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先秦时期用马进行的祭祀活动,从形式上可分为两种类型,即马牲祭祀和车马祭祀。马牲祭祀是将马作为食品,献祭给天地山川这类自然神,以供其食用;车马祭祀则是将车马献祭给祖先神,以供其乘坐。这种差异不见于其他动物牺牲,具有一定的特殊性。从家马的引入和本土化历程来看,造成这种差异的主要原因在于游牧民族和农耕民族对于马的使用方式存在差异。前者将马作为骑乘交通工具和重要肉制品来源,常见马牲祭祀;后者将马作为驱动车舆的重要动力,常见车马祭祀。马牲祭祀多见于北方游牧民族及与其交往密切的秦、晋等国,又经秦晋渐次影响中原,并在战国中后期影响到荆楚地区。  相似文献   

除单细胞动物以外 ,动物个体由两部分细胞组成 :不同类型的体细胞及生殖细胞。两者都是从受精卵发育而成。受精是动物个体发育的开始 ,单倍体的雌、雄生殖细胞结合 ,各自的单倍体基因组相融合形成两倍体合子 ,从而完成受精过程。不同动物精子的形状、大小和内部结构各不相同 ,主要分为两大类 :有尾类精子和无尾类精子。哺乳动物的精子属于有尾类精子 ,主要由三部分组成 :头部、颈部和尾部。头部由细胞核和顶体构成 ,其形态因动物而异 ,精子的核主要由DNA和核蛋白组成 ;核的前面为顶体 ,顶体是一外包有单位膜的囊状结构 ,位于头部质膜与核…  相似文献   

<正>流言:芦荟既能内服又能外敷,不但可以美容润肤,还能预防和治疗包括癌症在内的多种疾病。真相:芦荟含有多种生物活性成分,其中被研究最多的是蒽醌类物质,主要存在于芦荟的表皮及皮下的黄色乳胶中。其中最典型的是芦荟素,可以刺激肠道排泄,不过同  相似文献   

通过现有恒河猴(Macaca mulatta,Mm)和藏酋猴(Macaca thibetana,Mt)肠道微生物的16SrRNA高通量测序鉴定结果进行对比分析;结果显示,恒河猴和藏酋猴肠道微生物门分类水平中的核心菌群包括Firmicutes、Bacteriodetes、Proteobacteria、Actinobacteria和Spirochaetia,占藏酋猴肠道微生物总量的95.81%;占恒河猴肠道微生物总量的90.87%。在属分类水平中核心菌群包括Catenibacterium、Dialister、Faecalibacterium、Blautia、Dorea、Roseburia和Helicobacter,占藏酋猴肠道微生物总量的27.43%;占恒河猴肠道微生物总量的9.31%。从门分类水平和属分类水平中,猴属动物肠道微生物共有核心菌群所占比例显著大于种群特有菌群,但在不同物种中丰富度存在显著差异;目前研究表明上述共有菌群大多与动物生活环境和食物资源存在一定联系;或许这也表明动物适应性进化过程中,环境和食性等其他因素对动物肠道微生物组成结构的影响更大。  相似文献   

动物的共生与寄生是指一种动物个体与另一种动物个体之间的关系。共生是两种动物的个体发生互相合作关系,双方获得益处;而寄生则是一种动物个体寄宿在另一种动物身上,以吸取宿主身上营养物质求得生存。这些物种只有通过共生或寄生的方式才能完成其生活史,因此动物的共生或寄生是它们在长期的进化过程中获得的适应自然环境的生存方式。寄居蟹与海葵共生。海葵固着在寄居蟹所寄居的螺壳上,通过寄居蟹的运动而扩大其取食范围,反过来寄居蟹可以海葵的刺细胞来防御敌害。白蚁与鞭毛虫共生又是一个典型的例子。白蚁的肠道为鞭毛虫提供了生活场所,…  相似文献   

奥妙神奇的大自然创造了丰富多彩的生物 ,而生物界最普遍、最引人注意的现象之一就是雌雄性别。大多数生物特别是高等动物雌雄间的差异非常明显 ,这种差异表现在许多外部形态特征及内部生理结构上。在植物界 ,雌雄性别的差异不像动物那样明显 ,雌株和雄株的差异多表现在花的结构上。有些低等生物雌雄性仅表现在生理差异上 ,而在外形上却完全相同。下面 ,我们就来看其中最奇妙的几例 :海生蠕虫后 的雌虫大 ,口吻长 ,雄虫很小。这种虫的性别决定很偶然 ,成熟的后 在海里产卵 ,卵发育出的幼虫不具性别。等幼虫落到海底将发育成雌虫 ,落到雌虫…  相似文献   

林晶 《焦作大学学报》2012,(4):48-50,58
语言植根于特定的文化背景,反映特定的文化内容。由于民族文化不同,人赋予动物的情感和喻义也不同。文章从文化内涵的角度出发,以中西方的“牛”、“马”形象为例,探究汉英“牛”、“马”的语义差异,发现中西方“牛”、“马”联想意义存在对等、替代及空白现象,剖析其产生原因,并根据“功能对等”理论提出相应的翻译策略,以便更好实现翻译的跨文化交际目的。  相似文献   

多倍体是指生物的体细胞中含有三个以上染色体组的个体。多倍体在植物界广泛存在,植物界至少有1/3以上的种是多倍体,其中被子植物占有1/2,禾本科植物占有3/4。若以园艺植物为例,其多倍体所占比例就更大。据统计,在果树、蔬菜,花卉、园林树木、茶树5494个种和变种中有2451种为多倍体,占44.61%。这些还不包括通过人工诱变手段形成的多倍体。但是,在动物界中多倍体是比较少见的。据报道,在甲壳类中有一种丰年鱼为四倍体;在马蛔虫中也存在有四倍体。在啮齿类中有一种金仓鼠也是四倍体。为什么动物界多倍体较为少见呢?我们认为,这主要是由于动物和植物在许多方面存在差异的缘故。具体地说有如下几方面:  相似文献   

张翠云 《生物学教学》2007,32(10):68-68
胚胎移植究竟属于哪一种生殖方式呢?在实际教学过程中存在着不同看法。究其原因,在于对胚胎移植这一概念理解上的差异。胚胎移植是指将雌性动物的早期胚胎,或者通过体外受精及其他方式得到的胚胎,移植到同种的、生理状态相同的其他雌性动物体内,使之继续发育为新个体的的技术。  相似文献   

实验研究了来自浙江余姚翘嘴红鲌(Erythroculter ilishaeformis)成体的体重、躯干重和16个形态特征指标的两性异形以及雌性个体生育力。结果显示,翘嘴红鲌雌雄个体除背鳍基前距外其余形态学指标以及体重和躯干重均无显著的两性差异,特定体长的雌鱼的背鳍基前距显著大于雄鱼。线性回归分析表明,翘嘴红鲌的怀卵数量与体长和体重呈显著的正相关,由此推断雌鱼主要通过个体体长的增长和体重的增加来提高个体生育力。由以上结果我们推断水生环境因子抑制了生育力选择和性选择对翘嘴红鲌两性异形进化产生影响。  相似文献   

Although we pretend that only humans, or perhaps animals, can call to us, this essay takes seriously those familiar moments, spells of time, when we lose ourselves staring out into the ocean or down into campfires. In those moments, we are drawn by the flames, by the waves, into reveries. It is not just humans or animals or plants: we are drawn by things, and things have something to teach us, something with countless aspects. If we give the lead to things, we will discover that things matter—beyond measure.  相似文献   

以香菇菌种进行液体发酵得到的香菇菌液和市购奶粉为原料,通过乳酸菌发酵制备香菇菌液酸奶.并将此酸奶与原味酸奶和香菇子实体酸奶的多糖、粗蛋白和微量元素等营养成分含量进行比较研究, 结果表明香菇菌液酸奶比原味酸奶和香菇子实体酸奶营养成分高出很多. 该酸奶营养丰富,口感较好,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

Salinity of water is a stumbling block for the movement of aquatic animals. There are thousands of fish species whose localization in water bodies is strictly restricted to either the sea or freshwater (rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.), or brackish water (where river or lake water mixes with sea water). Only three species known so far have conquered this deadly salt barrier and made crossing it a regular life process. This article gives an indepth account of the processes and strategies that enable them to do so.  相似文献   

Cartesian dualism has left a heavy legacy in terms of how we think about ourselves, so that we treat humans as minds within bodies rather than mind/body unities. This has far‐reaching effects on our conceptualisation of the sex/gender distinction and on the relationship between bodies and identities. Related to this is a dualism that is embedded in how we think of children in schools; we focus on the soundness of the mind, with the sound body treated as an afterthought. This paper considers the effects of this dualism on the position of sex education both in the formal curriculum and in the physical and metaphorical fabric of schooling, considering how the body and its sexuality are both ubiquitous and marginalised within schools. I examine how schools discipline both children's bodies in general and their sexuality and sexual expression in particular, and contrast this with the sidelining of education through and about bodies, and the positioning of these aspects of education as potentially polluting.  相似文献   

Chicks whose primary source of visual stimulation during rearing was in the form of human caretakers showed significantly shorter durations of tonic immobility. Birds with only human visual exposure were also more likely to behave in affiliative ways toward the experimenter than were birds from the other rearing groups. Birds reared in a similar manner but tested for tonic immobility in the absence of the experimenter failed to show an effect. The results are discussed in terms of the phylogenetic generality of ontogenetic-dependent reactivity to humans, and the possibility that the ecological validity of experimental studies in which animals are reared in isolation from conspecifics, or otherwise become socialized to humans, may be compromised.  相似文献   

The combination of industrial development, the exponential growth of human settlements and the ever-increasing use of synthetic substances is having an adverse impact on the ecosystem and thus on human health. These chemicals find their way into soil, air, water and food. They are in the tissues of plants, animals and humans. There is very little effective national or international control of the manmade chemicals in current use.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins produced primarily by two closely related fungi, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, are mutagenic and carcinogenic in animals and humans. Of many approaches investigated to manage aflatoxin contamination, biological control method has shown great promise. Numerous organisms, including bacteria, yeasts and nontoxigenic fungal strains of A.flavus and A. parasiticus, have been tested for their ability in controlling aflatoxin contamination. Great successes in reducing aflatoxin contamination have been achieved by application of nontoxigenic strains of A. flavus and A. parasiticus in fields of cotton, peanut, maize and pistachio. The nontoxigenic strains applied to soil occupy the same niches as the natural occurring toxigenic strains. They, therefore, are capable of competing and displacing toxigenic strains. In this paper, we review recent development in biological control of aflatoxin contamination.  相似文献   

当今动物的生存处境日益艰难,保护动物的呼声日益高涨,认真思考动物保护问题的时代已经来临。通过对动物福利论及动物权利论的分析介绍,得出动物福利论是目前切实可行、有伦理及法理支撑的,并具有实践意义的动物保护理念。我们虽不能认同动物享有法定的权利,但在理论上承认动物福利并在实践中给与动物相应的福利对于保护动物来说不仅合理且更为必要。  相似文献   

"腿"是人与动物躯体的重要组成部分,关于腿的概念,在人类早期就形成了,但在上古汉语中,"腿"这个概念,并不叫做腿,而是主要由"足"、"股"、"胫"、"脚"这些词来表示的。"腿"这个词产生于晋至唐代。"‘腿’的最初意义既可指大腿,又可指小腿。在"腿"字产生之后,"脚"字仍可表示"小腿"的概念,这种状况延续了很久,一直到现代汉语普通话,"腿"字才彻底取代"脚"字,成为表示"腿"这个概念的唯一单音节专用词。  相似文献   


Early Childhood Education in general, and Early Childhood Education for Sustainability in particular, have dominantly relied on an ontological framework that privileges children’s agency. This paper challenges this dominant narrative by attuning to the everyday ways in which children are moved by the weather within a multitude of weather assemblages. It attempts to illustrate how ‘learning’ could be achieved when bodies come in relation with, and are able to be affected by, other bodies. Drawing on ideas from post-qualitative research orientation that highlights weather-generated data, the paper elucidates how the weather acts on and comes into relation with humans and non-human bodies. It contends that noticing and engaging with the vitality of weather offers possibilities for creating affects and that this potentially leads to an attunement towards ecological sensibility. Notions such as ‘vital materiality’ and ‘lively assemblages’ are discussed as a possibility to go beyond an anthropocentric understanding of the weather, which could pave the way towards a more relational ontology as a basis for emphasizing human’s ‘inter and intra-dependence’ with non-human nature, and hence, arguably, sustainable living.  相似文献   

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