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王守海 《教师》2013,(32):84-84
在教学过程中,锻炼初中学生的主观能动性和思维能力具有重要的意义,课改后的《物理教学大纲》中已经将培养学生探究知识的能力列入要求。物理是一门相对抽象的学科,学习难度较高,而通过类比法能够指导学生更好地理解物理概念,掌握物理规律,总结所学知识,提高学习的积极性。本文对初中物理教学中类比法的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在高中物理教学的过程中,涉及一些比较抽象、难懂的知识时,教师可以利用类比的教学方法,帮助学生理解和掌握知识。类比法对于物理教学来说是一种非常重要的思维方法,它可以使抽象的知识变得更加形象,降低学生的认知难度。  相似文献   

在学生学习过程中掌握方法最重要。类比法是物理学习很重要、也是经常用到的一种科学方法。学生在遇到疑难问题时可以通过比较知识上某些相似之处,推测其它方面也会有相似之处,从而用类比法解决疑难问题。如,通过类比特殊方法测量电阻解决特殊方法测量密度问题,通过类比速度、压强等解决课外拓展——演绎式探究问题。学生掌握了类比法这一学习物理的科学方法,在遇到疑难问题就有解决的规律和方法,就能大大提高自主学习能力,从而减轻了学习的负担,提高了学习的兴趣和效率。  相似文献   

一、类比法在概念和规律教学方面的应用类比法是根据事物在某些方面的相似性,找出它们其它性质的相似处。比如在讲授新的物理概念或规律时,用学生比较熟悉的现象、概念和规律去进行比较或类比,引导学生去理解和掌握新的知识,克服了学生思维的缺陷,使难点得以突破,使学生对物理概念有了较深刻的理解。同时培养了学生的理解能力。  相似文献   

物理知识是学生科学素养中重要的组成部分,提高物理教学效率是促进学生掌握物理知识,提升学生科学素养的有效手段。常用的方法有:实验法、模型法、几何法、联想类比法、等效法、讨论法、反向思维法和多媒体法。  相似文献   

刘晓封 《考试周刊》2013,(79):149-149
为了积极响应教育部门新课标教学的号召,初中物理教职人员在积极努力寻求有效的教学法。针对初中物理学科注重原理、强调规律的特点,可以在初中物理实际教学中应用类比教学法。类比法通过将相近或者相似的东西放在一起,通过比较的方法罗列它们的差别和共同点,从而掌握多个知识点。在初中物理课堂教学中,教师可以运用类比法,帮助学生理解物理公式、掌握物理学规律,引导学生进入物理学习的殿堂。  相似文献   

几年来的教学实践使我认识到在物理教学中传授知识固然重要,而掌握方法可受益终身.因此在教学中有意的渗透或传授物理学的研究方法,使学生受到物理学研究方法的熏陶和训练,使学生自觉不自觉地逐步掌握和运用这些方法.物理学研究方法种类很多,下面我就谈一谈类比法在中学物理教学中的应用.类比——是指在新事实同已知事物间具有类似方面作比较.类比法是人们所熟知的几种  相似文献   

物理知识是学生科学素养中重要的组成部分,提高物理教学效率是促进学生掌握物理知识,提升学生科学素养的有效手段.常用的方法有:实验法、模型法、几何法、联想类比法、等效法、讨论法、反向思维法和多媒体法.  相似文献   

物理知识是学生科学素养中重要的组成部分,提高物理教学效率是促进学生掌握物理知识,提升学生科学素养的有效手段。常用的方法有:实验法、模型法、几何法、联想类比法、等效法、讨论法、反向思维法和多媒体法。  相似文献   

类比法在物理学中的运用是广泛的,它作为一种科学方法,对物理学的研究发展、物理知识的学习、知识的深化及物理问题的解决有指导意义。因此,在中学物理教学中,要让他们了解类比法的种类、思维方式和基本规律,使他们掌握这种方法的运用技巧和途径,本文通过用类比法抽象物理模型、确定隐含条件、拓宽思路找规律的论述,希望能为学生的学习有帮助。  相似文献   

物理学中类比法的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文联系实际阐述了类比法在物理学发展史上的地位,说明了类比法是沟通新旧物理学知识的桥梁,是物理学习和科学研究的重要方法之一,并指出了类比法的局限性  相似文献   

This study presents the results of an experiment which investigated analogical reasoning in knowledge acquisition in a natural school setting. The aims were to evaluate the efficiency of analogy in the conceptual restructuring of a science topic and compare the effects of analogy in different learning conditions. Two analogical topics of physics (water flow and heat flow) were studied by means of two experiments performed in the classroom with concrete objects. Eighty-four 5th graders, divided into three experimental conditions (given analogy, constructed analogy, no analogy), took part in the study. The quantitative analysis mainly confirms the hypothesis that analogy can be a productive way to trigger a process of knowledge restructuring while students learn a new topic. However, the effective use of the analogy was affected by the experimental condition: When the analogy was constructed by the learners themselves, instead of being presented and justified by the teacher, it acted indeed as a more powerful tool in understanding the new topic which required changing their initial conceptions. The qualitative analysis shows the children’s explanations of the heat flow phenomenon and different conceptual outcomes of the learning process. Finally, educational implications are considered.  相似文献   

"兴"作为中国诗歌创作中的重要并且独特的方法,不仅仅是物象、事件之间的类比,或是单纯的修辞手法,而且是中国传统诗歌中的道德思维的产物,它与西方以主体为基点、以自由意志为方向的进路不同,要求诗人较高的道德修养水平,通过观看外在的景物、同时去除掉主观性而引发心灵的同构之情.由此,"兴"不限于感性的类比和比附的主观创作方法,而是在其内容上具有了普遍客观性.在此基础上,大量使用"兴"法的中国的诗歌才不仅是对自然物象与个人心情的描绘,而具有了广阔而深刻的宇宙内涵与现实人生的价值意义.  相似文献   

This paper is an invitation critically to engage in the discussion of ‘Indigenous knowledges’ and the implication for academic decolonization. Among the issues raised are questions of the definition and operationalization of Indigenous knowledges and the challenges of pursuing such knowledge in the Western academy. The paper draws attention to some of the nuances, contradictions and contestations in affirming the place of Indigenous knowledges in the academy. It is pointed out that Indigenous knowledges do not ‘sit in pristine fashion’ outside of the effects of other knowledges. In particular, the paper brings new and complex readings to the term ‘Indigenous’, maintaining that different bodies of knowledge continually influence each other to show the dynamism of all knowledge systems. It is argued that when located in the Euro-American educational contexts, Indigenous knowledges can be fundamentally experientially based, non-universal, holistic and relational knowledges of ‘resistance’. In the discussion, the paper interrogates the notions of tradition, authenticity, orality and the assertion of Indigenous identity as crucial to the educational and political project of affirming Indigenous knowledges.  相似文献   

Analogical reasoning is believed to be an efficient means of problem solving and construction of knowledge during the search for and the analysis of new mathematical objects. However, there is growing concern that despite everyday usage, learners are unable to transfer analogical reasoning to learning situations. This study aims at facilitating analogy use for conjecturing in discourse-rich mathematics classrooms. We reconceptualized one of the traditional perspectives on analogical reasoning, called classical analogy, as a more dynamic one by providing learners with the opportunity to choose a target object and its property. While shifting attention to particular aspects of mathematical activity, we observed and analyzed how students became aware of hidden relational similarities and utilized them while weakening others to make conjectures. The detailed analysis of the constructs and processes of several similarity-making and conjecturing activities supports the significance of reconceived classical analogy use in mathematics classrooms.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of form and function analogy object boxes to teach second graders (n = 21) animal adaptations. The study used a pretest–posttest design to examine animal adaptation content learned through focused analogy activities as compared with reading and Internet searches for information about adaptations of animals followed by making an informative puppet play. Students participated in six week‐long lesson sets, each addressing adaptations of two animals, which alternated between the two conditions. In the analogy condition, students matched cards explaining form and function analogies of animal body parts or homes to analogous manufactured items. They mapped analogies, thought of alternate manufactured items, and created new analogies. Students scored similarly on material to be taught through both conditions on the pretest, but made significantly higher posttest mean scores (76.1% analogy versus 57.2% traditional condition) with large effect size (partial η2 = 0.58) on animal adaptation content learned through the analogy activities. This study shows the usefulness of form and function analogies in teaching product innovations to second‐grade students, indicating that early childhood students are able to successfully engage in sophisticated analogy activities. Efficacy of the analogy activities was related to objects that focused attention, motivated, and gave concrete representations of concepts; to cards and graphic organizers for organization, connections, and memory; and to complex thinking activities that challenged students and promoted peer interaction.  相似文献   

Web2.0及其典型代表性软件RSS、维基、博客等为学生进行个人知识管理提供了零成本、零技术的环境和技术条件。Web2.0代表性软件在功能特点、技术优势等方面具有不同的侧重,综合运用它们的优势,构建基于Web2.0的学生个人知识管理实施过程模型,可帮助学生有效管理个人知识,为网络环境下学生个人知识管理的实施提供直观、具体的借鉴方法。  相似文献   

We present a novel approach to teaching astronomy and planetary sciences, centered on visual images and simulations of planetary objects. The basic idea of the Thinking Journey concept is to take the students to other celestial objects as tourists, and to teach science through the observatio of various natural phenomena in these new environments. The power of scientific visualization, through still and dynamic images, makes such a journey an exciting learning experience. The introduction of new technologies (3D animations, virtual reality) greatly enhances the visualization capabilities the teacher can use, allowing him to simulate actual flights over the terrain of other planets and to study them as if observing from a spaceship in orbit. The present program focuses on the study of the Moon and of the planet Mars, by means of observation, interpretation, and comparison to planet Earth. Students learn to recognize geological and atmospheric processes, discuss astronomic phenomena, and discover that the same basic physical laws govern all objects in the solar system.  相似文献   

大学物理教学在应用型院校的变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨在应用型院校的非物理专业开展大学物理教学,应注意学习西方应用型科技大学教育的长处,变革大学物理教学的理念与方法,明确服务于专业人才培养的观念来从事大学物理的教学工作,真正为学生的专业学习提供需要的物理知识.  相似文献   

南昌大学2002级(大二)本科学生作为研究对象,采用数理统计,文献资料和比较分析法,对《学生体质健康标准》中大学生1000m/800m跑、立定跳远的评价标准进行研究分析,发现其评价标准存在不合理之处。对此,本文另制定一种为改善目前大学生体质下降,且较实际的评价标准,供有关决策部门参考。  相似文献   

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