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GIS与MIS无缝集成的框架研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对GIS与MIS两大系统的集成框架,本文从设计模式的角度提出了基于组件工厂的框架设计;进而从框架体系及集成理论、GSQL模板以及行业模型集成三个方面介绍了系统集成。上述方法及技术已经在大型国产GIS软件——织女星大型灌区地理信息系统VegaIGIs中得到实现,解决了大型软件开发及海量数据处理中遇到的集成问题。  相似文献   

校校通教育教学平台信息系统的建设是一个系统化工程,系统中存在多个子系统,为了满足用户需求,我们在设计模式上采用Facade(外观)模式为子系统中的一组接口提供一个一致的界面。为了功能模块和显示模块的分离,提高了应用系统的可维护性、可扩展性、可移植性和组件的可复用性,我们采用Struts框架作为开发MVC框架。  相似文献   

从EJB框架的思想和原理出发,分析现行EJB细粒度调用方法的不足.通过实例介绍,用Session Facade和DTO等设计模式实现远程粗粒度调用的可行性方法。实践证明,该方法能够有效地提高远程调用的效率。  相似文献   

本文分析了目前流行的软件开发技术和设计模式(C/S、B/S)以及开发框架(EJB、Struts、Webwork、Spring)的优势与不足,从中选择了以IoC(依赖注入)原则为基础的.控制、业务和显示三种逻辑分离的J2EE开发框架spring MVC,研究了使用该框架所涉及到的面向对象软件开发思想、MVC设计模式、J2EE分布式体系构架、Spring Frame-work、Spring IoC等相关技术.并在此基础上,使用该框架对MIS进行了设计与实现.  相似文献   

为加速嵌入式Linux系统的开发,有必要研究专门的嵌入式集成开发环境.本文讨论了一个面向Linux嵌入式系统开发的集成开发环境及其各组件的设计,专门设计了一个自动库裁减工具和一个设备仿真框架.与相关产品相比,这两个组件是该集成开发环境的独到之处.  相似文献   

EJB(Enterprise Java Bean)是一种创建在服务端的可扩展、事务处理的、多用户安全的企业级应用,它为开发分布式的N-Tier中间件提供了统一的组件结构框架.在对EJB多层体系结构分析的基础上,构建了一个基于EJB的远程教育平台,并从面向对象的角度对该平台的设计及实现过程进行了分析.  相似文献   

在面向对象的软件设计中恰当地应用设计模式,将简化开发过程,使系统结构清晰,便于扩展和维护。对观察者设计模式(Observer)进行了分析,并利用.Net框架的特性对其进行了改进,最后利用改进后的模式基于.NetRemoting技术进行了分布式开发的实践。  相似文献   

以SOA为设计思想,提出变电站端系统到电力局、电力企业系统无缝集成的框架设计。使用COM+组件技术实现了分布式的变电站端监控系统,并通过Web Services适配程序完成其到SOA总线的接入。  相似文献   

现有的框架模型都是静态的,粗粒度的,不能满足动态的多业务的系统集成需要。本文通过设计数据模型组件、数据关系组件、公共业务处理组件、DAO组件,使它们有机集成在一起,构成了通用数据访问框架,对企业级应用系统的开发具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

StrutsCX是基于MVC设计模式的非常优秀的Web应用框架,通过将表示、控制和业务逻辑相分离,提高了代码的可重用性和灵活性.本文介绍了StrutsCX框架下案件信息管理系统的设计和实现.实践证明,该系统的开发效率、可维护性和可扩展性得到了很大的提高.  相似文献   

制造网格中资源管理系统研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为实现制造业的资源共享和协同工作, 以开放网格服务架构(OGSA)为系统框架, 以GT3(Globus Toolkit 3.0)为开发工具, 提出了制造网格的概念. 然而, 由于制造资源的复杂性、多样性、特殊性和分散性, 制造网格中的资源管理问题明显比其他网格应用项目困难得多. 因此, 开发了制造网格信息服务(MGIS), 该服务通过有效集成检测查询服务(MDS)和各种类型的资源封装模板, 实现了制造资源的远程封装、注册、发现和监控. 同时, MGIS与GRAM(globus resource allocation manager)共同构建了制造网格的资源管理系统, 解决了制约制造网格应用的瓶颈问题. 最后, 给出了该系统的应用框架, 并通过制造网格试验床中的一个具体应用实例说明了其实际应用过程.  相似文献   

针对模具传统设计的特点,阐述了模具协同设计的工作环境和系统框架,在此基础上提出了网络数据库、协同设计集成、分布式CAD/CAE/CAM、协调管理等关键支持技术,重点给出知识管理、协作机制等核心模块的具体实现。  相似文献   

按照面向智能体的程序设计思想,构建基于多智能体的可重构制造模型,把制造企业中各生产管理部门设计成独立的智能体,并借助多智能体系统开发平台JAFMAS来实现系统模型的运行.这一概念的提出,不仅符合制造模式的发展方向,还对多智能体技术的应用推广起到一定的促进作用.  相似文献   

企业信息化日益得到重视,MES市场的未来也越来越被业内人士所看好。以培养和提高学生的工程实践能力,打造应用型人才为目标,根据现代工业工程专业发展趋势和专业人才培养目标,结合MES的特点和实验室现有设备,设计了一种MES实验教学系统。从工业工程的专业教学要求和MES的功能特点出发,阐述了实验室的MES系统设计方案。  相似文献   

国际劳工组织于20世纪70年代开发并推广MES模式,以应对当时世界范围内的就业危机,使MES模式在世界各国得到了广泛应用。国际劳工组织在推广MES模式的过程中逐渐形成了以项目载体、师资培训、教材内化、资格互认四项措施为基础的较为稳定高效的国际化路径模式,该路径模式体现出以标准化模式为引领、以理念导入为手段、以因地制宜为原则的模式特点。借鉴国际劳工组织MES模式国际化路径的优质经验,我国职业教育国际化路径可从路径模式、可持续发展、课程内容与资格框架四方面进行发展完善。  相似文献   

A new framework for consciousness is introduced based upon traditional artificial neural network models. This framework reflects explicit connections between two parts of the brain: one global working memory and distributed modular cerebral networks relating to specific brain functions. Accordingly this framework is composed of three layers,physical mnemonic layer and abstract thinking layer,which cooperate together through a recognition layer to accomplish information storage and cognition using algorithms of how these interactions contribute to consciousness:(1)the reception process whereby cerebral subsystems group distributed signals into coherent object patterns;(2)the partial recognition process whereby patterns from particular subsystems are compared or stored as knowledge; and(3)the resonant learning process whereby global workspace stably adjusts its structure to adapt to patterns' changes. Using this framework,various sorts of human actions can be explained,leading to a general approach for analyzing brain functions.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Computer Supported Collaborative Work(CSCW) refers to technologies that use computertechnologies, multimedia technologies and networkcommunication technologies to support geogra-phically distributed users to collaborate with designtasks under shared environments. It is argued thatthe product development period may be shortenedgreatly when users independently and collabora-tively join in the designing, planning and assemblyprocess with the same product under a distributedenv…  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel Web Service based distributed collaborative CAD system employing feature as its collaborative design element and uses XML to define feature operations and communication protocol between the server and the client. To reduce network load and increase response ability of the system, the feature information is updated incrementally on the client. The system supports collaborative designing on heterogeneous platforms. Its framework and communication protocols are analyzed in detail. The experimental results from the developed prototype system showed that it can effectively support collaborative design under the distributed environment.  相似文献   

The platform of distributed design and resource sharing is important for medium-sized and small companies in developing products to improve competitiveness. As a background of creative product design, a knowledge model based on product collaborative innovation development of products (CIDP) is proposed. Characteristics of CIDP are analyzed, and the framework and key technologies of the CIDP-plafform based knowledge studied. Through integration of existing system and interface designs, a development platform has been built to support the PCID within knowledge-based engineering (KBE). An example is presented, indicating that the prototype system is maneuverable and practical.  相似文献   

Network manufacturing has been rapidly developed and is going to play an important role in modern industry. The core of network manufacturing of mechanical products is the design and manufacturing based on the computer network technology. A network framework is inuoduced for manufacturing mechanical components at two main levels. On the design level features of the component are initially studied based on the structure and functions of the component. Details of the design procedure and contents are then analyzed with three main kinds of components. In this stage, selection of materials, calculation of stress and deflection under load, determination of the size are carried out using CAD. On the manufacturing level various aspects of CAPP are discussed, including the principle and the modes of positioning the component, the exerted clamping forces, cutting engagement and input parameters, machine tools used, and machining fluids if necessary. Finally a prototype of the network framework is presented with several pieces of data terminal equipment through a local area network, the topological structure, and data sharing and security, without concerning the use of the concurrent engineering techniques and virtual manufacturing, and virtual measuring techniques.  相似文献   

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