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采用文献资料调研、录像分析法、数理统计法对2010年男子足球世界杯赛109个运动战进球和2011年女子足球世界杯赛65个运动战进球特征进行分析,对比男子足球和女子足球运动战进球各项指标,探索男子足球和女子足球在比赛异同,为女子足球"男子化"的训练和打法提供建议。主要分析指标包括:进球耗时、有效传球次数、最后一传方式、射门区域、射门技术手段。研究结果表明:1)2010年男子足球世界杯赛场均进球数少于2011年女子足球世界杯赛场均进球数,主要原因有三:男子足球世界杯赛的中各队打法较为功利、非洲队伍表现不佳以及各队对南非环境的不适应。2)女子足球比赛攻守双方进入状态较快,打法更具激情,男子足球比赛则在比赛开始阶段相对较为保守;无论男子足球还是女子足球比赛,运动战都是得分的主要手段。3)女子足球运动员在比赛中较男子足球运动员更多地采用简洁快速的配合来获得得分机会。4)女子足球比赛在最后一传方式上较男子足球更加倾向于一脚传球;女子足球比赛中对于个人能力的依赖程度还是要高于男子足球比赛;女子足球运动员的传接球、控球技术不够娴熟,较易出现失误。5)现代足球比赛"一脚球"成为了得分的主要手段,男子足球和女子足球比赛均体现出了此特点;女子足球运动员在比赛中获得射门机会时相对于男子足球有更多的选择余地;女子足球运动员远射和小角度射门得分的数量要少于男子足球。  相似文献   

张小米 《当代体育》2011,(43):62-65
10年前,前南教练米卢蒂诺维奇率领中国男足冲出亚洲,中国足球圆了44年的世界杯梦想,亿万中国球迷被享受了难得的"快乐足球"。10年后,中国国奥队、中国女足冲击2012年伦敦奥运会失败,男足冲击十强赛命悬一线。"快乐"对于中国足球而言,已成奢谈。  相似文献   

基于符号理论和文化身份理论,采用质性研究的范式对中国球迷在足球世界杯期间的狂热镜像进行分析。结果认为:中国球迷在世界杯中"狂热"的路径主要依赖为个体欣赏需求的内源性偏好、观看世界杯的工具性征用以及球迷虚假狂热的被建构;球迷在世界杯中的狂热镜像凸显了球迷的身份焦虑和符号性炫耀消费;球迷们正是通过观看"他者"——足球世界杯体验到了逐渐丧失自我本真的尴尬进而出现了信仰焦虑、身份焦虑以及镜像焦虑。  相似文献   

高嵩 《当代体育》2009,(1):72-72
喜欢上足球可能和小学时热播的一部动画片《足球小将》有关,我被片中人物那永不言弃的精神所感染。后来到2002年韩日世界杯打响时已经彻底地爱上了足球这个圆圆的精灵,爱上了英格兰队和"邻家男孩"迈克尔·欧文。  相似文献   

现代足球起源于欧洲,尽管历史规律表明,起源地不见得就能始终保持其领先地位,后来居上的例子屡见不鲜,可是,德国世界杯为什么出现了欧洲球队在最后阶段几乎一统天下的局面?中国足球这些年一直尝试着冲出亚洲,走向世界。努力的结果是,亚洲倒是冲出去了,中国足球的未来何在?  相似文献   

世界杯历史上最快的帽子戏法 1954年瑞士世界杯,德国队在匈牙利人的身上完成了“伯尔尼奇迹”,尽管最终与世界冠军檫肩而过, 但当时匈牙利足球的强大依然是不可抹杀的,小组赛中9比0血洗韩国、8比3屠戮德国更是让人望而生畏。 1954年世界杯也是德国足球和匈牙利足球的分水岭, 因为正是从这以后,德国足球逐渐强大,而匈牙利足球却逐渐走向没落,直到1982年世界杯,这位曾经的东欧巨人才再次被镌刻在世界杯的丰碑中。  相似文献   

9月30日,第六届五人制足球世界杯(FIFA Futsal World Cup)在足球王国巴西拉开帷幕。五人制足球世界杯也被称为室内足球世界杯,是国际足联创办的一项每四年一届的国际性室内足球赛事。  相似文献   

世界杯是64场比赛,场均2.7粒进球;世界杯是格策的绝杀,是克洛泽用第16粒进球创造历史,是罗德里格斯的一战成名;世界杯是德国人24年后的再次捧杯,是足球王国巴西的惨败,是阿根廷人的泪水;世界杯是球迷4年的翘首以盼,是感动、辛酸、怒吼、亢奋;世界杯是……  相似文献   

世界杯的主办权可是块“大肥肉”,得到了主办权就意味着打开了一座金库。而政治、文化上的影响更是不可低估。因此英国和德国才会如此挖空心思抛开别的不谈,两国在足球上历来是冤家对头,这回又是心往一处想地都提出申办2006年世界杯,真应了那句古话;“不是冤家不聚头”。更巧的是两国在2000年欧洲杯和2002年世界杯外围赛上又被分在了同一组,好!就让他们比划去吧,咱们就等着看热闹。德国 1.球迷作风: 英国的足球流氓臭名昭著,德国也有不少这样的破坏分子。1998年世界杯上被打伤的法国警官至今不肯接受德国足球流…  相似文献   

辛华 《新体育》2007,(9):20-21
1991年首届女足世界杯大赛在中国举行,女足运动进入了新的发展阶段,美国的足球女孩,中国的铿锵玫瑰,剽悍的瑞典女足和强悍的德国女足先后称霸足坛。然而,2007年女足世界杯大赛到来之际,来自足球王国巴西的玛尔塔成为当今世界女足第一人。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法和归纳总结法对上世纪末德国足球的衰落进行梳理分析,并对新世纪以来德国足球管理层进行的一系列足球改革措施进行研究,探寻德国足球重新崛起的改革之路,以期为我国的足球发展改革提供理论参考。  相似文献   


The Super Bowl has played a central role in the diffusion of American football in Germany, as interviews with the ‘founding fathers’ of ‘gridiron’ football clubs and analysis of German media accounts reveal. American football and the Super Bowl have also played an important role in the construction of traditional German Amerikabilder – images, ideas, and symbols associated with America. German media rarely covered American football until the late 1970s. At that time, brief highlight shows of the Super Bowl on German television and broadcasts on the American Forces Network significantly contributed to the diffusion of American football and the emergence of an American football league in Germany in the late 1970s. In the process of covering the Super Bowl, German journalists reproduced Germany’s double-headed Amerikabild: America as a model of modernity on the one hand, and as a violent, cultureless society on the other. The press further invoked historical clashes between German Kultur and the dreaded Zivilisation of the West. This exploration of the social processes surrounding the reception of the Super Bowl in Germany employs the theories of cultural globalization, migration, and electronic mediation developed by the anthropologist Arjun Appadurai to explain the complexities of contemporary global cultural flows.  相似文献   

马阳 《体育科研》2017,(4):93-97
以中德足球学校合作为主题,先后采访了德国多特蒙德足球俱乐部市场总监Dennis Thom先生、国际部总监Benedikt Scholz先生、雷根斯堡足球俱乐部主席Johannes Baumeister先生以及德国规模最大的私营足球学校DFI(Deutsches Fussball Internat)负责人Gründer Thomas先生。在此基础上,以雷根斯堡足球学校和DFI足球学校为个案,对于德方有关足球学校认知与实践,及其与中方合作的预期,德国现阶段足球学校的运作模式和特点等问题进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   


Today, science has become indispensable in professional (association) football. As applying science in football promises a greater sporting success, football training is based on scientific knowledge. Hence, the use of science in football is taken for granted and seems to be commonplace. However, scientific knowledge was hardly employed in football until the early 1950s. In fact, its use needed legitimacy. By taking the German Democratic Republic (GDR) as an example, this study traces the legitimization of science in football in the 1950s and 1960s. The results suggest that the future promise of science as well as the Soviet Union and Soviet football played a substantial role in the scientification of GDR football.  相似文献   

足球环境是足球运动得以前进与发展的前提与保障,从一定程度上来讲,足球运动的发展直接受足球环境的影响,与足球环境的变化息息相关。“中国特色的足球环境”对足球运动的发展虽然已经取得了一定的作用,但与世界发展的步伐仍然不能保持一致,其内在问题对足球运动的发展构成了重要的影响。  相似文献   

In 1948, the American Military Government worked with Swiss soccer officials to organise Germany's first post-war international matches, three simultaneous German–Swiss intercity games. The American occupation authorities viewed these games as part of their broader efforts to help teach Germans about democracy, as a way for the international community to begin the process of reaccepting Germany and as a way to raise funds for charitable purposes tied to the reconstruction efforts. These games received tremendous popular support in Germany and Switzerland from football officials, the general public and the press. These German–Swiss games also facilitated Germany's return to the international community by forcing one of the most powerful international sport federations to address Germany's exclusion. Through a combination of materials from military governments, football federations and the press, this article examines how states used the internationalism of sport to obtain diplomatic aims. With these three intercity matches, football provided a venue for Germans to participate in relations with other countries while Germany itself remained excluded from the traditional international relations of diplomats.  相似文献   

The study examined the “micro-structure” of football practice and the “macro-structure” of participation history of female professional football players. Participants were 29 German 1st league (Bundesliga) players, 14 of whom played on the senior national team (Olympic Champion in 2016). A questionnaire recorded the players’ positions, proportions of physical conditioning, drill-type skill exercises and playing forms within coach-led football practice, and the volume of coach-led practice and peer-led play, in both football and other sports, from childhood to adulthood. Analyses revealed that most athletes played various attacker and defender positions during development. National team players differed from their Bundesliga peers by less physical conditioning and greater proportions of playing forms within football practice. National team players also accumulated less total football practice until age 18 years, but more peer-led football and coach-led practice in other sports compared to their Bundesliga counterparts. Based on these variables, a binary logistic regression classified 93% of the national team and Bundesliga players correctly. Conclusion: A combination of long-term coach-led football practice involving a relatively large proportion of playing forms with considerable childhood/adolescent peer-led football play and coach-led practice in other sports may have facilitated adult performance among German female world-class football players.  相似文献   

足球是世界第一运动,在德国拥有广泛的群众基础,那么如何有效地对足球运动员进行科学合理的筛选就成为了一项重要的课题。本文由德国拜罗伊特大学体育系运动训练科学小组完成,目的是为了揭示足球人才在一般运动测试中所表现的中期预后有效性以及从实验结果计算出的足球特定表现分数。在此之前已经对包括体操、滑雪和网球在内的几项人才筛选计划实施了运动诊断分析。然而,与大多数其他运动相比,足球运动对这种早期测试的预测价值尚不清楚。测试对象由参与德国富尔达地区运动表现能力测试(FMC)的U9二年级儿童组成(N=2 965)。FMC是一个对测试者基础运动表现能力的筛查,由两个人体测量学特征参数和德国运动能力表现测试(GMT6-18)的8个测试项目组成,并增加了一个投掷球测试。测试数据来自2011-2014年在德国富尔达地区参与测试的所有儿童,并记录了至2016-2017赛季结束时(2017年9月30日)选择足球(N=316)的儿童的足球比赛表现水平。然后依据比赛表现水平的高低将球员分别分配到4个不同的表现级别中,并使用ANOVA,比值比和判别分析法确定运动测试的预后有效性,并将测试结果与测试儿童在U12~U15年龄段所表现出的足球运动表现水平进行分析,最终得出9项基础运动测试的预后相关性。  相似文献   

参照休闲限制理论,编制马拉松参与行为问卷,对全国301位马拉松参与者进行问卷调查,并对所获得的数据进行结构方程分析,测试休闲限制协商模型在马拉松运动中的应用。研究探讨了动力、限制、协商因素和马拉松参与行为之间的关系,发现了动力对马拉松参与行为的重要影响及两条不同的影响路径,结果接受感知-限制-减少修正模型。进一步分析发现:人际限制、结构性限制是阻碍马拉松参与行为的主要因素;马拉松跑者在遭遇限制因素时,会在技术、时间、经济方面采取协商策略。  相似文献   

Iain Adams 《国际体育史杂志》2013,30(11-12):1395-1415
Historians know that any mention of football and World War I will involve discussions of the Christmas truces of 1914 and the mythical football match between British and German troops. Many British soldiers denied that any truce had occurred let alone a football match. However, while there is indisputable evidence of truces, triangulating proof of football has been elusive. In this paper, a case study of the British 2/Argylls and the German 133/Saxons is developed. The underlying reasons behind the truce are discussed and why some combatants, in the short break from trying to kill each other, probably played football, even though certainly not as the formal match of popular imagination. It is argued that the truce was a result of unique circumstances and was not an overwhelmingly inspirational moment for the majority of troops involved; they all returned to the fighting. Most participants on both sides of the truce probably regarded it as an unexpected holiday and some availed themselves of the opportunity to play their favourite game. The paper concludes by examining recent commemorative events of Christmas 1914 and how they may have contributed to the myth of ‘The Football Match’.  相似文献   

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