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潘萍 《辅导员》2012,(9):35-36
在一次听课活动中,有两位老师上同样一个单元课:牛津小学英语4B Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi,却表现出两种不同的结课设计,笔者很有感触:不一样的结课,不一样的效果。【案例一】老师先通过旧知"A:let’s go to…B:Ok,but how?A:Bv…"的句型引出今天所要教的新句型"How do we go to the…?"然后在操练中引出新的交通方式"by taxi,by minibus,on foot"的学习。接下来,通过创设的一个情景:  相似文献   

本节课是《牛津小学英语》4B第六单元Let’s go by taxi的第二课时,以教授和操练Part BCD部分的单词、词组和句型为中心。  相似文献   

1.|句式|You'd/We'd better+动词原形。[功能]常用来表示“建议”,意思是“你们/我们最好……”。其否定式通过直接在had better之后加not构成,意为“最好不要……”。[实例]A:What's wrong with you, Jim? B: I've got a bad headache and a cough. A: You'd better not go to school today. You'd better go to see the doctor. B: You're right. 2.|句式|I'm afraid…[功能]该句型通常表示委婉的、有礼貌的语气,常  相似文献   

一、教学目标(1)能正确地听、说、读、写词汇a station、a hospital、by train、by taxi等。(2)能正确地听、说、读词汇a supermarket、an airport、a library、by minibus等。(3)能正确使用句型Shall we go to the...by...?二、教学重点与难点能听懂、会说a supermarket、an airport等,并正确使用句型Shall we go to the...by...?  相似文献   

一、考查祈使句的基本句型Mary,here—everybody else,staywhere you are.(2006全国Ⅰ35)A.come B.comesC.to come D.comingKey:A【点拨】考查祈使句的基本句型“Do...”。“Mary过来,其它人都呆在原地”。前后两句话间为对等关系,后句的祈使句式说明前半句也应该用祈使句。There are eight tips in Dr.Roger’s lectureon sleep,and one of them is:to bedearly unless you think it is necessary.(2004重庆29)A.doesn’t go B.not to goC.not going D.don’t goKey:D【点拨】考查祈使句的基本句型“Don’t...”。─Sorry,Joe.I d…  相似文献   

本单元是让学生认识各类交通工具,会用句型How do you go to…by…?I go to…by…进行交际。学生在日常生活中都曾有过乘车去某地的亲身经历,所以本单元的内容十分贴近学生的生活,能激起学生的学习兴趣。本节课采用任务型教学模式,以任务为主导,以活动为主线,通过完  相似文献   

一、背景 《牛津小学英语》4B教材与前几册相比,内容略有增加,要求高,学生难以马上适应.而且这个学期又是承上启下的重要阶段,许多老师教起来感到吃力.最近听了张学思老师的一节课牛津小学英语4BUnit6 Let's go by taxi,她经过巧妙的设计,利用游戏教学和情境教学法,分解句型难点,使师生之间、生生之间的互动,高潮迭起,极大地调动了学生学习的积极性,使学生在轻松、愉快的课堂气氛中掌握了句型,学会了应用.  相似文献   

1.—Could I have your newspaper for a moment?—No,you______.A.cant B.couldnt C.shouldnt D.oughtnt to2.What a fine day____we go boating in the park?A.Must B.Will C.Shall D.Should3.Someone is coming.Who______it be?A.may B.must C.can D.should4.Victoria_______out on such a dark night.A.dares not go B.dares not to goC.doesnt dare to go D.dare not to go5.The panda in Taiwan must be ill,_______it?A.isnt B.cant C.may not D.mustnt6.Emma must have finished the novel by now,______she?A.didnt …  相似文献   

一、课前准备:1.图片若干张(a park、a zoo、a cinem a、atheatre,etc.);2.人物Nancy,David、taxidriver、bus driver头饰;3.单词卡片(theatre和taxi);4.交通工具圆形大转盘、小闹钟等。二、教学过程:Step1.W arm ing up1.H ello,boys and girls.Listen to m e,Please。师唱歌曲“TheSpring iscom ing”,同时出示一幅“春景”图。T:Oh,it's a nice spring.Let's go and play agam e,OK?Ss:OK。学生随着音乐与教师律动起来:running,clim bing,fishing,swim m ing,by bus,by plane,bybike…(设计意图:通过师生共同表演来营造轻松活跃的…  相似文献   

不管在口语中还是书面语中,“too…to…”句型的使用频率是很高的。因此,很有必要对比进行认真的分析和总结,从而达到熟练掌握和运用这一句型的目的,下面就“too…to…”句型使用中的若干难点总结如下:“too…to…”句型一般是表示否定意思,“too”后跟形容词或副词,“to”后跟动词原形(注:实际上“to”是动词不定式的标志),“too…to…”表示“太…而不能…”的意思。动词不定式在句中作结果状语。例如:My little brother is too young to go to school·(=My little brother is so young that he can′t go to school)我弟弟太小,还不能…  相似文献   

1991年《英语画刊》高中版第1期有一道“问题解答”解释欠妥,特提出商榷。原文如下:“I'm about—home.A.going B.to go C.how to doD.go”答案是“B”有读者问:为什么不选“A”,问题的解答如下:“be about to do sth.是一个惯用语。about  相似文献   

困惑之一:如何定位合理的教学目标?1.案例对比牛津教材四年级的一堂课,教学的主要句型是“W hatdo you like?Do you like…?”。A老师由Shopping导入,模拟购物活动引出本课的新单词puppet、puzzle、kite、doll等。然后围绕单词、句型展开一系列的操练,惟恐学生掌握得不扎实。虽  相似文献   

一、听录音,选出你所听到的答语。(10分)()1.Where did you go on your holiday?A.I went to Shanghai.B.I went to Shenzhen.()2.What did you do on your holiday?A.I rowed a boat B.I bought presents.()3.How did you go there?A.I went by train.B.I went by plane.()4.D  相似文献   

单元主题交通核心语句Lingling:How do you go to school,Amy?Amy:I go to school by bus.Lingling:How does Sam go to school?Amy:He goes to school by bike.Lingling:Thank you.本节课主要围绕单元主  相似文献   

一、看图补全对话,每空填一词。1.A:W hats the w eather to-day?B:Its snowing.W hat a heavy!A:Shall we m ake a?B:G ood idea!2.A:W hat a fine day today!B:W illyou go w ith m e?A:O K.Its sunny,notveryhot.B:Lets go!3.A:Look at the clouds!Its go-ing to.B:Ithink so.W e llstay athom e.A:Its better to do som e readingon days.4.A:H ow s the w eather outside?B:Its m uch today thanyesterday.A:Y ou d betterw earwarmwhen you go out.二、根据下面两幅图画进行问答。1.A:W hat are they doing?B:2.A:IsL…  相似文献   

Asking the Way     
A:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the Food Street?B:Certainly.But will you go there by bus or on foot?A:I’m not sure.Is it very far from here?B:No,not very.If you would like to go on foot,I can walk with you for a while.A:That’s very kind of you.  相似文献   

孙文龙 《海外英语》2008,(11):14-15
1.one's line of country爱好范围;熟悉范围   A What do you like best?   B:Music and movie are my line of country.   A Oh…   B:I have learned the piano for ten years,and I like to go to the cinema by myself;especially the classics never too boring to see.   ……  相似文献   

1.狼保姆和兔宝宝目标语言It’s 6:30/…It’s time to get up/…情境设计通过故事情境狼保姆和兔宝宝引出并学习get up,go to school,go home,go to bed等动词短语,然后利用故事情节,帮助学生灵活使用句型It’s…It’s time to…。教师要求学生同桌两人,一人扮演狼保姆,一人扮兔宝宝。效果描述表演让学生变得异常兴奋,由此产生的对话富于想象力,  相似文献   

我的说课内容是《牛津小学英语》3B Unit 5“Plus and minus”的A“Learn to say”的句型教学部分,主要包括句型“What’s…plus/minus…?”“It’s…That’s right.”“Sorry,you are wrong.”“Oh.no。”  相似文献   

93年MET第35题: Be sure to write to us,______? A.will you B.aren't you C.Can you D.mustn't you 在答题时,有的同学选了B,有的选了C,还有的选了D。究其原因,是这些同学对反意疑问句这一基本知识的特殊句型没有完全掌握。下面谈几种特殊的反意疑问句: 1、陈述句部分以Let开头时,反问部分有三种情况: (1)Let's开头,包括会话双方,反问部分用“shall we?”。 例:It's a fine day.Let'S go fishing,______? A.Won't we B.will We C.don't We D.shall We  相似文献   

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