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第1卷(共110分)I.Listening ComprehensionPart A Short ConversationsDirections: In Part A, you will hear ten shortconversations between tWO speakers.At the end of eachconversation.a question will be asked about what was said.  相似文献   

第I卷(共105分) Part B Passages 1.Listening ComPrehension Part A Short Conversations D ireetions:In PartA,you will hear ten short eonversations b。、rween two speakers.Ar the end of eaeh eonversations,a q tlos一ion will}、e asked about what said.The eonversations aod the questions will be spoken only〔, nee.After you heara eonversation and the question about 15,read the four possible aoswe玲on your paper,an(1 deeide whi〔h one 15 the best a一lswer ro the question you have heard. Dire…  相似文献   

Listening Section (20 points, 20 minutes) Instructions You will hear a number of recordings and you will have to answer the questions based on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check your work. The recordings will be played ONLY ONCE. The test includes FIVE parts. At the end of the test you will be given about eight minutes to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.  相似文献   

Listening Section(20 points,20 minutes) Instructions You will hear a number of recordings and you will have to answer the questions based on what you hear.There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions,and you will have a chance to check your work.The recordings will be played ONLY ONCE.The test includes FOUR parts.At the end of the test you will be given about eight minutes to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.  相似文献   

高三英语试卷(完卷时间:120分钟满分:150分)第I卷1 .Listening Compre卜ension Seet 1 on A short ConversationS D 1 reetions:In seetionA,you will hear ten short eonversations between two speakers.At the end of each eonversation,a question will be asked about w  相似文献   

(A)Every day we go to school and listen to teachers, and the teacherwill ask us some questions. Sometimes, the classmates will ask youropinions of the work of the class. When you are telling others in the classwhat you have found out about these topics, remember that they must beable to hear what you are saying. You are not taking part in a family con-versation or having a chat with friends——you are in a situation where alarge group of people will remain silent, waiting to hear what you have…  相似文献   

Listening See6朋(20 marks,20 mjnutes) ques君如邢6一]0,eomplete the、entences,using ONE OR TWO种rORDS in each占lank. InstruCtions You will hear a number of ree(一rdings and you will have to answer the questions based on what you hear.There will be time for you to read the instruetions and questions,and you will have a ehanee to eheek your work.The reeordings will be Playe(1 ONLY ONCE.The test inelu〔les FOUR parts.At the end of the listening seetion of rhe test,you will be give…  相似文献   

第一卷(共105分) 1 .Ustening ComPrehension SSCtionA Dire‘tions:In seetionA,you .111 hear ten short eonversations.bet种ent,0 sPeakers.at the end of eaeh eonversation,a妙estion will be asked about what was said.The eonversations and the questions will be  相似文献   

Listening Section (20 marks,20 minutes)InstructionsYou will hear a number of recordings and you will haveto answer the questions based on what you hear.Therewill be time for you to read the instructions andquestions.You will have a chance to check your workafter each recording is played.The test consists ofFOUR parts.Answer the questions as you hsten to therecordings.At the end of the listening section of thetest,you will be given six minutes to transfer your  相似文献   

第一卷(选择题共115‘分) 1.Listening Comprehension Seetion A Short eonversations Direetions:In PartA,you will hear ten short eon- versations between two sPeakers.At the end of eaeh eonversarion,a question will be asked abour what was said.The eonver,ati  相似文献   

Listening Section(20 points) InstruetionsYou will hear a number of reeordings and you will have toanswer the questions based on what you hear.There will betime for you to read the instruetions and questions,and youwill have a ehanee to eheek your work.All…  相似文献   

Part one Ⅰ. Read the following passages and answer questions according to the requirements of each item. (35 points) A. The Bank Clerk Who hasn't dreamed of having so much money that it runs through the fingers like sand?The only way most of us could ever do this would be to work in a bank.If you start as a junior bank clerk,you will begin in the book-keeping department and you will have minor responsibilities connected with the handling of cheques.You will learn the routine of the branch and the banking industry as a whole.You will most likely be sent to the bank's school for special tuition.Within a short time,you may be working as a cashier,and then you will be handling the public's money.By the time you have worked your way up to the post of branch manager,you will have learned how to deal with customers and how to cope with the difficult ones.  相似文献   

Don't be rattled(使慌乱) by your next job interview. It's possible to answer any question that comes your way. How? By preparing and knowing how to direct the conversation to the topics you want to cover.To start, take a tip from consultants(顾问、咨询员) w ho coach executives and politicians on how to handle m edia interview s. These trainers say you can deliver the m essage you w antto an em ployer,regardless ofthe question you’re asked. “M ostpeople don’t realize that their purpose isn…  相似文献   

Dear editor, I’m writing to tell you about the discussionwe've had about whether an entrance fee shouldbe charged for parks. Opinions are divided on the question.60% ofthe students are against the idea of entrance fees.They believe a public park should be free ofcharge.People need a place where they can restand enjoy themselves.Charging entrance fees will  相似文献   

1.At his jokes we could not help but_____.A.laugh B.laughingC.laughed D.laughter2.Mr Washington has been away from home for along time.He is looking forward_____his wife.A.to hearing from B.to hear fromC.to hearing of D.hear of3.I would appreciate_____it a secret.A.that you keep B.that you will keepC.your keeping D.you to keep4.After_____for the job,you will be required totake a language test.A.interviewing B.interviewedC.being interviewed D.having interviewed5.While_____the sun,the sa…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1.We went to the Great Wall and h a greattim e last sum m er.2.—W ould you like to eat som ething e芽—No,thanks.I’m full.3.Do you think our team will w this footballm atch芽4.—W hat about going for a trip tom orrow芽—That s interesting选5.I am s to hear that you didn’t have fun onyour day off.B)用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Tom wants to be an穴act).2.The yard sale was kind of穴bore).3.D o you want to go穴swim)in sum m er芽4.H e hung out with his…  相似文献   

Plant Power     
Because plants cannot move or talk,most people think they have no feelings,they think they cannot receive signals from outside.But a plant knows about the sun and about gravity.If you put a plant in a dark corner,within a few hours it will be leaning towards the light.When you plant a seed in the ground,the root knows how to grow down and theshoot knows how to grow up.It knows because it knows about gravity.  相似文献   

My Sister and I     
My sister and I look the same. Maybe you will ask the question like this. "Are you twins? " Then, I will say, "Yes, we are." Now we are 14 years old, and we'll be 15 years old soon.  相似文献   

Have you thought about your life in ten years? What will it be like? I think I will be an artist in ten years,because I love painting very much.I will be famous and rich.I will sell my paintings and make good use of the money to build a big house for poor families and the children without parents.I will give the money to people who need help.I will try my best to help people all over the world.  相似文献   

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