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郑莹  黄俊伟 《科学学研究》2020,38(6):1086-1095
主流研究认为专利放弃是专利质量低导致的“被动”技术投资失败,但实践中专利放弃有时是企业“主动”修剪专利组合的理性结果。二者矛盾,是因为研究者的视角局限在专利个体质量,而企业着眼于专利组合及长期战略目标。从企业战略的角度出发,借鉴实物期权理论,试图通过分析内外部环境的不确定性对专利放弃行为的影响,揭示企业处置专利时隐含的期权逻辑。研究通过对1992-2017年2380家A股上市企业面板数据进行实证分析发现,外生不确定性和内生不确定性会抑制企业的专利放弃行为,同时在企业专利组合多样化程度更高时不确定性对专利放弃的抑制作用更强,意味着多样化的专利组合对应对不确定性的作用更强。研究结果补充了传统研究中专利维持取决于专利质量这一观点的一元性,指出专利作为一种实物期权资产,其决策同时受到环境和专利组合层面特征的共同影响。  相似文献   

人都是用语言来进行思考的,因此,越是需要严谨推理分析判断的场合,语言运用水平的高低越是关键。而理工科恰恰需要人们进行严谨的思考和推理。因此,与很多人想象的相反,理工科的教学对于语言的要求,一点都不比文科低。按照我国的教育体系教学要求,在初中阶段就逐步出现了"科技汉语"的语言现象。在大学学习过程中,更是有相当比例的学生无法适应这种"科技汉语",导致学业的失败。该文以实际案例,说明理工科教师具有"科技汉语"意识的重要性,并提出了建议和措施。  相似文献   

马克思语境下的“精神生产”作为人类社会生产的重要一维,是人类一种特殊的认识活动。它暗示了作为类存在的人既是生产的主体又是认识的主体。这一观点所蕴含的思想可追溯至现代西方哲学的开端———培根、笛卡尔的认识论中;因此,在认识论视域下审视“精神生产”的概念,不难发现,培根提出了作为人造物的“归纳法”,为人的精神生产提供了认识工具,使得人类在认识自然之时即成为双重意义上的生产者。笛卡尔对“观念”的分析则表明人在认识外部自然世界的过程中,生产出了某种“表象”观念。相比之下,马克思更强调精神生产作为人类认识活动,追求实现人的类本质的本真,即人的自由的有意识的活动。  相似文献   

根据“健康中国”规划,云南省将全力营造绿色能源、绿色食品、健康生活目的地“三张牌”,将其作为新时代发展战略实行。云南享有“植物王国”的美誉,具有发展中药天然药物的独特优势。天然药物化学课程内容涉及多门药学专业学科的基础知识,科学理论性和技术运用性强。在“绿色天然”背景下探究天然药物化学课程的教学方法和手段,有利于激发学生的学习动力,使学生能够更好地将其应用于实际生活,也有利于云南省高校更好地培养高级医药人才和创新创业人才。  相似文献   

Anthropological and STS scholars of biomedical work have traditionally explored contexts where inconsistencies and lacunas in diagnostic knowledge-production are problematic for medical practitioners, and such scholars have consequently focused on the social and political processes by which such epistemic uncertainties are resolved. This article draws on ethnographic material from a Papua New Guinean hospital where diagnostic uncertainty is not rendered problematic and where the open-endedness of the diagnostic process gives rise to new forms of medical expertise and practice. The paper focuses on the medical record as an artefact of not-knowing that both documents and performs uncertainty as a valuable resource. It shows that medical records can operate as either technologies of 'opening' that multiply opportunities for pragmatic action within a hospital space or as technologies of 'closure' that move people and documents between spaces. Practices of not-knowing and knowing are therefore shown to be interdependent and interchangeable 'moments' of bureaucratic-biomedical work.  相似文献   


Given China’s political conservativism and limited social acceptance of sexual minorities, it is paradoxical to find that Blued, a gay social app headquartered in Beijing, has become the largest app of this kind globally. Informed by the social construction of technology perspective and based on a yearlong ethnography, this article identifies three major factors that have shaped the developmental trajectory of Blued: (1) work with the Communist Party of China to employ Blued as a health education platform; (2) switch in orientation from a hookup app to a social app; and (3) push for the commercialization and internationalization of the app. This article spotlights that the voices of users were missing in the development process and argues that, for Blued to continue maintaining its success, it must stop relying on the “I-methodology” in its design and development. Lastly, it contributes to the SCOT scholarship and social app studies by deciphering the role of the state in app development in the Chinese context.  相似文献   

为实现创新生态系统的持续发展,焦点企业需要审时度势地构建互补性资源。然而,这一过程中焦点企业需要克服强烈的集体不确定性。聚焦“创新生态系统焦点企业如何克服集体不确定性以构建互补资源?”这一核心问题,本研究通过对吉利和小米两家案例企业进行对比分析,紧扣创新生态系统的要素特征,解构分析了焦点企业在构建互补性资源过程中面临来自“主体维”和“功能维”的两种集体不确定性。基于此,本研究引入“塑造—顺应”两种企业应对不确定性的战略姿态框架作为中间解释机制,析出了知识基拓展、生态目标更新、系统知识定义、互补者关系引导四种资源互补策略。由此,本研究发展整合了“创新生态系统集体不确定性-战略姿态选择-资源互补策略选择”的分析框架,刻画了创新生态系统情境不确定性下企业构建资源互补性的独特路径,贡献于创新生态系统情境下企业资源互补以及集体不确定性的相关文献。  相似文献   

This paper tells the history of this famous joke in science: Gerolf Steiner’s invention of the Rhinogradentia using the pseudonym Harald Stümpke. It follows this story from this joke’s creation in the 1940s, to the relabelling of Rhinogradentia as “snouters” in the 1960s, to later use as an inside joke within zoology and taxonomy. Steiner’s original monograph for these imaginary creatures followed standard conventions in taxonomy and did not disclose its fictitious nature. It was a tall tale for specialists to cherish. Later, Steiner’s joke took on a life of its own as his monograph functioned to identify communities of shared understanding and to spot lapses in expertise. This study places Steiner’s story within “jokelore,” arguing the rhinograde narrative has been repeated, shared, extended, and mimicked by diverse groups so they may accomplish either social work or intellectual work within the context of particular tribes and intellectual traditions.  相似文献   

高校思政课在教学评价过程中存在着评价目的不明确、评价方法不科学、评价指标不完善、评价主体不权威的问题。党的十八提出的"三个自信"指明了思政课的教学主旨。在"三个自信"的视域下,科学设定"三个自信"教学评价指标、综合运用多元的评价方法、全面提高评价主体的素质,是提升高校思政课教学评价的有效途径。  相似文献   

While Interactive systems such as Chatbots, are well known in personal environments with technologies like “Apple’s Siri” or the “Google’s Assistant”, the acceptance of said technologies in the enterprise context has hardly been examined. Literature shows that these technologies hold great potential for enterprises as they can increase productivity and are cost-efficient by automating processes. Still, to not alienate employees when introducing these systems called Enterprise Bots in this paper, it is crucial to understand how employees accept and adopt these new systems. This paper derives a research model based on the decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour, which is tested in a survey with 198 participants. Results from a structural equation model show that intrinsic motivation of the employees has a strong positive influence on the intention to use Enterprise Bots whereas external influences showed smaller effects. The results indicate that it is important that employees are convinced of the usefulness of a tool for themselves. The paper provides theoretical insights and helps decision makers to introduce such systems.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代中期以来,“公众科学”的概念逐渐受到学界关注并形成了一个新的研究领域,但目前学界对于“公众科学”的内涵仍没有共识。为此本文追溯了实践进路和政治进路两种不同内涵的公众科学的源起、内容与影响,并对两种公众科学的形成背景、理论预设、政策影响等方面的差异进行了系统比较;同时阐述了已有研究对于融合两种公众科学进路的尝试。最后,文章提出公众科学是一种以公众为主体的新知识生产方式,并结合国内公众科学情况提出了几点发展建议。  相似文献   

Temporal expressions occurring in business news, such as “last week” or “at the end of this month,” carry important information about the time context of the news document and were proved to be useful for document retrieval. We found that about 10% of these expressions are difficult to project onto the calendar due to the uncertainty about their bounds. This paper introduces a novel approach to representing temporal expressions. A user study is conducted to measure the degree of uncertainty for selected temporal expressions and a method for representing uncertainty based on fuzzy numbers is proposed. The classical Vector Space Model is extended to the Temporal Document Retrieval Model (TDRM) that incorporates the proposed fuzzy representations of temporal expressions.  相似文献   

秦怡婷 《大众科技》2014,(6):177-178,185
随着信息化技术的发展,以及中职学校教学改革的推进,信息化教学方式越来越受到重视。中职学校的服饰陈列课,是一门综合性的课程,对教学的要求非常高。如何提高服饰陈列课的教学效果,是该课教师需要思考和解决的问题,而信息化教学,为教师提供了一个有效的解决方案。运用信息化技术,实现服饰陈列课的信息化教学,能够有效的运用各种资源,提高学生学习的能力,从而开创服饰陈列课程教学的新天地,文章主要探讨了服饰陈列课信息化教学设计的意义和方法以及效果。  相似文献   

廖建国 《科教文汇》2021,(11):141-142
面对国家对职业教育改革的要求,柳州铁道职业技术学院以制度建设为基础、以“三教改革”为实施框架、以人才培养为核心,构建了“1+X”证书试点教学体系。计划在下一步工作中,在学分银行、政策机制等方面进行探索,通过“1+X”证书制度改革试点,大力培养知行合一的高素质技能人才。  相似文献   

Consumers can be disadvantaged and suffer detriment when information is withheld, when there is deception in the information provided, or when information is too difficult for consumers to obtain or evaluate. While information provision is often favored as a policy/regulatory tool to address “market failure,” it can have its own failings and drawbacks. For instance, the volume of information presented can contain its effectiveness. While the demand-side analysis indicates that actual consumer behavior exhibits systematic departures from the “rational” behavior assumed by conventional (neoclassical) economics, behavioral economics goes further in questioning whether additional information is always useful. It challenges some of the presumptions of conventional economics that consumers make their choices coherently and rationally. This article incorporates such considerations in proposing measures (including regulatory initiatives) that could improve the information made available to telecommunications consumers.  相似文献   

Psychological factors have been widely used in existing empirical studies to understand individuals’ decisions regarding HIV disclosure. However, limited studies have examined disclosure by applying a comprehensive interpersonal communication framework to understand information behaviors relevant to disclosing one's HIV status, including seeking information and sharing information. Thus the mediating role of information flow and its relationship with disclosure uncertainty for those living with HIV have been largely overlooked. We propose an integrated conceptual framework to connect the antecedent factors of disclosure decision-making, the potential route of the disclosure process, and the consequences of disclosure through integrating components from key interpersonal communication theories including the theory of communication privacy management and social influence theory and adding mediating mechanisms of “uncertainty” and “information behaviors.” Applying interpersonal communication theory and a comprehensive information management model to HIV disclosure may offer novel opportunities to support individuals living with HIV through the development of theory-based disclosure interventions to facilitate this complicated but critical process.  相似文献   

韦敏  柯文 《科学学研究》2015,33(10):1441-1446
转基因产品黄金大米是一种可救助困顿人群的礼物,却遭遇推广的重重阻力。这是由于:(1)本体层面上,黄金大米尚未有力回应作为增益性基因产品的文化质疑,以及它用解决单纯饥荒的思维难以对抗现实中具体而复杂的制度性饥荒;(2)社会层面,推广者构成的转译网络中不适当的利益觊觎、搭便车行为、新种子带来的经济和规则风险潜在威胁地方农业和农民的利益等。这表明,我们需要辅以多角度的审慎考量,这样才能使黄金大米之类的转基因食品真正发挥造福全人类之礼物功效,消除普罗米修斯之惑。  相似文献   

尹雪聪 《科教文汇》2021,(10):10-11
“双一流”建设是国家做出的重大战略决策,对提升我国教育发展水平、增强国家核心竞争力具有十分重要的意义,师资队伍建设又是“双一流”建设发展中尤为关键和重要的一环。该文聚焦高校师资队伍建设中的关键因素,探索适合高校实际的师资队伍发展战略,并提出可行性方案,为国内高校的师资队伍建设工作提供参考。  相似文献   

This article introduces a type of uncertainty that resides in textual information and requires epistemic interpretation on the information seeker’s part. Epistemic modality, as defined in linguistics and natural language processing, is a writer’s estimation of the validity of propositional content in texts. It is an evaluation of chances that a certain hypothetical state of affairs is true, e.g., definitely true or possibly true. This research shifts attention from the uncertainty–certainty dichotomy to a gradient epistemic continuum of absolute, high, moderate, low certainty, and uncertainty. An analysis of a New York Times dataset showed that epistemically modalized statements are pervasive in news discourse and they occur at a significantly higher rate in editorials than in news reports. Four independent annotators were able to recognize a gradation on the continuum but individual perceptions of the boundaries between levels were highly subjective. Stricter annotation instructions and longer coder training improved intercoder agreement results. This paper offers an interdisciplinary bridge between research in linguistics, natural language processing, and information seeking with potential benefits to design and implementation of information systems for situations where large amounts of textual information are screened manually on a regular basis, for instance, by professional intelligence or business analysts.  相似文献   

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