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“教育”是什么?有人说,教育是一种责任;有人说,教育是一种保护;有人说,教育是一种发现,一种开发;还有人说,教育是一种沟通,一种影响……众说纷纭,莫衷一是。“教育”是培养新生一代准备从事社会生活的整个过程。如“我们要重视教育”。到底要使新生一代接受哪种教育?以何种观点、方法去教育学生?我国古代大教育家孔子重视了礼、乐、射、御、书、数等六种技艺,提出了“有教无类”;我们党制定了德智体全面发展的教育方针.颁布了义务教育法……对照教育定义。  相似文献   

药理学教学的辩证法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药理学理论渗透着辩证法的基本观点,在药理学教学中应以辩证唯物主义的观点和方法引导学生,提高学生的认识能力;以实践——认识——再实践的观点认识药物;以矛盾的观点理解药物的治疗作用与不良反应;以矛盾的普遍性与特殊性认识药物的共性与个性;以发展的观点正确认识药物。  相似文献   

一、指导思想上的三个墓本观点1评价学生要有辩证观点学生就是学生,不能捧。1989年动乱之前,报上宣传他们是“不肯盲从的一代”、“青年中的精英”、“国家栋梁”,显然是言过其实。动乱之后,又说他们是“营养不良、先天不足”、“抱大的一代”,进而是“危险的一代”,这又  相似文献   

课程是什么?传统的理论认为它就是传授知识,即将前人的经验一代一代地传递下去。而现代课程理论则认为。课程还是一种对话、交流、体验和发展。既然是对话,那么教师和学生之间应当具备平等、民主的沟通,共同构筑起探讨的平台,从中教师学会了倾听,学生学会了选择。学会了怀疑和批判,因而得到了发展;既然是交流,必定是教师和学生的互动,在互动中,学生的主体意识被唤醒,学生的身心潜能被激发,新的思想在交流中产生,没有学生的主动参与和创造,课程哪能被学生内化;既然是体验,必定有情境,从而把学生引入丰富多彩的生活世界,这种情境,不仅是话语的。而且是实践的,是充满智慧的探究和体验;既然是发展,也就表明教育并不只是照抄照搬,  相似文献   

《复旦教育》1991年第1期,作者曾论述了苏步青教授的几个高等教育思想:教导学生具有独立思考和创造的能力;坚持教学和科研的结合;正确处理理论和实践的关系;严格要求学生德才兼备,鼓励学生一代超过一代。本文现再就苏步青的另外几个观点,作简要的论述。  相似文献   

游国恩的楚辞研究及教育品格述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游国恩是现代楚辞学的集大成,其《楚辞概论》、《楚辞论集》等作,将楚辞作为一个完整自足的体系来研究,并在大量原始献分析的基础上,提出了许多富于启示性的观点,体现了他严谨求实、勇于创新的学风。游国恩一生从不鲩合强权与世俗,其精神品格与屈原一脉相承。他同时还培养和熏染了一代又一代的学生后辈。为北大及至全国的教育和化事业做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

文章对树立学生自学观念和培养学生能力的观点和方法,加以剖析和论述,阐述了自学的意义问题;自学为主是广播电视大学的教学原则和规律问题;自学应该是计划学习问题;自学和本职工作问题;自学与求师问题。  相似文献   

程丽丽  张彬 《知识文库》2023,(12):107-109
<正>按照马克思主义的观点,每一名学生都有其独特的人格。教室作为载体,承载了塑造学生人格的使命和作用。打造完美教室从聚焦学生人格特征、丰富方式方法、改变学生需求、营造良好环境出发,旨在重塑学生的灵魂和生命,以实现增强其对于德育工作全方位认同的目的。突破传统德育模式的框架,创造性打造完美教室,才能全面提高学生的政治思想素质,持续增强学校开展德育工作的质效,高效培养一代又一代具有完美人格的新时代人才。马克思指出:“‘人格’的本质是人的社会特质”。人格的形成源于人从自然人到社会人的社会化转变,伴随着这样的过程,作为其主要表征的性格特征以及精神品格  相似文献   

梁万明 《教育文汇》2012,(1):29+32-29,32
何炳章先生提出一个观点:教育教育就是教会学生自育,教学教学就是教会学生自学。从陶行知先生的"好的先生不是教书,也不是教学生,乃是教学生学",到叶圣陶先生的"教是为了不教";从段力佩先生的"教育教育,重点在育;教学教学,重点在学",到何炳章先生的上述观点,"自育自学论源远流长,被一代又一代教育教学改革者奉为圭皋,并成为越来越多的教育工作者共识。  相似文献   

我国建国以来的教育观念和模式,我认为它最主要最突出的特点是重视和强调学生对某种已有知识和技能的学习和掌握,强调对某种权威理论或观点的理解和认同,即是一种“学习”教育,这种“学习”教育的积极意义在于培养了一代又一代基础知识扎实和考试技能高超的大中学生。我国传统教育特别是基础教育在某些方面取得的成功已经在世界上处领先地位。但是在另一方面,我国传统教育在狠抓“学习”的同时,却严重忽略了“创造”,忽视甚至抑制了学生的创造能力。这是我国传统教育的最大弊端和失败。学习教育是重要的也是必要的,我们应该重视学习…  相似文献   

哈佛之光--德里克·博克的大学教育思想及其启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
德里克·博克是美国著名教育思想家和活动家。就任哈佛大学校长期间,博克在总结哈佛办学经验的同时,形成了自己系统的大学教育思想体系。本文从四个方面论述了博克的大学教育思想:现代大学的基本特征,现代大学的主要职能,现代大学的学术价值,现代大学对社会的反应。最后,简要分析了博克的大学教育思想对我国高等教育改革与发展的启示。  相似文献   

In light of the widespread recognition of the enduring challenge of enhancing the learning of all students—including a growing number of students representing diverse racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds—there has been an explosion of literature on teaching, learning, and assessment in higher education. Notwithstanding scores of promising new ideas, individual faculty in higher education need a dynamic and inclusive model to help them engage in a systematic and continuous process of exploring and testing various teaching and assessment practices to ensure the learning of their students. This paper introduces a model—Teaching-for-Learning (TFL)—developed to meet this need. Clifton F. Conrad received his bachelor’s degree in History and his master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Kansas and his Ph.D. in Higher Education from the University of Michigan. He is Professor of Higher Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; and his research focus is on college and university curricula with particular emphases on program quality, liberal education, and teaching and learning. Jason Johnson received his bachelor’s degree in Comparative History of Ideas and his master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Washington. He is nearing completion of his Ph.D. and working as a Teaching Assistant in Higher Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his research focuses on rhetoric in higher education. Divya Malik Gupta received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Human Development and Family Studies from Maharaja Sayajirao University in Gujarat, India. She is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  相似文献   

中美大学校长教育背景的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
大学的校长对一所大学的发展起着很大的作用,而校长个人包括其就读学校、所学学科专业等在内的教育背景及其多元化程度与他的办学思想和能力又有很大程度的关联。本文比较了中美20所排名靠前的大学校长的教育背景,并对进一步加强我国大学校长队伍的建设提出了一点建议。  相似文献   

通过对熊庆来担任云南大学校长期间治校状况的梳理,在五个方面总结了其教育思想与实践状况,即:"为有国家用之才"的育人之道,"独立自主,效率优先"的管理之道,"立足本省,面向西南"的服务之道,"学习国内先进大学"的开放之道,"尊师爱生,提携后进"的和谐之道。总结、论述他的办学思想与实践,应该对当今高等教育改革与发展有所启迪。  相似文献   

试述潘懋元先生的高等教育思想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘懋元教授作为我国名的教育家,高等教育学的创始人,在他长期的理论工作和教育实践中,形成了他的高等教育思想,为我国高等教育理论和改革做出了重要的贡献。本对潘先生的重要高等教育思想进行初步的整理和归纳,从高等教育目的观、价值观、发展观、质量观以及教学思想方面阐述其高等教育思想。  相似文献   

Aaron Wildavsky, a founder and president of the California Association of Scholars, died on September 4, at the much too early age of 63. Professor Wildavsky's life exemplified a total commitment to the university, and his achievements were prodigious. He authored or edited, alone or with colleagues, some three dozen books, and he wrote hundreds of articles. In the thirty years he spent at Berkeley, he was at various times chairman of the Department of Political Science and founding Dean of the Graduate School of Public Policy. He also found time to serve as president of the American Political Science Association and the Policy Studies Association, and to be active in myriad other organizations. When Yale, where he had earned his doctorate in 1959, earlier this year made him an honorary Doctor of Social Science, it stated, “You have improved every institution with which you have been associated.” Aaron Wildavsky was profoundly concerned about the future of the university, the institution that he loved so much and served so well. At the Fourth National Conference of the NAS, held in San Francisco this past April, he expressed his fears about the effect of politically correct faculty hiring practices on the long-range future of education. Academic Questions here reproduces his remarks in the hope—one that, in fact, he shared—that for once his predictions will be proved wrong. Aaron Wildavsky was Class of 1940 Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley.  相似文献   

罗伯特·赫钦斯是 2 0世纪中叶美国著名的教育改革家和思想家。他在担任芝加哥大学校长期间 ,采取了卓有成效的教育改革措施 ,在教育实践基础上形成了独特的高等教育观点。他的大学观对我国高等教育改革与发展具有积极的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The current director of the Institute of Higher Education of Peking University is a forty-three-year-old professor, Min Weifang. After receiving a double masters degree in studies in higher education and organizational management, Professor Min was sent abroad by the state and received a doctoral degree from Stanford University in educational management and policy making. He then further undertook postdoctoral studies in the areas of educational economics and educational finance. After returning to China, he has been invited to undertake research work in the headquarters of the World Bank in the areas of educational investment and educational effectiveness. He is a national-level young expert who has made outstanding contributions in his fields of endeavor. At the moment, in addition to serving as an assistant to the president of Peking University, as the director of the Institute of Higher Education at Peking University, and as a faculty adviser to doctoral students, he also serves on the editorial board of the international journal Higher Education and holds the positions of Higher Education Investment Consultant for the World Bank and Group Leader of the Chinese Experts Group for the World Bank's loan program to educational development projects in the impoverished provinces and regions in China.  相似文献   

Dilemmas in the quest for inclusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1995, on the occasion of his 'retirement', Professor Klaus Wedell wrote a leading article for BJSE entitled 'Making inclusive education ordinary'. Last October, Professor Wedell, also known to BJSE's readers as the author of the regular 'Points from the SENCo-Forum' column, delivered the Gulliford Lecture at Birmingham University. Here he makes the text of his lecture accessible to a wider audience.
In this article, Professor Wedell places some of the ideas he discussed in 1995 in a contemporary context. He explores the systemic rigidities that create barriers to inclusion; he offers creative ideas for new ways to approach the challenges of inclusion; and he argues persuasively for much greater flexibility, at a range of levels, in order to facilitate change, development and innovation. Building on these themes, Professor Wedell summarises a series of implications for policy and practice. These concern teaching and learning; staffing and professional expertise; and grouping and locations for learning. In concluding his article, Professor Wedell calls on the Government to consider in more depth the issues that are raised by moves towards inclusion – particularly those issues that concern the individual learner in relation to the shared curriculum. This article will be of interest to anyone who recognises these and other tensions in the movement towards inclusion.  相似文献   

This is the fourth Lecture of the Edward Corbin Jenkins Lectureship, given by Hedley S. Dimock, at George Williams College, Chicago, on February 28, 1941. The Lectureship was established in 1935 in honor of a pioneer in education, who served as president of George Williams College from 1926 until his retirement in 1935. The purpose of the Lectureship is to carry forward the pioneering spirit and educational philosophy of President Jenkins in recreation and informal education as a significant phase of the modern community. The preceding Lectures were given by Frederick P. Keppel, President of The Carnegie Corporation; Charles W. Gilkey, Dean of University of Chicago Chapel; and Eduard C. Lindeman, Professor of Social Philosophy of the New York School of Social Work. Dr. Dimock is Dean and Professor of Religious Education of George Williams College and a member of the Executive and Editorial Committees of the Religious Education Association. (Editor)  相似文献   

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