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为拓展英语专业学生的人文学科和科技知识,科技英语阅读是十分重要的。基于韩礼德的主位理论和适用于科技英语的主位推进模式的出发点,结合科技英语的语篇特点,可以看出主位推进理论对科技英语阅读教学的指导作用。  相似文献   

主位推进理论是系统功能语言学的重要理论,该理论将句子序列作为连贯性的语篇进行研究。科技英语的主位推进模式主要分为持续型、直线型、衍生型三种模式,这些推进模式在科技语篇中交替或混合出现,令阐述的概念及信息逐步完善。而超主位的概念则超越了小句,将语篇中的段落衔接起来,以其预测功能引导读者的思路,推动信息流的发展。基于主位推进的科技语篇分析可以从宏观上把握语篇内部联系和信息节奏,构建出连贯流畅的译文。  相似文献   

主位结构是系统功能语法中的一个重要概念。主位结构由主位和述位构成,是实现语篇功能的一个方面,它对语篇信息的传递起着重要作用。把主述位理论及主位推进模式运用于英语写作教学中,遵循篇章-段落-句子三步语篇思维模式对实现英语写作连贯性具有重要作用及指导意义。本文试图利用系统功能语法中的主位结构理论来分析篇章主位结构对英语写作教学的启示作用。  相似文献   

王红成 《考试周刊》2007,(44):43-44
本文通过对五篇英语科技论文和五篇汉语科技论文的主位进行定量对比分析,并结合语篇的交际目的和功能来研究英汉科技语篇主位的选择和分布对比情况,以此来挖掘出英汉科技语篇的组织形式和语体特征。  相似文献   

叙述性语篇是大学英语阅读中常见的语篇,主位推进模式分析有助于大学生快速把握该语篇的结构、大意、作者意图。本文用实例说明叙述性语篇的主位推进模式主要是主位同一型,提出在阅读教学中,培养学生的主位推进模式分析能力有助于提高大学生的英语阅读能力。  相似文献   

语篇的发展方法是由语篇中小句或小句群的主位结构决定和体现的。同类语篇在其难易程度相近的情况下很有可能具备类似的主位线(thematicline)。本文通过采用韩礼德(Halliday)主位一述位理论,对《新概念英语》第二册所含近百篇叙事性短文抽样进行主位分析,并得出肯定的结果。  相似文献   

从“主位”这一基本概念出发,根据Halliday把主位分为“有标记主位”和”无标记主位”,探讨了英语有标记主位的语篇衔接功能。发现英语有标记主位可以充当语篇衔接的具体手段,并且可以起到承上启下,推动语篇发展,突出新信息,强调某个成分或某些成分的作用。同时也可以表达对比的语义关系。  相似文献   

捷克语言学家丹尼什将主位作为单个话语或句子出发点的概念延伸到解释语篇内在连接性的概念,提出“主位推进程序”。通过分析胡壮麟提出的4种主位推进模式,探讨其在英语单个新闻语篇分析中的作用,发现应用主位推进模式可了解英语新闻语篇的大概内容,语篇如何展开及语篇中句子间的语义关系,为新闻语篇分析提供一定帮助。  相似文献   

主位推进模式体现了语篇信息的组织和发展,是实现语篇衔接和连贯的重要手段.英语旅游语篇主要采用的是框架型、连续型和延续性三种主位推进模式.其中语篇最高层次的结构通过框架性主位推进模式实现,其它组成部分之间的联系主要采用连续型和延续性两种主位推进模式实现.主位的选择和排列不仅实现了语篇内部句与句之间的语义关联,也确保了每个句子与所在语篇话题的一致性.  相似文献   

主位结构在英语语篇中起着重要的作用,是促进语篇连贯的重要内容之一.连贯是大学英语写作教学的重点.本文介绍了主位结构理论的定义和主位推进模式,并以此为基础探讨了主位推进模式与篇章内容的关系,及其在大学英语写作教学中的运用.  相似文献   


The aim of the study is to explore and develop knowledge about how educational psychological counsellors’ personal and private experiences appear in their counselling practice. We conducted four focus group interviews with twelve counsellors from Educational Psychological Counselling Service. Through Thematic Analysis four themes emerged. The first is that counsellors’ personal and private experiences functioned as a backdrop for their counselling practice. The second theme is the counsellors’ use of different types of stories. The third theme deals with how the counsellors were holding back relevant stories. Finally, the fourth theme comprises the purposes of counsellors’ self-disclosure. The conclusion is that personal experiences form a backdrop for counselling practice and are relevant for how a counsellor makes sense of and understands a situation or a problem. Self-disclosure is in some situations used explicitly in the counselling setting. On the other side the counsellors sometimes consciously hold their experiences back.  相似文献   

"把"是一个可以计量人的个体量词。通过对北京大学现代汉语语料库现代汉语语料的考察分析发现,由于与量词"把"搭配的表人NP语法、语义和语用上的限制,"把"是一个非典型的计量表人NP的个体量词。与此同时,"把"又是一个计量"X手"类表人NP的典型量词。  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate the system designed to support disabled university students from the perspective of disability coordinators. The research on this topic specifically is limited. Disability coordinators from a particular UK university were interviewed to better understand the support system from their own perspective. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was conducted to reveal themes related to supporting students. IPA is a tool to understand participants’ social and emotional world. The final themes were: interest in and internal motivation regarding disability issues; flexibility and disability; personal experiences of disability; good practices; and finally, time and disability. The theme time and disability appeared as a separate theme but also was embedded within the whole analysis. In addition, the results indicated that the support issue is dynamic in nature and that student needs continuously change as new needs emerge. The demographic characteristics of disabled university students have changed over time. Students are also increasingly more competent at using technology. Consequently, disability coordinators should be more active and provide faster solutions to meet higher expectations. The results and policy implications of this study are discussed with reference to the impact of time, change and context.  相似文献   


The connection between students and faculty is a recognized component of student belonging and engagement. To better understand how these relationships are formed, we utilized a qualitative design to explore the ways in which faculty and staff at a mid-sized public university perceived their roles in supporting, and connecting with, students. Based on our focus group data, we identified three themes. The first theme defined the mentoring relationship in the university context. The second theme addressed the unique features of mentoring Underrepresented Minority (URM) and First Generation (FG) students. Our third theme focused on perceived barriers to mentoring, including personal, institutional, and student-related barriers. Our findings provide a first step in developing a framework for colleges and universities working to promote a culture of mentoring as a means to support students.  相似文献   

何群的知青题材小说具有独立的价值和意义,它突破了当今以“悲”表现知青生活的惯常定式,在对人物、题材的处理等方面有着自己的独到之处;同时,他的都市题材小说对当代青工人物形象塑造、都市小人物平凡生活的描写也较为成功。何群小说个人风格鲜明,别具艺术魅力。  相似文献   

明清长篇小说中,有不少涉及到法制问题。尽管有的小说不是纯粹的法制小说,但法制探索是其主题表现的一个重要组成部分。在古代法制文学中,有许多重大而深刻的法制主题,如平等主题、警世主题、复仇主题、冤屈主题等,有的作品则集多个法制主题于一身,形成多元建构的特征。深入研究明清长篇小说中的法制问题及其表现艺术,对于探索中国法制文学的发展历程有着重大的意义。  相似文献   


This study reports on how student teachers learn in the workplace. Data from 10 student teachers were collected by means of digital logs and in-depth interviews. By reconstructing data into stories and unravelling these stories, it became clear that the learning process of each student teacher was dominated by one specific theme, such as student-centred teaching or creating a positive learning climate. These themes could be typified as professional identity themes, because all appeared to be both personal and professional. Five student teachers experienced their workplace learning process as continuous: they integrated their teaching experiences relatively easily into their personal conceptual framework. The other five experienced their workplace learning process as discontinuous: they experienced tensions caused by frictions between personal and professional aspects of becoming a teacher. Both types of learning can stimulate and hinder student teachers’ professional development. The findings indicate that reconstructing data into stories and unravelling these stories is a useful technique for understanding student teacher workplace learning as a result of the interaction between personal and professional aspects of becoming a teacher.  相似文献   

文章对介词"从"的历史演变情况进行了简述,对南朝齐梁时期道书《真诰》中的"从"字用法进行了完全统计,其介词用法已占主要地位。对"从+表人名词+V+(N)"格式中"从"的词性判定进行了讨论,认为表人名词或人称代词进入连动结构中"从"的宾语位置,也可能引起"从"虚化为介词。  相似文献   

分析主题化人称双重性别名词的指代问题为本文主旨。在对以“A Good Middle School Teach-er”为题的36篇作文所进行的个案研究中,发现指代“teacher”的人称旨代词具有离散性、游离性和层级性等特点。这种现象与句法层面上起衔接作用的“回指”或“类指”无关,而是双重性别名词上升到主题时,语篇作者与主题化名词在认知语用层上交互作用的结果。  相似文献   

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