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从博士生资助理论、博士生资助方式与模式、博士生资助与博士生培养的关系以及博士生资助政策改革四个方面,综述了国内外博士生资助研究成果.认为关于博士生资助问题的后续研究应把国外经验与中国国情有机结合起来,加强调查与实证研究以推动理论的发展,基于博士生教育特征建立博士生资助体系.  相似文献   

博士生学费与博士学制变革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杂费与学费分离之后,对研究生教育的成本分析表明,博士生在非课程学习的研究阶段,学校没有教育成本付出,不应收学费。对博士生学习过程的分析表明,中间一年课程学习将研究阶段分割成两部分,从而造成知识生产与人才培养的双重低效率,博士生学制因此应该变为6年一贯制,将研究阶段的时间相对集中。对现阶段博士生机会成本与未来收益的研究说明,博士生资助是当前政策的关键。  相似文献   

20 世纪以来, 美国政府、行业协会和高校联盟等机构制定了一系列强制性或指导性政策,强化对博士生教育的质量保障与评价。美国国家研究理事会先后三次开展全国性的博士项目评价,但所用评价指标有明显变化。博士生教育质量评价的政策演变和指标调整呈现出兼重客观绩效与博士生主体发展的趋势,反映了美国博士生培养模式的理念变革和价值取向:一方面来自高等教育体系外部的力量和绩效压力持续影响着博士生培养的定位、需求与过程,另一方面博士生培养过程中整体、群体和个体层面上不同主体间的公平性逐渐成为教育质量不可分割的组成要素。  相似文献   

博士生教育去向何方?——全球变化背景下欧洲的新举措   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文第一部分概括了欧洲和北美的博士生教育与训练正在变化中的政策背景,并指出目前这两大地区关于博士生教育的争论和关注点的异同。第二部分分析了博士生教育动机与目的之间的区别,正是这些区别导致了基于研究型博士学位和专业博士学位显著差异之上的博士生教育模式的不同。第三部分介绍了大量关于博士生教育改革的合作、项目及提议,以此说明目前变化的趋势。最后一部分得出了若干结论,特别强调知识生产已经成为逐渐兴起的知识经济中的一项战略资源,因此也成为政策制定和制度安排的目标。这一进展将导致一些教育机构中对研究和研究训练的关注。  相似文献   

纵观西方博士教育研究史,教师指导是促进博士生学术成长的关键因素。学界研究大体聚焦在博士生指导的意义、指导关系与师生互动以及指导风格几个方面,并从学术社会化、专业发展等理论进行解释。未来研究可尝试结合知识生产、学术职业来分析博士生指导问题,并沟通政策文本与指导实践,为比较教育研究提供对情境与过程、结构与行动之间更系统和理论化的理解。  相似文献   

陈林 《高教发展与评估》2024,(1):96-108+118+123-124
“分流退出制度”作为一项复杂、系统而又影响广泛的博士生教育重要制度构成,直接影响并作用于博士生教育的质量、水平和声誉。根据“史密斯模型”的分析框架发现,我国博士生教育“分流退出制度”存在政策文件的内容表述与操作规范“模糊”、实施高校的规章立制与执行落实“走形”、博士生和导师的价值认知与责任意识“匮乏”、社会认识与公共理念的支持氛围“缺失”等现实问题。博士生教育分流退出制度的政策执行与制度落实,受制于政策内容供给碎片化、相关责任主体难协调、政策落实理念难整合、政策执行方式不适配等多因素的综合影响。必须优化政策制度的科学设计,强化分流退出制度的操作执行;改善实施院校的落实执行,建立健全分流退出制度的运行机制;提高师生主体的理念认识,增强对分流退出制度的认可参与;加强向社会环境的理念宣传,塑造分流退出制度的适应生态,等等,以此改进并完善博士生教育“分流退出制度”的规范落实与全面推广。  相似文献   

在我国大力发展专业学位博士生教育的政策背景下,专业学位博士生教育的规模发展与结构布局是实践中的重点。基于澳大利亚的数据分析发现:澳大利亚是新近专业学位博士生教育发展比较迅速的国家,专业学位博士生规模远小于学术学位博士生,在历经前期的扩张繁荣、中期的缩减回落后进入稳定发展期。在结构布局上,澳大利亚专业学位博士生项目呈现院校分布广泛、学科结构完善的特点。对我国专业学位博士生教育发展的启示是:提供稳定的政策支持,合理扩张专业博士学位规模;优化学科结构,结合社会需求和学科特点恰当选择博士生教育类型;结合行业特色型高校进行布局,构建优质培养模式。  相似文献   

博士研究生教育的集聚效应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对中美两国高等教育总规模、R & D经费支出和各省/州的博士学位授予数量的相关性分析,研究博士生教育的集聚效应,并提出我国发展博士生教育的政策建议.  相似文献   

法国博士生教育职业化改革以“博士生教育作为一种研究型职业经历”和“基于学术能力基础上的可迁移技能”为逻辑起点,在实践中采取注重博士生可迁移能力培养,构建博士生院的博士生职业化培训机制,加强博士生培养的计划与落实,促进博士生与企业双赢的产学研合作协议等具体举措来推进博士生职业化改革。这对我国进一步改革博士生培养模式、提高博士生培养质量具有一定的启示:政府应加强博士生教育顶层战略规划及相应的政策引领与保障;博士生教育机构需重申博士生培养理念,构建多元化培养模式;博士生要加强自身专业理论自信,提高可持续发展和可迁移能力。  相似文献   

博士生资助状况直接影响博士生的生活状况、科研环境,间接关系整个国家的人才安全和科研创新,是教育财政政策改革必须考虑的重要方面。通过对913名大学博士生的问卷调查并结合实地访谈发现,中国大学博士生资助有以下特点:生活性资助额低,博士生生活窘困;资助方式较单一,固定生活补助最常用;资助结构不合理,公平与效率失衡;资助学科差异大,文科博士生资助水平更低。研究结论对于进一步完善研究生培养机制和博士生资助政策具有参考价值。  相似文献   

《教育规划纲要》颁布实施以来,我国博士生教育中的联合培养实践进入了快速发展的时期。科技政策领域的巴斯德象限模型为解释我国联合培养博士生工作的相关政策和发展动向提供了一个逻辑框架,从巴斯德象限模型的视角出发,对《教育规划纲要》实施十年以来我国国家层面推动的高校与(工程)科研院所联合培养博士生项目、协同创新中心项目、博士专业学位联合培养等实践开展及相关政策进行梳理总结,进一步提出我国联合培养博士生体系的象限模型,并据此分析我国联合培养博士生体系的核心向度与未来发展方向。  相似文献   

The first part of the article provides an overview of the changing policy contexts in Europe and North America in which doctoral education and training are embedded and points out the similarities and differences of the ongoing debates and concerns about doctoral education in the two world regions. The second part provides some insight into the differentiation of motives and purposes of doctoral education which has led to a differentiation of the models for doctoral education based on a clearer distinction between a research and a professional doctorate. In the third part, a number of networks, projects and initiatives concerned with reforming doctoral education are introduced to serve as an illustration of the direction current changes are taking. The last part draws some conclusions, emphasising in particular the fact that knowledge production has become a strategic resource in the emerging knowledge economies and thus an object of policy-making and institutional management. This development tends to lead to a concentration of research and research training in fewer institutions.  相似文献   

This paper argues the importance of diversity for research and doctoral education and the key role of policy in encouraging it. It considers the impact of higher education policy on diversity in doctoral education through the three prevailing themes of cost, concentration and relevance, illustrating in each instance both positive and negative influences. It is a time of dynamic change where the role and purposes of doctoral study and the role and production of knowledge in society are changing. Policy plays an important part in leading and shaping this development.  相似文献   

调查发现,近十年我国的博士研究生招生数量急剧增加,每年毕业获得博士学位的人数也相应增加,不仅推动了我国经济、科技等领域的快速发展,同时也对传统的教育体制和教育方式提出了挑战。文章主要探讨了博士生教育的现状、存在的问题,并对比美国的博士生教育体制,给出了相应的解决办法和政策建议。  相似文献   

美国博士生资助政策经过近50年的发展已经趋于完善,呈现出资助主体及来源多元化、资助对象全面化、资助方式多样化、资助力度大等特征。研究分析表明,美国博士生资助政策以扶持弱势群体、实现高等教育公平为出发点,从根本上来说它是为美国国家战略服务的,它是美国保持其高科技竞争活力的基础,也是美国国力强盛的基石。  相似文献   

Widening participation is on the political agenda but, to date, policy, practice and research has focused on undergraduate education. This article identifies an emerging widening participation focus on doctoral education. Using England as a case study, the article examines this development within the context of the long-standing concern with equity in education, before reviewing the relatively small literature addressing who participates (and why) in doctoral and more general postgraduate education. An analysis of Widening Participation Strategic Assessments produced in 2009 by 129 English Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) reveals an emergent institutional awareness of this new development. Finally, a research agenda for widening participation to research degrees, focusing on research students, HEIs and policy-makers, is outlined. The conclusion calls for this agenda to be pursued at institutional, national and cross-national levels so that future policy can be made and implemented on the basis of a robust evidence base.  相似文献   

The purposes of the study were to obtain and analyze data on the need for, and desired characteristics of, faculty in deaf education at American institutions of higher education (IHEs), and to assess the present and projected status of doctoral-level teacher preparation programs in deaf education at American IHEs. Program directors and coordinators provided information on current and projected faculty openings, the number of active doctoral students, faculty research interests, program strengths, and needs in the field. Results indicated a pending shortage due to faculty retirements and a paucity of doctoral-level graduates. Most faculty listed literacy and language as a primary research interest as well as a program strength. The ability to generate new knowledge through research was found to be less desirable for future faculty than teaching ability. Suggestions for improving doctoral preparation and moving the field to evidence-based practices are provided.  相似文献   

The major growth of doctoral education in recent decades has attracted attention from policy makers and researchers. In this article we explore the growth of doctoral education in Australia, its impact on diversity in respect of the doctoral population, shifts in disciplinary strengths, institutional concentration and award programs. We conclude that there has been both change and continuity in the provision of doctoral education with extensive variation at the level of practice in what is a reasonably stable system featuring continuing hierarchical institutional diversification. The limitations of available data and issues for further research, policy and practice are discussed.
Peter MacauleyEmail:

通向博士的路径:在精英选拔与规模扩张之间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着知识社会的出现,博士培养越来越成为制度管理、国家和超国家政策的关注对象。结构化的博士培养被提上欧洲高等教育改革议程,并得到了各个层面的政策支持。本文揭示了这一趋势下博士生规模扩张与精英选拔之间的矛盾,并探讨了通过博士培养模式多样化解决这一矛盾的可能性及其后果。  相似文献   

Using a Black Feminist Thought framework, this phenomenological study focused on lived experiences with mentoring relationships among 38 Black women in doctoral programs in multiple disciplines across universities in the United States. Although emerging studies on Black women in academia acknowledge the significance of mentorship and the reality of discrimination at the intersection of race and gender, the literature lacks empirical support pertaining to the formation and outcomes of mentoring relationships, specifically for Black women in doctoral education. Findings from this study suggested four central themes in the mentoring relationships among Black women in doctoral programs: (a) organic evolvement, (b) shared identity/mutual interest, (c) personal transformation and (d) increase in access and opportunity. Implications for future research, policy, practice and education across disciplines are offered.  相似文献   

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