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随着教育改革的不断深入,广大教育者越来越重视课堂教学的效果。物理是一门集理论知识和实验于一体的学科,学习物理可以培养学生的思维能力和动手能力。师生在课堂上互动有助于活跃课堂的氛围,提高学生学习的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,提高课堂教学的效果。因此,在高中物理课堂教学中教师要适时地进行课堂互动,从而提高学生学习的效果。本篇文章主要论述了师生互动在高中物理课堂中的运用。  相似文献   

高中物理是高中课程体系中的重要组成部分,高中物理知识点烦琐复杂,学生在学习的时候往往会遇到很多困难,这在很大程度上抹杀了学生学习物理知识的积极性。传统的高中物理教学基本采用"填鸭式"的教学模式,教师在课堂中占据了绝对的主导地位,学生往往都是被动地接受知识,有效的师生互动、生生互动更是无从谈起,这不仅弱化了高中物理的教学效果,同时也不利于学生物理核心素养的形成。因此,高中物理教师应当积极转变传统的教学思想和教学模式,明确学生的课堂主体地位,充分发挥好自身的引导作用,注重互动教学,不断提高物理教学的有效性。本文以"滑动摩擦力的影响因素探究"为例,对高中物理双主体互动教学实践进行了探究,以作参考。  相似文献   

新一轮教育改革要求高中物理课堂教学能够体现出学生是课堂的主人公,课堂教学始终围绕学生展开,教师能始终进行有效教学,帮助学生建立物理学习兴趣.随着教学方式的不断创新,“双主教学”模式逐渐走进高中物理课堂.然而,在高中物理课堂实施“双主教学”模式的过程中仍存在不少问题.例如,课堂教学仍是教师为主体,学生处于被动学习状态;教师教学素养不高,欠缺运用“双主互动”教学的能力;学生对于高中物理学习有畏难情绪,兴趣难以培养,等等.物理是高中阶段重要的学科之一,对于学生物理素养形成具有重要作用.因此,教师需要创新课堂教学方式,运用“双主互动”模式进行课堂物理教学,真正开展有效教学.  相似文献   

鹿敦超 《教师》2013,(1):69-69
现如今.物理教学更加倾向于师生互动,教师在课堂教学中要注重活跃课堂气氛,打造学生主宰的课堂。本文以高中物理教学为例,论述师生互动的方式与提升物理教学效率的对策。  相似文献   

传统教学中,物理教师在讲授物理知识时,采用的是灌输式的授课方式,导致在教学过程中,学生与学生之间、学生与教师之间无法进行有效的互动,而应用情境教学法则可以强化生生、师生之间的互动.情境教学法是有效的教学方式之一,在高中物理课堂中应用情境教学法教授物理知识,可激发学生参与物理课堂教学的热情,可让学生通过参与创设的教学情境提升学习物理知识的效率.  相似文献   

有关教学中课堂互动的话题,历久弥新,本文主要谈论在高中课堂教学中如何实现课堂互动,来促进课堂教学效率的提高。互动课堂能够激发学生的主体意识,提高学生课堂教学中的参与度,也能够激发学生对于物理学科知识的探讨,能够激发学生的探索精神。本文所讨论的高中物理课堂互动,包括师生互动,生生互动以及人机互动等多元互动模式。讨论如何通过多元互动提高高中物理课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

<正>课堂教学是教师的"教"和学生的"学"相互整合和互动的过程,从传统高中物理教学实践来看,更多关注的是教师的"教",对学生的"学"和"互动"关注力度不够,从而导致课堂形成了"讲授"的模式,学生在物理学习过程中的体验不够深刻,学习方式以机械的记忆和练习为主.提倡师生互动,充分发挥教师在课堂中的组织和引导作用,促进学生主动参与物  相似文献   

在高中物理教学课堂中,通过对其教学模式的优化,可以实现师生课堂学习的良好互动,从而辅助学生进行创造性思维的培养,满足当代的高中物理素质教学的需要。  相似文献   

叶陈梅 《亚太教育》2019,(11):177-177
以问导学、以疑促学能够有效调动学生的学习积极性,使其积极投入教学活动,积极思考、探究知识,实现师生互动,解决物理教学课堂传授知识与实际应用、教师教学与学生思考之间的矛盾,实现高中物理教学课堂的新发展。要想将问题教学法有效应用到高中物理课堂,实现“设疑——思考——解惑”的教学活动,教师就必须立足创新,解决高中物理教学课堂的旧式教学问题。  相似文献   

主要针对如何提高师生之间和生生之间的互动,构架高中物理探究合作课堂,提高中学生自主能力进行探究分析。在进行高中物理教学时,不仅要构建高中物理探究合作课堂,加强教学活动中的互动交流,更重要的是让学生真正地从学习的被动者转变成学习的主人。那么,如何构建高中物理合作探究课堂呢?其一,是为学生营造自主学习的氛围,让学生主动投入到知识的学习当中;其二,要对教学方法进行改革,通过小组学习的方式使学生自主学习能力得到提升。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of discrepancies between teachers' perceptions of students' motivation and students' reports of their motivation on math and English grades and to identify possible gender and ethnic differences. Participants included 215 low-income, ethnic-minority students and their teachers in academically struggling schools. Discrepancy in motivation ratings accounted for a significant amount of variation in final grades. This teacher-student discrepancy effect was larger than both the effect of students' recent standardized test scores and the effect of self-efficacy in both subjects. Girls were found to attract positive teacher bias, but their grades were not differentially affected. Differences in teacher-student discrepancy effects between African American and Latino students were not found.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of cognitive style matching on interaction patterns in 48 teacher-student dyads. A test of cognitive style—field dependence-independence—was administered to 47 fifth- and sixth-grade teachers and 357 students. From these, 48 teacher-student dyads were formed so that teachers and students were matched or mismatched on cognitive style and sex, in conformity with a 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 factorial design. Each dyad was observed for two hours, from which 31 process measures were derived. Cognitive similarity or dissimilarity in and of itself did not appear to be closely associated with the interaction patterns. Rather, dyadic interaction seemed to be affected by a combination of factors including cognitive style and sex of both teachers and students, as well as certain contextual factors, the most important of which being whole class vs. individual instruction.  相似文献   

选取云南少数民族地区学校布局调整、集中办学后的14所寄宿制中小学10余种少数民族共739名的中小学生为研究对象,采用中小学师生关系量表,主要从学生所处地域、性别、民族、年级等方面,针对学生与教师相处过程中行为困扰问题的程度进行研究。结果发现,(1)情感距离是影响师生关系的主要因素。(2)不同区域、性别和年级在师生关系的影响方面存在显著差异。(3)师生间对地位关系,不同学生认识不一致。  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of a qualitative ethnographic study in a secondary school in Greece. The study explored teacher-student classroom interaction in a mixed-ability group in a working-class school in Greece. It also explored the links between the teachers' behaviour in the classroom and their ideas about gender and, to a limited extent, their life experiences. Although the sample was small and there were many variations, the findings of the study suggest that overall teachers behaved differently towards girls and boys. Teachers' general lack of awareness or low level of awareness of gender as an important organising and categorising factor in students' behaviour and generally in schooling, as well as the teachers' tacit assumptions about gender, influenced the way that teachers related to girls and boys in the classroom. Other issues, such as the lack of teachers' training on equal opportunities, the low status of the school and the principal's lack of involvement in the promotion of gender equality in the school, also impact on teacher-student interaction.  相似文献   

互联网技术的日臻成熟为高校师生的联系和交往提供了便捷的平台和宽广的场景。师生主体的教育理想、追求和情感都能在这个场景中得到回应和满足。从理论上分析,虚拟交互场景下的高校师生关系构建应该是一个良性、深入、渐变的过程。然而,高校师生关系构建却表现出明显的实践反差,主体语言差异引致高校师生对话交往过少,发生节点分散引致高校师生交流效果不佳,交互场境虚化导致高校师生情感融入缺失,互动空间自由导致高校师生构建动力弱化。建立师生对话的基本语言基础、整合师生交流的必要时间分配、融入师生交互的重要情感表达、强化师生合作的内生构建动力,是破解虚拟交互场景中高校师生关系问题的应然选择。  相似文献   

Despite increased acknowledgement of the significance of situational factors to engagement, engagement is traditionally seen as a student characteristic. In this study, we investigated to what extent variation in observational measures of behavioral student engagement during seatwork is due to students versus teachers, teacher-student dyads, or situational (i.e., variation in time) effects. Additionally, we studied whether adaptive support during teacher-student interactions contributes to student engagement following that interaction. A cross-classified multilevel analysis of 324 video- and audio-recorded secondary school teacher-student interactions showed that situational factors and error were the strongest source of variability in student engagement. Other than expected, teacher-related and dyad-related variability were limited. Although behavioral engagement after teacher-student interaction was significantly higher than pre-interaction student engagement, higher post-interaction levels were not related to the level of adaptive support provided during the teacher-student interaction. These findings imply that situational factors deserve more attention in engagement research, for example by investigating what situational factors contribute to engagement. For teachers, the time-variant, situation-dependent nature of engagement opens up valuable opportunities to actively design optimal learning situations.  相似文献   

关于师生互动类型划分的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
按照不同的划分标准,可将师生互动关系划分为不同的类型。国内外的研究者按照师生互动中的主体地位、师生行为、师生之间的不同情感以及教师的行为作风、师生行为的对象、行为属性和师生互动方式等划分标准将师生互动类型划分为教师中心式、学生中心式和知识中心式;教师命令式、民主协商式和师生互不干涉式;师个互动、师组互动和师班互动;等等。而以师生互动中权威的主导地位为划分标准,可以将师生互动划分为师权型师生互动、生权型师生互动和平等型师生互动。  相似文献   

Children routinely benefit from being assigned a teacher who shares an identity with them, such as gender or ethnicity. We study how student beliefs impact teacher-student gender match effects, and how this varies across subjects with different societal beliefs about differential ability by gender. A simple model of belief formation yields two predictions: one, that match effects will be larger for students who believe they are of low ability, and two, that they will be greater in subjects where societal beliefs tell the child they are of low ability because of their membership in a given group, such as gender or race. We test these using data from Chinese middle schools, exploiting random assignment of students to teachers. In China, many people believe boys are innately better than girls at math. We find that being assigned a female math teacher helps low-perceived-ability girls and slightly harms low-perceived-ability boys, with no effects for other children. In English and Chinese – subjects where societal beliefs do not suggest boys are superior to girls – the effects of teacher-student gender match on low perceived ability girls diminish or disappear. This yields policy implications for the assignment of teachers to students.  相似文献   

微互动是现代信息技术发展到一定阶段的产物,是师生基于互联网平台进行相互交流的主体间交互活动,具有互动前台泛在化、互动平等化、互动审美化等特征,对高校师生互动的即时效率、准备度和美化形象有积极价值。同时,微互动存在伪表演、浅表演、延时表演、误解表演等偏离教育价值的问题行为,需要学生弥补角色差距,积极承担主体角色;教师营造良好氛围,发挥导演角色;师生间扩展互动范围,树立全人形象;运用多种途径,实现理想互动。  相似文献   

高职体育教学中影响师生关系的因素包括情感因素、地位差别因素、利益追逐因素以及交往时间因素。并提出了促进师生关系的具体措施:教师要尊重学生的主体地位;爱岗敬业,关心并爱护学生;关注学生的学习过程;更好地"贴近"学生,做学生的良师益友等。  相似文献   

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