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‘La tévé, c'est de l'actualité qui se congèle en histoire’, dit Cidrolin dans les Fleurs bleues de Raymond Queneau. Et, de fait, la télévision apparaît comme notre moyen d'accès à l'histoire qui se fait: ainsi, par exemple, des millions de téléspectateurs ont pu assister, en direct, à l'assassinat du Président Kennedy. Pour reprendre une expression de Michel Tardy, il faut dire que, grâce à la télévision ‘l'histoire est désormais quelque chose qui nous arrive’. En ce sens, la télévision se manifeste à la fois comme véhicule d'une information concurrente de l'information scolaire et comme véhicule d'une information absente de l'espace scolaire.  相似文献   

Autour du thème de l'éducation aux images, cet article tente d'articuler une approche généraliste et une évaluation de dispositifs d'auto-apprentissage de l'image par les images. La première partie interroge les résistances du système éducatif À l'implantation d'une éducation iconique et médiatique explicite et volontaire. La seconde partie compare et évalue les performances de trois modes d'accès aux images dans des situations proches de l'auto-apprentissage. À cette occasion, l'étude montre les faiblesses d'un dispositif audiovisuel et propose une e remédiation f par les fonctionnalités des multimédias interactifs. Around the topic of visual education, this article tries to describe a generalist approach and an evaluation of schemes of self-training in images by the use of images. The first part questions resistance of the education system to the establishment of an explicit and voluntary iconic and mediated education. The second part compares and evaluates the performance of three access modes to images in situations close to the self-training. On this point, the study shows the weaknesses of an audiovisual scheme and proposes "remédiation" by the management of interactive multimedia. Dieser Artikel versucht eine allgemeine Methode, die die Autodidaktik durch Bilder zum Thema hat, und deren Bewertung zu beschreiben. Der erste Teil analysiert den Widerstand- ausgehend vom Bildungssystems- eine illustrative, explizit mediatische, freiwillige Ausbildungsform einzuführen. Der zweite Teil vergleicht und bewertet die Leistungsfähigkeit von drei Methoden, die nahe der Autodidaktik angesiedelt sind. Zu dieser Gelegenheit zeigt die Studie die Schwächen der audiovisuellen Konzepte auf, und schlägt eine Aufarbeitung mittels der Funktionalität von interaktiven Multimedien vor.  相似文献   

L'article a pour objectifs de discuter des rapports existant entre le système des disciplines scientifiques et la formation à l'enseignement conçue dans une perspective de professionnalisation. Après un rapide rappel historique du processus d'inféodisation de la formation professionnelle par le système des sciences, l'article introduit une distinction entre l'interdisciplinarité en éducation et l'interdisciplinarité scientifique. Il met en exergue, à la suite de ce double éclairage, la complexité des interrelations entre les différents types de savoirs dans un contexte de formation professionnelle à l'enseignement et la nécessité de dépasser les perspectives interdisciplinaires pour prendre en compte la circumdisciplinarité, c'est-à-dire l'insertion des savoirs qui résultent des pratiques professionnelles elles-mêmes au sein même de la formation. This paper discusses the existing relationships between the scientific subject matter system and teacher education from a professionalisation perspective. After a brief historical reminder of how professional training was subjugated by the scientific system, we introduce a distinction between interdisciplinarity in education and scientific interdisciplinary. The article then highlights the complexity of interrelationships between different types of knowledge, in a context of the professional training that is teacher education, and the necessity of going beyond interdisciplinary perspectives in order to take into account the circumdisciplinarity, which means the integration of knowledge that results from the very professional practice that is at the center of the teacher education. El objetivo central de este articulo es el de discutir de las relaciones entre el sistema de las disciplinas científicas y la formación a la enseñanza, dentro de una perspectiva de profesionalización. Después de una breve descripción del proceso histórico que llevó a la sumisión de la formación profesional al sistema de las ciencias, se introduce una distinción entre los conceptos de la interdisciplinaridad en la educación y la interdisciplinaridad científica. Se subraya el carácter complejo de las interrelaciones entre varios tipos de conocimientos dentro de un contexto de formación profesional a la enseñanza y de la necesidad de ir mas allá de las perspectivas interdisciplinarias para tomar en cuenta la circumdisciplinaridad. Este ultimo concepto suele significar la integración de los conocimientos o de los conocimientos que resultan de las prácticas profesionales en se, dentro del proceso de formación. Dieser Artikel untersucht die bestehenden Beziehungen zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und der Lehrerausbildung mit einer Professionalisierungsperspektive. Nach einem kurzen historischen Rückblick, wie das System der Berufsausbildung durch das Wissenschaftssystem geprägt wurde, unterscheidet der Artikel zwischen der Interdisziplinarität in der Lehrerausbildung und der in den Wissenschaften. Nach dieser Unterscheidung hebt er die Komplexität der Verhältnisse verschiedener Wissenstypen in einem Kontext der Berufsausbildung hervor, sowie die Notwendigkeit interdiziplinäre Perspektiven zu überschreiten, um die Zirkumsdiziplinarität zu berücksichtigen, das heißt, das Wissen, das sich aus der Praxis ergibt, in die Lehrerbildung einzubeziehen.  相似文献   

The struggle against illiteracy is a problem of great importance in Turkey as in many other countries. In Turkey the democratisation and secularisation of education have been a difficult process. Despite strong educational efforts in recent years, the country still presents various forms of inequality, such as considerable disparities between women and men, between town and country and between different regions. Unequal socio-economic, cultural and educational development, and attachment to cultural traditions are some of the factors that influence these inequalities. At the same time, Turkey is confronted by the sore problem of the education of linguistic minorities (especially the Kurds), who are not officially recognised as the cultural policy of Turkey aims to assimilate them. Thus, in the 1920s the Kurdish language was forbidden along with all languages other than Turkish, the official national language.  相似文献   

Starting from an analysis of the limits of the formation of of categorial concepts as an approach to formation of physics concepts, and an epistemological analysis of the concepts fundamental to the domain of mechanics, a teaching sequence was conceived of with as its purpose the study of how such concepts («formal» and «relational») can be mastered by pupils using inductive and axiomatic procedures. The experiment described examines the concept of momentum, introduced in the first year of the lycée. The analysis of the teaching sequence shows the limits of induction in the construction of the concept studied. The logging of properties defining this quantity showed itself to be only possible through a number of questions related to previously established relations between the quantities known to the pupils (mass and velocity). An analysis of pupils, behaviours showed that the comprehension of properties (transfer, invariance, additivity…) and of the relation ( \(\vec P = m.v\) ) present less difficulty than the mastering of operational invariants which permit the elaboration of representations of experimental situations (the selection and temporal sequencing of events, the division into systems, the analysis of interaction…) The rupture of modes thinking which then «imposed” the taking into account of such invariants also permitted a comprehension of the difficulties of the conceptual changes.  相似文献   

Autour de 1900, la question de l’éducation sexuelle de la jeunesse émerge dans plusieurs pays d’Europe occidentale. Tous sont confrontés au processus de déclin de la fécondité maritale, qui suscite de nouvelles préoccupations relatives à la dépopulation et à la dégénérescence. Avec la prise de conscience médicale de la gravité et de la contagiosité des maladies vénériennes, ces inquiétudes prennent la dimension d’un péril national. La nécessité de contrer ces dangers autorise un discours respectable sur la sexualité, qui devient l’objet d’un savoir à diffuser, voire à enseigner dans les écoles. Bien plus qu’une information, l’éducation sexuelle est davantage comprise comme l’imposition de normes, en particulier l’abstinence prémaritale, très largement prônée. Un tel consensus pourrait favoriser la mise en place de projets; or, malgré la profusion de discours, les réalisations concrètes restent rares et controversées, surtout dans le cadre scolaire. Comment expliquer ces difficultés? Cet article analyse les dynamiques entre le niveau transnational (conférences, congrès) et le niveau local, en comparant les discours et mobilisations autour de l’éducation sexuelle dans deux cantons suisses francophones (Vaud et Genève). Nous attachons une attention particulière à la manière dont ces projets sont légitimés scientifiquement et sur quelles disciplines leurs défenseurs s’appuient; nous examinons aussi le rôle du genre dans ces mobilisations, étant donné que les femmes et les féministes s’invitent dans ces débats.  相似文献   



One of the main aims in the teaching of science is the acquisition of an experimental methodology. The principal obstacles to this methodological training are briefly analysed; they arise mainly from the shortage of time available for experimental work. In this article, computer‐simulated scientific experimentation is proposed as an aid in overcoming these obstacles. This type of teaching, integrated into a classical curriculum, does not exclude laboratory work, which is still indispensable for the learning of techniques. To facilitate the setting up of the proposed method, the ESSOR system simulation on mini‐computer has been developed. Its technical and pedagogic characteristics are described. This system allows the easy simulation of experiments analogous to those of the laboratory. The student using it is free to adopt individual procedures for the study of a proposed phenomenon; the system follows up automatically the individual activity of students and frees the instructor from most of the difficulties in programming work.  相似文献   


If we consider the shape of the criminal field during the Third Republic, we observe quite a sophisticated architecture which is due to the creation of intermediary spaces such as the Conseil supérieur des prisons or the Société générale des prisons. As a laboratory for criminal law, the Société established itself as a kind of private and extra‐parliamentary commission, permanently in session. Consideration of these spaces will enable us to reflect upon the sociopolitical ways of elaborating law, the networks of social reform or public action and the different development “schemes” of the political aspects in the criminal domain. 1 1Bruno Jobert, “L'Etat en action, l'apport des politiques publiques”, Revue Française de Science Politique XXXV (1985), pp. 654–682; Id., “Représentations sociales, controverses et débats dans la conduite des politiques publiques”, Revue Française de Science Politique, XLII (1992), pp. 219–234; Id., “Mode de médiation sociale et politiques publiques, le cas des politiques sociales”, L'Année sociologique, (1996), pp. 155–178.



Jung a élabori une théorie des types psychologiques basée sur la maniere dont une personne cueille l'information nécessaire et prend des décisions. Le test Myers-Briggs Type Indicator a été bâti à partir de ce modèle. Son application révèle que l'ingénierie attire des individus de types psychologiques bien determineés. Ceci peut avoir des consequences sur l'enseignement. Un étudiant, a l'aide des résultats du test, peut modifier sa methode de travail, defagon à ameliorer son rendement scolaire.

Jung has elaborated a theory of psychological types based on the way an individual collects information and takes decisions. The Myers-Briggs type indicator test has been built from that model. Its administration reveals that engineering attracts people of well-defined psychological types. This may have consequences on education. From the results of the test, a student may change his learning style so as to improve his academic efficiency.  相似文献   

The impact of family status in Madagascar on inequalities in schooling – In this article, in the context of generalised access to primary education and parity between girls and boys, we analyse data from the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2009 in Madagascar to examine inequalities in schooling related to children’s status in the family. The results confirm the protective benefit for children of living with their biological parents. Fostered children are disadvantaged, especially and increasingly so depending on whether they live with an uncle or aunt, with a distant relative or a non-relative. Conversely, children who reside in the home of a brother or sister are not disadvantaged, a result which reflects the role of elder children in family education strategies. Grandparents play a moderately positive role in schooling. The death of the father is an important factor in dropping out. Finally, children whose parent or parents are not household heads are disadvantaged in terms of schooling compared to children of household heads.  相似文献   

Mathematics, seen as a model of pure science, often conveys the image of a science constructing itself in quite poor technological environments; it nevertheless develops by elaborating (and by exploiting) powerful material and symbolic tools. Actually mathematics teaching is closer to this image of mathematics than to mathematical practice: its goal seems to transmit a form of culture rather than efficient computation tools and theoretical means of their control (Kahane, 2002). This situation is viable if the tools can be held at distance, outside the classroom; it is no longer viable when computation tools (essentially calculators) are imported by students themselves inside the classroom and integrated into their mathematical practice. Thus established conflict between the social legitimacy of these tools and their school illegitimacy (Chevallard, 1992) deeply destabilises mathematics teaching itself. We present here a general framework to think about the integration of the tools in the teaching and learning of mathematics. More precisely, we propose:
  1. A theoretical approach, which allows us to understand the influence of tools on human activity and in particular on professional and school education processes;
  2. An analysis of computerized learning environments, which shows the importance of students' control of their own activity;
  3. Some elements that help to think about the temporal and spatial organization of study in such environments and to guide students' activity;
  4. A reflection about the conception of pedagogical resources, which is all the more necessary if one wants to facilitate an evolution of teachers' practices.

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(2-3):19-28

Face aux modèles et aux attitudes pessimistes concernant les capacités d'apprentissage et de développement de l'élève, l'auteur propose en partant de la pensée vygostkienne des procédures qui facilitent l'introspection et la prise de conscience et favorisent les apprentissages spontanés, qu'ils soient de nature consciente ou inconsciente.  相似文献   

Two major factors have contributed to the evolution of French historiography in the history of education in the past 50 years. The first relates to the general orientation of public debate about schools, which has shifted from a paradigm concerning democratisation to one that focuses on student success rates and the efforts to eliminate inequalities of all sorts. The second factor that has affected scholarly orientations lies in changes linked to academic positioning between pedagogy, history, and the educational sciences in the context of increasing university hirings, at least until recently. These two changes in terms of scholarly paradigms and scholarly professional identities have encouraged the development of a certain number of approaches and questions: a reconsideration of the historic role of the State, an interest in a greater diversity of actors in the educational process, and a re-evaluation of the cognitive, cultural and social effects of teaching at all levels. Despite this, the history of education plays a minor role today in France, not only in teacher training but also in debates about the future of schools.  相似文献   

A parity of prestige is fundamental to tomorrow's multi‐cultural, multilingual Europe. It is an obligation for all educational systems, whether large or small, sovereign or second‐tier, autonomous or struggling for independence.

This mini‐tour of Europe's small communities is dedicated to the promotion of this parity, and it takes teacher education as its entry‐point. A real first’ for the European Journal of Teacher Education, this introduction is dedicated to the examination of teacher‐education policies in those communities which history has marginalised in territory, in population or in legal status. Do they have specific characteristics? Are there ways in which they are interdependent?

This survey presents five case studies, most of them located in the centre of Europe (Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Ticino, the Orisons). But Europe offers many instances: Malta, Cyprus, Friesland, the German communities in Belgium and Denmark, Monaco, San Marino, Scotland, Ireland, the Basque countries, Catalonia, the south Tirol, the Swiss Jura, the Welsh, Bretons, Alsatians, Corsicans, etc.

Multi‐cultural Europe is theirs too, and this study invokes others which may contribute to the evolution of our simple, closed, national technosystems into European ecosystems which will be both complex and open.  相似文献   

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