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In the constructivist theory, development is the result of an internal process carried on by an individual in interaction with his environment. In the steps of many psychologists and after Piaget in particular, it has been assumed that play contributed to the developmental process of children. This, with regard to the cognitive process, but also to the sociocognitive and motor processes as well. In fact, Kamii and Devriès (1980), when they studied play in young children groups made it clear that children proceed from a self-centered point of view to a conception where several points of view are concerned. This constructivist perspective has been ours when we carried out a pedagogical experiment with 10 years old children of a primary school, using collective play situations for the children to attain a content unknown to them. In this particular sociomotor context, this type of pedagogical approach has been experimented during six sessions with an experimental group of fifteen children. Analysis of the processes of decentration from object and from social object and anticipation has been carried on by means of sociomotor indicators during observation before and after experimentation in the experimental group and in a control group of thirteen children. A greater improvement of both processes was ascertained in the first group and the chosen sociomotor indicators looked like a most appropriate instrument for analysis.  相似文献   

According to research on mental representation carried out in the Piaget tradition (Galifret-Granjon, 1981; Piaget & Inhelder, 1966), the cognitive processes of decentration in terms of the states (initial and final) and anticipation (of change and movement) form the basis of the reconstruction of a dynamic situation. Children centered primarily on the initial and final states have great difficulty creating a mental representation of a dynamic situation. This study, based on a socio-constructivist approach (Gamier, 1985), seeks to help children develop these two fundamental processes. The pedagogical analysis focuses first on the observation of children's behaviour while playing ball in a group and then on the graphic representation of their actions drawn by the children after each play session. We saw in the children's game definite changes stemming from decentration. We also noticed that the children were centering less on the states in their graphic production which became increasingly rich in codes.  相似文献   

The lack of the auditory sense in the hearing-impaired raises the question as to the extent to which this deficiency affects their cognitive and intellectual skills. Studies have pointed out, that with regard to reasoning, particularly when the process of induction is required, hearing-impaired children usually have difficulties. They experience similar difficulties with their ability to think in a flexible way. Generally, a large body of literature suggests that hearing-impaired children tend to be more concrete and rigid in their thought processes. This study aimed at using Virtual Reality as a tool for improving structural inductive processes and the flexible thinking with hearing-impaired children. Three groups were involved in this study: an experimental group, which included 21 deaf and hard-of-hearing children, who played a VR 3D game; a control group, which included 23 deaf and hard-of-hearing children, who played a similar 2D (not VR game); and a second control group of 16 hearing children for whom no intervention was introduced. The results clearly indicate that practising with VR 3D spatial rotations significantly improved inductive thinking and flexible thinking of the hearing-impaired.  相似文献   

This article is a follow-up to an earlier article (Bednarz and Janvier, 1982) which presented the results of a research study on the understanding of numeration by primary school children. That study pointed out the main difficulties children meet in learning numeration, presented a theoretical framework that made explicit a conception of numeration different from the one considered in current mathematics teaching, and also proposed a reference framework utilizable for learning and evaluating this notion. The experimentation in a classroom announced at the end of the article, was undertaken from 1980 to 1983 with the same group of children from the time they were in first grade (6–7 years old) to the third grade (8–9 years). The theoretical and reference frameworks developed in the former research study proved to be effective for developing a constructivist approach leading children to build a meaningful and efficient symbolism of number.This article is mainly devoted to presenting the results of this three year longitudinal study (part C). At first, we shall characterize briefly our intervention based on a constructivist approach of numeration (part A). Also we shall describe the conditions under which the experimentation was carried out, and the means used to evaluate the impact on the pupils (part B).  相似文献   

This article highlights key findings from the small body of research on mathematics difficulties (MD) relevant to early identification and early intervention. The research demonstrates that (a) for many children, mathematics difficulties are not stable over time; (b) the presence of reading difficulties seems related to slower progress in many aspects of mathematics; (c) almost all students with MD demonstrate problems with accurate and automatic retrieval of basic arithmetic combinations, such as 6 + 3. The following measures appear to be valid and reliable indicators of potential MD in kindergartners: (a) magnitude comparison (i.e., knowing which digit in a pair is larger), (b) sophistication of counting strategies, (c) fluent identification of numbers, and (d) working memory (as evidenced by reverse digit span). These are discussed in terms of the components of number sense. Implications for early intervention strategies are explored.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of an educational computer game, Lola’s World, on low-performing children’s early numeracy skills. Four preschools with 33 children from families of low socio-economic status (M age = 5.5 years) took part in this study. Of the 33 children, 23 were split randomly into two groups: an intervention group playing a numeracy game (Lola’s World) and an active control group playing an early reading skills game (Lola’s ABC party). The remaining 10 children served as a passive control group. The intervention phase lasted three weeks, during which time the children played the games daily for about 15 min. The children’s numeracy skills were measured using the Early Numeracy Test. Those children (n = 22) who exhibited low numeracy (i.e. at risk for learning difficulties in mathematics) were included in the analyses. The three groups did not differ in terms of parental educational levels or home languages. They were comparable in terms of nonverbal reasoning and the amount of time spent playing. The Lola’s World group improved its early numeracy performance from pretest to post-test. No between-group differences were found. The results are discussed in relation to providing game-based support for low-performing preschoolers.  相似文献   


The outcomes of a longitudinal randomized number sense intervention including pre-, post- and follow-up tests are reported. The intervention was conducted in Grade 0 when children were six years old. Using Concrete-Representational-Abstract principles, a structured explicit 10-week program focusing on numbers and collective reasoning about representations was conducted by the classroom teachers. In addition to their regular mathematics teaching, a trained control group received an equally structured and explicit intervention program but without the critical mathematics component. The children in the experimental group outperformed the children in the control group on number sense growth between the pre- and the post-test. There was also a sustained effect of the intervention nine months later when children were assessed in Grade 1.  相似文献   

This article presents a cultural-developmental framework for the analysis of children's mathematics in collective practices and illustrates the heuristic value of the framework through the analysis of videotaped episodes drawn from a middle-school classroom. The framework is presented in 2 related parts. The first targets the children's emerging mathematical goals in collective practices, with a particular focus on the complex role that artifacts play in children's emerging goals. The second part focuses on children's developing mathematics that takes form in their goal-directed activities: (a) Microgenetic analyses concern the process whereby children structure cultural forms like artifacts to serve particular functions as they accomplish emerging mathematical goals; (b) sociogenetic analyses concern the spread or travel of mathematical forms and associated functions within a community of individuals; and (c) ontogenetic analyses concern the interplay between the forms that children use and the functions that they serve over the course of children's development. The analyses of the classroom episodes points to the promise (and limitations) of the framework as a method for furthering our understanding of the interplay between social and developmental processes in children's mathematics.  相似文献   

Mathematical thinking in second-grade children with different forms of LD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on their performance on a standardized achievement test, second-grade children (N = 49) were classified as having mathematics difficulties with normal reading achievement (MD only), both mathematics and reading difficulties (MD/RD), reading difficulties with normal mathematics achievement (RD only) and normal mathematics and reading achievement (NA). Each child was given a series of tasks so that we might assess their thinking across four areas of mathematics: number facts, story problems, place value, and written calculation. Children with MD/RD performed significantly worse than NA children in most areas of mathematical thinking, whereas children with MD only performed worse than NA children only on complex story problems. The MD-only group outperformed the MD/RD group on story problems and written calculation. No significant differences were found between the RD-only and NA groups on any of the tasks. The results suggested that among children with mathematics difficulties, the MD/RD subgroup is distinct from the MD-only subgroup, with the former being characterized by pervasive deficiencies in mathematical thinking and the latter by more specific deficits in problem solving.  相似文献   


This randomized controlled trial examined effects of the MyTeachingPartner-Math/Science intervention on the quality and quantity of teachers’ mathematics and science instruction, and children’s mathematics and science outcomes in 140 pre-kindergarten classrooms. Teachers participated in the intervention for two years with consecutive cohorts of children. Results from Year 1 are considered experimental, however due to high levels of attrition, results from Year 2 are considered quasi-experimental. Across both years, intervention teachers exhibited higher quality and quantity of instruction. In Year 1, there were no significant effects of the intervention on children’s outcomes. In Year 2, children in intervention classrooms made greater gains in teachers’ ratings of mathematics and science skills and performed better on a spring assessment of science skills. These results have implications for designing and evaluating professional development aimed at supporting children’s mathematics and science knowledge and skills.  相似文献   

近年来,我国对数学学习困难儿童的表现、诊断、认知特点等有了较多的研究,这为数学学习困难儿童的干预策略提供了基础。通过对我国数学学习困难儿童的教育干预研究进行综述,发现主要有知觉加工干预策略、工作记忆干预策略、问题表征干预策略和元记忆干预策略,并在借鉴国外数学学习困难研究的基础上,对我国未来数学学习困难的研究提供若干建议。  相似文献   

Evidence-based practice is highly appreciated and demanded in the field of education, especially in relation to extra support provided for children struggling with learning. Currently, there is a lack of intervention studies in the area of mathematics. This study aimed to investigate the effects of a short mathematics intervention programme on second graders (Mage?=?8?years, 2?months) with low performance in mathematics, in a quasi-experimental, intervention-control setting. A group of low-performing second graders (LOWi, n?=?11) was taught twice a week for eight weeks on the mathematics topics of number word sequence skills, counting skills and conceptual place value knowledge. The intervention’s effectiveness was examined by comparing the mathematics performance of the LOWi group to those of two groups consisting of low performing (LOWc, n?=?13) and typically performing children (TYPc, n?=?64), who followed their business-as-usual mathematics instruction. The LOWi group made significant improvements in mathematics but did not show significantly better gains, compared to the LOWc and TYPc groups, immediately and three months after the intervention. We discuss the implications for educational practice and intervention research.  相似文献   

The current study aimed at identifying the difficulties experienced by children with mathematics learning disability (MLD) in the problem representation phase of arithmetic word problem solving using a novel problem types identification task. An MLD group (n = 66) and a typically achieving control group (n = 139) were recruited for an assessment on problem type identification as well as some domain-general and mathematics-related cognitive abilities. Results from ANCOVA showed that the MLD group scored significantly lower than the typically achieving control group on this assessment, after controlling for the effect of cognitive correlates, reading achievement and arithmetic performance. Furthermore, this assessment significantly predicted MLD membership even after taking children's arithmetic competency into account. The current study confirmed the difficulties in problem representation of arithmetic word problems experienced by students with MLD and provided evidence for the need to introduce schema instructions in mathematics classes.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Effective preschool mathematics instruction is especially important for low-income children. Previous research demonstrates that low-income children enter kindergarten behind their middle-income peers. They receive less mathematics support at home and from public preschools. The aim of this study was to test Math Shelf, a tablet intervention designed to improve at-risk preschoolers’ mathematics performance. A total of 100 children participated in a randomized controlled trial in a large urban Head Start center. Intervention students played Math Shelf on tablet computers for 6 weeks, whereas comparison students played the most downloaded and best reviewed preschool math apps on tablets for an equal amount of time. During game play, graduate student researchers supervised intervention and comparison students in separate rooms. Intervention and comparison groups did not differ on pretest assessments. Math Shelf students performed statistically significantly better (Cohen’s d = 0.57) than comparison students at posttest. Practice or Policy: Math Shelf results suggest that teachers can enhance low-income preschoolers’ mathematics knowledge in a relatively short amount of time by incorporating developmentally appropriate tablet interventions.  相似文献   

Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory, this study explores how seven teacher candidates described the learning difficulties that bilingual children with disabilities experienced while learning in a bilingual afterschool program. This study also analyzes the volitional actions the candidates took as they aimed to achieve the fine balance between affording opportunities for compensation within “desirable difficulty” and ensuring there were no remaining barriers. We found that the candidates’ decision-making process, guided compensation, was highly complex and collective, and identified three forms of guided compensation: Cultivated, Renegotiated, and Pursued. We offer implications of these findings for researchers, teacher educators, and pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of collective contradictions in the development of participants in a group employment programmes. It presents an analysis, rooted in cultural-historical activity theory, of longitudinal data collected during an intervention aimed at social and professional reintegration of people living a long-term unemployment situation. Notably based on contradictions typology proposed by Y. Engeström and Sannino (2011), our analysis shows a predominance of discursive manifestations of conflicts and critical-conflicts in the transformation of the group’s activity. The contribution to the resolution of contradiction and the mobilization of scientific and systematic conceptual instruments seems to promote the processes of consciousness that allow, on the one hand, a better understanding of what shapes these actions, thoughts and emotions, and on the other hand, a greater control or mastery thereof. This inclusion of conceptual knowledge in the curricula of employment programmes plays a critical role in the empowerment of participants. The analysis of the collective activity of groups aimed at social and professional integration shows the importance of dialectical contradictions as a driving force for development, both in terms of collective and subjective activity. Findings support the benefits of the group context in helping participant’s development towards SPI.  相似文献   

Research Findings: In Study 1, we observed 32 Chinese kindergarteners playing a number board game with their caregivers in dyads. Number board game playing provided important opportunities for kindergarteners and their caregivers to talk about an array of number concepts, but their numeracy-related exchanges rarely went beyond counting. In Study 2, 88 Chinese kindergarteners and their parents were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups, namely, the game with parent training group, the game without parent training group, the exercise book group, and the control group. After a 4-week intervention, kindergarteners in the 3 treatment groups who began as relatively unskilled in numeracy showed comparable improvement in 3 numeracy tasks, and the effect sizes were often larger in the game with parent training group than in the game without parent training group. Moreover, kindergarteners in the 2 game groups tended to show relatively heightened mathematics interest. Practice or Policy: Findings of these 2 studies suggest that number board game playing has the potential benefit of promoting kindergarteners’ numeracy competence and mathematics interest. Training of parents might even optimize kindergarten children’s gains from parent–child number board game playing.  相似文献   


This study explores teacher educators’ (TEs’) activity as they support mathematics and science teacher collaboration in co-designing and jointly implementing tasks. We view TEs’ activity through the lens of Activity Theory and expansive learning and draw evidence from data generated within the mascil project that linked mathematics and science teaching with workplace situations through inquiry-based teaching. We focus on five TEs’ actions and goals, use data from their professional development sessions with teachers and from the TEs’ interactions during their own meetings, and highlight the illuminating case of one teacher educator. We trace evidence indicating paths of actions followed by each Teacher Educator and look for indications of their professional learning. Our analysis reveals generic and content-focused actions. All TEs faced different kinds of contradictions and had difficulties handling them. In terms of professional learning, all TEs adapted their prior teacher education practices and appreciated the critical role of epistemological differences between the two disciplines.


The present study aimed to comprehensively examine social cognition processes in children with and without learning disabilities (LD), focusing on social information processing (SIP) and complex emotional understanding capabilities such as understanding complex, mixed, and hidden emotions. Participants were 50 children with LD (age range 9.4-12.7; 35 boys, 15 girls) and 50 children without LD matched on grade, age, and gender. Children analyzed 4 social vignettes using Dodge's SIP model and completed 2 emotional recognition tasks (pictures and stories) and 4 emotional knowledge tasks, such as providing definitions and examples for 5 emotions (e.g., loneliness, pride, embarrassment). Study results demonstrated that children with LD had major difficulties in SIP processes and consistent difficulties with the different tasks in the understanding of complex emotions and in higher emotional understanding capabilities, such as understanding that 2 conflicting emotions (love and hate) can be simultaneously experienced. We discuss the implications of such difficulties for the understanding of social competence in children with LD as well as their implications for social skills intervention.  相似文献   

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