both groups. Results confirmed that support by doulas during labor was associated with a significant reduction in cesarean birth and pitocin administration. There was a trend toward shorter labors and less use of epidurals. The results of this study showed, as in other trials measuring the impact of a doula's presence during labor and birth, that doula support during labor is associated with positive outcomes that have physical, emotional, and economic implications.  相似文献   

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