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Both empirical and anecdotal evidence supports the idea that choice is preferred by humans. Previous research has demonstrated that this preference extends to nonhuman animals, but it remains largely unknown whether animals will actively seek out or prefer opportunities to choose. Here we explored the issue of whether capuchin and rhesus monkeys choose to choose. We used a modified version of the SELECT task—a computer program in which monkeys can choose the order of completion of various psychomotor and cognitive tasks. In the present experiments, each trial began with a choice between two icons, one of which allowed the monkey to select the order of task completion, and the other of which led to the assignment of a task order by the computer. In either case, subjects still had to complete the same number of tasks and the same number of task trials. The tasks were relatively easy, and the monkeys responded correctly on most trials. Thus, global reinforcement rates were approximately equated across conditions. The only difference was whether the monkey chose the task order or it was assigned, thus isolating the act of choosing. Given sufficient experience with the task icons, all monkeys showed a significant preference for choice when the alternative was a randomly assigned order of tasks. To a lesser extent, some of the monkeys maintained a preference for choice over a preferred, but computer-assigned, task order that was yoked to their own previous choice selection. The results indicated that monkeys prefer to choose when all other aspects of the task are equated.  相似文献   

Five rhesus monkeys were tested across a series of object discrimination problems requiring avoidance of noxious pressurized air. Each S displayed a progressive reduction in the number of trials to reach criterion on particular problems, eventually achieving 82% and 88% correct performance on Trials 2–6 and Trial 6. respectively. Certain error factors also appearing in appetitive discrimination learning set research (stimulus perseveration and differential cue) were identified, as well as a factor of relative unimportance in appetitive set (positional responding). A most persistent appetitive error factor presumably reflecting a tendency to explore the unchosen object (response shift) did not appear. In addition, the results extend the effectiveness of aversive airblasts to a relatively complex discrimination task.  相似文献   

Quantity discrimination abilities are seen in a diverse range of species with similarities in performance patterns, suggesting common underlying cognitive mechanisms. However, methodological factors that impact performance make it difficult to draw broad phylogenetic comparisons of numerical cognition across studies. For example, some Old World monkeys selected a higher quantity stimulus more frequently when choosing between inedible (pebbles) than edible (food) stimuli. In Experiment 1 we presented brown capuchin (Cebus [Sapajus] paella) and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) with the same two-choice quantity discrimination task in three different stimulus conditions: edible, inedible, and edible replaced (in which choice stimuli were food items that stood in for the same quantity of food items that were given as a reward). Unlike Old World monkeys, capuchins selected the higher quantity stimulus more in the edible condition and squirrel monkeys showed generally poor performance across all stimulus types. Performance patterns suggested that differences in subjective reward value might motivate differences in choice behavior between and within species. In Experiment 2 we manipulated the subjective reinforcement value of the reward by varying reward type and delay to reinforcement and found that delay to reinforcement had no impact on choice behavior, while increasing the value of the reward significantly improved performance by both species. The results of this study indicate that species presented with identical tasks may respond differently to methodological factors such as stimulus and reward types, resulting in significant differences in choice behavior that may lead to spurious suggestions of species differences in cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described in which pigeons were trained in a simultaneous conditioning procedure to discriminate small arrays of dots that differed in numerosity. The birds successfully learned to choose the array of each pair that contained fewer dots when these choices were reinforced and choices of the array with more dots led to timeout. For the majority of numerosity values tested, discrimination performance for a fixed S+ value was better when the numerical difference between S+ and S-values was larger rather than smaller. This effect was seen in the first experiment when the numerical difference value was shifted between training trials and novel test trials. In the second experiment, too, performance level depended on the size of the numerosity difference when the birds were concurrently trained with two difference values that varied across trials within sessions. However, discrimination accuracy was influenced secondarily by variations in the density, or interdot spacing, of the stimulus arrays. In order to explain the latter finding, it is suggested that a tendency to “scan” a lowdensity array incompletely might alter the probability of accepting it as the smaller numerosity (S+) stimulus. This would increase error rates with S? arrays in which the dots are more widely spaced.  相似文献   

In a two-choice discrimination learning paradigm, a U-shaped function was found between trials to criterion and the number of sides comprising the random figure discriminanda. These data are consistent with results from human Ss and suggest similar information processing capabilities in the two species. Changing the orientation of the stimulus figures after the discrimination had been learned only partially disrupted subsequent discrimination performance. Any single difference in selected form attributes between the two figures comprising a problem was not a good predictor of learning speed, suggesting that monkeys use a combination of such factors.  相似文献   

Six desert iguanas (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) were trained on a black-white discrimination problem using a modified Lashley maze I. The results, in terms of number of trials to criterion, compared favorably to those reported for turtles on the same brightness difference. Efficiency of learning was attributed to (1) the angle separating the discriminanda, (2) intertrial substrate temperature, and (3) visual attentional characteristics of the apparatus. In addition, orienting responses (VTE) varied in expected directions according to speed of learning and difficulty of maze choice points.  相似文献   

In a series of four experiments, the effects of the reactivation of an old memory in different states of vigilance were investigated. Rats were trained to run in a six-unit spatial discrimination maze for food reward with low-level electrical stimulation delivered to the ear when they entered blind alleys. Twenty-five days after training, electrotactile stimulation was given to animals as a reactivating treatment just before a retention test. When the cuing treatment was given during wakefulness, retention performance was improved. When it was given in slow-wave sleep, it had no effect. When it was given in paradoxical sleep, performance was poorer. The use of control groups permitted an assessment of the specificity of the cuing effect in each case: Pretest presentation of the same stimulus did not modify performance when it had no cue value. Together, these results show that the effect of the reactivation of an old memory depends upon the vigilance state in which reactivation takes place. They suggest that reorganization of an old memory could be accomplished during paradoxical sleep.  相似文献   

Children's ability to discriminate reflections and rotations of visual stimuli was examined within the confines of a mental rotation task. It was hypothesized that success would be affected by both characteristics of the stimulus and by the subtlety of the discrimination required. Forty 3- to 4-year-old children were directed to mentally rotate a stimulus a given number of degrees and to discriminate the appearance of the rotated stimulus from among a set of alternatives. Four stimuli differing in the number of visual orientation cues were utilized across 24 trials. A significant effect was found for number of orientation cues, and data indicated the difficulty children experienced detecting reflections, a task which bears close resemblance to the yes/no option in prototypic rotation studies. Children were only successful with a limited range of stimuli when discrimination of a reflected foil was not required. Results are discussed in light of discrepant findings about children's kinetic imagery ability and the advisability of using this particular paradigm with young Children.  相似文献   

This study explored the visual discrimination learning ability of fire-bellied toads (Bombina orientalis). Two groups of toads were trained in a simultaneous visual discrimination task involving video footage of either black crickets on a white background (black-cricket toads) or white crickets on a black background (white-cricket toads). Fifteen widely spaced acquisition trials were followed by 12 reversal trials. Successful learning was observed by decreased incorrect snapping and reduced latency to snap at the correct stimulus (S+) during acquisition; however, white-cricket toads executed significantly more incorrect snaps than did black-cricket toads. Both groups of toads could master the reversal task as measured by latency to snap at S+, but not as measured by the proportion of incorrect snaps. Despite the stronger potency of the black-cricket stimulus, the results showed that toads can learn a simultaneous discrimination task and a reversal of its contingency. This elaborate form of learning appears to be conserved among vertebrates.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that when a delay of reward (DOR) is introduced into a well-learned discrimination, even gradually, discriminative performance deteriorates and, with moderately long DORs, does not recover with practice. The present experiment assessed whether the decrement in performance was due to an associative loss or to a decline in the incentive value of the reward object caused by the DOR. Cebus monkeys were trained on a simple visual discrimination and tested with either a DOR or an identical delay period which preceded the appearance of S+ and S? (“predelay” trials); reinforcement on predelay trials was immediate. On half of the daily trials, the animals were given the option of choosing either the DOR or the predelay trial. The duration of the delay was increased gradually until terminal delays of 32 to 128 sec were reached. All four animals maintained almost errorless performance on predelay trials; in contrast, their error rate reached 36% on DOR trials. Surprisingly, none of the animals learned to choose predelay over DOR trials. Both results were interpreted in terms of the incentive loss hypothesis.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys learned to perform two-object random figure discrimination problems by touch. This performance was compared to the visual acquisition of the same problems (reported earlier). In both modalities, choice latencies were shorter to the correct than to the incorrect figure. As compared to visual, however, tactual learning required significantly more trials to criterion, was independent of stimulus figure complexity, and was characterized by significantly shorter choice latencies. Rotation of the figures 180 deg after criterion performance was achieved, yielded partial recognition of the figures visually, but no recognition tactually. These results are explained by different observational or cue-utilization strategies. The majority of the figure is inspected visually, but only the same small section of the perimeter is used tactually. Thus, restricted use of the available cues characterizes tactual performance and is responsible for generating differences in various measures of learning between vision and touch in the monkey.  相似文献   

The conditions necessary for producing retroactive interference (RI) were examined in a 12-arm radial maze. Rats were first given either three or nine forced choices in a to-be-remembered maze. During a 2-h delay, they received one or two trials in a second 12-arm maze, located either in a different room or the same room as the to-be-remembered maze. During the postdelay memory test, RI from the interference trials was produced only when nine choices had been made in the to-be-remembered maze and two interference trials had been conducted during the delay interval. RI was not found when only three forced choices had to be retained or after a single interference trial. The similarity between the interpolated and to-be-remembered mazes had no effect on choice accuracy. It was concluded that two conditions are required for the production of RI in the radial maze. First, a “large amount” of information should be resident in working memory. Second, a substantial number of interpolated trials or choices must be made during the delay.  相似文献   

Delayed-reward learning in pigeons was examined using a simultaneous red-green visual discrimination task in which the conditions during the delay interval were varied between groups. The nondifferential group received training in which the stimulus present during the 1-min delay was the same following a peck on the correct and incorrect colors. The other three groups received 1-min delay training in which different stimuli occurred in the delay interval following correct and incorrect choices. The differential group received continuous, differential stimuli during the delay. The reinstatement group received the differential stimuli in the 10 sec immediately following the choice and during the last 10 sec of the delay. The reversedcue group was treated in the same way, except that the 10-sec delay stimulus immediately following an incorrect response was also presented for 10 sec prior to reward on correct choices, and the stimulus following a correct response also occurred 10 sec before nonreward on incorrect choices. Nondifferential birds failed to learn the discrimination, while differential and reinstatement birds learned it readily. The reversed-cue birds learned to choose the incorrect stimulus. Differential and reinstatement birds showed no decrement in performance when the delay was increased to 2 min. These findings suggest that similarity of prereward and postresponse delay stimuli controls choice responding in long-delay learning, a finding compatible with both memorial and conditioned reinforcement interpretations.  相似文献   

Pigeons have difficulty learning a standard oddity task involving two colors and three stimulus positions. In Experiment 1, performance on standard noncorrection trials was compared with performance on (1) rerun correction trials in which errors resulted in trial repetition, (2) noncorrection trials with added “negative instance” trials involving presentation of three stimuli, all of which matched, and (3) a combination of correction and added negative instance trials. Results indicated that negative instances, but not correction trials, significantly facilitated oddity performance. In Experiment 2, Phase 1, number of stimulus positions lit (three or five) was factorially manipulated with number of positions on which the odd stimulus could appear (three or five). An increase in number of positions lit, but not number of positions that could be odd, facilitated performance. In Phase 2, birds transferred from trials with five positions lit to four positions lit performed significantly better than controls; but in Phase 3, the same birds did not perform significantly better than controls when transferred to trials with three positions lit. In both experiments, analysis of performance as a function of response position indicated better performance at the end of each display than in the middle. These results, together with the group performance differences in Experiment 2, suggest that oddity learning in pigeons involves a size, or number, discrimination.  相似文献   

This article describes an approach for training a variety of species to learn the abstract concept of same/different, which in turn forms the basis for testing proactive interference and list memory. The stimulus set for concept-learning training was progressively doubled from 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 . . . to 1,024 different pictures with novel-stimulus transfer following learning. All species fully learned the same/different abstract concept: capuchin and rhesus monkeys learned more readily than pigeons; nutcrackers and magpies were at least equivalent to monkeys and transferred somewhat better following initial training sets. A similar task using the 1,024-picture set plus delays was used to test proactive interference on occasional trials. Pigeons revealed greater interference with 10-s than with 1-s delays, whereas delay time had no effect on rhesus monkeys, suggesting that the monkeys’ interference was event based. This same single-item same/different task was expanded to a 4-item list memory task to test animal list memory. Humans were tested similarly with lists of kaleidoscope pictures. Delays between the list and test were manipulated, resulting in strong initial recency effects (i.e., strong 4th-item memory) at short delays and changing to a strong primacy effect (i.e., strong 1st-item memory) at long delays (pigeons 0-s to 10-s delays; monkeys 0-s to 30-s delays; humans 0-s to 100-s delays). Results and findings are discussed in terms of these species’ cognition and memory comparisons, evolutionary implications, and future directions for testing other species in these synergistically related tasks.  相似文献   

We report the first successful demonstration of a simultaneous, two-itemsame-different (S/D) discrimination by 6 pigeons, in which nonpictorial color and shape stimuli were used. This study was conducted because the majority of recently successful demonstrations of S/D discrimination in pigeons have employed displays with more than two items. Two pairs of stimulus items were simultaneously presented on a touch screen equipped computer monitor. Pigeons were reinforced for consistently pecking at either thesame (i.e., identical) or thedifferent (i.e., nonidentical) pair of items. These pairs were created from combinations of simple colored shapes drawn from a pool of six colors and six shapes. After acquiring the discrimination with item pairs that differed redundantly in both the shape and the color dimensions, the pigeons were tested for transfer to items that varied in only one of these dimensions. Although both dimensions contributed to the discrimination, greater control was exhibited by the color dimension. Most important, the discrimination transferred in tests with novel colored, shaped, and sized items, suggesting that the mechanisms involved were not stimulus specific but were more generalized in nature. These results suggest that the capacity to judge S/D relations is present in pigeons even when only two stimuli are used to implement this contrast.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether age-related differences would be observed for discrimination of synthesized, 5-formant consonant-vowel syllables that differed in voicing onset time (VOT) of the initial consonant. Just noticeable differences (JNDs) were measured relative to the end points of the stimulus continuum, using a "same"-"different," adaptive procedure with trial-by-trial feedback/reinforcement and "catch" trials, in which members of the stimulus pair were identical syllables. 6-8-year-old children required significantly longer VOTs for syllabic discrimination than did adults. Adults' JNDs relative to [pa] at the end of the stimulus continuum with longer VOTs were significantly larger than their JNDs relative to [ba], as would be expected on the basis of psychoacoustic considerations, but neither 6-8-nor 8-11-year-old children showed this trend. Performance on "catch" trials for both groups of children was significantly poorer than for adults. Outcomes corresponded to results of other investigations that have reported that children require more acoustic information than adults to achieve the same performance criterion.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated the impact of odor preexposure treatments on the acquisition of an olfactory discrimination in dogs. In the first experiment, four groups of dogs were each given five days’ odor-exposure treatment prior to discrimination training. Dogs in the exposure group were exposed to anise extract (S+) for 30 min daily. Dogs in the Pavlovian-relevant pairing group received six daily delayed-conditioning trials to the same S+. The Pavlovian-irrelevant pairing group received conditioning trials to almond extract (S'). Dogs in the control group received no pretreatment. All of the dogs were then trained to detect S+ from a background pine odor (an AX-vs.-X discrimination). The Pavlovian-relevant pairing group acquired the odor discrimination significantly faster than all of the other exposure and control groups, and the remaining groups acquired the discrimination at the same rate as the no-exposure control group. In a second experiment, we extended these results to a within-subjects design using an AX-versus-BX discrimination. Six dogs were simultaneously trained on two different odor discriminations, one discrimination in which the S+ was previously Pavlovian conditioned, and one discrimination in which the S+ was novel. All of the dogs learned the odor discrimination with the previously conditioned S+ faster than they learned the novel odor discrimination, replicating the results of Experiment 1, and demonstrating that familiarity in the form of Pavlovian conditioning enhances odor-discrimination training. The potential mechanisms of the facilitated transfer of a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus to discrimination training are discussed.  相似文献   

Hue discrimination abilities of giant pandas were tested, controlling for brightness. Subjects were 2 adult giant pandas (1 male and 1 female). A simultaneous discrimination procedure without correction was used. In five tasks, white, black, and five saturations each of green, blue, and red served as positive stimuli that were paired with one or two comparison stimuli consisting of 16 saturations of gray. To demonstrate discrimination, the subjects were required to choose the positive stimulus in 16 of 20 trials (80% correct) for three consecutive sessions. Both subjects reached criterion for green and red. The female subject also reached criterion for blue. The male was not tested for blue. This study is a systematic replication of Bacon and Burghardt’s (1976) color discrimination experiment on black bears. The results suggest that color vision in the giant panda is comparable to that of black bears and other carnivores that are not strictly nocturnal.  相似文献   

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